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II ‫ هندسة بيئية‬/‫أسم المقرر‬ ‫ كلية الهندسة‬-‫جامعة قار يونس‬

CE 455 /‫رمز المقرر‬ ‫قسم الهندسة المدنية‬

‫ ساعات‬3 /‫زمن االمتحان‬ ‫فرج المبروك‬.‫ا د‬/‫أستاذ المقرر‬

03/2008 / 29 :‫تاريخ‬ ‫االمتحان الغير مكمل‬

: ‫أجب عن جميع األسئلة‬
Q1. (30 Marks)

In attached map is shown the street lay out for a district of city for which
a sewage system is to be designed . For purpose of design, the average
daily flow of domestic sewage will be 180 L/c.d . and the population will
be 130 persons per hectare . It is also assumed that we wish ratio of the
depth of flow in the pipe to the vertical size of pipe would be 70% and
30% will be empty for ground water infiltration . It is necessary to have
the top of the sewer not less than 2.00 m. below the pavement surface .
Permitted depth of sewer is 6.00 m. below the pavement surface . An
intercepting sewer is to be placed along the highway and it is not going
to cross to the highway . Minimum and maximum velocities are 0.65
m/s and 3.0 m/s respectively . No pipe should be placed less than 200
mm. in diameter.

Disposal poit

Q2. (20 Marks)

Determine the pipe size and velocity of flow , used to drain an )a(
area of 270,000 m2 with slope 1 : 300 . If the time of concentration equal
to 50 minutes and runoff coefficient may taken as 0.35 . For rainfall
intensity use the formula I = 750 / ( t + 10 ) where the intensity in
. ( mm /hr ) . Manning constant = 0.013

Find the maximum served population by pipe has diameter of 305 mm ) b (

which laid in minimum slope .the water consumption can be estimated as
200 L/ c.d . and maximum allowable velocity in pipe must be not more than
.0.75 m/s . assume 75% of consumption water returns to sewer

( c ) With aid of sketch , what are the main types of pipe joints used for:
concrete pipe - steel pipe.

Q3. (15 Marks)

(a) With aid of sketch write a short note on patterns of sewerage system?
(b) How is grade string set for sewer placement?
( c ) Vitrified clay sewer with pipe diameter of 203 mm. is being placed
in a 0.60 m wide trench at depth of 6 m to the pipe invert . The
backfill is saturated clay with density of 2000 kg/m3 .Determine the
strength of pipe and type of bedding that should be used for factor
of safety of 1.5 .

Hint : Wd = 9.8 Cd ρ Bd2

Where; Wd =load on buried pipe as result of backfill, N/m..
Allowable load = supporting strength ( N/m ) / factor of safety
Supporting strength = Crushig strength × load factor
Supporting strength = D load × diameter × load factor

Q4. (20 Marks)

Show that the minimum cycle time for a pump station occurs ) a (
when the inflow is equal to one-half the discharge
Ө = tr + tf = { V/( Qout – Qin )} + ( V / Qin)

What are the main type of pumping stations used for sewarage ) b (
.systems? Explain in brief one of them

A pumping station receives an average wastewater flow of 5 m3/ hr. ) c (

If the minimum flow was found to be 0.6 m3/hr. and the maximum flow was
16 m3/hr. Select the suitable pump discharge and the running time, if the
.allowable cycle time Ө is12 min.< Ө < 90 min
Hint : Ө = tr + tf = { V/( Qout – Qin )} + ( V / Qin)

? What is the main purposes of wet well in sewage pumping stations ) d (

Q5. (15 Marks)

? What is the different between sewage and sewarage )a(

?What are the main classification of sewers )b(

?With aid of sketch,discuss the main types of sewers ) c (
Explain :Average flow, Dry weather flow (DWF) and maximum flow )d(
Explain the importance of Time of Concentration in storm runoff )e(

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