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a S Rajeetann Mahigs Ii aeunzr- ands Amitgbteer { rcoelea tlre 29, se ee Oy | cre oad ji heh opplied tp a mechanical tompment and sai dace’ change jis magnitude Or clirectim with respect +o tim The enginessing materials qs CLassigiedt in pte. Gemnps = cluchle and brittle materials. — [Act mats eso had Qrelah a large tensile, fcemgth before fracture takes place. | | On tre dN hank a bre materiul has ce Aetati Amul tensile Strength practise takes plare. | tho following three model of failwie — | () Foiture bf chaste clepreeticy (hantmasionshafty d | GU feuiluns phe yplatd ing (Aetite mederiss 10) Porcilure et factuse C tenttle materiel) ty Faslure $4 elastic cleformahin Sn_applicatioy Live pranamssin Snaft supperting | i Ho _ mar) my ra Acting onthe shat Loita st epee) df cible eloLhe onithans “A detygn Ouch Cages Ia Failule by penal giclding'- & mechanical component _ made J duthle matetial lames ie energy umefulness clue embwunt ic_defmS dpm . i Shris 44 reathod.. corrideaable batten of +o Cemnfo nent mn ee | i TI DG jaime eating inte ey Shes Oncwonpady yletd sens ta ef a mafertal i fnp Prop. when cp eared say ipa ies U_YeSfricted 10a very Amall partion > te Corp iy Cecil fectursd — —— made 5 brite metirial Leate. 10 pode Sudden frtrs withoutan Piel * atten 4n such _casek l4timate +tendile mech te material £3 on impaiant poopsiy. tn ceksmiat tne climension a #hose _tormpmenp” Variable Spreigol's as t 1 - = = \steesd LL sell | aes | ete [Ginean | F Senin I Time “4 E <. etuating. cheat =z Repeated There ix a section. or at the disuntinuit | reduce the Shress__Contentration , understands Flew), similarty bhw vel cert stress disttbution in an_axialt {tt 6 prefectty lea ice) te use | ftuld anate: of Jos niferm | himensio The e945 of flewo_potential in | eireses cpblenbialincin solid Cmenhanina “oe: same: | understand _the__phenomena of Shecss Contentrat7on + when the cress = section ef a channel ha +b! hy the Velovities gan uniform ono the. “Shreamlineg are equally spaced. |ae flow ok any _Copsi— Seotiory within the chenas de_given’b a Q os aal | dimensions dhreyphout the stresses ore er. ——|-Stetes__lincs_are_equaify spaced the aa od an} | Section 16: given be | weduied phe_Velonity racreater jn oreler de maintol | pe leda _dhen thle cress Section op the _chonnel_ic Suda: fhe Some. Flew and the — Shreamrnel become narrewer Land narrower and crewed pegether- fe a xtaller —plainoronmn’-Descebeer ed tet a deesied ake (In order te frantmit the same force the Stress fii Comes__closer__cund closer. as the cross-section is reduced - — acheived by the - ae *doa_strers _Janes_bends- when ther? 16 Sudden. 4 Lat sth ef crots~ Section the sfream|ine os wel) | Creed = Seehien _ pbending of stress tinei_ts ay shay i severt _wesulbing in stress Conewnbrat'on In__prachce, reeluchen of _shrese — ceniarati (a) poor es prererret methods oF reducing shrews tencentrefin _jn_Gychindrice) members usith sheutdes. ede yee ed ; as a = Socket ay” at Me Clemence. an sl A) eater jai Shich gre _used s +o Comreh, pao co-axial reel oak to_either alas tenaile for 40% ciwviad’ compressive force’ The. puxprse of hres 1 analysis the qgiasumption foltecomg Hem | The de_ ane___subjeoted..te._aeidy tensile force E us The 2ffect “stress -Conneniriierr—_dasc_te Hey shot | id hegleoted . The shestes dure to inittel tigthening t thea cprter ane regi on reds ts) inside lia. of socket (mm oiler (mm) u_ Gy _Ssockep’ = totes -Cinm) - a ef slot te the end of spigot b= mean _twiclth of - cotter (mm) = = C= O8ied distance fren slot te enol of socket lolly t= thickness of cotter (mm) tis thickness of Spigot LE ~___Each rod of, ton temic force P- The tensile _ fod 15 given by —___Fenile ~S-hret_in.the _ Spigot ——— = Xt Eee] | ou [re at aaj} Shear failure of cottex” _ The_tetter” i8_subjected tnd publesher | the grea the each & * the fubedanss that resish. _| shear failyre 18 bb __ wy - WZ _—— = _Thia _spiget.. end 18 Subjected 4p cleulbe shear os shewn fp The area _of each of trbeleng the} resist shear feilyn -| 14. axda. Therefere shear stress of spigot end is ven by Wi Pe 5 ae ee E Rlade){ = La “eee glad zie i a lee, ae 5 shear failure of socket end :~ wren tender “Shea tes geeeetse, fyeaz (AW-d2) x © This Socket end is also subjected +o double sheqy as _gheton in fg: The axeq of ~€ach_ of: the fubelers thet atsist sheay Failure 16 (ely-da)xc - =e - H3{dunde) zi [ez dire XTC) a _Cviid Crashing failure of spiftt end i— 7 stress_ on a narrou woielth ala. pesos force . zl __larectengle area of thict - _Peoyendi wala © the plane of the paper: es ee hingiawe yt ee aoa oe a - ia - 2 the ferces_p_Couter Compressive shrest tno narrow recta! ——reetong] 21 qreq of thickness t . The ofher__elimension of _ ih rangle encitular te the plane of Pape rey Et nisi reckons ewer P Therefore Womprestive__Shress_ef_secteet end _______ ll , t ee Pan : Bice ee aE Bending. fedlure of Beoding moment 15 max: of _cenbre Design procedure fer cotter joint t= (| Calewlate jhe chiameter of each red by equation 1= far il a3 : UiD|__Coleulate the thickness fp the teter bys ~ te 0-3d ay. Coleutote the diameter do tg the spigot on the basis feraile Stress : (F wee _cwametty_of spigot toliar a & dy age sd dyad hae cuimensipns a and ¢ ~ = o-tsd + —: = a cia) theck the. _Crithing end _sheer Sbstes _In the Secicet ; ue pe uirtd te slesign a cotter joint te gennect oo = SHEA} reds of _egue} dvameser Each vod ig subjected te om ania} tensile forte ok S0KN Design the point anol sperify its main dimensions. Port I selection of materiel plain. carbon steel (3%, ) — | Part? _Seleetinn wf factor of safery SESE won lm % —F8:S fer rod , spigot and coucet® nal is 0: SFY cotter 4 QxYoO _ 193.33 N]mm2 € hy it — ae - Soy = OSSyL | OT RUEP 45 55 lent Pe Figgas = Fs é 7 a é oan jE = : : 26 Ste at dpmaois ieodiaae | Fe q - j - bes teiSOi a O89 agp dam os q 7 ST - 7 —- _ Part T= Cofuilafe elimensions — Stee Dia rp reds 7 < dz [ie = [Yxsexie? = 30.4% 32mm re wx bbOF - Step 2 thickness eter teesid = 03) (82) = 9.92 5 10mm dlp? = 12732 = 954-88 4 - | a + KET EI BB) 4 |_step 4 outer lia. & (dy Socket oe a ae = Fa?) -e= a) te ____— 7 seers a= ye?) aif a= ue) US] | = 1a7gd) ~ ROWS S9=° ns - hag £ ICRF V(rgeur 9) et 2S ee ae er spiger collar igs 184 _4 psxg2= Yarn | Step d= chee fer & and Tim spigot end Ee = P = sexs? = (25 N] mmr ta, Texyo " ae OIF EO ll paar 2ada QX2U Xt 33 _V) m2 “ 8e<_ 133-33 n]em 4 T step. 9- cheese Sc &T in Socket end — foe ee 8 - (durdayt (Ge-4oX!?) —_ ee or = sexiee oe = 26:04 N)mm* See sc 133-33 wlmm™& T & 33-33N mmm? _ |_Step lo- thickeners of cpiget tation — a } dis wusd 20-4532) =/¥sSismm - Knuckle Joint i= oe lil tameal aero thar eh | aves either _twineide or _smtersect and ie _in_ene | tenuciie joint ~ is used fo connect 00 Yeele_oht _lapplication - joints in valve mechanism ofa ree! procett | Fuleurm fer the levers: __ = | D=_ Diametér of the red (ram) used 79 fronimit avial tensile for The. Kpuckle joint} The__Lonsfructicn of this Jomt permits |imited angular. _movement_hlw reds, abeuf fhe awis oF the pin Thre Joints bho: the link of a bieyele chain: “The fellow! notections gre. _usecl - a a enlarged lia. of perch aod (rom) _ - Dias of the Knuckle PIF - outside dia: of eye or fork (mm) thickness oft each cia. ait pn head ee = distance ef the centre “oF fork radius R “from, dhe ete (mm) hie: wits q7e__Subjected to avijal tenule Force “phe_effeck_of _siress__coneentration due fo poles ine The is uniformly clisfsibuted fn Verrbus par7s - |_Binally these _Sker'gth._e99. Ore used to f1ndl 4s Nariety ctimensions cf the, Kena Mt (Tensile feilvre of Rods 2 —— —te_a tensile force p+ The tens ————Steess_tin the aod iis given by = — 5 F i Eo we pr) ia Tre The enlaryed lia: D) of the vod near the jome 6 cletermined by the following Sop = Aye Shear _faijjuve vf Pin := EIA ap 7D) rejected areq of the pin in Be, eye 15 bd and the iM tress blu the pin & eye ah Bon triangulay sliatribustisn ie “teas! blw en plo_and fo (Nid { Tensile Failure of eye :— | | | Wid! shear £f b> Tensile farlure of Perte: i : grea = 2alde A) t 7 _ oye. ® - [ | aatde-y X Oo. heax Failure ef _ferk = * 7 7 as wah 7 [ a f [-—— = Ba (hea t a a= b-IsD a — be brs D _ b the clia. of the pinhead _ to dpetsd ‘ egor ie aiven by _ —

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