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In this unit you... + describe and discuss jobs * make excuses Grammar + review: questions in the simple present + adverbs of frequency rit'sa great job! LESSON A START Exotste cs ‘Advantages are good things. ‘ Jobs Disadvantages are bad things. 41 Greet your teacher. Then discuss these questions. 1. What does your teacher do in a typical day? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the job? (cal 2 Write the job titles next to the pictures. Then listen to check your answers. astronaut scientist nurse financial analyst graphic designer policeothicer taxi driver 3 Give the job names for each description. jobs that involve transportation police officer, taxi driver, astronaut jobs ¢ 1 2 vat involve working with customers or clients 3. jobs that require a college degree or special schooling 4 5. jobs that involve handling money . jobs that involve using computers Talk about itt SA 4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about your family and friends’ jobs. ‘A: What does your mother do? A: She's a nurse. What about your brother? B: She's a financial analyst. What about yours? B: He's a student. LISTENING About my job 1 Before listening These words are from an interview with a woman who describes her job. Look at the words. What do you think her job is? What do you think she does on a typical day? EI TALK oe NEW YORK, MORNING z <[financia MaRKeTsWeD EMAIL INDIA a WORK .. Y) eoomecr phone MEEINGs WoRLD WELL-PAYING = SCOTLAND 70 TE rT | me Listening _ Listen to the interview and check your answers to exercise I. food 2 oot 3 Listening _ Listen again. Check (v) how often the woman does each thing. 1._ starts work at 7:30 a.m, fence) Listen for key words Think of words you know that are related to the topic of the listening, For this exercise, think about words reloted to different jobs. For exemple: businesswoman = computer, finances, meetings, Exes We use adverbs of frequency to talk about how often something happens. These adverbs go after the verb be and usually before other verbs. 100% always usually often sometimes hardly ever 0% never {am never late for work. Teachers usually work in schools. 2._ starts work at 6.00 a.m, 3.__has phone meetings 4,_ meets in person. 5._ has meetings in india 4 Afterlistening Read the statements Gircla) True or False. 1. The woman has meetings every morning 2. She works with people in Scotland True False 3. They hardly ever use email tocommunicate. True False 4, She doesn't like meeting in person True False 7 5. She likes her job. True False . Talk about it! A True 5 Work with a partner. Choose a job that you know about. Make a schedule of a typical day for someone with that job. Would you want that job? Why or why not? Talk about it. rN VOCABULARY Job descriptions 11 Where do you see job descriptions? What things do people describe? {Ginl 2. Match the words with the examples. Then listen to check. 1, —h_ dangerous a. “The money isn’t very good.” 2. __well-paying b. “Ido the same thing all the time. It isn't very interesting” 3. boring "Not many people do my job. . 4, ____demanding d. “The money is great” 5. low-paying e. “Ihave a lot of responsibilty in my job and | work very long hours.” = 6. unusual f. “It's a great job because | have the opportunity to do lots of 7 interesting different things.” 8 rewarding 9g. “When you do the job well, you have a great feeling of satisfaction.” fe “Ihave to be very careful or | could get hurt.” ions for the jobs below. Then add two more jobs and descriptions. doctor well-paying, demanding, teacher student police officer 4. Which description would you most like your job to fit? Which would you least like it to have? Number these descriptions from 1(I'd like it the most) to 8 (I'd like it the least). dangerous _— boring —— interesting —— demanding well-paying unusual —— low-paying rewarding Talk about it! SOD 5 Now work with a partner. Compare your lists. Talk about what you rated the same and what you have different. Then talk about jobs that would have those characteristics. ‘A: | have rewarding as number 1 and well-paying as number 2. How about you? B: | have interesting as number | and dangerous as number 2. ‘A: Really? | have dangerous as number 8! Why do you have it as number 2? B: Because, ME Eee oA A GRAMMAR Review: questions in the simple present 1. Complete the information questions with the correct question words. [ion itt Wn Wine Wi] | EXoterer What 2 ; i . 1, What do you do? I'm a financial analyst Yes /No ques 2._Seo youve In New York GuUeStION WOFT. Howes, have the same wo i 3.—do you meet with people [we nate indie méethigs SEpition qhestion from all over the world? A. Do you like your j do you start work? Usually at 730 a.m. BT Yes | do. 4. Because | work with finandal markets all over the world, 5. ___do you start work so early? 2. Lookat the sentences in exercise 1. Then put these sentence parts in the correct order to form questions in the simple present. verb inthe infinitive: restof sentence: questionword: subject: ausiliary verb, start so early? Why you do question word: Why 3 Put the words in order to make questions. Then match the questions to the answers. 1. _b does / start /she/what time /work/? a, At the local university. What time does she start work? b At8:00 in the morning a uniform / do / why / wear / you /? <_ Yes, he does. may Because it’s required. rere / to school / do /? —go/ you / wi 4, ___his job / does / like / he /? . Talk about i @& . 4 Work with a partner. Play “What's my job?” Student A chooses a job, but doesn't tell student 8. Student B asks questions and guesses the job. ‘A: What time do you start work? A: Where doyou work? A: Are you a teacher? B: At about 7:30 aim. B: Ata school B: Yes, am. ESSON B LI F E READING l N An out-of-this-world job S PAC E 1 Before reading Look at the pictures in the magazine article. What kind of magazine is it? — What do you think the article is about? Talk about . your guesses with a partner. For most people, traveling in space is a dream. However, for more and more people, working in space on a space station is a reality. A space station isa structure designed for astronauts, or people whe live and work in outer space. Life on a space station is NOT easy! In space, there are no hot showers and no pizza delivery. Let's look at some different aspects of life in space. 2 Before reading What do you think are the differences between daily life on Earth and daily life in space? With a partner, make a list. (oo 3 Reading Read the article. Look for the things on your list. HELP reading / Guess the meaning of new words - WORK Astronauts usually work for about 16 hours 2 When you see.a new word, try to figure SUT Ics come aam ee RaeTTE day in space. For work, they do experiments, can help you guess the word's meaning. | assemble parts of the space station, and - repair satellites. Space station crews are often in space for six to nine months, but 4 Afterreading Guess the meaning of the ‘sometimes they stay in space for over a year! underlined words. Are they nouns, verbs, or adjectives? Compare your answers with FREE TIME a partner. Astronauts have books, MP3 players, and games—just like people on Earth! They 5 Afterreading Read the statements. use their laptop computers to send emails a to family, friends, and Space station crews usually True colleagues, They can also stay in space for over a year talk to people back on Earth using technology through their computers and the Internet 2. Astronauts can't speak totheir_ True False friends when they are in space. 3. Astronauts spend a lot of True False time cooking, FOOD AND EATING 4. Ata space station, the sun Te False Astronauts hardly ever rises many times in a day need to make their 5. Astronauts use straps to True False food. it often comes in . stay in their beds. packets and is ready to 6. Astronauts usually relax True False eat. Some food can be after lunch. heated or mixed with water. They always use bags and straws for liquid foods like soups, so that the food doesn’t fly around the space station HEALTH Zero gravity and changes in daily routine (the sun comes up every 90 minutes) can cause physical problems for astronauts. To be physically in shape, astronauts exercise for a few hours every day. SLEEPING Sleeping can be a problem with no gravity. Astronauts use straps to stay in their beds. Their sleeping bags are often attached to the walls! A TYPICAL DAY 1. Have breakfast and get ready for the day. 2. Get blood tests for health checks. 3. Do space station maintenance and experiments. 4. Doexercises. 5. Have lunch 6. Do more exercises. 7. Finish experiments and check station systems 8. Have dinner and crew meeting to plan the next day. 9. Have free time for emails, phone calls, and personal washing, 10. Goto bed. c ont eee Bitte ‘Ask follow-up questions to make conversations more interesting, For example: Why? What else? What about you? Talk about it! i 6 Work with a partner. Make a list of the advanta, and disadvantages of being an astronaut. Woul ‘you like to be an astronaul? Why or why not? Talk about it with your partner. ges prosect & Work in a group. Do research on the Internet to make a list of 10 unusual jobs. Then choose two jobs. Make a poster or electronic presentation with the most important information about each one, Answer these questions for each job: + What do people with the job do? + What is 2 typical day like for the job? + What makes the job unusual? + How do people get the job? Is there special training? Present your information to the class. The class vote on (1) the most unusual job and (2) the job most students would like to have. Gro 3 oe ”’s nephew Before listening Who are the people in your family? What are their jobs? Before listening Match the family words to the definitions. 4. _b aunt a. yourmotheror father’s brother 2 cousin br _your mother or father’s sister 3. nephew your brother or sister's 4, niece daughter 5. uncle ds_-your brother or sister's son fe. your uncle or aunt's son or daughter Listening Read the verses to the song Uncle Bertie’s nephew. Guess the order of the verses. Number the verses from 1 to 5. Then listen to check your guesses. After listening Circla¥he hest answer. Then check ie your answers with a partner. 4. The singer of the song is ALU) Uncle Bertie's nephew. C. Uncle Bertie’s brother 2. The singer - A. doesn't have a job B. hasa difficult job . hasan easy job 3. The singer — le Bertie ‘A. has money and is happy B. has money and Is unhappy C. doesn’t have much money After listening Write the underlined words and expressions in the song next to the definitions. a person who works driving a car 2. in fashion 3. expensive clothes __ 4, allows, makes possible 5, the sound you make when something is funny Peers i Corry SN ACA) . OMA a Every day, every day, oh I mi Nae Ue RELA | goto work at twelve, twelve-thirty. My chauffeur drives me to the door. | like my job with Uncle Bertie. He lets me watch TV all day, up on the fourteenth floor. After work | meet my friends at Marty's My nights are laughter, fun, and song, We go to all the trendy parties. We dance all night until it’s ight, but stil there's something wrong. | wake up every day at seven, Lie in bed for four more hours. | get up at about eleven. | brush my teeth, | shave my face, and then I take a shower. Ihave my breakfast at the table. {ike my coffee black and strong, | put on my designer labels, | comb my hair, shine my shoes, but still there's something wrong. | have my lunch with cousin Mabel. It's expensive and it’s three hours long. We always have our favorite table, ‘ some caviar a big cigar, but stil there's something wrong. Eee Talk about it! SQ In your opinion, what are the most important things in life? Number the things from 1 (most important) to 6 (least important). tolike your job to be happy __to be good at work to be healthy to be in love tobe rich Now work with a partner. Compare your lists. Talk about what's different and why. PRONUNCIATION Intonation questions Kao 1 Intonation is the way a person’s voice goes up and down when talking. Listen to the intonation in the questions and complete the rules below. yes | no questions information questions Do you like your job? What do you do at work? Do you work close to home? | What company do you work for? ‘Are you 0 scientist? When do. you go to class? + With - questions the intonation falls (Wat the end of the question. + With questions the intonation rises (Wat the end of the question. 2. Work with a partner. Make a list of questions about jobs. > Mark the intonation. Then ask and answer them using the # correct intonation Conversation Takeaway Making excuses i , Wi 2 ‘eat ‘1 When do you make excuses? Why do you make them’ E eater Nitatl Gon Birnie (o10¢1 2 Complete the conversations with expressions from the box. m Then listen to check wets. Baiyalte your answe Use words like please, excuse me tden'thavetime | have a lot of homework to do sorry, and thank you to be more . 'm busy Tm ina hurry I'm not hungry right now | [polite when you make excuses. personas een eee ananeenmeenn eae TE i Conversation 1 Conversation 2 EA: Excuse me. ‘As Excuse me. Would you like to try Ea: ves? our pizza? { ‘A: Can |askyou some questions, please? | 8: No, thanks, —__ B: I'm sorry, but _1 don't hav ‘A: Do you want some coffee? A: OK. Thanks anyway. B: I'm sorry, but A: OK. Sorry to bother you. Conversation3 Conversation 4 A: Hey, Brian! A: Hey, Jen! Can you help me with B: Hi, Alison. |” my homework? A: Do you want to go to the movies? B: I'msorry, but________. fe: rmsory, but____ _ A: OK. 'll ask someone else. $A: OK, Maybe another time. b o 3 Practice the conversations in exercise 2 with a partner. Talk about it! = 4. Work with a partner. Take turns asking questions. Politely say no by making an excuse. ‘A: Would you like to go out to eat tonight? B: I'm sorry, but I have to do homework ‘A: OK. Maybe another time Tell me more! Visit the Takeaway English Online Learning Center at eck out the Improve your English with Takeaway Gi) rato deo Innprove:gouc Enalish wl Writing Takeaway Petry Write @ topic sentence Mat ig When youte wring, write 2 topic Writing a job description sentence fr each porageoph, Te 1 Writing model Read the job description. Check (V) the topic sentence: shoudd.give the name of the job that you think it describes. Then underline the fp 20 'de2 of the paragraph. topic sentence in each paragraph, anengineer _Jataxicriver ——-_Ja language teacher Jaserver ‘Typical responsibilities and schedule People in this job have two main responsibilities, They plan lessons and teach several classes of students. Most people usually work Monday through Friday, and sometimes Saturday. Some } people teach in the morning or evening. Other people teach from 9 am. to S pm. Advantages and disadvantages There are advantages and disadvantages to the job. One advantage is that people inthis job live in many different countries. n addition, they work with lots of different people and make friends allover the world. Also, they feel good because they are helping people. One disadvantage is that || they often travel to different parts of the city each day, and they don't make a lot of money. Also, they spend a lot of time away from home, and they often miss their family and friends. Education and training | | People with this job need special training in order to be hired by a school. They usually get a certificate or a Masters degree fiuin ¢ university. While they are in school they learn about | the language and how to teach it. They often internship ina classroom with a more | _ experienced teacher to get more experience Before writing | Now complete the graphic organizer using more information about the job in exercise 1. pian lessons usually Monday through Friday travel to many different countries ‘don’t make a lot of money learn about the language Planning your writing Now choose a job you are interested in, Complete a graphic organizer like the one in exercise 2. If necessary, do research on the internet. Writing Write a description of your job. Use the information in exercise 3 to help you. — xxx <= ioe Test Takeaway Test-taking strategy Reading for the main idea Some tests have readings where you must identify the main idea of a paragraph or paragraphs. The main idea is the most important or the biggest idea in a reading. Ask yourself: In general, what is this reading about? information. Don't worry about speci Use these steps to help you read for the main idea. 4. Read any title or headline to help identify the main idea. 2. The main idea is often stated in the first or second sentence. 3. After reading the paragraph, try to summarize it in one sentence. 4, Look for repeated words, phrases, or ideas in the reading. Example Read the paragraph and answer the question. Being a police officer isnt always easy. The job can be very rewarding and interesting, but it can also be dangerous. Like many jobs, there are both advantages and disadvantages with this kind of work. If you like doing something different every day and working with people, and you don’t mind long hours, this job might be for you. On the other hand, the pay is not great and the work can be very demanding 1. What is the main idea of this paragraph? ‘A. Police work is dangerous and demanding, B. There are good and bad things about police work C._ Being a police officer is more difficult than most jobs. X. This answer only focuses on the disadvantages, B._ Thisis the correct answer. The reading talks about advantages and disadvantages, JK This answer only focuses on the disadvantages. PRACTICE Read the paragraph and answer the question. Mark the letter on the Answer Sheet. IMy sister is a financial analyst. She travels all over the world and earns lots of money. She loves being in London one week and Shanghai the next. She doesn’t have much of a personal life, but she says that will come later, when she’s older. My mother doesn't understand. She thinks my sister should get married and have a family. Personally, I'm with my sister. 4. What does the author think about his sister's job? Answer Sheet | A}. The advantages are greater than the disadvantages. Mark the tetter ¢ 1B} His sister doesn't have time for a personal life 1 8) ‘CJ His mother is unhappy with the situation.

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