Anglais Ds Tacd 20212022

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Tle ACD Tutorials


I. Jane goes for a job interview at MTN Cameroon and meets the receptionist as well as
the manager. In the discussion that follows, complete the missing elements
accordingly. (5mks)

Jane: Good morning Madame.

Receptionist: Good morning young lady. How ……………………………………………….. ?
Jane: I’ve come for the job interview.
Receptionist: ok get in immediately. The manager is waiting for you.
Jane: Thank you Madame.
(Jane knocks and enters the manager’s office)
Jane: Good morning sir, I’ve come for the interview.
Manager: Good morning young lady. ………………………………………..?
Jane: My name is Jane Aba
Manager: …………………………………………………………………………………….. ?
Jane: I applied for the job of a cashier.
Manager: …………………………………………………………………………………………?
Jane: Yes, I am qualified for the job. I have an HND in Accountancy.
Manager: ……………………………………………………………………………………….?
Jane: Yes, sir I’ve a work experience. I have worked for three years at BICEC bank.
Manager: Ok, that will be all for now. You will certainly hear from us soon. Have a nice day.
Jane: It’s been a pleasure sir. Thank you.
II. Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences below. (5mks)
1) The Prime Minister’s Lodge in Buea ………………………………………… by the
Germans. (to build)
2) People often ……………………………. the lodge because it is very attractive. ( to
3) My father told us that the Germans ……………………………. Buea the capital of
Kamerun during the colonial era. (to make)
4) This was because the mount Fako ……………………………………… as a natural
barrier from enemies. (to stand)
5) When Hanno first ………………………………… mount Fako erupting, he called it the
‘chariots of the gods’ . (to see)


I. Choose the appropriate words from the box to fill the gaps in these sentences. (5mks)

Entertain, beach, return, leisure, visit, enjoyed,


1) Brandon usually indulges in recreational or …………………………………. activities

once every month.
2) Last month he visited the …………………………… in kribi and played on the sand
under the coconut trees.
3) He went there with his friends and they all ……………………………………..
4) They have expressed the wish to ………………………………… there next time if an
opportunity presents itself.
5) During this time they will ……………………………… the Lobe falls and breathe the
natural fresh air that is said to emanate from there.
II. Use correct expressions of your choice to complete the blanks in this cloze passage.
The job market in Cameroon
When my elder sister graduated from the university, she had to stay at home for close
to three years before getting employment. In fact , ……………………. are so hard to find in
One day when our dad came back from work, he brought a news paper with him. While
my sister was reading it, she saw an ……………………………… by a Telecom company that
needed the services of cashiers, drivers, commercial agents, and so on. So my sister
immediately wrote an ………………………………. and dropped it at the head quarters of the
company. Two weeks later, she was invited for an ……………………………….. in which she
skillfully convinced the manager who recruited her immediately. She earns a good
…………………………… and even helps our parents to pay our school fees. But it was not


Julian Peto is a vivacious, attractive mother of three children, married to a well respected man
in Boston, USA. Her husband is charming with the ladies, popular with the men, but there’s a dark
side to Julian’s mate, one that even their close friends do not see. At home, he is a monster. He is
intensely jealous. The problem started after they had been married just for a few weeks. Julian’s
brothers and her mother visited her and she had a good time talking and laughing with them. But
when they left, her husband violently threw her on the carpet wild with rage. She could not believe
what was happening.

Sadly, this was just the beginning of Julian’s ordeal. For over the years, she has been
battered repeatedly. The abuse seems to follow a predictable cycle. Julian’s husband beats her and
apologizes profusely to her and promises never to do it again. His conduct improved at least for a
while, and then the night mare starts all over again. She keeps thinking maybe he’ll change and
even when she runs away, she goes back to him. She fears that one day her husband’s violence will
escalate further.

“He has threatened to kill me, the children and himself,” she says. “One time he put a scissors
to my throat, another time he threatened me with a gun, pointed it at my ear and pulled the trigger!
Fortunately, there was no bullet but I nearly died of fright.”

Like Julian, millions of women worldwide are suffering at the hands of violent men. Many of
them remain silent about their ordeal. They reason that reporting the matter will prove futile. After all,
many an abusive husbands have simply denied charges with such statements as “my wife tends to

It is sad that many women live with a constant fear of attack in one the place they should feel
the safest; their own home. Yet, sympathy is all too often shown to the perpetrators instead of the
victim. Indeed, some cannot bring themselves to believe that a man who appears to be an
upstanding citizen would beat his mate. Consider what happened to a women named Elnas when
she spoke up about the abuse she was receiving from her well-respected husband.

Culled from Go for English, Première.


1) Why is Julian’s husband described as a monster?

2) Do Julian’s relatives know her husband treats her badly? Why?
3) Women don’t report their husbands who abuse them because they think it is futile. This
means it is : ……………………………………………………………………………………………
a) dangerous
b) useless
c) courageous
4) Name two weapons Julian’s husband used to threaten to kill her with.
5) What discourages women to report this violence against them?


1) Describe a tourist site you will like to visit in Cameroon. Where is it located, the special
things we can find there and what pleasures can one get there?
2) The worst thing that can happen to a man is to divorce his wife. Say what is good or bad
about divorce.
3) It is good to obey before complaining. Do you agree with this assertion?Discuss

GOOD LUCK Mr. Alban Tachi.

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