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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2023/2024

Kelas/Semester : VII/1 Hari/Tanggal : ......................................


I. Jawablah soal - soal berikut dengan benar

My name is Jack Ortiz. But please call me Jack or Carlitos. Carlitos is a Spanish name which means that
Masculine in English. I was born in Texas on 31 October 1998. I am 18 years old. I live in Austin No. 40
Round Rock, Texas. I live with my parents. I am single and I am a student. I study at The University of Texas.
I have taken Business as my major. Because business is my passion and I can prove to the world that I’ve
chosen the right choice. I will be an entrepreneur in the future. I will have my own business and my own
office with a thousand employees. I am a Catholic. My blood code is O. I like playing the guitar and listening
to music. I play and practice the guitar every night before I go to sleep. In my opinion, the man with the guitar
is the coolest art in a single picture. I like playing and listening to blues music because it makes me relax and
peaceful. You will agree with me if you like blues music. I am inspired by Slash, he is one of my favorite

I would like to tell my family. My father is Antonio Ortiz. He is Mexican and he is 57 years old. His job is a
mechanic. My mother is Grace Helena. She is American and she is 52 years old. She is a housewife. I have
no brother but I have a sister. She is Samantha Ortiz. She is 28 years old. She is married and has a son. I
am the last child in my family.

I think that’s enough. Thanks for your time and your attention. It’s nice to see you. Good Morning.

Answer the following questions based on the text above!!

1. What is his name

2. Where does he come from

3. What is his hobby?

4. Where he lives?

5. Where does he Study?

6. What is his religion

7. What are his aspirations?

8. What is his blood type

9. What is h0is father's name?

10. What is his mother's name?


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2023/2024

Kelas/Semester : VIII/1 Hari/Tanggal : ......................................


Jawablah soal - soal berikut dengan benar

Tandem Race

I've always been a competitive person, so when I heard about the Bakiak Race, I was Immediately
intrigued. Bakiak is a traditional Indonesian Race where two people run together, one on each leg of a long
bamboo pole. The race is known for its challenges, but I was confident that I could overcome them.
I trained for months with my partner, and on the day of the race, we were both feeling confident.
The race was long and difficult, but we kept going. we had to coordinate our movement perfectly and we
had to stay balanced on the bamboo pole. but we worked together as a team and we never gave up.
In the end, we crossed the finish line in first place! It was an amazing feeling to have won the race,
but it was even more amazing to have shared the experience with my partner. We had worked together as a
team and we had achieved something great together.

1. What is the name of the traditional Indonesian race when two people run together, one on each leg

of a long bamboo pole?

2. What is the most challenging part of the Bakiak Race?

3. What did the author do to prepare for the Bakiak Race?

4. What was the most rewarding part of the Bakiak Race for the author?

Tug of war

I remember one Independence Day when I was a child, my family and I went to a neighborhood gathering. there
were many traditional games being played, including tug of war. I decided to join a team with my friends annd we
were matched against a team of older boys.
We were the underdogs , but we were determined to win. We cheered each other on, and we pulled the rope
with all our might. In the end, we were victorious! We were so excited and we celebrated our victory with shouts
of joy.
tug of war is a great way to celebrate Independence Day. It is a fun and challenging game that teaches the
importance of work team and strength. I am grateful for the memories I have of praying tug of war on
Independence day, and I hope that I will be able to continue playing this game for many years to come.
6. What is the most important factor in winning a tug of war?

7. Why is it important to have a good position in tug of war?

8. What is the best technique for winning a tug of war?

9. What are some of the challenges of playing tug of war

10. Mention some of the competitions you took part in on Independence Day


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Pelajaran : 2023/2024

Kelas/Semester : IX/1 Hari/Tanggal : ......................................


Jawablah soal - soal berikut dengan benar

Situation: Dina heard that Chanda won the first prize in the national skating competition this year. Dina wants to
congratulate Chandra.

1. What should Dina say to Chandra?

Denny: My mom told me that you finally got a scholarship to Australia. Congratulations and good luck!

Tommy: Thanks. That's very kind of you.

Denny: Don’t mention it. I hope _________.

2. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ….

George: Happy wedding. I wish you a lifetime of happiness.

John: Thank you. You are my best friend.

3. Why does John say thank you?

Situation: Tiara got a promotion in her office because she has been the best employee for 5 months in a row. As a
good friend, Sammy wants to congratulate her.

4. What is the right expression?

Sam: Did you know that I just opened a new business in New Castle?

Timmy: No, I didn’t. That sounds great. Congratulations on your new business.

Sam: Thank you. Any wishes for me?

Timmy: Of course. I _________

5. To complete the dialogue, the suitable expression is ….

Mark: I saw your hard work and I think you deserve it more than anyone. Many congratulations on your
achievement. I cannot find a word to describe my happiness for you.

Shawn: _______. It means so much to me.

6. What is the right expression to complete the dialogue?

Shania: I just knew that your project is nominated as the best project of the year.

________ You have worked so hard.

Stephen: I can’t find a word to thank you. You have been one of my support systems.

7. The correct expression to complete the dialogue is ….

8. Due to the long holiday during the great nine students having the try out, all seventh grade students
have to complete their English homework from page 50 to 56. How many students are having the try
9. Siti has just got the first prize in the “Bakiak race” to celebrate Indonesia Independence day.

Beni congratulates her.

What does Beni say to congratulate Siti?

Beni : ”....................................................”

Siti : ”Thank you.”

10. Why did aunt Farah send the card? Because….


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