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Writing a thesis is a challenging and demanding process that requires a significant amount of time,

effort, and dedication. The task becomes even more daunting when the topic involves complex
scientific research, such as the development of a tsunami warning system. This subject demands not
only an understanding of the underlying physical phenomena but also an insight into technological
solutions and policy implications. The research must be thorough and up-to-date, incorporating the
latest advancements in the field. Students must navigate a vast array of scientific articles, technical
reports, and case studies, making it a formidable endeavor.

The process involves several stages, starting with a comprehensive literature review to identify gaps
in current knowledge and define the research question. Following this, students must design a
methodology that is both scientifically rigorous and feasible within the constraints of their resources.
Data collection can be particularly challenging, requiring access to specialized databases, instruments,
or fieldwork. The analysis must be meticulous, employing appropriate statistical or computational
techniques to interpret the results accurately. Finally, the findings must be presented in a clear and
coherent manner, adhering to strict academic standards.

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Giving other observational programs access to the DART platform (especially, use of the acoustic
and satellite communications capabilities) provides an opportu-. TCOM 510 Wireless Networking
Soumya Sen, Prerit Gupta, Redwan Kabir. Outline. Tsunami Tsunami Detection System (TDS)
Previous Underwater Sensor Networks Current Research on Tsunami Detection Acoustic Sensor
Networks in TDS Conclusion. According to Yoon (2002), the prevention and mitigation of tsunami
hazards depend on the accurate assessment of the generation, propagation and run-up of tsunamis. In
hydrodynamical computations problem arises when the theoretical model applies to an infinite or
semi-infinite region. In the presence of a tsunami, therefore, a missile might be misdirected from its
target. The TWCs can receive this data in near-real time either via Geostationary Operational
Environmental Sattelites (GOES) over the National Weather Service Telecommunication Gateway
(NWSTG) or via the Tsunamis Stations’ website ( ). For example, Song (2007) used coastal GPS
stations (E-W and N-S horizontal measurements) to infer displacements on the seafloor offshore
using the location of the fault and inferring the vertical uplift from conservation of mass. Tsunami
near-real-time observation systems (including seismic, water level, and oceanographic) and data
management systems (including modeling and archiving) are key elements of IOOS and GEOSS.”.
In addition to having access to raw water level data via satellite transmission, CO-OPS collaborated
with the TWCs to develop a webpage ( ) to disseminate 1-minute water level data. Magnitudes
determined at shorter times will necessarily underestimate the true size of the earthquake. To date,
only one of the models (ATFM) is fully operational, although the SIFT model is being transitioned.
There is a time leg in tsunami propagation time due to the tsunami source and the boundary
condition. Conclusion: The transfer of the DART technology from research (PMEL) to operations
(NDBC) did not include the establishment of mechanisms for scientific or operational feedback from
PMEL or the TWCs into the management of the program. The NWS also works with other federal,
state, territorial, local and international partners to ensure that coastal communities, residents and
visitors understand their tsunami risk and what to do about it and know how to respond to tsunami
alerts. Additional open questions include dependence of U.S. tsunami warning activities on sea level
data supplied by foreign agencies and on sea level data derived from U.S. and foreign gauges that do
not meet NOAA’s standards for establishment, operation, and maintenance. The representation of the
island boundaries are done this way so that the whereabouts of them have not been lost in the
transformed domain. Given the wide array of uses of the existing seismic networks, GSN can
generally be viewed as a data network that is likely to be continued, well-maintained, and improved
over the long-term. Power or signal outages may occur and postpone or prevent the delivery of the
warning. Eight minutes after the earthquake, the PTWC issued a Tsunami Watch for Honduras,
Belize, and Guatemala. So the computational coasts often become excessive. Since the speed of the
tsunami is related to the water depth, as the depth of the water decreases, the speed of the tsunami
diminishes. Since the response of the 2004 Indonesian tsunami reached every distant corner of the
globe, it is necessary to estimate the response along a particular region due to a source located far
away from that region. This includes monitoring for tsunamis and the earthquakes that cause them to
provide timely and accurate tsunami messages. Recommendation: The committee recommends that
NOAA and the TWCs consider the use of arrays and networks such as Hi-Net and EarthScope
Array National Facility to determine rupture extent and moment of great earthquakes. The
earthquake itself, if severe enough, may have already disrupted local communications, destroyed
structures, and cut evacuation routes, as happened in Samoa during the September 29, 2009, tsunami
( ). It is possible that isolated gauges near historically tsunami-producing seismic zones would be
considered highly important, while individual gauges among a relatively compact group of gauges
might be considered less important (although the need for at least one gauge within the group might
be considered highly important). Recommendation: For the purpose of developing more rapid and
accurate warnings of local tsunamis, especially along the Washington and Oregon coasts, the
committee recommends that the TWCs coordinate with the NEPTUNE-Canada and OOI
observatory managers to ensure that their seismic and bottom pressure data are (or will be) made
available in near-real time to the appropriate telecommunications gateways. At the present time,
however, the NEXT constellation is not being touted as a tool for operational tsunami warning.
Because of the fundamental differences in nature between the solid earth in which an earthquake
takes place and the fluid ocean where tsunami gravity waves propagate, the vast majority of
earthquakes occurring on a daily basis do not trigger appreciable or even measurable tsunamis. There
are many regional and international early warning systems installed all across the globe.
For example, if there were a very large subduction zone earthquake (moment magnitude 9.0) off the
west coast of the United States, people in Japan, would therefore have more than 12 hours (and
likely warnings from warning systems in Hawaii and elsewhere) before any tsunami arrived, giving
them some time to evacuate areas likely to be affected. The coastal and island boundaries and the
other open boundaries of the model domain are represented by some functions so as to generate the
boundary fitted grids. Appendices include historic tsunami information, key resources, and NTHMP
partner contact information. Potential users include the general public, the media, educators,
community officials, and public information officers in NTHMP partner agencies. The importance of
accurate forecasts of maximum wave height was illustrated quite clearly in the wake of the recent
Chilean earthquake on February 27, 2010. In recent years, the UHSLC, recognizing the potential
importance of its stations to tsunami hazard mitigation, has upgraded many of its stations to short
period sampling and reporting ( ). Recommendation: The TWCs and the NOAA Center for Tsunami
Research at PMEL should continue to work together to bring the SIFT tsunami forecast
methodologies into full operational use. Its capability to detect a tsunami was proposed following the
1992 Nicaragua tsunami (Okal et al., 1999), and it achieved a definitive detection following the 2004
Sumatra tsunami, with a signal of 70 cm in the Bay of Bengal (Scharroo et al., 2005; Ablain et al.,
2006). (See also the preceding topic, “ Continuous GPS Measurements of Crustal Movement.”).
However, the IOC website does refer back to Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL), the
British Oceanographic Data Center (BODC), and the UHSLC for low-frequency and high-frequency
research quality sea level data. This can yield very rapid determination of the generation (or not) of a
sizable tsunami, thus providing a capability for producing some modicum of warning to the near-
field coasts. This webpage allows users to view both 6- and 1-minute data numerically or graphically
for all tsunami-capable tide stations in increments of up to 4 days ( Figure 4.2 is one example). Like
the near-real-time data, all water level data displayed through the CO-OPS tsunami webpage are raw
and unverified at this time. The technique used for acoustics, however, is similar to seismic back-
projection. Once the tsunami is recorded by the DART sensor, the pre-computed wave time series
(wave heights and arrival times) are compared to and scaled using the observed wave time series by
minimizing a least square fit. The value of the DART stations in the Northwest Pacific is primarily for
the detection of medium to small tsunamis, in order to confirm that a large tsunami has not been
generated and thus avoid the issuance of an unnecessary warning with its attendant costly
evacuation. SOURCE: Weinstein, 2008; Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, NOAA. A warning center
located in Jakarta runs non-stop, receiving data from all sensors. Recommendation: NOAA should
regularly assess the numbers, locations, and prioritizations of the DART stations, in light of
constantly changing fiscal realities. Modeling tsunamis based on seismic data alone is currently not
very accurate, as noted in the above section on Detection of Earthquakes. Unfortunately, until a
reliable model is able to predict which earthquakes will produce significant tsunamis, this approach
will produce many more false alarms than verified warnings. In particular regional tsunami numerical
models should be developed to develop the early warning system. The transformed shallow water
equations (21) - (23) together with the boundary conditions (25) - (27) are discretized by finite
difference (Forward Time Centered Space) and are solved by a conditionally stable semi-implicit
method. But for distant tsunami the propagation phase becomes more important, since the time
required for propagation is much longer than those for other phases (Yoon, 2002). The Meeting,
hosted by the Government of Italy (Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry for Environment
and Protection of the Territory), was attended by more than 150 participants from 24 countries, 13
organizations and numerous observers. It provides a resolution to the problem of the long-period
component of the seismic source by simply allowing measurement during a time window long
enough to be relevant to tsunami generation even for nearby sources. An accurate warning will tell
them exactly how high they need to go. NOAA’s success in fulfilling this important mission relies on
the ability to quickly detect a tsunami, which is accomplished through networks of advanced
observation systems. The mission of the UHSLC is to collect, process, distribute, and analyze in-situ
sea level gauge data from around the world in support of climate research. By that time, however, the
static offsets will begin to be apparent, allowing the inference of offshore displacements and realistic
assignment of magnitudes (as little as 4-5 minutes after the initiation of faulting). Even though most
are small and nondestructive, tsunamis pose a major threat to coastal communities. In some
locations, this consideration is more important than the seismic wave noise issue; DARTs have been
placed as close as 15 minutes of tsunami travel time from the closest source.
History of microscopy. 1665. 1673. 1880. History of microscopy. 1720. Today’s microscopy.
Partnership Program Government of Thailand - National Disaster Warning Center U.S. Department
of Agriculture Forest Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It is not known
whether the UHSLC’s operational standards meet or exceed the NOS NWLON maintenance
standards. Event mode is triggered when internal detection software in the BPR identifies anomalous
pressure fluctuations associated with the passage of a tsunami. As a tsunami leaves the deep water of
the open sea and propagates into the more shallow waters near the coast, it undergoes a
transformation. Recommendation: NOAA should regularly assess the numbers, locations, and
prioritizations of the DART stations, in light of constantly changing fiscal realities. But for distant
tsunami the propagation phase becomes more important, since the time required for propagation is
much longer than those for other phases (Yoon, 2002). The relatively minor damage and small loss of
life caused by a quake of this magnitude and of the tsunami it generated, was largely due to low
population density in the region and to the unique bathymetry and coastal geomorphology along this
segment of the Chilean coastline. A tsunami usually happens in places like California, Hawaii, Japan,
Indonesia, and Africa because of all the earthquake and volcanic activity in the Pacific Ocean and
Indian Ocean. There are two distinct types of tsunami warning systems: international and regional.
However, the high cost of DART acquisition and maintenance may preclude any significant network
growth. Locations are determined based on their historical risk for tsunami or seismic events.
Although these models forecast wave height reasonably well, forecasting the inundation remains a
challenge. More importantly, such warning could be the only way to notify the people to evacuate in
the event of a tsunami earthquake that, because of its peculiar temporal evolution, generates a
tsunami of greater amplitude than would be expected from the small amount of ground shaking.
Nowadays the best way for avoiding the tragedy is to use Tsunami Warning System (TWS) to
forecast. By that time, however, the static offsets will begin to be apparent, allowing the inference of
offshore displacements and realistic assignment of magnitudes (as little as 4-5 minutes after the
initiation of faulting). Such systems are capable of issuing warnings to the general public (via public
address systems and sirens) in less than 15 minutes. A network of seismicity measuring stations is
installed in the ocean, sometimes in combination with GPS buoys. This parameter can have some
influence on the generation of tsunamis in the near-field; however, for far-field tsunamis generated
by megathrust earthquakes, theoretical studies (Ward, 1980; Okal, 1988) have shown that the
probability of tsunami excitation is moderate for depths less than 60 km. As it was, the Midway
Island record confirmed that the tsunami was not going to significantly threaten lives or property in
the main Hawaiian island, and no evacuation order was issued. This seismic noise can be reduced
significantly by locating the instruments no closer than 30 minutes of tsunami travel time from the
closest possible source, after which time the seismic body and surface waves will have passed. Since
the build-up of the DART network began in 2006, it has experienced significant outages that have a
potentially adverse impact on the capability of the TWCs to issue efficient warnings, use near-real-
time forecasts, and cancel the warnings when a tsunami threat is over. Data interpretation tool(s),
jointly applied to the seismic and bottom pressure data, will need to be developed to realize the most
rapid tsunami detection possible. The radar stations are typically installed on high bluffs overlooking
the shore, above any possible inundation. Strong currents can injure and drown swimmers and
damage or destroy boats in harbors. In the case of Nias and Sumatra, both continuous GPS data as
well as campaign GPS data were available. In some locations, this consideration is more important
than the seismic wave noise issue; DARTs have been placed as close as 15 minutes of tsunami travel
time from the closest source. This technology works well for measuring tides and other long period
phenomena, but even if the sampling rate is increased from hourly to minutes the true tsunami signal
may not be well observed given these filtering effects. Two cases, Bio-Bio (2010) and Ofunato
(2012) have issues that are not definitively resolved, but do not constitute counter-examples. At each
boundary point, the time histories of heights and velocities are used to initialize the boundary
Others require much more development before they will become useful. Therefore, a tsunami
warning system should not only provide timely warning of a destructive tsunami, but also should
avoid issuing “false alarms.”. These observations are consistent with other issues raised in a report by
the Inspector General of the Department of Commerce about the need to make improvements to
some of NDBC’s buoy maintenance operations (U.S. Department of Commerce Office of Inspector
General, 2008). The NWS also works with other federal, state, territorial, local and international
partners to ensure that coastal communities, residents and visitors understand their tsunami risk and
what to do about it and know how to respond to tsunami alerts. In a staggered grid system, since
every dependent variable is computed at any one of these three types of points rather than at every
point, the CPU time is reduced. These forecast models allow the TWCs to make more accurate
tsunami wave predictions than were possible without them, enabling more timely and more spatially
refined watches and warnings (e.g., Titov et al., 2005; Geist et al., 2007; Whitmore et al., 2008). The
PTWC was able to forecast reasonably well the observed tsunami heights in Hawaii more than five
hours in advance of the Chilean tsunami arrival ( Appendix J ). Local governments. Tide gauges.
Water-level. Tsunami buoys. The book describes areas of research and development that would
improve tsunami education, preparation, and detection, especially with tsunamis that arrive less than
an hour after the triggering event. For example, of the 12 DART II stations listed as inoperative on
May 11, 2009, 8 were listed as “adrift.” In other words, the mooring line holding the surface buoy
had parted so that the surface buoy had drifted away from the location of the BPR. They also
support the NOAA Tsunami Program by educating the public, local officials, and the media about
tsunamis and tsunami safety. When operating, the seismic alerts are used to instigate the watches and
warnings. Still, the country has dramatically improved its technologies ever since. NCEI data assist
in planning for, responding to, and mitigating future events. Such a process is well established in the
National. In the deep ocean, tsunami waves are often barely noticeable, but can move as fast as a jet
plane, over 500 mph. Of special concern is the relatively poor survivability of the DART sta-.
Caribbean A Caribbean-wide tsunami warning system has been planned to be instituted by the year
2010, by member nations representatives who met in Panama City in March 2008. The response of
the tsunami source due to 26 December 2004 Indonesian tsunami is computed along the western
open boundary of the model domain. A detailed description of the estimation of the extent of the
earthquake rupture as well Science of Tsunami Hazards, Vol. 31, No. 1, page 11 (2012) Page 12. The
technical memorandum provides a starting point for continued refinement of the siting decisions and
extension of the DART array, if necessary, while also providing information to aid efforts by the
international community to extend the network coverage. The alternative approach would be to
invest the majority of resources into improving the DART station reliability to get closer to the. The
networking and computational requirements are significant and would need to be included in TWC
upgrades in the future. Locations are determined based on their historical risk for tsunami or seismic
events. However, the effect of a tsunami source along a particular coastal area far away from the
region of interest may be significant if the waves move through deep Ocean. An open boundary is an
artificial boundary of a computational domain through which propagation of waves or flow should
pass in order to leave the computational domain without giving rise to spurious reflection (Joolen et.
al. 2003). The main purpose of using the open boundaries is to enable waves and disturbances which
originate from within the model domain to leave the model domain without affecting the interior
solution of the mathematical model. This separation in mission runs the risk of developing tsunami
efforts that neglect the earthquake hazard within NOAA and vice versa within the USGS. A
comprehensive and effective warning system requires that communities and individuals are prepared
to respond to tsunamis and have taken steps to reduce potential impacts. There are two distinct types
of tsunami warning systems: international and regional. Once such techniques reach an operational
status, they could contribute to tsunami warning. On the other hand, it may be feasible to develop a
land-based detector of sea-surface roughness using over-the-horizon radar technology.
Reliable and well-accepted determinations of earthquake size (the “moment tensor solution”—or the
product of fault area with the amount of slip) are possible, but these estimates are necessarily based
on long-period surface waves arriving too late to be useful for tsunami warning, which strives for
initial estimates within five minutes of the first measurements having been received. More
importantly, such warning could be the only way to notify the people to evacuate in the event of a
tsunami earthquake that, because of its peculiar temporal evolution, generates a tsunami of greater
amplitude than would be expected from the small amount of ground shaking. At present, the two
TWCs do not use the epicentral, hypocentral, or magnitude estimate provided by the NEIC. The left
panel shows the sea level displacements after one hour and the right panel after two hours. It is made
up of two Captions are provided by our contributors. Science of Tsunami Hazards, Vol. 31, No. 1,
page 15 (2012) Page 16. In the open ocean, SIFT-predicted amplitudes (although not the phases)
agree fairly well with the observed. Nevertheless, successful evacuations have occurred during the
recent events in Samoa and Chile. This boundary condition is applied in the absence of the source in
the model domain to simulate the effect of far field tsunami. Such systems are capable of issuing
warnings to the general public (via public address systems and sirens) in less than 15 minutes. These
parameters of the DART network clearly deserve frequent re-consideration in light of constantly
changing fiscal realities, survivability experience, maintenance cost experience, model improvements,
new technology developments (even new DART designs), increasing international contributions, and
updated information on the entire suite of siting issues listed in Box 4.1. In addition, simulations of
the effectiveness of the DART network, under. The information would not be useful for alerting
nearby communities but could have provided meaningful warnings for Sri Lanka and more distant
countries. As well, NOAA describes in its Tsunami Warning Center Reference Guide (U.S. Indian
Ocean Tsunami Warning System Program, 2007) the performance and maintenance standards it
recommends for sea level stations that are intended to aid tsunami detection, forecasting, and
warning activities. History of microscopy. 1665. 1673. 1880. History of microscopy. 1720. Today’s
microscopy. Song tested the method against geodetic data from the 2005 Nias, 2004 Sumatra, and
1964 Alaska earthquakes. Furthermore, the relatively narrow zone of subduction is affected by
buoyancy forces of the bounding oceanic ridges and fractures and is characterized by shallow
earthquakes that can generate destructive tsunamis of varied intensities (Pararas-Carayannis, 2012).
NOAA has established and maintains two essential sea-level observation networks. Strong currents
can injure and drown swimmers and damage or destroy boats in harbors. Following Roy (1998), the
vertically integrated shallow water equations for tsunami computations are (1) (2) (3) where u and v
are the velocity components of flow particle in x and y directions, f is the Coriolis parameter, g is the
acceleration due to gravity, Cf is the friction coefficient. The report also recommends better
coordination on research and development projects between the two NOAA centers to avoid
duplication of efforts. The radars could provide accurate and rapid observations of tsunami waves
before they make landfall and thereby aid in the formulation of better warning products. There are 4
further lessons on tsunamis Each lesson is meant to help you organize, analyze and evaluate the
information you have gathered Complete all 4 tasks to the best of your ability. For this purpose the
boundary fitted curvilinear grid model of Karim et al. (2007) is used as the source model to compute
the response of the source of Indonesian tsunami 2004 along the western open boundary of the
model. Consequently, sea level observations intended for tsunami detection are now often
accomplished inside a tsunami-hardened station equipped with a rapid-sampling pressure, acoustic,
or microwave sensor with an orifice set apart from the structure (National Tsunami Hazard
Mitigation Program, 2008). Thus the model result shows a quite good agreement with the study of
Tsuji et al. (2006) for the Phuket region. Figure 7. Contour of maximum water elevation due to the
boundary condition around the west coast of Thailand and Malaysia. To date, only one of the models
(ATFM) is fully operational, although the SIFT model is being transitioned. Based on feedback from
you, our users, we've made some improvements that make it easier than ever to read thousands of
publications on our website. Furthermore, subsequent to collection, the data need to be carefully
processed through a set of rigorous quality control procedures to maximize the value for model
validation after the fact (U.S. Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System Program, 2007).
Recommendations to address these two concerns fall under the following categories: (1)
prioritization and advocacy for seismic stations; (2) investigation and testing of additional seismic
processing algorithms; and (3) adoption of new technologies. It is used to identify regions at risk,
validate tsunami forecast models, help position DART systems and coastal water-level stations, and
prepare for future events.
For example, the PTWC gauges on the Big Island of Hawaii will provide about 20 minutes of
warning for Honolulu should a large amplitude tsunami be generated by an earthquake or landslide
on the Big Island. SOURCE: Weinstein, 2008; Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, NOAA.
Nevertheless, some smaller earthquakes could trigger submarine landslides that can result in local
tsunamis. Ice Storms. Ice storms happen usually in mostly America, Oklahoma it is basically rain that
falls through freezing air. Both the satellite measurement and the spectroscopic measurement are
subject to experimental errors. As well, NOAA describes in its Tsunami Warning Center Reference
Guide (U.S. Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System Program, 2007) the performance and
maintenance standards it recommends for sea level stations that are intended to aid tsunami
detection, forecasting, and warning activities. Furthermore, a seismometer is limited by its
mechanics and electronics to recording signals smaller than some threshold; arbitrarily large
displacements can be measured by GPS. Coastal stations with a broad user base have enhanced
sustainability. When the tsunami enters the shoaling water of coastlines in its path, the velocity of its
waves diminishes, and the wave height increases. For generating tidal oscillation in a limited area
model through a boundary, the open boundary condition is generally formulated by associating a
sinusoidal term, containing amplitude, period and phase, with the radiation type of boundary
condition (Johns et al., 1985; Roy, 1995) and this is described as, at (33) where a is the amplitude, T
is the period. The eastern coastal boundary, along y-axis, is situated at and the western open-sea
boundary, parallel to y-axis, is at. The detection methodology uses dense arrays of GPS receivers,
because large-scale fluctuations of the ionosphere affect the propagation of the electromagnetic
waves from the GPS satellites, thus distorting the signals recorded at the receivers. Other federal and
state activities to increase tsunami safety include: improvements to tsunami hazard and evacuation
maps for many coastal communities; vulnerability assessments of some coastal populations in several
states; and new efforts to increase public awareness of the hazard and how to respond. There are few
new technologies that promise such revolutionary approaches for improving tsunami warning,
especially in the near-field region. The cabled NSF OOI Regional Scale Nodes (RSNs) to be
deployed off Washington and Oregon and the existing NEPTUNE-Canada network (see above)
could support both bottom pressure gauges as well as hydrophones in the SOFAR channel for
enhancing tsunami research and warning in the Cascadia area. Through its research efforts, NOAA
continues to make advances in tsunami detection, observing, forecasting, and warning to improve the
timeliness, accuracy, and accessibility of alerts. The data loss also reduces post-tsunami model
validation capability. Figure 4.7 indicates how network availability steadily declined to a low of 69
percent in February 2009. However, as previously noted, this indirect seismic method is limited in the
accuracy of its estimates of the strength of the tsunami, usually underestimating the tsunami
potential of large earthquakes and tsunami earthquakes. Once the tsunami is recorded by the DART
sensor, the pre-computed wave time series (wave heights and arrival times) are compared to and
scaled using the observed wave time series by minimizing a least square fit. A system that requires
unanticipated maintenance visits using costly ship time reduces availability of funds for other
activities. Such movements can transport vast amounts of water, creating huge waves. This is why
the computed arrival time is delayed by up to 30 to 40 min compared to the arrival time when the
source is considered within the model domain. But the most powerful and destructive aftermath of
this devastating earthquake is the tsunami that it caused. This chapter reviews and evaluates the
technological detection and forecasting capabilities of the U.S. tsunami warning centers (TWCs)
paying specific attention to the infrastructure of the earth and ocean observation networks and to the
data processing and tsunami modeling that occur at the TWCs. In general, most alternatives are not
adequately sensitive to serve as a replacement for present technologies, with which small waves (.
Primary funding for the UHSLC comes from NOAA’s Office of Global Programs (OGP). One
forecast will say, “The wave’s going to be 10 feet high.” Two minutes later: “The wave is 3 feet
high.” Our approach reduces these fluctuations, particularly when offshore sensors are far apart. In
order to maintain the current DART network configuration, adequate resources are needed for
maintenance, including funding for unscheduled ship time to effect repair and replacement of
inoperable DART stations. Therefore, this center is canceling the tsunami watch it issued earlier”
(Pacific Tsunami Warning Center Message, May 27, 2009). The speed of propagation of the
atmospheric gravity wave, however, is very low and presents an even greater complication than that
described above for acoustic propagation in the ocean’s SOFAR channel.

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