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Arduino Uno as Air Quality Monitoring System

Background of the Study

The researcher observed that air pollution is a severe
problem in our community nowadays. Therefore, the researcher
thought that by using the field of robotics and by utilizing the
Arduino Uno to make a Air Quality Monitoring System to detect an
good or bad quality of air. Air pollution is one of the most adverse
issues in the environment. It causes major effects like cancer,
heart diseases and lung diseases etc. Air pollution which is caused
by solid, liquid particles and some gases that are present in the
air. These particles and gases are evolved by industry, transport,
factories (Raju et al., 2018).
Health problems have been growing at a faster rate mostly in
the urban areas of developing countries where industries and
numbers of vehicles lead to the release of a lot of gas pollutants. It
has an adverse impact on the living organisms like humans,
animals, food crops etc. It may result in allergies, harmful diseases
such as cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases and can also cause
death. Every year nearly 1.2 million Indians die due to air borne
pollutants. According to the survey, due to air pollution 50,000 to
100,000 premature deaths over a year occur in the U.S whereas in
the EU the number reaches to 300,000 and over 3,000,000
worldwide (Raju et al., 2018).
In this air quality monitoring system, Arduino Uno, MQ135
gas sensor, LCD 16x2 display and some other components will be
used in this system. Arduino has high speed and compatibility
compared to the others. MQ135 gas sensor is used to detect the
harmful gases which present in the air and can be measured
accurately and it shows the concentration in PPM. Air Quality
Monitoring System monitors the air quality using the Arduino and
the LCD 16x2 display will send the message if the air has either
good or bad quality.
Statement of the Problem
Generally, the study aims to detect a good and bad quality of
air by using the Arduino Uno as Air Quality Monitoring System.
Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following

1.) How can Arduino Uno as Air Quality Monitoring System

detects the good and bad quality of air?
2.) What is the importance of using the Arduino Uno as Air
Quality Monitoring System?


Ha: The Arduino Uno Air Quality Monitoring System will be

able to detect the good and bad quality air.

Ho: The Arduino Uno Air Quality Monitoring System will not
be able to detect the good and bad quality air.

Significant of the Study

The results of the study may be significant to Advance

Technology, Protecting Public Health, Healthy Environment

This study maybe significant to the following:

Advance Technology, the study may contribute to the field

of technology to help in developing the Air Quality Monitor in
detecting the good and bad quality of air.

Protecting Public Health, the results of the study may

benefit to the community in protecting public’s health.
Healthy Environment, the results of the study may help the
environment to achieve a healthy living place.

Scope and Delimitation

The study is focused on Arduino Uno as Air Quality

Monitoring System in detecting the good and bad quality of air.
This study aims to monitor the good and bad quality of air in one
particular area.

Definition of Terms

Arduino Uno, it refers to the board that controls all the

components that will be used in Air Quality Monitoring

MQ135 Gas Sensor, it refers to the sensor that will detect

the good and bad quality of air.

LCD 16X2 Display, it refers to the display that will send the
message if the air quality is good or bad.

LCD Breakout Board, it refers to the board that will be

connected to LCD 16x2 Display.
Jumper Wires Cable, it refers to the wires that will be use to
connect all the components to the Arduino Uno.

Conceptual Framework

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