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ALX Sleep Hygiene Checklist


This activity is designed to help you develop a personalized sleep hygiene checklist. The aim
is to identify practices and habits that will enhance the quality of your sleep, fitting them into
your daily routine. By creating this checklist, you will have a visual guide to the steps you can
take to improve your sleep, thereby boosting your overall well-being and productivity.

Step 1: Reflect on Your Current Sleep Patterns

1. I usually go to bed around ___12am________ and wake up around

______6am____. I usually get around _6____ hours of sleep per night.

2. It is easy for me to fall asleep when ___I have my night


3. I have trouble falling asleep/staying asleep when ____I take a long nap
during the day_____________________
4. What would you like to change about your sleep / sleep habits?
I would like to sleep earlier and wake up earlier

Step 2: Create Your Personalized Sleep Hygiene Checklist

Sleep Hygiene Strategy

During the day Avoid caffeinated drinks for at least 4

hours before bed

The hour before bed Take a warm bath

Going to bed (List desired bedtime) Have a consistent bedtime (10.30pm)

In bed Read a relaxing book if I’m having

trouble sleeping
In the morning (List desired wake up Get up at the same time everyday
time) (5.30am)

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