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1) Adding more information: and, also, as well as, another reason is

2) Contrasting: but, on the other hand, while, although, or
3) Giving examples: for example, for instance, such as, like
4) Being clear: what I mean is, what I want to say is
I. Vocabulary:
 Remain in touch (v): giữ liên lạc
 Solid (adj): bền chặt
 Pessimistic (a): Bi quan
 On a daily basis: Hàng ngày, thường ngày
 Pal (n): bạn
 Ups and downs (n): thăng trầm
 Reassuring (adj): Trấn an
 Childhood friend: Bạn thuở nhỏ
 Encouragement (n): Sự khuyến khích, thúc lệ
 A good listener: Một người rất biết lắng nghe.
 Confide (v): tâm sự
 Endure (v); chịu đựng
 Harmony with (v): hòa hợp
 Evolve (v): phát triển, thay đổi
 Dependability (n): độ tin cậy
 Empathy (n): đồng cảm
 Loyalty (n): sự trung thành

II. Speaking topics:

1) Do you have many friends
2) How often do you see or meet your friends ?
3) Are there anything special about your friends ?
4) What did you do with your friend the last time you met them ?
5) What do you think make a great friend ?
6) Do you think friendship is important nowadays ?

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