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MARCH 2020


a. The phrase mentioned in the above question” Through others I am someone” refers
to having an identity through the relationship and interaction with others. Whether it
be our family, friends circle, co-workers or strangers, our interaction with others binds
An example of this is someone who has many cattle to give some to those who have
none, for them to keep and care for, as mentioned in the AFL1502 study guide. This
act is believed to empower both parties. The receiver becomes empowered by giving
them the opportunity to care for and grow his own cattle and to pay it forward by
empowering others, even by just spreading the word. The giver is empowered as this
act is believed to make the giver more prosperous.
This is further explained by Abeba Birhane, in an article on AEON.CO ” Relationships
inform self-understanding. Who I am depends on many ‘others’: my family, my
friends, my culture, my work colleagues. The self I take grocery shopping, say, differs
in her actions and behaviours from the self that talks to my PhD supervisor. Even my
most private and personal reflections are entangled with the perspectives and voices
of different people, be it those who agree with me, those who criticize, or those who
praise me.”


b. To a large extended one can consider language and culture are linked and perfectly
blends together, therefore language can be viewed as a verbal expression of culture.
Cultural interests and concerns are displayed through language. Important aspects,
such as social standing, educations and beliefs, of a particular culture are revealed
through vocabulary and sentence construction therefore language is used maintain
and convey culture and cultural ties.

c. Vowel and Consonant

• Vowels consists of a,e,i,o,u and are the first sequence of sound.

• All the sounds of the first sense are pronounced with the accompaniment of
the voice.
• Vowels are always voiced with a free and open-air stream through the speech
• Vowels are always voiced as it moves through the vocal cords.
• Consonant includes b,t,s and x and are the second sequence of sound.
• Consonants shows some sound having voice, while other do not.
• They may be voiced or voiceless.
• The air stream used to form or articulate them is either totally cut off or


a. IsiZulu: Umama upheke uphuthu izolo ntambama. (Mother cooked porridge yesterday
i. The subject concord in the isiZulu sentence is U.
In the African languages the noun, as subject of the sentence (Umama), must always
be connected to verbs by means of a subject concord. The subject concords are
stemmed from the class prefix of the noun.

ii. The Zulu noun consists of two essential parts, the prefix and the stem. Nouns are
clustered into noun classes based on the prefix they have and mostly according to
what they mean, with each class having a number.

iii. Verb in this sentence is upheke (cooked)

The use of the verb in this sentence is singular (‘U’mama) and is in the perfect past
tense for due to its suffix –ke. The extension shows that there are different forms a
verb can take when its root is extended.

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