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How to get a flood of new clients free of charge
after one visit to a referring doctor
It’s Time To
Amplify Your Practice
Without Expensive Marketing
This eBook will show you how you can achieve a flood of doctors
referrals from doctors and nurses that actually refer to you regularly.

It's heartbreaking when you spend so much of your precious time

going and visiting doctors, buying them lunch, delivering a great
message and a great experience, to then have to play the waiting
game…waiting for doctors to start referring their clients to you, but
then nothing happens.

Having completed hundreds of doctors meetings and lunches to date,

I will show you the step by step process I use to motivate doctors to
refer their patients to my Clinic.

We often think that if we get the doctor on side and tell

them everything amazing about us and all the things we
do, that we will impress them enough to win them over.
However, you could not be further from the truth. The truth
is that doctors really only care about a handful of things
when referring to you as an allied health professional. They
care about their time, their reputation, and how quickly you
get your reports back to them.
In this eBook, I share with you exactly how to target all three of these areas.

What tends to happen is that we only focus on getting the doctor on side. Little did you know that at some
practices it is only the nurses that deliver the chronic disease management plans. So we need to nurture the
relationship with the referring nurses as well. Feel free to ask if you can please speak to the Chronic Disease
management plan nurse.

What you also need to do is take something that you can give to the doctors and nurses that is an irresistible offer
that can help you stand out against your competitors. We hand out a $50 gift card in the form of a business card.
We give each doctor a couple of these. They select patients to give them to that don’t qualify for a chronic disease
management plan. You also need to ask the doctor to sign the back of the card to activate the card before handing
it out. What this does is it places a lot more value onto the voucher when the doctor signs it in front of the client.
This works really well.

We can’t forget to get the reception team on board. It's amazing to find out how much influence the admin team
has with the Doctors and nurses about referrals and clients etc. What you can do is bring something small to give
to the admin staff out the front on arrival. Instead of experiencing the typical welcome in the waiting room, you
will see their mood change for the better.

Once you build a strong relationship with a doctor or nurse, you don’t always need to book in with the whole
medical centre anymore. You can contact each doctor or just the referral nurses for follow up meetings. This way
you can bring the individual a coffee or lunch and help make this referrer extra special. You will then watch the
referrals come flooding in.

Corey Rickit
Step 1:
Get In Front Of The Doctor
To actually get in front of doctors, we first want to research all of the Medical
Centres within a 10km radius. Make a list of them all and book in for each
meeting in advance. Some Medical Centres can take up to 6 months before
the next available meeting.
Then, we need to double check that they actually host these types of
meetings at the medical centre. Call each Medical Centre “As a fellow health
professional” and ask them if they do doctor’s lunches or morning teas with
health reps?
They will tell you either yes or no. If yes, then ask them how you go about
booking in.
If not, say “Just as a matter of interest who there does the care plan
referrals?” 9 times out of 10 they will give you the name of the nurse who
does the care plan referrals.
Ask if you could speak to her. They will either transfer you through or if not,
ask if you can book in a time to speak to that person.
Medical centres that allow lunches of this type will allow you to book in with
them in a couple of different ways.
They may ask you to visit to make an appointment.
They may require you to visit in person in order to place your name down in
their yearly planner.
Or, they may allow you to book in directly over the phone.
Step 1:
Get In Front Of The Doctor
Research Medical Centres in your areas

Write down a list of Centres and numbers to call

Contact all Medical Centres to ask if and how you

go about booking in for a morning tea or lunch

Go to the Medical Centre and put your name down

on their yearly calendar for a date

Ask them to make an appointment in their calendar

Go to and book an appointment

Ring and book an appointment with an individual

appointment with a doctor or nurse
Step 2:
Prepare For The Doctor’s Meeting
What NOT to do…You don’t want to turn up to the How about the chronic disease management plan
doctor’s meeting with not enough lunch, or even worse, nurse? Ok, this will confirm numbers. Also, are there
food that they don’t like. Secondly, if a doctor arrives at any dietary requirements? And Is there anything they
the meeting and they see food they don’t like, they will don’t like or is there something that the Reps bring
quickly say that they haven't got much time today and regularly?
they need to be quick.
Knowing all of this critical information will save you so
The other key to look out for, especially with the online much time and hassle leading up to the meeting on the
booking system through, is that the day.
system can accidentally book multiple bookings on the
Before you arrive you also want to create a little
same day at the same time. Also, It can just cancel
doctor’s information pack to give to each doctor as you
your booking on you for no reason.
meet them.
Knowing this, what you need to do is make sure you
With your pack, simply buy A5 clear plastic envelopes
contact the medical centre the day before to confirm the
and place a print out of all of the team and what they
specialise in, a brochure, business cards for each
I suggest you add a task for your admin team to do this practitioner and extra information about what you do.
on your behalf and ask them to leave the notes in your It's an added bonus to add a small gift inside too.
calendar for you to refer to just in case you forget to do it.
When you phone, all you need to say is “Hi, it's XYZ from
Clinic Name. I am just calling to confirm tomorrow's
doctors lunch, YES - confirmed. Ok, thanks. Also, how
many doctors will be in attendance? And will any nurses
be attending?
Step 2:
Prepare For The Doctor’s Meeting
Confirm your meeting

Make sure you ask dietary requirements

How many doctors and nurses are going to be in


Anything they would prefer not to have for lunch

or morning tea

Prepare packs to take to them on the day

Step 3:
Understand What The Doctor Actually Wants
When I got this step right, the game changed and we How has your day been?
started to receive a flood of referrals from doctors. What
How long have you been here at this practice?
most people do and please don’t fall into this trap, is start
talking about all the things that you do and your team What days are you in?
does and all the steps you take to do what you do. That's about enough, then it's straight into your pitch.
Remember, the key thing they care about is what
“So, [Drs First name], what separates [Clinic Name]
separates you apart from everyone else, their reputation,
from the rest is [ 1- 2 points that separate you from the
their time, and client results. If you impress them they
rest] Example: “What separates [Clinic Name] from the
may also end up wanting to know why and how you get
rest is our extended first appointment time. What we
the results you do.
have found is that all the magic to help your patients
This is how you do it. move well and feel great happens within the duration
When you meet a doctor, stand up, shake their hand and of the initial consultation. Typically, a lot of places
confirm their first name. They are always called by Dr spend just 30 minutes with clients at this first visit and
Last Name. So when you call them by their first name it we now realise that this is just not enough time to:
deepens your relationship and as a fellow health • Establish a rapport
professional, you can do that.
• Complete assessments
Start by saying “It's great to meet you, I know you’re
busy so we won’t take much of your time today” this • Complete testing
instantly relaxes them knowing you have their time as • Perform treatment, and
your number one priority.
• Deliver a treatment plan
Start with a little small talk but not too much.
Step 3:
Understand What The Doctor Actually Wants
If people walk away with just 1 of these steps missing after the initial
appointment, it drastically reduces the chances of this client getting the
results they want and we want for them. So, what we do is actually
spend a full 60 minutes going through everything in detail so they walk
away with certainty and clarity about what the road to recovery looks like
from start to finish.”
And this is the magic bullet: You say “So what this means for you is
instead of your patients coming back to you saying “ I tried that and it
didn’t work, “What else can you do for me? They say: WOW, thank you
for referring me to [Clinic Name], it changed my life”.
This is an example you can use to get amazing results, but you can tailor
it to whichever point works for you and your practice, but please
remember what doctors care about:
• They want to know what separates you from the rest
• They want to continue with a great reputation
• They value their time
• They value their client results
Step 4:
Provide An Easy Step By Step
Process On How To Refer
Remember to ask for the referral before you finish up with the
meeting. It’s amazing how many times people forget this step
and leave the doctor not knowing the best ways to refer.
Example 1. The easiest way to refer: “If you make the referral
out to [Clinic Name], when your patient calls we will ask them
the right questions to find out who they are best suited to see.”
Example 2. Give them a voucher or business card. “If they
don’t quite qualify for a plan, all you need to do is pass this
along to your patient and ask them to call us and we will
organise the rest for you”

• Educate the doctor or nurse on how to best refer with

Chronic Disease Management Plans
• Educate the doctor or nurse on how to refer privately
Step 5:
Maintain Your Relationship
With The Doctor
Once the meeting has finished, it’s critical like any relationship, to
continue to nurture the work you have done.
You may ask to rebook the next meeting in their calendar, I
suggest going back every 3-6 months to keep the relationship
If they operate through online bookings, go onto
and rebook as they often book out well in advance for these
types of meetings.

In order for them to keep stock of your material and continue to

hand out to their patients, it's worth continuing to drop brochures
and business cards between visits
• Rebook back in for a follow up meeting
• Drop materials for the medical centre to use between visits.
20-minute “Getting To
Know You” Discovery Call
In order for you to get the best results possible and get Z
a flood of new referrals. I suggest booking in with me
directly in my calendar using the link below for an
obligation free discovery call. During this call I would
love to find out more about your current situation and
offer you my recommendation on your next steps
moving forward.


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