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Granted Autonomous Status



Name: Date:

Instructions: Answers the questions directly.

1. Let’s pretend that you belong to the same school with the Ancient Philosophers, and
luckily you are goven the chance to debunk their theory. Who’s theory will you debunk and what
would be your unifying element? (5 Pts)

If I were to debunk any of the Ancient Philosophers, I think I am going debunk the theory
of Thales. Yes, I agree that water is the first principle and basic nature of all things, but for me I
think that the unifying element is a “seed”. Why? Because for me, everything started with a seed,
and then, as the day went by, everything started to grow just like a plant.

2. As a student taking up this subject, how can you enrich your level of wisdom despite our
current situation?

Even in the simplest way, I can help enrich my level of wisdom as a student taking up this
subject despite our current situation by applying all the things I have learned and will learn to
my everyday life. I think is the least I can do for my country, especially now that we’re
facing this crisis. You’ll never know, maybe because of the simple things I can help slow down
and stop the spread of the virus and then we can finally go back to the life we used to normally

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your

shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you
choose.” — Dr. Seuss

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher, PHILO

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