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Samar State University

College of Industrial Technology

Bachelor of Science in Architecture


Midterm Project in GE 10
Science, Technology and Society

Submitted by:
John Russell O. Ignacio
Bs Architecture 2B

Submitted to:
Ms. Ma. Luningning Lavilla Amparado

March 17, 2023

Title: Analysis of the impact of technology on society.

Since the beginning of civilization, technology has played a significant

role in human life. Technology has greatly influenced how we live, work,
and interact with one another, from the invention of the wheel to the
modern internet. But as technology develops at an unprecedented rate, its
effects on society are becoming more intricate and multifaceted.

Society has benefited greatly from technology, which has increased

convenience, productivity, and efficiency. For instance, the growth of the
internet has fundamentally changed how we interact with one another and
access information. We can communicate with people from all over the
world, gain access to a vast amount of information, and even conduct
business remotely with just a few clicks. Additionally, technological
advancements in areas like healthcare, transportation, and energy have
raised our standard of living. Society has changed significantly for the
better thanks to technology. The area of communication is one of the most
notable effects. Communication is now quicker, less expensive, and more
widely available thanks to the internet, social media, and mobile phones.
People can communicate with one another remotely, exchange information,
and work together on projects. This has sparked the emergence of a global
community and encouraged the sharing of knowledge.

In conclusion, technology has a complex and multifaceted impact on

society, with both advantages and disadvantages. While technology has
many positive effects, such as increased productivity, efficiency, and
convenience, it has also had unfavorable effects like social isolation and
unemployment. However, by using technology for the benefit of all, we can
solve some of the most pressing problems facing the globe and build a
more just and sustainable future for everyone.
The second machine Brynjolfsson, E., & The book that The book makes the
age: Work, progress, McAfee, A. (2014). discusses how case that
and prosperity in a The second machine advancements in technological
time of brilliant age: Work, progress, technology, advancements,
technologies. By Erik and prosperity in a particularly in the particularly in the
Brynjolfsson and time of brilliant field of artificial areas of artificial
Andrew McAfee. technologies. WW intelligence and intelligence and
Norton & Company. robotics, are machine learning, are
transforming the what are driving the
economy and society current
as a whole. transformational
period. The authors
investigate how this
"second machine
age" may affect the
economy and society
as well as how we
can use technology
to advance
humankind and
promote prosperity.
The Rise of the Castells, M. (1996). According to In his book, Castells
Network Society by The rise of the Castells, the also emphasizes the
Manuel Castells. network society. Vol. development of significance of
1. Blackwell information and comprehending how
Publishers. communication technology influences
technologies has culture and society.
produced a new kind He contends that
of society with a technology is a social
networked social and cultural product
structure, in which that reflects the
individuals are linked values and
to one another via a preferences of those
variety of who create and use it
communication rather than a neutral
networks, such as force. This point of
the internet and view has shaped
social media. discussions about the
place of technology
in modern society,
including worries
about social
inequality, privacy
invasion, and
Title: Exploration of ethical issues in science and technology.

Science and technology have completely transformed how we work

and live, bringing with them numerous advantages for society, including
advances in communication, productivity, and medicine. However, these
developments also bring up moral questions regarding their application and
effects. The ethical problems with science and technology are examined in
this essay, along with the need for a more critical and nuanced approach to
these problems.

The potential for scientific and technological advancements to worsen

social inequality is one of the ethical problems with these fields. When new
technologies are developed, they frequently require substantial investment
and resources, which prevents those with limited financial or social
resources from using them. This may lead to an increase in social
exclusion and inequality by causing a "digital divide" between those who
have access to the newest technologies and those who do not.

The potential for these developments to be used in harmful ways,

such as in military or surveillance applications, is another ethical concern in
science and technology. For instance, the development of autonomous
weapons or biometric surveillance technologies raises questions regarding
the potential for abuse and the violation of human rights (Bostrom and
Yudkowsky, 2014). Before these technologies are created and
implemented, it is important to carefully consider their ethical ramifications.

In conclusion, investigating issues in science and technology is

essential to ensuring that these developments are applied in a way that
benefits society and does not worsen already-existing inequalities or cause
harm. It is necessary to approach these issues more critically and
nuancedly, weighing the potential advantages of these technologies
against the ethical questions they raise. Making sure that science and
technology are applied in a way that advances the common good is the
responsibility of scientists, policymakers, and society as a whole.
"The Ethics of Bostrom, N., & The chapter The authors examine
Artificial Intelligence" Yudkowsky, E. examines the a number of moral
by Nick Bostrom and (2014). The ethics of advantages and issues, such as how
Eliezer Yudkowsky, artificial intelligence. disadvantages of AI affects human
published as a In The Cambridge artificial intelligence values, the
chapter in "The Handbook of Artificial and poses significant advantages and
Cambridge Intelligence (pp. 316- moral dilemmas disadvantages of
Handbook of Artificial 334). Cambridge regarding its creation superintelligent AI,
Intelligence" in 2014. University Press. and application. The and the moral
authors talk about the obligations of AI
need for moral users and
standards to developers. They
guarantee that AI is make the case that
created and applied ethical issues must
in a way that benefits be taken into account
society while during the design and
reducing risks. development of AI
systems and offer
guidelines for doing
"E-society: A Critical Mason, S., & Rennie, The book offers a The book provides a
Introduction to New J. (2008). E-society: critical analysis of critical examination of
Media" by Steve A Critical Introduction how new media has the ways in which
Mason and John to New Media. John affected culture and emerging
Rennie, published by Wiley & Sons. society, addressing technologies are
John Wiley & Sons in issues like privacy, transforming our lives
2008. digital identity, and and poses significant
online communities. queries regarding the
It offers a provocative social and ethical
examination of how ramifications of these
technology affects adjustments. It
our lives and poses provides a nuanced
significant queries understanding of the
about the moral and complex interactions
social ramifications of between technology,
the digital age. society, and culture
and covers a wide
range of topics, such
as online
communities, digital
identity, and privacy.
Title: Evaluation of science policy.

A set of rules and principles known as science policy are intended to

encourage and control scientific research, development, and innovation.
Science policy evaluation, which aids in measuring impact, identifying gaps
and difficulties, and making suggestions for improvements, is essential to
its effectiveness. We will talk about the challenges involved in evaluating
science policy in this critique paper.

The process of evaluating science policy is intricate and involves

many parties, such as funding organizations, scientists, and policymakers.
The goal of science policy evaluation is to gauge how policies and
programs affect both the scientific community and society at large. The
evaluation of science policy employs a variety of techniques, including both
qualitative and quantitative methods. Case studies, surveys, interviews,
and focus groups are examples of qualitative methods, whereas
bibliometric analysis, citation analysis, and patent analysis are examples of
quantitative methods. The absence of standardized evaluation criteria is
one of the difficulties in evaluating science policy. The evaluation of science
policy is based on the objectives of the policy, which differ between nations
and regions. As a result, it is challenging to compare the efficacy of science
policies in various regions due to a lack of standardization. The difficulty of
calculating the impact of science policy is another issue that needs to be
addressed. It is difficult to gauge the short-term effects of science policy
because its effects are frequently long-lasting. Additionally, it is difficult to
attribute changes solely to science policy because the impact of science
policy is influenced by a variety of factors, including economic, social, and
political factors.

In conclusion, the evaluation of science policy is a complex process

that involves multiple stakeholders and various evaluation methods. The
evaluation process, however, faces significant obstacles due to the
absence of standardized evaluation criteria and the difficulty in calculating
the impact of science policy. To ensure its efficacy and efficiency, however,
as well as to increase accountability and transparency, science policy
evaluation is crucial. To overcome the difficulties involved in evaluating
science policy, it is necessary to create standardized evaluation criteria and
enhance evaluation techniques.
"Knowledge networks Owen-Smith, J., & Academics offered In their article, Owen-
as channels and Powell, W. W. the study by Owen- Smith and Powell
conduits: The effects (2004). Knowledge Smith and Powell on investigate how
of spillovers in the networks as channels the impacts of knowledge networks
Boston biotechnology and conduits: The knowledge networks help the
community" by Jason effects of spillovers in and spillovers in the biotechnology sector
Owen-Smith and the Boston Boston biotechnology spread knowledge
Walter W. Powell. biotechnology community favorable and innovation.
community. reviews. According to According to the
Organization science, the authors' research, study, knowledge
15(1), 5-21. knowledge networks networks are
are essential for important for
facilitating the fostering innovation
exchange of and knowledge
knowledge and spillovers, which
expertise in the foster economic
biotech sector. growth. The authors
emphasize the value
of research
collaboration and
knowledge exchange
among institutions to
maintain the
sector's success.
"The economic Salter, A. J., & The research done The significance of
benefits of publicly Martin, B. R. (2001). by Salter and Martin such research in
funded basic The economic offers a critical promoting economic
research: a critical benefits of publicly analysis of the growth through the
review" by Alan J. funded basic financial advantages creation of new
Salter and Ben R. research: a critical of publicly supported technologies, goods,
Martin. review. Research basic research. The and industries is
policy, 30(3), 509- authors contend that highlighted in Salter
532. because it helps to and Martin's critical
create new analysis of publicly
technologies, goods, funded basic
and industries, basic research. Their study
research plays a highlights the
significant role in necessity of ongoing
economic growth. funding for and
support of basic
research, as well as
the significance of
careful program
evaluation to ensure
efficacy and

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