Retiza - M&M Block 4

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SSP 007: Student Success Program

Monitoring and Mentoring P3 (B4)

Student Activity Sheet

Name: Ella Marie M. Retiza Section: BSN 3 – C2

Lesson Title: Monitoring and Mentoring Materials: SAS

Learning Targets:
At the end of the module, I will be able to:
1. identify key areas of personal, financial, or
academic difficulties,
2. identify and understand the reasons behind these
difficulties, and
3. ask for the necessary help.

A. CONNECT (5 mins)

I am beyond happy and thankful because I was able to get through one of the difficult moments of my life. Happy with my little
achievements and progress.

B. COACH (Do and Think) (15 minutes)


Guide Questions per group:

1. Share the 3 top challenges that you are facing right now.
2. How do you deal with them?
3. How can your adviser help?

C. CHECK (10 minutes)

ACTIVITY 1: Reflection

Did the group sharing help you? How?

Yes it somehow helped me to express my feelings by sharing my experience to others. It is a great coping strategy. It makes
me feel that I am not alone.

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SSP 007: Student Success Program
Monitoring and Mentoring P3 (B4)
Student Activity Sheet

Is there anything that you would like to share with your adviser?

None so far.

ACTIVITY 2: Share Your Feelings

1. Do you enjoy the company of your classmates?

2. Do you like the teaching styles of your teachers?

3. Are you able to maximize the school facilities?

4. How is your overall experience here in school?

ACTIVITY 3: 3-2-1 GO

Write 3 things that you love here in our school

1. T e a c h e r s

2. A c t i v e learning

3. C l e a n surroundings

Identify 2 things you would like to see next semester:

1. T e a c h e r s

2. c l a s s m a t e s

Give 1 comment that you would like to share to your adviser:

1. N O N E

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