Report Content-Charity Link-Ngo Collaboration Welfare Portal

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We have Designed a Web portal for Connecting NGO’S that is very useful platform for
needy people for fastest help. Such Needy people will visit our web portal and ask for help. Our
Motive is to connect the different NGO’s and ask them to work together. In our web portal
there will be 3 modules which will work. 1st module is of admin, 2nd is of NGO module, 3rd
module is for user. So, by this project we can do collaboration of different NGOs and ask them
to work together for the help of society. As many people do not get help as early as possible
because the NGO will be in their different work so if more than 1 NGO will be at one platform
then user can get help from NGO so we have created this web platform same as social media.

Keywords:WebApplication, Admin, NGO , User , Charity Donation


In a world characterised through numerous social demanding situations, the function of
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in addressing the needs of the inclined and
marginalized can not be overstated. However, the effectiveness of man or woman NGOs often
faces constraints due to the compartmentalized nature in their operations and the wonderful
cognizance areas each enterprise pursues. Recognizing the capacity for synergy and stepped
forward efficiency, we present a groundbreaking web portal designed to foster collaboration
amongst NGOs, thereby amplifying their collective impact on society. Our innovative platform
serves as a dynamic bridge connecting NGOs, administrators, and users.Unlike conventional
processes, in which NGOs operate in isolation, our net portal establishes a cohesive
atmosphere that facilitates seamless communiqué and collaboration amongst agencies with
shared targets. The net portal consists of 3 interconnected modules: the executive module, the
NGO module, and the user module. The administrative module serves because the manipulate
center, overseeing the platform's functionality and ensuring a harmonious collaboration
between taking part NGOs. The NGO module offers a devoted space for businesses to exhibit
their know-how, tasks, and regions of consciousness, fostering an surroundings conducive to
mutual know-how and collaboration. Finally, the person module empowers people in need to
connect with multiple NGOs concurrently, ensuring a quicker and greater powerful response to
their requests. The motivation at the back of this venture stems from the realization that timely
help is frequently hindered through the fragmented nature of NGO operations. By bringing
multiple NGOs onto a shared platform, we purpose to take away the ones silos and create a
virtual region in which companies can pool property, percentage information, and together
cope with the multifaceted demanding situations faced by means of society. In essence, our net
portal mirrors the shape of social media systems, facilitating verbal exchange, records sharing,
and collaboration on a committed place designed mainly for the social welfare zone. Through
this revolutionary approach, we aspire to create a greater agile and responsive community of
NGOs, in the end improving the speed and overall performance with which they deal with the
urgent needs of those they goal to serve. This studies paper delves into the format,
implementation, and capability impact of our collaborative net portal, exploring the challenges
addressed, technological intricacies concerned, and the wider implications for the landscape of
social welfare. As we navigate the complexities of the NGO sector, we envision our platform as
a catalyst for splendid trade, fostering a united the front towards societal demanding situations
thru better collaboration and collective movement.Charity link-NGO collaboration in welfare
portal development is a promising avenue for promoting social change and addressing social
issues. The benefits of this collaboration are significant, but the challenges must be addressed
to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the welfare portals. This abstract highlights the


need for a more holistic and strategic approach to charity link-NGO collaboration in welfare
portal development, and calls for further research and action in this area.


Literature Review:
This chapter comprises of the literature review and theoretical background of the
project. The literature review deals basically with related project written by other researchers,
the difficulties they encountered, limitations and modifications that should be made.The
panorama of non-profit agencies (NGOs) has witnessed a transformative shift in latest years,
with an increasing emphasis on leveraging digital structures to decorate collaboration, verbal
exchange, and general effectiveness. This literature overview pursuits to provide a complete
overview of current studies, frameworks, and technology related to the development and
implementation of internet portals designed for connecting NGOs, in particular in the context
of social welfare initiatives.

1) The need for collaboration amongst NGOs to address complicated social issues has been
a recurring theme in scholarly discourse. Studies through Smith et al. (2017) and
Johnson and Williams (2019) emphasize the potential effect of collaborative efforts,
highlighting the blessings of shared assets, knowhow trade, and coordinated motion.
These findings lay the foundation for expertise the underlying ideas that inform our
collaborative web portal.

2) Recognizing the barriers to effective collaboration is crucial for the success of any
collaborative platform. Research by Thomas and Rodriguez (2016) and Kumar et al.
(2021) identifies challenges such as information silos, varying organizational structures,
and concerns related to data security. Our literature review synthesizes these challenges
to inform the design considerations and functionalities of our web portal.

3) Drawing inspiration from the success of social media platforms, studies by Jones and
Brown (2018) and Williams et al. (2019) highlight the benefits of adopting a social media
model for NGO collaboration. The concept of interconnected modules mirroring social
media functionalities becomes a key aspect of our web portal design, promoting ease of
use, accessibility, and familiarity.

4) Evaluation of the impact and effectiveness of collaborative platforms is an integral

aspect of understanding their potential. Works by Chen et al. (2017) and Kim and Lee
(2022) provide insights into methodologies for assessing the success of such initiatives,
guiding our research in developing metrics to measure the societal impact of the NGO
collaboration facilitated by our web portal.


Problem Statement:
Charity link-NGO collaboration through the development of welfare portals has
emerged as a promising solution to address this issue. However, challenges such as a lack of
funding and resources, communication and coordination issues, and concerns regarding
intellectual property and data privacy hinder the effectiveness and sustainability of these
portals. To overcome these challenges, a holistic and strategic approach is needed, including
clear partnership agreements, a governance structure, and a participatory and inclusive
approach to design and implementation. By addressing these challenges, charity link-NGO
collaboration can promote social change and address social issues more effectively and

Charity link-NGO collaboration in developing welfare portals is driven by several factors.
Firstly, technology is increasingly important for addressing social issues and promoting welfare
initiatives, and welfare portals provide a platform for organizations to share resources and
services with underserved communities affected by poverty, hunger, and education disparities.
These portals can bridge the digital divide and provide access to essential services and
information. Secondly, collaboration allows organizations to leverage their strengths and
resources to achieve greater impact, avoid duplication of efforts, reduce costs, and maximize
resource use. Thirdly, involving communities in the design and implementation of welfare
portals can build trust and confidence, leading to greater engagement and participation in
welfare initiatives. Lastly, clear partnership agreements and governance structures can promote
transparency and accountability in resource use, building trust and confidence among
stakeholders. Overall, charity link-NGO collaboration through the development of welfare
portals aims to address social issues more effectively and efficiently, build trust and confidence
among communities, and promote transparency and accountability in resource use.

The objectives are as follows:
1) The objectives for charity link-NGO collaboration in developing welfare portals can vary
depending on the specific needs and priorities of each organization and community they
2) Improving access to essential services: Welfare portals can provide access to essential
services such as healthcare information and resources, education opportunities and
resources, and employment and training programs that may not be available otherwise.


This can help to address issues of poverty and inequality and improve overall wellbeing.
3) Promoting social inclusion: Welfare portals can help to promote social inclusion by
providing access to information and resources for underserved communities affected by
poverty and inequality. This can help to reduce social exclusion and promote social
4) Enhancing transparency and accountability: By establishing clear partnership
agreements and governance structures for welfare portals, organizations can promote
transparency and accountability in resource use. This can help to build trust and
confidence among stakeholders and ensure that resources are used effectively and
efficiently to achieve the desired outcomes.
5) Building capacity: Welfare portals can help to build capacity by providing training and
resources for community members to manage and maintain the portals themselves.
This can help to promote self-sufficiency and sustainability in the long term.
6) Addressing social issues: Welfare portals can be used to address a range of social issues
such as poverty and inequality, education disparities, and health issues. By working
together to develop and implement welfare portals that address these issues in a
holistic and integrated way, organizations can achieve greater impact and contribute to
positive social change.

The purpose of charity link-NGO collaboration in developing welfare portals is to leverage the
strengths and resources of multiple organizations to address social issues more effectively and
efficiently. The welfare portals serve as a platform for organizations to share information,
resources, and services with underserved communities affected by poverty, hunger, and
education disparities. By working together, organizations can pool their resources, expertise,
and networks to achieve greater impact and avoid duplication of efforts, reducing costs and
maximizing resource use.The welfare portals aim to improve access to essential services,
promote social inclusion, enhance transparency and accountability, build capacity, and address
social issues. By addressing these objectives, organizations can contribute to positive social
change and improve overall wellbeing in the communities they serve.Charity link-NGO
collaboration in developing welfare portals is motivated by a desire to leverage technology,
resources, and expertise to achieve greater impact and contribute to positive social change. By
working together, organizations can achieve greater impact and contribute to positive social
change in a more holistic and integrated way.

Charity link-NGO collaboration in developing welfare portals aims to tackle a wide range of
social issues, including poverty, health, education, disaster response, gender equality, and
environmental sustainability. These portals provide access to financial services, healthcare,
education, emergency services, and resources for income generation through digital platforms.
They promote entrepreneurship, microfinance schemes, health education, digital literacy,
inclusive education, community resilience, and sustainable development. By collaborating,
organizations can address multiple social issues simultaneously and promote sustainable and
scalable solutions that are holistic and integrated.

The aim of charity link-NGO collaboration in developing welfare portals is to establish a
long-lasting and expandable system that can efficiently tackle social issues such as poverty,
hunger, and educational disparities. These portals aim to provide access to essential services,
promote social integration, enhance transparency and accountability, build capacity, and
address social issues in a holistic and integrated manner. By leveraging technology, resources,
and expertise, organizations can collaborate to achieve greater impact and avoid duplication of
efforts, reducing costs and maximizing resource use. Additionally, the aim is to ensure the
sustainability and scalability of these portals by providing training and resources to community
members to manage and maintain them, as well as by establishing clear partnership
agreements and governance structures that promote transparency and accountability in
resource use. Ultimately, the goal of charity link-NGO collaboration in developing welfare
portals is to create a sustainable and scalable platform that can effectively address social issues,
improve overall wellbeing, and contribute to positive social change.

1) User-friendly interface: The portal should have a simple and intuitive interface that is
easy to use for people with different levels of digital literacy.
2) Multilingual support: The portal should support multiple languages to cater to users from
diverse backgrounds.
3) Accessibility: The portal should be accessible to users with disabilities, including those
with visual, auditory, or mobility impairments.
4) Data privacy and security: The portal should have robust data privacy and security
measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.
5) Collaborative tools: The portal should have collaborative tools that allow users to
connect, share resources, and work together on projects and initiatives.
6) Resource library: The portal should have a comprehensive resource library that includes
educational content, training materials, and best practices.
7) Mobile compatibility: The portal should be optimized for mobile devices to enable access
to users with limited access to computers or laptops.
8) Analytics and reporting: The portal should have robust analytics and reporting features
that enable users to track progress, measure impact, and generate reports.
9) Fundraising and donation management: The portal should have a fundraising and
donation management feature that enables users to raise funds, manage donations, and
track donor engagement.


10) Disaster response and emergency services: The portal should have a disaster response
and emergency services feature that enables users to access emergency services, disaster
preparedness, and response mechanisms during emergencies.
These features can help charity link-NGO collaboration welfare portals to address multiple
social issues simultaneously, promote sustainable and scalable solutions, and enable users
to access a wide range of resources and services through digital platforms.

Charity link-NGO collaboration welfare portals are necessary due to several factors.
Firstly, the increasing use of digital technologies and platforms has created new opportunities
for addressing social issues and promoting welfare. These portals can leverage digital
technologies to provide access to resources, services, and information to people in need.
Secondly, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a framework for
addressing social issues and promoting sustainable development. Charity link-NGO
collaboration welfare portals can help achieve the SDGs by providing access to resources,
services, and information that promote sustainable development and address social issues.



 Admin:
1. Login(Email,Password)
2. View NGO List
3. Accept//Reject NGO request(verify document)
4. View all data of users
5. Transaction history

 NGO:
6. Registration
7. Login
8. View fund request of user
9. View other NGO list
10. Message other NGO/ Contact other NGO’s
11. Donate money/funds

 Users:
12. Register
13. Login
14. Request funds(NGO’s)
15. Request other things(food/cloths)
16. Donate
a) Fund(Money)
b) Anything


Proposed System:
The proposed system for the Charity Link-NGO Collaboration Welfare Portal aims to
provide a platform for charitable organizations (Charity Link) and non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) to collaborate on social welfare initiatives while ensuring data privacy and
security for users, promoting accessibility and inclusivity for underserved communities, and
facilitating resource mobilization efforts.Users will be required to register and provide basic
information such as name, email address, and password. Upon registration, users will be
authenticated through email verification.Each user will have a personalized dashboard that
displays their profile information, recent activities on the portal, notifications about upcoming
events or initiatives they can participate in or support.Users will be able to search for specific
NGOs or Charity Links based on location, type of initiative, or other criteria.Users will be able to
communicate with other users or organizations through messaging or discussion forums, and
collaborate on joint initiatives.Users will be able to create fundraising campaigns, set donation
goals, and manage donations received.The system will implement robust data privacy and
security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access. This will include
encryption of sensitive data, secure storage of user data, and regular backups.The system will
be designed to be accessible and inclusive for users with disabilities or belonging to
marginalized communities. This will include support for assistive technologies such as screen
readers, and the provision of resources and information in multiple languages.The system will
enable users to track progress towards their goals through robust analytics and reporting
features. This will include the generation of impact reports that can be shared with
stakeholders or funding agencies.The proposed system for the Charity Link-NGO Collaboration
Welfare Portal aims to provide a comprehensive platform for charitable organizations and
NGOs to collaborate on social welfare initiatives, while ensuring data privacy and security,
promoting accessibility and inclusivity, and facilitating resource mobilization efforts.


System Architecture:

Fig:System Architecture


Existing System:
In the existing system,there are several existing charity link-ngo collaboration welfare
portals that provide similar functionalities to the proposed system.GiveIndia is a popular charity
portal in India that allows users to donate to various causes and initiatives, and also provides a
platform for NGOs to create profiles and manage their initiatives. The portal has a user-friendly
interface and allows users to search for NGOs based on various criteria such as location, cause,
and type of initiative. Users can also create their own fundraising campaigns and invite others
to donate. GiveIndia provides a secure payment gateway for donations and allows users to
track the progress of their donations. NGOs can create profiles, manage their initiatives, and
communicate with donors. GiveIndia also provides a feature for NGOs to verify their
authenticity and credibility through a rigorous verification process.these existing charity link-
ngo collaboration welfare portals provide similar functionalities to the proposed system, but
the proposed system aims to provide a more comprehensive platform that addresses the
specific needs of charity link-ngo collaboration welfare initiatives in India, while also ensuring
data privacy and security, promoting accessibility and inclusivity, and facilitating resource
mobilization efforts.


H/W& S/W
System Necessity
1) Processor – i3
2) Hard Disk – 5 GB
3) Memory – 1GB RAM
1.Operating System:WindowsXP and later versions
2.Front End:HTML,CSS,JS
3.Programming Language: Java

Java Language:
Javais an object oriented, robust programming language. (Dot) java is the extension
given to the java file. When compiled it is converted automatically into (Dot) class
format. Compiler than compiles the source code and then converts it into (Dot) class
extension. This file now consists of byte code that is fed to the Java Virtual Machine
(JVM). As this JVM can run on any machines such as Linux, Windows, Unix with the
byte code format of our source code. Hence Java language is called as platform
independent i.e. it follows WORA (Write Once Run Anywhere) Architecture.


Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for documents
designed to be displayed in a Desktop browser. It can be assisted by technologies such
as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript. Desktop
browsers receive HTML documents from a Desktop server or from local storage and
render the documents into multimedia Desktop pages. HTML describes the structure of
a Desktop page semantically and originally included cues for the appearance of the
document.HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages. With HTML
constructs, images and other objects such as interactive forms may be embedded into
the rendered page. HTML provides a means to create structured documents by
denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes
and other items. HTML elements are delineated by tags, written using angle brackets.
Tags such as <img /> and <input /> directly introduce content into the page. Other tags
such as <p> surround and provide information about document text and may include
other tags as sub-elements. Browsers do not display the HTML tags, but use them to
interpret the content of the page.HTML can embed programs written in a scripting
language such as JavaScript, which affects the behavior and content of Desktop pages.
Inclusion of CSS defines the look and layout of content. The World Wide Desktop
Consortium (W3C), former maintainer of the HTML and current maintainer of the CSS
standards, has encouraged the use of CSS over explicit presentational HTML since
1997.HTML is used to create and save Desktop document. E.g. Notepad/Notepad++

 Css

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the
presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML.CSS is a
cornerstone technology of the World Wide Desktop, alongside HTML and JavaScript.CSS
is designed to enable the separation of presentation and content, including layout,
colors, and fonts.This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more
flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable
multiple Desktop pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a
separate .css file, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content.CSS
information can be provided from various sources. These sources can be the Desktop
browser, the user and the author. The information from the author can be further
classified into inline, media type, importance, selector specificity, rule order,
inheritance and property definition. CSS style information can be in a separate
document or it can be embedded into an HTML document. Multiple style sheets can be
imported. Different styles can be applied depending on the output device being used;
for example, the screen version can be quite different from the printed version, so that
authors can tailor the presentation appropriately for each medium.The style sheet with
the highest priority controls the content display. Declarations not set in the highest
priority source are passed on to a source of lower priority, such as the user agent style.
The process is called cascading.One of the goals of CSS is to allow users greater control
over presentation. Someone who finds red italic headings difficult to read may apply a
different style sheet. Depending on the browser and the Desktop site, a user may
choose from various style sheets provided by the designers, or may remove all added
styles and view the site using the browser's default styling, or may override just the red
italic heading style without altering other attributes.CSS : (Cascading Style Sheets)
Create attractive Layout.

MySQL is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS) based on
Structured Query Language (SQL). It is one part of the very popular LAMP platform
consisting of Linux, Apache, My SQL, and PHP. Currently My SQL is owned by Oracle. My
SQL database is available on most important OS platforms. It runs on BSD Unix, Linux,
Windows, or Mac OS. Wikipedia and YouTube use My SQL. These sites manage millions
of queries each day. My SQL comes in two versions: My SQL server system and My SQL
embedded system.MySql is a database, widely used for accessing querying, updating,
and managing data in databases.


System Description:
S= I, O,F,DD,NDD, Failure, Success
I= Input

I is Input of system
Input I = set of Inputs
I= {I1,I2 ,I3,I4}
I1={ Admin}
I2= {NGO}
I3= { Users }

F is Function of system
F = set of Function
F1={Login }
F2={ View NGO List}
F3={ Accept//Reject NGO request(verify document)}
F4={ View all data of users}
F5={ Transaction history}
F6={ View fund request of user}
F7={ View other NGO list}
F8={ Message other NGO/ Contact other NGO’s}
F9={ Donate money/funds/Anything }
F10={ Request funds(NGO’s)}

O is Output of system
Output O= {O1 }
O1 = { NGO Collaboration}
 Success Conditions: Product working Smoothly.Develop NGO Collaboration welfare
portal is successfully.
 Failure Conditions: if internet connection Unavailable.



I1={ Admin}
I2= {NGO}
I3= { Users }
F1={Login }
F2={ View NGO List}
F3={ Accept//Reject NGO request(verify document)}
F4={ View all data of users}
F5={ Transaction history}
F6={ View fund request of user}
F7={ View other NGO list}
F8={ Message other NGO/ Contact other NGO’s}
F9={ Donate money/funds/Anything }
F10={ Request funds(NGO’s)}
O1 = { NGO Collaboration}


A set of Functional Dependencies for a data model can be documented in a Functional
Dependency Diagram (also known as a Determinancy Diagram). In a Functional Dependency
Diagram each attribute is shown in a rectangle with an arrow indicating the direction of the

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10
F1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
F5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
F6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
F7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
F8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
F9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
F10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

F1={Login }
F2={ View NGO List}
F3={ Accept//Reject NGO request(verify document)}
F4={ View all data of users}
F5={ Transaction history}
F6={ View fund request of user}
F7={ View other NGO list}
F8={ Message other NGO/ Contact other NGO’s}
F9={ Donate money/funds/Anything }
F10={ Request funds(NGO’s)}


1) Introduction:
India is the
Welcome to Charity Link-NGO Collaboration Welfare Portal, a platform designed to
foster collaboration between non-profit organizations (NGOs) and charities in order to
improve welfare and support services for communities in need. Our portal aims to
facilitate communication, coordination, and partnership between organizations,
enabling them to work together more effectively and efficiently to address key social
issues and provide assistance where it is needed most.Through our portal, NGOs and
charities can share information, resources, and best practices, collaborate on projects
and initiatives, and access a wide range of support services to enhance their impact and
reach. Whether you are looking to connect with like-minded organizations, secure
funding, or access technical assistance and training, Charity Link-NGO Collaboration
Welfare Portal is here to help.Join us in our mission to make a positive difference in the
lives of those in need. Together, we can create a more compassionate and caring world
for all.The Charity Link-NGO Collaboration Welfare Portal envisions a world where
collective efforts create a powerful force for positive change. By bridging the gap
between charities and non-governmental organizations, our portal aspires to amplify
the impact of their respective missions, resulting in a more effective and coordinated
approach towards social welfare. The Charity Link-NGO Collaboration Welfare Portal is
not just a platform; it is a movement towards a more interconnected, compassionate,
and effective approach to addressing the complex challenges faced by communities
around the globe. Join us in creating a world where collaboration fuels positive change,
and together, we can build a brighter future for all.


a) Purpose:
The purpose of a charity link-NGO collaboration welfare portal is to facilitate efficient and
effective collaboration between charities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in
order to maximize their impact and reach in providing welfare services to those in need.
This portal serves as a central platform where charities and NGOs can coordinate their
efforts, share resources and best practices, and collaborate on projects to better address
social causes and support the community. By working together through this portal,
charities and NGOs can pool their expertise and resources, streamline their operations,
and ultimately make a greater difference in the lives of individuals and communities in

b) Document Convention:


Heading Calibri (body) bold 16

Sub-Heading Calibri (body) bold 16

Others Calibri (body) regular 14

c) Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions:

This document is an open source webapplication.Very affordable.
Intended Audience:
 Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and charities looking to collaborate
and share resources
 Individuals working in the fields of social welfare and charitable giving
 Government agencies and policymakers interested in enhancing
collaboration and efficiency in the social welfare sector

Reading Suggestions:
 NGOs and charities looking to streamline their operations and improve their
impact by collaborating with other organizations
 Individuals interested in learning about innovative approaches to addressing
social welfare challenges
 Government agencies seeking to support and facilitate collaboration among
NGOs and charities for more effective service delivery and resource


d) Project Scope:
The project scope of the Charity Link-NGO Collaboration Welfare Portal outlines the
specific boundaries, objectives, and deliverables of the initiative. This comprehensive
scope document serves as a guide for all stakeholders involved in the development and
implementation of the portal. Clearly define the overarching objectives of the Charity
Link-NGO Collaboration Welfare Portal, ensuring alignment with its mission to enhance
collaboration, efficiency, and impact within the charitable and non-governmental
sectors.Identify and detail the specific functionalities and features that the portal will
offer. This includes collaborative tools, resource-sharing mechanisms, project
coordination features, knowledge exchange platforms, and donor engagement
functionalities.Define the various user roles within the portal, such as administrators,
charities, NGOs, donors, and community members. Clearly outline the permissions and
access levels associated with each role to ensure proper governance and data
security.Specify the collaborative spaces within the portal where charities and NGOs can
interact. This may include discussion forums, project collaboration zones, and
knowledge-sharing sections to facilitate effective communication and
collaboration.Outline the mechanisms for sharing resources, including financial
contributions, volunteer support, and material resources. Define the processes for
transparent tracking and reporting of resource utilization.

e) References:
1) Websites:
 GoFundMe:
 Kickstarter:
 Indiegogo:
 DonorsChoose:

2) Open-Source Donation Portal Projects:

 Charitable: WordPress donation plugin -
 Handbid: Open-source auction platform -
 BenevoLent: Fundraising and donation website project -

3) Research Papers and Case Studies:

 Bassett, R., & Ahern, L. (2011). Online Fundraising and the Quest for
Donor Loyalty.
 Shang, J., & Muir, R. (2010). Effective Online Fundraising: Insights from
Research and Practice


2) Overall Description:
We have Designed a Web portal for Connecting NGO’S that is very useful platform
for needy people for fastest help. Such Needy people will visit our web portal and
ask for help. Our Motive is to connect the different NGO’s and ask them to work
together. In our web portal there will be 3 modules which will work. 1st module is of
admin, 2nd is of NGO module, 3rd module is for user. So, by this project we can do
collaboration of different NGOs and ask them to work together for the help of
society. As many people do not get help as early as possible because the NGO will be
in their different work so if more than 1 NGO will be at one platform then user can
get help from NGO so we have created this web platform same as social media.

a) Product Perspective:
PORTAL outlines its position and functionality within the broader context of the
philanthropic and non-governmental organization (NGO) landscape. This perspective
encompasses various aspects, including how the portal interacts with other systems,
its user interfaces, and the overall user experience.The product perspective of the
integration, user-friendly interfaces, robust security, and features that enhance
collaboration and data-driven decision-making. A well-designed and adaptable
portal will serve as a valuable tool in fostering collaboration and maximizing the
impact of charitable and NGO initiatives.

b) Product features:
comprehensive set of features that facilitate collaboration, resource sharing, and
effective management of charitable and non-governmental organization (NGO)
initiatives. Allow charities and NGOs to create user accounts with detailed profiles,
including information about their mission, projects, and areas of expertise.Provide
an intuitive and customizable dashboard for users to access key information,
notifications, and updates relevant to their collaboration and welfare
activities.Centralized space for charities and NGOs to discover potential partners,
initiate discussions, and explore collaboration opportunities. This can include project
matchmaking and partner search functionalities

User class and characteristics:

 Admin:
1. Login(Email,Password)
2. View NGO List
3. Accept//Reject NGO request(verify document)
4. View all data of users
5. Transaction history

 NGO:
6. Registration
7. Login
8. View fund request of user
9. View other NGO list
10. Message other NGO/ Contact other NGO’s
11. Donate money/funds

 Users :
12. Register
13. Login
14. Request funds(NGO’s)
15. Request other things(food/cloths)
16. Donate
c) Fund(Money)
d) Anything

d) Operating Environment:
Operating environment for the Charity Link is as listed below.
1. Internet Connection
2. Operating System Windows, Linux (Ubuntu)

e) Design and Implementation Constraints:

a) Frontend:
1. The system shall be web application.
2. The language used will be HTML,CSS.
b) Backend:
1. The Desktop application should be developed by using Framework.
2. The backend language is Java.

3) Functional requirements:
1. REQ-1:Users should be able to create accounts, providing essential information
about their organizations. Secure authentication mechanisms should be
implemented to protect user accounts.
2. REQ-2:Charities and NGOs should have the ability to create detailed profiles,
including information about their mission, projects, geographical focus, and
areas of expertise.
3. REQ-3:Provide a personalized dashboard for each user that displays relevant
information, notifications, collaboration opportunities, and updates.
4. REQ-4:Implement a centralized space where charities and NGOs can discover
potential partners, initiate discussions, and explore collaboration opportunities.
5. REQ-5:Enable the sharing of various resources, including funds, volunteers, and
materials, through a secure and transparent platform.
6. REQ-6:Tools for initiating, managing, and tracking joint projects. This includes
features for setting project goals, defining milestones, assigning tasks, and
tracking progress.
7. REQ-7:Integrated communication channels such as messaging systems,
discussion forums, and video conferencing to facilitate real-time communication
and collaboration among users.
8. REQ-8:A repository for sharing best practices, research findings, and success
stories. Allow users to contribute and access valuable knowledge related to their
9. REQ-9:Transparent reporting tools that allow charities and NGOs to showcase
the impact of donations. Provide donors with real-time updates on how their
contributions are making a difference.
10. REQ-10:Modules and resources for training and capacity building. This includes
e-learning materials, webinars, and workshops to enhance the skills and
knowledge of individuals within the sector.
11. REQ-11:Features that enable charities and NGOs to connect on a global scale.
This may include language support, international collaboration tools, and a
global directory of organizations.

4) Non-functional requirements:
a) Performance requirements:
1. The system gives advice or alerts user immediately.
2. The System gives accurate results.
3. Interactive, minimal delays, safe info transmission

b) Safety requirements:
1. Nobody will be harm while developing the system.
2. Easy to use.
3. System embedded with management procedures and validation procedures

c) Security requirements:
1. The system keeps all information’s with high security.
2. Identify all user, authenticate/verify user credentials, authorize user/third
party, audit for user’s usability, backup, server clustering, system policies


d) Software quality attributes:
1. Predictability
2. Accuracy
3. Maintainability
4. Usability
5. Modifiability
6. Interoperability
7. Efficiency

5) External interface:
a. User interface:

1. Designing the user interface (UI) for the CHARITY LINK-NGO COLLABORATION
WELFARE PORTAL involves creating an intuitive, user-friendly experience that
encourages engagement and collaboration among charities and NGOs.
2. GUI Along with meaningful frames and application.
3. Front End:HTML,CSS
4. Back End:Java

b. Hardware interface:
5. Processor – i3
6. Hard Disk – 5 GB
7. Memory – 1GB RAM

c. Software interface:
1.Operating System:WindowsXP and later versions
2.Front End:HTML,CSS,JS
3.Programming Language: Java

d. Communication interface:
This project supports all types of web browsers.Active internet connection.Wi-Fi
or mobile data (3G, 4G, 5G).


6) Overall Description
platform designed to foster collaboration and synergy among charitable organizations
and non-governmental entities. The primary purpose is to enhance the collective impact
of social welfare initiatives by facilitating resource sharing, project collaboration, and
knowledge exchange. The primary users of the portal include charitable organizations,
non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and individuals involved in philanthropic
activities. Additionally, donors, volunteers, and community members may also engage
with the portal to contribute to or benefit from welfare initiatives. The user experience
is designed to be intuitive, collaborative, and empowering. Users should find it easy to
navigate the portal, connect with potential collaborators, and manage their projects
efficiently. A clean and visually appealing interface, coupled with responsive design,
ensures accessibility across various devices.CHARITY LINK-NGO COLLABORATION
WELFARE PORTAL aims to create a dynamic and interconnected ecosystem, bringing
together stakeholders in the charitable sector to maximize their impact on social
welfare initiatives. The portal's functionalities are tailored to support collaboration,
resource sharing, and knowledge exchange, ultimately contributing to a more effective
and coordinated approach to addressing societal challenges.

1.1)User Documentation
Creating user documentation for the CHARITY LINK-NGO COLLABORATION WELFARE
PORTAL is crucial to ensure that users can effectively navigate and utilize the platform's
features. This documentation should be comprehensive, user-friendly, and accessible.
1. Introduction:Welcome Message: Briefly introduce users to the CHARITY LINK-NGO
COLLABORATION WELFARE PORTAL, emphasizing its purpose and the benefits it offers
to charitable organizations and NGOs.

2. Getting Started:
 Account Creation:Provide step-by-step instructions on how to create an account
on the portal.Include guidelines for choosing strong passwords and securing
 User Profiles:Explain how users can complete and customize their
profiles.Highlight the importance of providing accurate and comprehensive

3. Dashboard Navigation:
 Overview: Describe the main components of the dashboard.Provide an overview
of key features and functionalities accessible from the dashboard.
4. Communication Tools:
 Messaging Systems:Guide users on how to use the messaging system for one-on-
one or group communication.Emphasize the importance of clear and
professional communication.

 Discussion Forums:Explain how to participate in and create discussions within

forums.Encourage users to share insights, ask questions, and engage in
meaningful conversations.

5. Knowledge Exchange:
 Repository Access:Provide instructions on accessing the knowledge exchange
platform.Explain how to contribute to the repository and benefit from shared

6. Donor Engagement:
 Donation Tracking:Guide users on how to track donations and view the impact of
their contributions.Emphasize the transparency and accountability of the

7. Global Connectivity:
 Connecting Across Borders:Provide guidance on connecting with charities and
NGOs globally.Emphasize the potential for cross-cultural collaboration and

8. Security Measures:
 Protecting Information:Educate users on the security measures in place to
protect their data.Encourage responsible use of the platform to maintain a
secure environment.

1.2)Assumptions and Dependencies


1. Charities and NGOs are willing and motivated to actively collaborate on

the portal.
2. The success of the portal heavily depends on the willingness of
organizations to engage, share resources, and collaborate on welfare
3. Users have reliable internet access.
4. The portal is an online platform, and its effectiveness relies on users being
able to connect to the internet consistently for collaboration, resource
sharing, and information exchange.
5. Information provided by charities and NGOs on the portal is accurate and
6. The reliability of the portal's data is essential for effective collaboration,
resource allocation, and decision-making.
7. Charities and NGOs using the portal adhere to legal and regulatory
8. Compliance with legal standards is crucial to maintain the integrity of the
portal and the activities conducted through it.
9. Users have access to training resources and are willing to undergo
10. Efficient utilization of the portal requires users to understand its features,
functionalities, and best practices for collaboration.


11. Availability of a robust technology infrastructure, including servers,

databases, and network resources.
12. The proper functioning of the portal relies on a stable and well-maintained
technology infrastructure.
13. Integration with third-party systems and tools.
14. To enhance functionality, dependencies on external tools, APIs, or services
may be required for features like payment processing, analytics, or
15. Implementation of security protocols and encryption mechanisms.
16. Ensuring the security of user data and sensitive information is essential for
user trust and compliance with data protection regulations.
17. Active user participation and engagement.
18. The success of the portal depends on user adoption; therefore, efforts to
encourage participation and collaboration are crucial.

7) System Features
that integrates various system features to facilitate collaboration, resource sharing, and
effective management within the charitable and non-governmental organization (NGO)
sector.Allow users to create accounts, providing detailed profiles with information
about their organization, mission, and projects. Users should be able to manage and
update their profiles easily. Provide a user-friendly dashboard for quick access to
notifications, announcements, collaboration opportunities, and important updates. The
dashboard should be customizable to cater to individual user preferences. Enable
organizations to share and request resources such as funds, volunteers, and materials.
This may involve a resource marketplace, donation tracking, and a system for managing
in-kind contributions.

7.1.1 Description and Priority

The Charity Link-NGO Collaboration Welfare Portal is a platform designed to
facilitate effective collaboration between charitable organizations and Non-
Governmental Organizations (NGOs) for the betterment of welfare services. The portal
aims to streamline communication, resource sharing, and project management among
these entities.

1. Collaboration: The primary goal of this portal is to encourage and support
collaborations between charities and NGOs. By fostering partnerships, these
organizations can combine their strengths, expertise, and resources to create more
significant impacts in various welfare projects.
2. Information Sharing: The portal provides a centralized platform for sharing
information about ongoing projects, available resources, and upcoming events. This
helps organizations stay updated and connected, enabling them to identify potential
areas of collaboration.
3. Resource Management: The portal can facilitate the sharing of resources such as
funds, volunteers, and equipment among collaborating organizations. This ensures
optimal utilization of resources and reduces duplication of efforts.
4. Project Management: The platform may include tools for project planning,
monitoring, and evaluation. This allows organizations to manage their joint projects
more efficiently and effectively, ensuring the desired outcomes are achieved.
5. Networking and Outreach: The portal can also serve as a networking platform,
connecting organizations with like-minded individuals and groups. This helps expand
their reach and influence, ultimately benefiting the welfare sector as a whole.


1. User Experience: Prioritize designing an intuitive and user-friendly interface to ensure

that all users, regardless of their technical expertise, can navigate and utilize the portal


2. Security: Ensure the portal has robust security measures in place to protect sensitive
information, such as financial data and personal details of beneficiaries.
3. Accessibility: Make the portal accessible to a wide range of users, including those with
disabilities, by incorporating features such as screen readers, text-to-speech options,
and high-contrast modes.
4. Interoperability: Ensure the platform is compatible with various devices and operating
systems to allow users to access it from anywhere and at any time.
5. Continuous Improvement: Regularly gather feedback from users to identify areas for
improvement and implement updates and modifications to enhance the portal's
effectiveness and usability.

7.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

1. Stimulus: A charity or NGO identifies a need for collaboration in a specific

welfare project.
Response: The portal provides a platform for these organizations to search
for potential partners based on their requirements, such as location,
expertise, or project type.

2. Stimulus: A charity or NGO posts an available resource (e.g., funds,

volunteers, or equipment) on the portal.
Response: The portal notifies other organizations about the available
resource, enabling them to request or offer assistance in ongoing projects.

3. Stimulus: An organization shares information about an upcoming event or

workshop on the portal.
Response: Other organizations can view the event details and register to
participate, fostering networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities.

4. Stimulus: An organization faces challenges in managing a joint project with

another organization.
Response: The portal offers project management tools and resources,
helping organizations to overcome these challenges and ensure successful
project completion.

5.Stimulus: User clicks on the "Register" button.

Response: System prompts the user to provide necessary information,
including organization details, contact information, and credentials. After
successful submission, the system creates a user account and redirects the
user to their dashboard.
Profile Update:


6.Stimulus: User accesses their profile settings.
Response: System displays a form allowing the user to update or modify their
organization's information, mission statement, and other relevant details.
After submission, the system confirms the changes and updates the user's

7.Stimulus: User clicks on "Create Project."

Response: The system prompts the user to enter project details, such as
goals, milestones, and required resources. After submission, the system
creates a project page and notifies potential collaborators.

8.Stimulus: User posts a resource-sharing request.

Response: The system publishes the request on the collaboration hub,
notifying relevant users. Interested parties can respond or contribute
resources, and the system facilitates communication between the parties

9.Stimulus: User initiates a conversation with another organization.

Response: The system opens a messaging interface, allowing users to
exchange messages, share documents, or schedule virtual meetings.
Notifications alert users to new messages.

i. Functional Requirements
8. REQ-1:Users should be able to create accounts, providing essential information
about their organizations. Secure authentication mechanisms should be
implemented to protect user accounts.
9. REQ-2:Charities and NGOs should have the ability to create detailed profiles,
including information about their mission, projects, geographical focus, and
areas of expertise.
10. REQ-3:Provide a personalized dashboard for each user that displays relevant
information, notifications, collaboration opportunities, and updates.
11. REQ-4:Implement a centralized space where charities and NGOs can discover
potential partners, initiate discussions, and explore collaboration opportunities.
12. REQ-5:Enable the sharing of various resources, including funds, volunteers, and
materials, through a secure and transparent platform.
13. REQ-6:Tools for initiating, managing, and tracking joint projects. This includes
features for setting project goals, defining milestones, assigning tasks, and
tracking progress.
14. REQ-7:Integrated communication channels such as messaging systems,
discussion forums, and video conferencing to facilitate real-time communication
and collaboration among users.
15. REQ-8:A repository for sharing best practices, research findings, and success
stories. Allow users to contribute and access valuable knowledge related to their
16. REQ-9:Transparent reporting tools that allow charities and NGOs to showcase
the impact of donations. Provide donors with real-time updates on how their
contributions are making a difference.
17. REQ-10:Modules and resources for training and capacity building. This includes
e-learning materials, webinars, and workshops to enhance the skills and
knowledge of individuals within the sector.
18. REQ-11:Features that enable charities and NGOs to connect on a global scale.
This may include language support, international collaboration tools, and a
global directory of organizations.

System Feature 2
Other Nonfunctional Requirements

1. Scalability: The portal should be capable of accommodating an

increasing number of users, projects, and resources as the platform
grows in popularity and usage.
2. Performance: Ensure the portal delivers fast and responsive
performance, minimizing loading times and ensuring smooth navigation
for users.
3. Availability: The platform must be accessible 24/7, with minimal
downtime for maintenance or updates. This guarantees that users can
access the portal whenever they need to collaborate or share
4. Data Security and Privacy: Implement robust security measures to
protect sensitive data, such as financial information, personal details of
beneficiaries, and user credentials. This includes encryption, secure data
storage, and regular security audits.
5. Accessibility: The portal should adhere to web accessibility standards,
ensuring that users with disabilities can access and utilize the platform
without barriers. This includes features like keyboard navigation, screen
reader compatibility, and high-contrast modes.
6. Integration: The portal should be compatible with various third-party
tools and systems, such as payment gateways, project management
software, and social
Performance Requirements
1. Fast Loading Times: The portal should load quickly, with minimal delays, to
prevent users from getting frustrated and abandoning the platform.
2. Responsive Design: The portal should be designed to adapt to different
devices and screen sizes, such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and
smartphones. This ensures that users can access the platform from their
preferred devices without compromising functionality.
3. Efficient Search Functionality: The search feature should be fast, accurate,
and user-friendly, enabling users to quickly find relevant information,
projects, or resources on the portal.
4. Seamless Navigation: The portal should have an intuitive and easy-to-use
interface, allowing users to navigate between different sections and
features without confusion or difficulty.
5. Real-time Updates: The portal should provide real-time updates on project
progress, resource availability, and other relevant information, ensuring
that users are always informed about the latest developments.
6. Scalable Infrastructure: The platform should be built on a scalable
infrastructure to handle increased traffic and usage as the number of users
and projects grow over time. This ensures that the portal can accommodate
future demands without compromising performance.
7. Robust Error Handling: The portal should be designed to handle errors
gracefully, providing helpful error messages and suggestions

Safety Requirements
1. Data Encryption: All sensitive data, including personal information, financial
details, and project-related information, should be encrypted both in
transit and at rest. This protects the data from unauthorized access and
ensures its confidentiality.
2. Secure Authentication: Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) and
strong password policies to prevent unauthorized access to user accounts.
This helps to verify the identity of users and protect their personal
3. Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits and penetration
testing to identify and address potential vulnerabilities in the portal. This
helps to maintain a robust security posture and minimize the risk of
security breaches.
4. User Permission Management: Implement a robust user permission
management system that ensures users can only access and modify the
data they are authorized to handle. This helps to prevent unauthorized
modifications or data leaks.
5. Backup and Disaster Recovery: Establish a regular backup process to ensure
critical data is safely stored and can be restored in case of data loss or
system failure. Additionally, have a disaster recovery plan in place to
minimize downtime and data loss in the event of a major incident.
6. Secure Third-party Integrations: When integrating third-party tools or
services, ensure they adhere to the same security standards as the portal.
This helps to maintain the overall security of the platform and protect
users' data.
7. User Awareness and Education: Provide users with information and
resources on how to stay safe while using the portal, such as best practices
for password management, phishing awareness, and identifying potential

Security Requirements
1. Data Encryption: Implement robust encryption protocols to protect
sensitive data, such as personal information, financial details, and project-
related information. This ensures that data remains confidential and secure
during transmission and storage.
2. Secure Authentication: Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) and
enforce strong password policies to verify user identities and prevent
unauthorized access to accounts. This helps to safeguard users' personal
information and maintain the integrity of the platform.
3. . Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits and penetration
testing to identify and address potential vulnerabilities in the portal. This
helps to maintain a strong security posture and minimize the risk of security
4. User Permission Management: Implement a robust user permission
management system to ensure that users can only access and modify the
data they are authorized to handle. This prevents unauthorized
modifications or data leaks and maintains data privacy.
5. Backup and Disaster Recovery: Establish a regular backup process to safely
store critical data and enable restoration in case of data loss or system
failure. Additionally, have a disaster recovery plan in place to minimize
downtime and data loss in the event of a major incident.
6. Secure Third-party Integrations: Ensure that any third-party tools or
services integrated with the portal adhere to the same security standards.
This helps maintain the overall security of the platform and protect users'

Software Quality Attributes

1. Usability: The Charity Link-NGO Collaboration Welfare Portal should be
user-friendly and easy to navigate, ensuring that users can efficiently
perform their tasks without facing any difficulties.
2. Reliability: The portal must be reliable and consistently available to users,
as it is crucial for the smooth functioning of their operations. Minimizing
downtime and ensuring timely recovery from any potential issues is
3. Performance Efficiency: The portal should perform efficiently, with fast
loading times and quick response to user actions. This helps to enhance
user satisfaction and productivity.
4. Security: As mentioned earlier, the portal must have robust security
measures in place to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.
This ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
5. Maintainability: The platform should be designed in a way that makes it
easy to maintain, update, and enhance over time. This helps to reduce the
cost of maintenance and ensures the portal remains relevant and up-to-
6. Scalability: The Charity Link-NGO Collaboration Welfare Portal should be
scalable to accommodate the growing number of users, data, and features.
This ensures that the platform can handle increased demand without
compromising performance or stability.
7. Portability: The portal should be designed to be portable, allowing for easy
deployment on different platforms and environments. This ensures
flexibility and reduces the effort required for future migrations or upgrades.
8. Interoperability: The platform should be able to seamlessly interact with
other systems and services, both internally and externally. This promotes
collaboration and data exchange between different organizations and
9. Modularity: A modular design allows for easier development, testing, and
maintenance of the portal. It also enables the addition or removal of
features without affecting the overall system's stability.
10.Accessibility: The portal should be accessible to users with different abilities
and preferences, including those with disabilities. This ensures that no user
is excluded from using the platform and promotes inclusiveness.

Business Rules
1. User Authentication and Authorization: The portal must enforce strict user authentication and
authorization rules to ensure that only authorized users can access and modify specific data or
2. Data Integrity: Implement business rules to maintain data integrity by preventing
unauthorized modifications, duplications, or deletions of sensitive information.
3. Fund Allocation and Distribution: Establish rules for the allocation and distribution of funds
among various projects, ensuring fairness and transparency in the process.
4. Reporting and Audit Trail: Implement rules for generating regular reports and maintaining an
audit trail to track the activities of users within the portal, facilitating accountability and
5. Budget Management: Set up rules for managing budgets, including budget allocation,
expenditure tracking, and approval workflows, to ensure financial discipline and prevent
6. Collaboration and Communication: Establish rules for effective collaboration and
communication among users, promoting timely information sharing and decision-making.
7. Project Management: Implement rules for project management, including task assignment,
progress tracking, and deadline monitoring, to ensure efficient execution of projects and timely
delivery of results.
8. Data Privacy and Confidentiality: Establish rules for handling sensitive information, such as
personal data and financial details, to maintain privacy and confidentiality in line with relevant
laws and regulations.
9. Data Backup and Recovery: Implement rules for regular data backups and disaster recovery
procedures to minimize data loss and ensure business continuity in case of system failures or
other incidents.
10. System Maintenance and Updates: Establish rules for periodic system maintenance,
updates, and security patches to ensure the portal remains secure and functional. This helps to
maintain a high-quality user experience and minimize potential issues.

Other Requirements
1. Customization and Branding: The portal should allow for customization
and branding options, enabling individual organizations to tailor the
platform to their specific needs and identity.

2. Integration with External Systems: The portal should be designed to

integrate with external systems, such as payment gateways, accounting
software, and social media platforms, to streamline processes and enhance
user experience.


3. Multi-language Support: To cater to a diverse user base, the portal
should support multiple languages, ensuring that users can access and
navigate the platform in their preferred language.

4. Mobile Responsiveness: The portal should be mobile-responsive,

allowing users to access and use the platform on various mobile devices,
ensuring accessibility and convenience for users on-the-go.

5. Document Management: The platform should include a document

management system, enabling users to upload, share, and manage
important files related to their projects and collaborations.

6. Notification and Alert System: Implement a notification and alert system

to keep users informed about important updates, deadlines, and other
relevant information, promoting timely action and collaboration.

7. User Feedback and Support: The portal should provide a user-friendly

feedback mechanism and support system, allowing users to report issues,
suggest improvements, and receive assistance when needed.

8. Training and Onboarding: Develop comprehensive training and

onboarding materials to help users understand and effectively use the
platform, ensuring a smooth adoption process.

9. Analytics and Reporting: Include analytics and reporting features to help

users monitor their progress, track performance, and make data-driven
decisions for future initiatives.

10. Security Awareness and Education: Implement security awareness and

education modules within the portal to promote safe online practices
among users, reducing the risk of security breaches and maintaining a
secure environment.

Appendix A: Glossary
1. Authentication: The process of verifying the identity of a user to grant
them access to a system or application.
2. Authorization: The process of determining whether a user has the
necessary permissions to access or perform specific actions within a system
or application.

3. Data Integrity: The assurance that data remains accurate, complete, and
reliable throughout its lifecycle, ensuring the trustworthiness of

4. Fund Allocation: The process of distributing funds to different projects,

programs, or initiatives based on predefined criteria or priorities.

5. Budget Management: The process of planning, organizing, controlling,

and executing financial resources to achieve specific goals within a given

6. Project Management: The process of planning, executing, monitoring,

and controlling a project from its conception to completion, ensuring
successful delivery of the project objectives.

7. Data Privacy: The protection of personal and sensitive information from

unauthorized access, disclosure, or use.

8. Confidentiality: The obligation to keep information private and restricted

to authorized individuals only.

Appendix B: Analysis Models

Waterfall Model:

SLDC Model:
1. . Planning:
It is performed by the senior members of the team with inputs from the customer,
the sales department, market surveys and domain experts. This information is then used
to plan the basic project approach and to conduct product feasibility study in the
economical, operational and technical areas. Planning for the quality assurance
requirements and identification of the risks associated with the project is also done in the
planning stage
2. Defining:
Next step is to clearly define and document the product requirements and get
them approved from the customer or the market analysts.

3. Designing:
Based on the requirements specified in SRS, usually more than one design
approach for the product architecture is proposed and documented. This is reviewed by
all the important stakeholders and based on various parameters as risk assessment,
product robustness, design modularity, budget and time constraints, the best design
approach is selected for the product.A design approach clearly defines all the
architectural modules of the product

4. Building:
The actual development starts and the product is built. The programming code is
generated. If the design is performed in a detailed and organized manner, code
generation can be accomplished without much hassle.The programming language is
chosen with respect to the type of software being developed

5. Testing:


This stage is usually a subset of all the stages as in the modern SDLC models,
the testing activities are mostly involved in all the stages of SDLC. However, this stage
refers to the testing only stage of the product where product defects are reported,
tracked, fixed and retested, until the product reaches the quality standards defined in the
6. Deployment:
Once the product is tested and ready to be deployed it is released formally.

Appendix C: To Be Determined List

1. A feature or functionality that has not been determined yet but is essential for the smooth
functioning and effectiveness of the Charity Link-NGO Collaboration Welfare Portal.
2. A component that needs further development or clarification to enhance the user experience
and facilitate efficient collaboration among charity organizations and NGOs.
3. An aspect of the portal that requires additional research and consultation with stakeholders
to ensure it meets their specific needs and expectations.
4. A tool or service that will be implemented to streamline a particular process or task within
the portal, improving overall productivity and efficiency.
5. A feature that will be designed to address a specific challenge or pain point faced by users of
the Charity Link-NGO Collaboration Welfare Portal.
6. A functionality that will be incorporated to promote better communication and collaboration
among users, fostering stronger partnerships and more effective joint initiatives.
7. A security measure or protocol that will be put in place to protect the portal and its users
from potential threats, ensuring a safe and secure environment for all.
8. An integration with an external platform or service that will significantly enhance the
capabilities of the Charity Link-NGO Collaboration Welfare Portal, offering new opportunities
for users.
9. A reporting or analytics tool that will be developed to provide users with valuable insights
and data-driven decision-making capabilities, helping them to better understand and improve
their projects and collaborations.
10. A user-focused resource or support system that will be implemented to ensure a seamless
on boarding process and continuous user satisfaction, fostering long-term engagement with the
Charity Link-NGO Collaboration Welfare Portal.


UML Diagram
A diagram is the graphical presentation of a set of elements, most often rendered as a connected
graph of vertices and arcs . you draw diagram to visualize a system from different perspective, so
a diagram is a projection into a system. For all but most trivial systems, a diagram represents an
elided view of the elements that make up a system. The same element may appear in all diagrams,
only a few diagrams , or in no diagrams at all. In theory, a diagram may contain any combination
of things and relationships. In practice, however, a small number of common combinations
arise,which are consistent with the five most useful views that comprise the architecture ofa
software-intensive system. For this reason, the UML includes nine such diagrams:
 DFD Digram
 Class Diagram
 Object Diagram
 Use case Diagram
 Sequence Diagram
 Collaboration Diagram
 State chart Diagram
 Activity Diagram
 Component Diagram
 Deployment Diagram

Data objects represented by labeled arrows and transformation are represented by circles also
called as bubbles. DFD is presented in a hierarchical fashion i.e. the first data flow model represents the
system as a whole. Subsequent DFD refine the context diagram (level 0 DFD), providing increasing
details with each subsequent level. The DFD enables the software engineer to develop models of the
information domain & functional domain at the same time. As the DFD is refined into greater levels of
details, the analyst perform an implicit functional decomposition of the system. At the same time, the
DFD refinement results in a corresponding refinement of the data as it moves through the process that
embody the applications.A context-level DFD for the system the primary external entities produce
information for use by the system and consume information generated by the system. The labeled
arrow represents data objects or object hierarchy

The context diagram is the most abstract data flow representation of a system. It represents the
entiresystem as a single bubble and. The various external entities with which the system interacts and
thedata flows occurring between the system and the external entities are also represented. The
namecontext diagram is well justified because it represents the context in which the system is to exist


i.e.the external entities (users) that would interact with the system and specific data items they would
bereceiving from the system

1)DFD level 0

Fig: DFD Level 0

2)DFD level 1

Fig: DFD Level 1


3)DFD level 2

Fig: DFD Level 2


A Class is a category or group of things that has similar attributes and common behavior. A Rectangle is
the icon that represents the class it is divided into three areas. The upper most area contains the name, the
middle; area contains the attributes and the lowest areas show the operations. Class diagrams provides the
representation that developers work from. Class diagrams help on the analysis side, tooClass is nothing
but a structure that contains both variables and methods. The Class Diagram shows a set of classes,
interfaces, and collaborations and their relating ships. There is most common diagram in modeling the
object oriented systems and are used to give the static view of a system. It shows the dependency
between the classes that can be used in our system.The interactions between the modules or classes of our
projects are shown below. Each block contains Class Name, Variables and Methods.


Fig: Class diagram


Activity diagram are the flowcharts, showing the flow of control from activity to activity. Activity
diagrams represent the business and operational work flows of a system

Fig: Activity diagram


A Sequence Diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasis the time ordering of messages; a
collaboration diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the structural organization ofthe
objects that send and receive messages. Sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams are isomorphic,
meaning that you can take one and transform it into the other.Sequence diagram and collaboration
diagram are called INTERACTION DIAGRAMS. An interaction diagram shows an interaction, consisting of
set of objects and their relationship including the messages that may be dispatched among them.A
sequence diagram is an introduction that empathizes the time ordering of messages. Graphically a
sequence diagram is a table that shows objects arranged along the X-axis and messages ordered in
increasing time along the Y-axis

Fig: Sequence diagram


The state diagram shows the states of an object and represents activities as arrows connecting the
states. The Activity Diagram highlights the activities. Each activity is represented by a rounded rectangle-
narrower and more oval-shaped than the state icon. An arrow represents the transition from the one
activity to the next. The activity diagram has a starting point represented by filled-in circle, and an end
point represented by bulls eye

Fig: State Chart diagram



Fig: Component diagram


A Deployment Diagram shows the configuration of run-time processing nodes and the components that
live on them. Deployment diagrams address the static deployment view of architecture. They are related
to component diagrams in that a node typically encloses one or more components.

Fig: Deployment diagram


A use case diagram in the Unified Modeling Language(UML) is a type of behavioral diagram defined by
and created from a use-case analysis. its purpose is to present a graphical overview ofthe functionality
provided by a system in terms of actors, their goals(represented as usecases),and any dependencies
between those use cases. Use case diagrams are formally included in two modeling languages defined
by the OMG:the unfied modeling language(UML) and the systems modeling language.A Use case is a
description of set of sequence of actions Graphically it is rendered as an ellipse with solid line
including only its name. Use case diagram is a behavioral diagram that shows a set of use cases and
actors and their relationship. It is an association between the use cases and actors. An actor represents
a real-world object.Use case diagrams model behavior within a system and helps the developers
understand of what the user require. The stick man represents what’s called an actor.Use case diagram
can be useful for getting an overall view of the system and clarifying who can do and more importantly
what they can’t do.Use case diagram consists of use cases and actors and shows the interaction
between the use case and actors

 The purpose is to show the interactions between the use case and actor.
 To represent the system requirements from user’s perspective.
 An actor could be the end-user of the system or an external system


Fig: Usecase diagram


The Entity-Relationship (ER) model was originally proposed by Peter in 1976 [Chen76] as a way to unify
the network and relational database views. Simply stated the ER model is a conceptual data model that
views the real world as entities and relationships. A basic component of the model is the Entity-
Relationship diagram which is used to visually represents data objects. Since Chen wrote his paper the
model has been extended and today it is commonly used for database design For the database designer,
the utility of the ER model is:

 it maps well to the relational model. The constructs used in the ER model can easily be
transformed into relational tables
 it is simple and easy to understand with a minimum of training. Therefore, the model can be
used by the database designer to communicate the design to the end user.
 In addition, the model can be used as a design plan by the database developer to implement a
data model in a specific database management software.


NP Hard analysis
The algorithm in which every operation is uniquely de_ned is called deterministic
algorithms.The algorithm in which every operation may not have unique result, rather there
can be speci_ed set of possibilities for every operation, such algorithms are called Non
deterministic algorithms. Non deterministic means no particular rule is followed to make guess.
The algorithms are classified into groups depending on their computing time:

Figure : P-NP Class

 P Class:
This group consists of all algorithms whose computing times are polynomial time that is
there computing time is bounded by polynomials of small degree. Eg. insertion sort,
merge sort, quick sort have polynomial computing time.

 NP Class:
This group consists of all algorithms whose computing time is non-deterministic
polynomial time. Eg. Traveling salesman problem. The NP class problem can be classified
into two groups:

 NP Hard Problems:
Normally optimization problems are NP-Hard problems. All NP complete problems are
NP hard but some NP hard are not NP complete. A problem is NP hard if and only if its at
least as hard as NP complete problem.


 NP complete problems:
Normally decision problems are NP-Complete problems. Non deterministic polynomial
time complete problems. The diagnosis is made through the visual analysis of tissue
samples by pathologists. However, this analysis is susceptible to intra- and inter-
pathologists variability in addition to being a complex and time-consuming task. To deal
with these challenges, image processing methods are developed for application on
historical images obtained through the digitization of the tissue samples. To do so,
feature extraction and classi_cation techniques are investigated to aid pathologists and
make it possible a faster and more objective diagnosis de_nition. This process
continuously goes till end and goal is being achieved. Thus problem is comparable with
Knapsack Problem.
The complexity of software is O (O (n) = O (n))which is again compatable with Knapsack.


Charity Link

we calculate complexity of our project algorithm and define it is a NP Complete
or NP-Hard problem


Software Testing
1) Unit Testing
Unit testing, also known as component testing refers to tests that verify the
functionality of a specific section of code, usually at the function level. In an object-
oriented environment, this is usually at the class level, and the minimal unit tests
include the constructors and destructors. These types of tests are usually written by
developers as they work on code (white-box style), to ensure that the specific function
is working as expected. One function might have multiple tests, to catch corner cases or
other branches in the code. Unit testing alone cannot verify the functionality of a piece
of software, but rather is used to assure that the building blocks the software uses work
independently of each other. In our project we will test following modules separately.
Module for unit testing will be
• Pre-process Image.
• Image Decomposition.
• Feature Extraction.
• Object Recognition.
• Web Information retrieval.

2) Integration Testing
Integration testing is any type of software testing that seeks to verify the interfaces
between components against a software design. Software components may be
integrated in an iterative way or altogether. Normally the former is considered a better
practice since it allows interface issues to be localized more quickly and fixed.
Integration testing works to expose defects in the interfaces and interaction between
integrated components (modules). Progressively larger groups of tested software
components corresponding to elements of the architectural design are integrated and
tested until the software works as a system. To combine the modules below and
combine test full system.
• Image Decomposition.
• Feature Extraction.
• Object Recognition.
• Web Information retrieval

3) Validation Testing
The process of evaluating software during the development process or at the end of the
development process to determine whether it satisfies specified business
requirements.Validation Testing ensures that the product actually meets the client's
needs. It can also be de_ned as to demonstrate that the product fulfills its intended use
when deployed on appropriate environment.
4) GUI Testing
GUI testing is a process to test application's user interface and to detect if application is
functionally correct. GUI testing involves carrying set of tasks and comparing the result
of same with the expected output and ability to repeat same set of tasks multiple times
with different data input and same level of accuracy. GUI Testing includes how the
application handles keyboard and mouse events, how different GUI components like
menu bars, toolbars, dialogs, buttons, edit _elds, list controls, images etc. reacts to user
input and whether or not it performs in the desired manner. Implementing GUI testing
for your application early in the software development cycle speeds up development
improves quality and reduces risks towards the end of the cycle. GUI Testing can be
performed both manually with a human tester or could be performed automatically
with use of a software program. To test whether .net and java GUI is properly managed
as per ow in use case diagram. To test all controls of In GUI testing check weather .Net
module GUI is been Working properly.


Analysis is the process of finding the best solution to the problem. System analysis is the
process by which we learn about the existing problems, define objects and requirements and
evaluates the solutions. It is the way of thinking about the organization and the problem it
involves, a set of technologies that helps in solving these problems. Feasibility study plays an
important role in system analysis which gives the target for design and development.

Feasibility Study
A key part of the preliminary investigation that reviews anticipated costs and
benefits and recommends a course of action based on operational,
technical, economic, and time factors. The purpose of the study is to
determine if the systems request should proceed further.

 Technical Feasibility: The system being developed is economic. It is cost effective in the
sense that it has eliminated the registered work completely. The system is also time
effective because the calculations are automated which are made at the end of the
paper or as per the student requirement. The result obtained contains fewer errors and
are highly accurate as the data is required.

 Economic feasibility: The technical requirement for the system is economic and it does
not use any other additional Hardware and software.

 Behavioural Feasibility: The system working is quite easy to use and learn due to its
simple but attractive interface. User requires no special training for operating the

Technical Analysis The performance of the system can be increased if the
technical analysis is done well. The systems hardware requirements must be taken into
consideration. The software must go hand in hand with the hard ware else the efficiency
of the system deteriorates
I. Changes to bring in the system: All changes should be in positive direction,
there will be increased level of efficiency and better customerservice.
II. Required skills: Platforms tools used this project are widely used.
III. Acceptability: The structure of the system is kept feasible enough so that there
should not be any problem from the users point of view
5.1 Project Estimate
5.1.1 Reconciled Estimate
The Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) is an algorithmic software cost
estimationmodel developed by Barry Boehm. The model uses a basic regression formula,
with parameters that are derived from historical project data and current project
characteristics.It is a method for evaluating the cost of a software package. According to
him software cost estimation should be done through three stages:

1. Basic COCOMO Model

2. Intermediate COCOMO Model
3. Complete/Detailed COCOMO Model

 Basic COCOMO:
Computes software development effort and cost as a function of program size
expressed in estimated DSIs.
There are three modes within Basic COCOMO:
 Organic Mode:
Development projects typically are uncomplicated and involve small
experienced teams. The planned software is not considered innovative and requires
a relatively small amount of DSIs (typically under 50,000).
 Semidetached Mode:
Development projects typically are more complicated than in Organic Mode and
involve teams of people with mixed levels of experience. The software requires no
more than 300,000 DSIs. The project has characteristics of both projects for Organic
Mode and projects for Embedded Mode.


 Embedded Mode:
Development projects must fit into a rigid set of requirements because the
software is to be embedded in a strongly joined complex of hardware, software,
regulations and operating procedures.
The basic COCOMO estimation model is given by the following expressions:
Effort = a1 x (KLOC)a2PM
Tdev=b1 x(Effort)b2 Months


 KLOC is the estimated size of the software product expressed in Kilo Lines of

 a1, a2, b1, b2 are constants for each category of software products,

 Tdev is the estimated time to develop the software, expressed in months,

 Effort is the total effort required to develop the software product, expressed in
person months (PMs).

 Intermediate COCOMO:
An extension of the Basic model that computes software development effort by
adding a set of "cost drivers," that will determine the effort and duration of the
project, such as assessments of personnel and hardware.
 Detailed COCOMO:
An extension of the Intermediate model that adds effort multipliers for each phase
of the project to determine the cost drivers impact on each step.
Example: A distributed Management Information System (MIS) product for an
organization having offices at several places across the country can have the
following sub-components:

 Database part
 Graphical User Interface (GUI) part
 Communication part



It is the most frequently used technique for evaluating the e_ectiveness of
the proposed system more commonly kwon as cost/bene_t analysis.It determine the
bene_t savings that are expected from the proposed system compare them with cost.
The system is economically feasible since it would not entail additional
hardware.thereby savings on the costs the manpower involved in economical feasible
study we do some calculations.


Requirement 30/- 20H 600
Design Code 50/- 30H 1500
Code 50/- 20H 1250
Testing 40/- 40H 2400
Implemention 60/- 10H 400

Phases Time
Analysis 20H
Design 30H
Coding 20H
Testing 30H
Documentation 20H
Maintenance 40H
Total time 160H

5.2 Risk Management

NP-hard (non-deterministic polynomial-time hard), in computational

complexity theory is a class of problems that are informally, quote ;at least
as hard as the hardest problems in NP quote ;. A problem H is NP-hard if and
only if there is an NP-complete problem L that is polynomial time Turing-
reducible to H (i.e., LTH). In other words, L can be solved in polynomial time
by an oracle machine with an oracle for H. Informally, we can think of an
algorithm that can call such an oracle machine as a subroutine for solving H,
and solves L in polynomial time, if the subroutine call takes only one step to
compute. NP-hard problems may be of any type: decision problems, search
problems, or optimization problems. If there is a polynomial algorithm for
any NP-hard problem, then there are polynomial algorithms for all problems
in NP and hence P = NP; If P NP, then NP-hard problems have no solutions in
polynomial time, while P = NP does not resolve whether the NP-hard
problems can be solved in polynomial time.

1. Have top software and customer managers formally committed to sup- port
 No
2. Are end-user enthusiastically committed to the project and the sys-
tem/product to bebuilt?
 No
3. Are requirements fully understood by the software engineering team and its
 Yes
4. Have customers been involved fully in the definition ofrequirements?
 No
5. Do end-users have realisticexpectations?
 Yes
6. Does the software engineering team have the right mix ofskills?
 Yes

7. Are project requirementsstable?

 Yes
8. Is the number of people on the project team adequate to do thejob?
 Yes
9. Do all customer/user constituencies agree on the importance of the project
and on the requirements for the system/product to bebuilt?
 Yes
There are quite different types of risk analysis that can be used. Basically, risk analysis
is used to identify the high-risk elements of a project in software engineering. Also, it
provides ways of detailing the impact of risk mitigation strategies. Risk analysis has also
been found to be most important in the software design phase to evaluate criticality of
the system, where risks are analyzed and necessary counter measures are introduced.


The main purpose of risk analysis is to understand risks in better ways and to verify and
correct attributes. A successful risk analysis includes important elements like problem
definition, problem formulation, data collection.
Risk analysis is useful in many situations:

I. When you're planning projects, to help you anticipate and neutralize possible
II. When you're deciding whether or not to move forward with a project.
III. When you're improving safety, and managing potential risks in the workplace.
IV. When you're preparing for events such as equipment or technology failure,
theft, staff sickness, or natural disasters.
V. When you're planning for changes in your environment, such as new
competitors coming into the market, or changes to government policy.


If there is a possibility that the achievement of a goal is harmed, prevented from
occurring or suffers negatively due to the occurrence of uncertain events, we call it the
risk.These so-called uncertain events can be caused by different factors. An efficient
risk management analysis should be able to attend to every one of them to be able to
identify them promptly in each of the listed cases:

Personnel risks:
Caused by a lack of Knowledge about technology and training to perform functions.
There is a possibility that errors are intentional, this is the result of the dubious
The main risks from personal issues are:
 Unintentional; resulting in omission or negligence.
 Cannot perform task because lack of ability.
 Lack of time management.

Process Risks:
The occurrence of internal process deficiencies like inadequate performance
indicators, inefficient controls, modeling failures and an inability to abide by the
current laws.

Systems risks:
Arising from inadequate, poorly structured or defective IT systems. Some examples:
 Intermittent networks
 Server crash
 Physical damage to data storage components
 System obsolescence
 Improper maintenance
 Power outage from internal causes
 System slowdown
 Security holes


1. In rural area most of the time Internet will not be available so our system
may not work.
2. If reviews not available and false review are there then systems results will
3. If provide wrong input then system will show wrong output or it may fail.

1. System may get fail during review database.
2. Results may get fail.

The risks for the Project can be analyzed within the constraints of time and quality


1 Internet Low Low High High
not available
2 False review Low Low High High
3 Incorrect Low Low High High
Table 1.1


High Probability of occurrence is >75%

Medium Medium Probability of 26-75%
occurrence is
Low Low Probability of occurrence is <25%
Table 1.2



Following are the details for each risk


Risk Change of
Description requirements

Category Software requirement


Probability Low

Impact High

Response Mitigate

Risk Status Occurred

Figure 1.3


Risk Human Errors

Category Software Scheduling Risk

Probability Low

Impact High

Response Mitigate

Response Identified
Figure 1.4

5.3 Project Schedule


Project task set:
Major Tasks in the Project stages are:
1) Task 1:Topic Finalization
2) Task 2: Market Analysis
3) Task 3: Requirement gathering
4) Task 4: Detailed design
5) Task 5: Implementation
6) Task 6:Integration
7) Task 7:Module Testing
8) Task 8:Detailed Documentation

5.4 Task Network


5.5 Timeline Chart

5.6 Team Organization

Team consists of 4 members and proper planning mechanism are used and roles of each
member are defined.

Team structure :
The team structure for the project is identified. There are total 4 members in our
team and roles are depend. All members are contributing in all the phases of project.
Management reporting and communication: Well planning mechanisms are used for
progress reporting and inter/intra team communication are identified as per requirements
of the project.

Task Name
Paper Selection Group Members Name 1, Group Members Name 2
Literature Survey Group Members Name 2, Group Members Name 3
Architecture Group Members Name 3, Group Members Name 1
Algorithm Group Members Name 4, Group Members Name 3


Mathematical Group Members Name 2, Group Members Name 4
Construction Group Members Name 1, Group Members Name 3
Testing Group Members Name 3, Group Members Name 4
Deployment Group Members Name 2, Group Members Name 4, Group
Members Name 1

Management Reporting :
1. Status Reports
2. Risk Reports
3. Resource Reports

Management Reporting And Communication

1.Feedback: Provides a feedback, which ensures to the user that the organization (which
develops the software) understands the issues or problems to be solved and the software
behavior necessary to address those problems.
2. Decompose problem into components: Organizes the information and divides the
problem into its component parts in an orderly manner.
3. Validation: Uses validation strategies applied to the requirements to acknowledge that
requirements are stated properly.
4. Input to design: Contains sauciest detail in the functional system requirements to devise
a design solution.
5. Basis for agreement between the user and the organization: Provides a complete
description of the functions to be performed by the system. In addition, it helps the users
to determine whether the spiced requirements are accomplished.
6.Estimating costs and schedules: Determines the requirements of the system and thus
enables the developer to have a 'rough' estimate of the total cost and schedule of the


1st Discussed about paper selection and search for 10 paper.
2nd Prepared the literature survey and staring work on the synopsis.
3rd Submitted synopsis and PPT of the project.
4th Discussed about canvas model and idea Matrix and also explain NP-Hard
Week and NP-Complete.
5th Discussed the functional dependency and graphical representation and
Week als discuss the UML and DFD diagram.
6th Discuss the functional principal f the project and also discuss the test
Week cases.
7th Discus the project planning and progress report and submitted plagiarism
Week report.
8th Submitted soft copy of latex report.
Table :Management Report

Stakeholder List


1 Project Sponsor(If Applicable) Yes/No
Project Type Application
2 Customer
3 Users
4 Project Team Member Name 1

System Implemetation Plan


1 Introduction and Problem defination / /20 / /20 Completed
2 Literature Survey / /20 / /20 Completed
3 System Requirement Gathering / /20 / /20 Completed
4 Feasibility Study / /20 / /20 Completed
5 System Analysis / /20 / /20 Completed
6 System Design / /20 / /20 Completed
7 Conclusion / /20 / /20 Completed


PERT chart

FIG:PERT chart


1. Increased visibility and reach: A charity link-ngo collaboration welfare portal
provides a centralized platform for NGOs to showcase their initiatives and connect
with potential donors and partners. This increases the visibility and reach of the
initiatives and allows them to attract more resources and support from various
stakeholders in the community and beyond.
2. Improved resource mobilization: A charity link-ngo collaboration welfare portal
facilitates resource mobilization efforts by providing a platform for NGOs to share
resources, collaborate on initiatives, and access funding opportunities. This helps
NGOs to maximize the impact of their resources and achieve their goals more
3. Enhanced collaboration and partnership building: A charity link-ngo collaboration
welfare portal promotes collaboration and partnership building by providing a
platform for NGOs to connect with each other, share best practices, and learn from
each other's experiences. This helps NGOs to build stronger networks and
partnerships, which can lead to more effective and sustainable initiatives.
4. 4. Better data management and analysis: A charity link-ngo collaboration welfare
portal allows NGOs to manage and analyze data related to their initiatives, such as
donations, resources, and outcomes. This helps NGOs to make more informed
decisions and improve the effectiveness and impact of their initiatives.
5. Increased transparency and accountability: A charity link-ngo collaboration welfare
portal promotes transparency and accountability by providing donors and
stakeholders with access to detailed information about NGOs and their initiatives,
such as financial reports, impact reports, and verification reports. This helps NGOs to
build trust and credibility with their stakeholders and demonstrate the effectiveness
and impact of their initiatives.
6. Improved accessibility and inclusivity: A charity link-ngo collaboration welfare portal
promotes accessibility and inclusivity by providing a platform for NGOs to reach out
to marginalized and underprivileged communities, such as women, children, and
persons with disabilities. This helps NGOs to address the specific needs of these
communities and promote social and economic inclusion.
7. Enhanced impact measurement and reporting: A charity link-ngo collaboration
welfare portal allows NGOs to measure and report the impact of their initiatives in a
more systematic and rigorous manner. This helps NGOs to demonstrate the
effectiveness and impact of their initiatives to donors, stakeholders, and
policymakers, and also to learn from their experiences and improve their initiatives
over time.

 Disaster relief and management: In the aftermath of a natural disaster or emergency, a
charity link-ngo collaboration welfare portal can facilitate the coordination and
collaboration of NGOs and other stakeholders in the relief and rehabilitation efforts.
This allows NGOs to pool their resources and expertise, avoid duplication of efforts, and
respond more effectively and efficiently to the needs of affected communities.
 Healthcare and sanitation initiatives: A charity link-ngo collaboration welfare portal can
facilitate the collaboration of NGOs working on healthcare and sanitation initiatives,
such as disease prevention, maternal and child health, and water and sanitation. This
allows NGOs to share resources, expertise, and best practices, and also to access
funding opportunities and partnerships.
 Education and skill development initiatives: A charity link-ngo collaboration welfare
portal can facilitate the collaboration of NGOs working on education and skill
development initiatives, such as school construction, teacher training, and vocational
training programs. This allows NGOs to share resources, expertise, and best practices,
and also to access funding opportunities and partnerships.
 Women's empowerment initiatives: A charity link-ngo collaboration welfare portal can
facilitate the collaboration of NGOs working on women's empowerment initiatives, such
as gender equality training programs for women entrepreneurs and women's leadership
training programs for women politicians. This allows NGOs to share resources, expertise,
and best practices, and also to access funding opportunities and partnerships.
 Persons with disabilities initiatives: A charity link-ngo collaboration welfare portal can
facilitate the collaboration of NGOs working on initiatives for persons with disabilities,
such as disability rights advocacy programs and disability-inclusive education programs.
This allows NGOs to share resources, expertise, and best practices, and also to access
funding opportunities and partnerships.
 Sustainable development initiatives: A charity link-ngo collaboration welfare portal can
facilitate the collaboration of NGOs working on sustainable development initiatives,
such as renewable energy projects, sustainable agriculture projects, and sustainable
waste management projects. This allows NGOs to share resources, expertise, and best
practices, and also to access funding opportunities and partnerships.
 Mental health initiatives: A charity link-ngo collaboration welfare portal can facilitate
the collaboration of NGOs working on mental health initiatives, such as mental health
awareness programs and mental health treatment programs for vulnerable populations.
This allows NGOs to share resources, expertise, and best practices, and also to access
funding opportunities and partnerships.

1) Wi-Fi / Internet connection should be always Available.
2) The portal may have technical limitations, such as slow loading times, compatibility
issues with certain devices, and limited functionalities. These limitations could hinder
the user experience and discourage some NGOs and charities from using the platform.

Future Scope:
To expand and improve the Charity Link-NGO Collaboration Welfare Portal, several steps can be
taken.The platform can increase its scope by partnering with more NGOs and charities in
different locations and areas of expertise, which will increase the number of organizations that
can benefit from collaboration and broaden the platform's reach. The platform can enhance its
technical capabilities by improving loading times, device compatibility, and functionalities to
improve user experience and attract more NGOs and charities. Advanced security measures
such as multi-factor authentication, encryption, and regular security audits can be implemented
to build trust in the platform and encourage more organizations to share sensitive information.
The platform can seek grants, corporate partnerships, and individual donations to increase
funding for maintenance, upgrades, and expansion.A revenue-generating model, such as a
subscription fee or fundraising campaigns, can be implemented to ensure the platform's long-
term viability and ability to provide comprehensive services and features to NGOs and charities.

In conclusion, the Charity Link-NGO Collaboration Welfare Portal has the potential to
significantly impact the social sector by facilitating collaboration between NGOs and charities.
To maximize its potential, the platform should continue to expand its scope, enhance technical
capabilities, improve data security, increase funding, expand collaboration opportunities,
enhance communication channels, improve accessibility, and ensure sustainability. By
implementing these strategies, the platform can provide comprehensive services and features
to NGOs and charities, increase the potential impact of collaborations, and contribute to a more
effective and efficient social sector.


4) Websites:
 GoFundMe:
 Kickstarter:
 Indiegogo:
 DonorsChoose:

5) Open-Source Donation Portal Projects:

 Charitable: WordPress donation plugin -
 Handbid: Open-source auction platform -


 BenevoLent: Fundraising and donation website project -

6) Research Papers and Case Studies:

 Bassett, R., & Ahern, L. (2011). Online Fundraising and the Quest for
Donor Loyalty.
 Shang, J., & Muir, R. (2010). Effective Online Fundraising: Insights from
Research and Practice


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