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oF naTIonS

 The Commonwealth of Nations formerly

known as British Commonwealth.
 Intergovernmental Organization.
 56 independent member states.
Main Objectives
 To Promote

◦ Democracy.

◦ Human rights.

◦ Good governance.

◦ Rule of law.

◦ Individual liberty.

◦ Equality among people.

◦ Free trade.

◦ International Relations.

◦ World peace.
Main Objectives
 1971 – the Singapore Declaration of Commonwealth Principles:

„The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association of independent

sovereign states, each responsible for its own policies, consulting and co-
operating in the common interests of their peoples and in the promotion of
international understanding and world peace”

 1991 – Harare Declaration

Declaration signed by membering states on 20.10.1991 i Harare, Zimbabwe.
The Heads of Government of the countries of the Commonwealth, meeting in
Harare, reaffirmed their confidence in the Commonwealth as a voluntary
association of sovereign independent states, each responsible for its own
policies, consulting and co-operating in the interests of their peoples and in
the promotion of international understanding and world peace
Reaffirmed certain fundamental principles set out in a Declaration of
Commonwealth Principles agreed during the meeting in Singapore in 1971.
Head of Commonwealth

 King Charles III

 Secretary General
◦ Kamalesh Sharma 1 April 2008 – 31 March
◦ Since 1 April 2016 Patricia Scotland (born in
Kamalesh Sharma

Patricia Scotland
Commonwealth Secretariat

 Established in 1949
 Headquartered at Marlborough House
The main intergovernmental agency of
the Commonwealth.
 Facilitating, consultation and
cooperation among member
governments and countries.
 The Commonwealth of Nations is
represented in the United Nations
General Assembly by the Secretariat,
as an observer.
 Organizes Commonwealth summits,
meetings of ministers, consultative
meetings and technical discussions.

 The old Dominions were confirmed

in their independence by the 1931
Statute of Westminster.
 Indiaand Pakistan became
independent in 1947.

 The Commonwealth consists almost

entirely of countries which were
once part of the British empire.
 Leadersof eigth countries met in
1949: Australia, Canada, India, New
Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri
Lanka, United Kingdom.

1965 the Commonwealth

 by
member states numbered 22
 by 1985 : 49
 by 2006 : 53
 currently: 56
 The largest member of the Commonwealth is Canada,
at nearly 10 million square kilometers.

 The most populous Commonwealth country is India,

with nearly 1.1 billion people.

 The smallest member is Nauru, with only 13,000


 The Commonwealth also includes the world's driest

and most sparsely populated country: Namibia.
States Detached

 1949 – Ireland
 1961 – South Africa, readmitted in 1994
 1972 – Pakistan left, readmitted in 1989
Membership Suspended

 Fiji’s membership was suspended from

2000 to 2001, and again in 2006
 Zimbabwe in 2002–3
 Pakistan’s from 1999 to 2004
 The Commonwealth Games a multi-
sport event is held every four years.
 the goal is to promote relations between
Commonwealth countries and celebrating
their shared sporting and cultural heritage.
 The event was first held in 1930
 71 teams participate in the
Commonwealth Games
Commonwealth Events

 CHOGM Commonwealth Heads Of

Government Meeting, which is held every
2 years.
 CGF Commonwealth Games Federation,
games event held after Games every 4
Commonwealth Events
Commonwealth Events
Commonwealth Benefits

 All members have seen the advantages of

remaining in a group, that bridges the gap
between the world’s ‘North’ and ‘South’.
 It was resolving bitter disputes, and even wars,
between its members.
What does the
commonwealth do?
Has assistance which monitor elections in
different countries.
Training of judges.
Teachers training.
Scholarships for students.
Training of medical persons.
Commonwealth heads meet with
government to discuss how to work

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