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According to the Latest Syllabus and Pattern of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa , J Elementary & Secondary Education (KPESED) and ETEA/NTS/FTS roa Pe BETTANI SERIES Ui as ee KNOWLEDGE Properly Compiled Concept as well as MCQ's from the Syllabus Ci as US SST (General), CT (BPS-15), PET (BPS-15), DM (BPS-15), TT (BPS-15), AT (BPS-15), PST (BPS-12) & QARI Compiled & Written By Including Mr. Wali Ahmad Bettani All Competitive Exams BA (Finance) & MA (line!) 1, Or. Mati Uliah (MLA English & Ph,0 Education) 2. M. Ismail Khan- (M.Phil Zoology) 3. Mushtaq Anmad~ (M.Sc Mathematics) 4. Ishtag Ahmad (M.Sc Mathematics) ALLIED TECHNIGAL BOOK CE! CENTER Revd Dad =< Mob: 2857 40,” | Scanned by TapScanner pana Contents | Ne Name Page No q PEDAGOGY Tr [Baste Pedigogy Educational Ps s 67-69, GENERAL SSTENCE 70-236 _| General s 70-91 92-117 3 118-147 4 General Science Cla 148-183, General Science Clas: General Science Cl 224-236 3 SOCIAL STUDY 237-300 s 237-273, 32 274-300 301-367 4 Geography Class-6" 301-323, 42 Geography Class- n 324-346 43 Geogr phy. Class- 347-367 389-410 411-434 435-469 435-455 456-469 v Scanned by TapScanner —_— Scanned by TapScanner Holy Books Prophets of Islam Ghazwat Basic English Parts of Speech Articles (a, an, the) Tenses e (Active & Passive voice) 340-545 Narration Speech (Direct & Indirect Narrations/Speeches) 546-553 jass-4™ 554-573 574-600 8.10 English Class-6™ 601-618 811_| English Class-7™ / 619-635 8.12___| English Class-8" 636-651 Synonyms & Antonyms 652-665 Soa 666-802 O1 | Mathematics Class-+" 666-689 92] Mathematics Class-5™ 690-719. 9.3 | Mathematics Class-6" 720-746 9.4 | Mathematics Class-7" 747-770 Mathematics Class-8" 771-802 3 : OKs) sats 805-9105 101 | ghey eae 102 | A yopus 817-835 103 | Poepn 336-851 104 | Py wepur 352-867 105 | A yweyw 368-886 106 | ¢-vweyu Te 887-898 107 | p-vwepus 399-910 vi | Scan erry Scanned by TapScanner SO SY Pl ah 911-983 911-911 } 912-912 _ a "enue Cia 913-921 4 | curt 921-922 Lazu 923-928 YF |he 928-931 1? |x 932-934 18 | Sunavad 934-934 TT [pagar 935-946 THO | Aw 947-958 To | Ay 959-966 | TR | rw 967-973 KOT Ae 974-983 | 12 | Physics 9th & 10th 984-994 Chemistry 9th & 10th 995-1005 lq Biology 9th & 10th 1006-1023 This book contains 1023 pages and weight 1kg. Book own price 990. } Home Delivery service is available | to all over Pakistan through post | office. | For order WhatsAp 70 03119285740 Scanned by TapScanner Pea a eae 2 fel ET hae rT Gass means sorting out things ino group on the bases of PE 2) » o 5) Which group of organtims are found n Three cells #) Single cell b) Two cells Animals um b) Cakes ) Ponds, Lakes and sea forse © gravty «sped 302) People we simple machies beemse: ina 2 they tank things sraler ©) they do the wok Yor es ©) they make work easier 9 ey we ead everywncre 300) What happens toa forbal by applying a forest 1) boston change. 1s weigh caries {) fe shape changes ts color changes 305) ° Which ample machine ts used in byeleto 4) heel and wale b ever dae 4) pulley 81 ger 1) pulleys ombeets beers Thertemjor inversion nthe har of pal 1) lew ‘rincined plane) whe 1 changes sing mation 0 oi motion *) wheel and axle) force inclined plane (dal ofthese itis simple machine whic is wually # long 2) sored b lever) wheel d) axle Scanned by TapScanner GENERAL SCIENCE CLASS-4 28) Teta poston a a yc cl a) fxée 0) mation «) speed) mane 207). Serer mt cracher, whet frown aan semare expe of oie Otel dae Ws wed wo daw waen.ot Pe eal *) puller b force ever all of these The charaeranc¥af force we a force rakes he eject move low 1) frce makes the je move fa €) farce chang th detonate o Deve that makes work eater called sree eee 4 6) one of the ‘simple machine edo it the ay sec a face ©) alles 1) inetined plane 10) a) by ever 4) mone of these KE fk ea: ‘Which riachine consists of grooved wheel? al lever ») ples Inclined planed) rar Avhand dell const of to tutually perpendicular a2) a), Glass ts made from 4) sugar b) sand“) plastic d) rubber About what percentage ofthe Earth's surface ts land? am 21% 1) 29% 30% 323) To make things reusable is called 9) reeveling by) cae ©) eyeling 1) one of these 320) An example of non-renewable resources ‘agi solar energy) sold) alt 325). The base material that humans get fr lane ‘sea or aut i called resource s)environmental 6) mates furan made 4) all of these 326) About of the land eulstated in the world”? 2% HU Ise gd) 2m 327) On the globe blue color represent ND Treasure of Knowledge Pocrranisccs | GENERAL SCIENCE CASS-4 a ee ae ©) 27° Nogust os an ATE ene oe © forest. an 2G 0 ea 2 Rha oe ef) Turtat, ‘aoe wy pei >) wndenmresied (MO) Which of the following resources are Sno oe © acer b pilleys sheets i leavers 310) The major invention ithe history of mankind *) pulley 1) level ) inclined plane”) whee 315) I changes sliding motion ito rolling motion ‘hnclined planed) all ofthese {46 » simple machine which is usually 4 long vod, 4) speed b) lever) wheel dh ane The lever that turns around cerain pote is called 1) machine ‘toa « fetion ts simply 0 wheel » ©) lever all ofthese ‘Distance travelled in unt time i called speed i force ©) mass all of these The speed of an object can be measure by ) sky b) water ©) mountains ) tees The ewth surface consists on water 2) 50% b) 5 About nthe Gorath 4 29% 0) 57% ©) 1% 0) 20% ‘oF the water present on Earth 87% 9 90% celebrated on 82 Scanned by TapScanner GLNERAL SCHUNCE CLASS 10, 162 C2) Gd Dp— CHS CIN — Gs 4a™N AA = O qd Scanned by TapScanner GENERAL SCIENCE CLASS-10 346) Gtvef picture show that chromatids towards their respective pole? 4) Prophase b) M ©) Metaphase «) Telophase ) anaphase bicytokinests «) tnterphase @ M7) Which two pairs move apart from each other — | 352) in which of the following phase spindle fibers during prophase” wos disappear? ») Contrioles pairs ) Chromosomes pairs 2) Prophase b) Anaphase ©) Microtubules ) Spire €) Metaphase ) Telophase Wa 8H arise from the centrioles 43) Chromatics 8) Plea hones 353) Which is the final phase of cell division’? ° i Spindies a) Minosts b) Cytokinesis Mereutsk: ) Ioterphase 4) None - Sense 354)\ When process of cytokinests starts? 4 ’) Late anaphase | Early telophase ©) Both a and b 4) None of these “ gk 7 355) This picture shows which process? 162 H9)_ Which structure divide at the end af metaphase? ®) Centromeres —_b) Chromatics ©) Chromosomes “) All of the above 350) When the sister chrothatids are considered complete chromesomes/ daughter chromosomes? — 2) When mitotic apparatus 1s formed q py ) When each sister chromatid connected to J the poles of the spindle i ©) When each centriole the with the plasinia C . ( trembrane IJ Cs)— a) 351) During which phase of mitosis. the chromatids scparme and at the same figta tht spindle fibers 9) mitosis, b) metonts nat vidt eeaie themed ol the cell cycle «) none af these Treasure of Knowledge 240 Scanned by TapScanner Nuclear material is enclosed ura #) nuclear membrane b) nucleoplasm The nuclear membrane has several openings ©) guclear pores The term chromosome was coined by A threads which appear inside the nucleus at the time of cell division? 4) Spindle fbers d) Chromosomes Each chromosome is Composed of DNA and a Which of the follow and Histone protein? 'b) Carbohydrates GENERAL SCIENCE CLASS. ©) Chromosomes d) Enzymes Chromosome carry genetic information in the form of which are transmitted fro ‘eneration to another 4) nuclear pores ) genes ©) nuclear membrane d) none of these ‘The number of chromosomes tn the parent cell are #) equal ) not equal €) 38 chromosomes “d)-48 chromosomes How many chromosomes are present in human cell? 240 b)46 923 20 How many chromosomes are present in frog cell? a) 42») 26 0963 440 How many numbers of chromosomes tr plans? 159 a) 12 b)22 om a4 Chromosomes in an organism are present in paurs and these pairs are‘ealled 4) homologous by heterologous d) none of these DNA ts composed of chefiiieal untts known as #) nucleotides ') homologous ©) histone d) none of these The type of ti “sent between rmucteotides ts emt 0.29 a) Glycasides ‘) Purines ©) Peptide ) Phosphodiester When James Watson and Frenets Crick determine the structure of DNA? a) 1953 b) 1962 e972 A nucleotide Is formed of which of the following units? 4) nitrogen base and phosphate Treasure of Knowledge 237 Scanned by TapScanner ni GENERAL SCIENCE CLASS-10 | many of the primary components of cubarvotic cells ONO) Nectar: The macieus stores the gegetic information in chromatin form . Nacieolas: Found inside of the ftleus. the nucleolus isthe part df eukaryotic cells where ribosomal RNAs - Plauma membrane: The plisma membrane 's 2 phospholipid bllaver that surrounds the entire cell and encompasses the organelles within © Cytesheleton or cell all: The cytoskeleton or cell wall peovides structure. allows for cell woWetnent. and plays a role in ell vision © —Ribeemes: Fubosonws are responsible fr promen sytabrsts © Mitochadrla: Stmochoniria. ls powerhouses of te cell are respomible fr energy production © Cytoptasan: The cytoplasm ts the sraeen the maclea envelope and plasma membrane Cytosal: Cyrosl 2B chat contains the organeles Endoplasmic reticulum: The codoplasmc reklam ‘san organelle dnicted 1o protein matursion and exportation + ~ Vesicles and vacuoles: Vesicis‘ant! vacunies are membrane bend sas involved in transportation and Gifage tm miagy/but not all eukaryotes include the Golgi apparatus. chloroplasts and Tysossmes Prokaryote vs eukaryote: key differences eee agg 0 ng gS me pogeeeTRE Naciews Ainers Feet Membrane bound. Abner Si Present Cell tractare Trcelist Cio aera some eT Callan Teale OTS Ee Tarsee (10-100 ys cag cc ee DNA Form Corsi Tear 291) Which of the following ts a spherical structure a) uninucleate b) enucleate found in the cemer of animal ceil? ¢} multinucieate @) none of these 2) cell membrane b) mucleus ©) cytoplasm @) cell wall 158 \Whicty of the following microorganism have two nutlel? m2 Goeeete ame] Gee eae volume 297). The eugiena is different from the amoeba is 2) 10% ) 20% possessing SERS sozen ©) 40% @) 60% 2) cytoplasm bh rtacieus 283) Which of the following ts not a component of/ ©) acell membrane > d} chloroplast the mucleus? 2) Chromosome b) Nucleolus - i aaa Woo . Se a ee ©) multinucleate ) none of these which o cell’s mac 5 am) ino te Eten Wee pel 2) uninucleste ) emucteate a) nuclear membrane b) nucleoplasm ) multinucleate none of these hchromosomes ) all of these 295) Red blood cells is the example of Treasure of Knowledge 236 Scanned by TapScanner Peerranisenes | GENERAL SCIENCE CLASS-10 | 267) 270) 2) 272) 273) 274) 275) a) thange in state 6) @Volutlon of gas ©) change in color“) al of these What ts rust? a) Sodium oxide b) irom oxide ©) copper oxide d) silver axide In glucose metabolism the pyruvate molecules may be fermented into a) ethanol b) carbonic acid ©) lactic acid d) none Of these ‘A-chemical reaction involves: a) only breaking of bonds b) only formation of bonds ©) both breaking and formation of bonds d) none of these Which among thé following ts not a chemical change? ®) melting of ice ——_b) soap making, rusting of tron id) fermentation of substances ‘Retreading ts used for the reeyeling of 8) cat batteries 'b) Rotor oils © tyres «) metals Chemical name of vitamin C ts 8) ascorbic acd. ——_b) magnesium silicate ©) acetylsalicylic acid) sodium bicarborime Substances on the left hand side ofa Chemical equavon are called 4) Flectrons b) Groups ©} Products Reactants The new substances formed as a result of chemical reaction are called «) Electrons b) Groups ©) Products d) Reactants Formation of water needs @) hydrogen b) oxygen ©). spark, ) allof these 6CO, + 6H,0 » CMOy #0; ) 30) ©) 60; ) none of these ‘Substitute of natural gas ts ) Ethane b) Naphthalene ©) Methane 4) Ehtanote 281) a OL primarily of a) Methane b) Ethane ©) Butane ) Propane ‘Chemical name of b9 1s ) folic acid ‘bhacetic acid ©) ascorbic acid d) ergocalciferol ‘Chemical name of Vinegar is a) folie acid b) acetic acid ©) ascorbic acid d) ergocalciferal Chemecal name of vitamin C is a) folte acid b) acetic acid «) ascorbic acid ) ergocalciferol ‘Chemical name of baking sodas #) sodium bicarbonate b) acetic acid ©) ascorbic acid ) ergocaletferol Chemical name of yitamen Dis a) folie acid b) acetic acid ©) ascorbic acid ) ergocalciferol Antenals fat reacts with sodium hydroxide, to produce (jp iim a) Fertilizer b) soup ©) drug d) pesticides When vegetable oils or animals fats are treated with sodium hydroxide, soaps are formed along with glycerin the process 1s called ®) saponification —_b) suspicion ) rmination «) none of these The process of removing the residual stiver halide from the image 1s called a) remover b) cutter «) fixing d) pasting A common example of (66d processing Is the fermentation process which was first studied by #) Louis Pasteur b) Amedeo Avogadro ©) Leonhard Euler) none of these Human haifs ate made of protein known as, 2) camber b) Keratin ©) glob) ) all of these The natural color of hair depends wan the ratio and quantities of which proteins? 4) phacomelanin b) eumelanin ©) both wand b ‘d) Caleatnian For brown red/black half following pigment is reasure of Knowledge 234 Scanned by TapScanner (Wm soc stu crass 5 677) 678) aly The world 1s divide into Zones on the base of latitude «) Two b) Theee ©) Four i) Five ‘The Sun shines vertically over the throughout the year 4) Prime meridian b) Equator €) Latitude lines: ) Longitude line throughout Weather of equator-remains the year ®) Hot Cold —_c) Moderate d) None Which of the following area weather remain cold throughout the yea a) Tropical zone b) Temperate zone <) Polar zone 4) allof these Which of the following zone located between 23.5 degree to the north and south of equator? #) Torrid zone 1) Temperate zone ©) Frigid zone ) none of these Which of the following region ts located between 23.5 degrees arid, 66.5 degrees tn the northern and southern hemispheres? 4) Torrid zone b) Temperate zone ©) Frigid zone ) none of these {the following areas are warm tn Whi surmmer and cold in winter? a) Torrid zone b) Temperate zone ©) Frigid zone d) hone Of these Which of the following region Is located between 66.5 degree and 90 degrees in the northern and southern hemispheres? 1b} Temperate zone d) none of these a) Torrid zone ©) Exigid zone Which of the following zone remains moderate tn summer and extremely cold in winter? a) Torrid zone 1b) Temperate zone ©) Erigid zone 4) none of these Pakistan 1s located in the from tropic of cancet ») North b) South ©) Eat d)West The weather of coastal areas is a) Hot b) Cold ©) Moderate ) None, these Summer season of Sindh afid south Punjab ts very 4) Short b) Lang) Good d) Bad Cuttung of forests throws npact on the climate 2) Good b) Bad ©) Zero ) Nonw of those The use of petroleum products increases sn the atmosphere a) Oxygen b) CO. ) Vapor d) None of these In the production of greenhouse gases countries are on the top 2) Developed 213 b) Developing ©) Backward d) None of those Sea level 185. due the greenhouse effect ©) Increasing b) Decreasing ©) Hot d) Cold The climate of desert 1s usually a) Rainy and humid —_b) Dark-arid wer €) Wet and cold ) Hot and dry The vapor in the asr can condense and for b) Lightning d) Temperature a) Air pressure ©) Humidity Treasure of Knowledge 291 Scanned by TapScanner in SOCIAL STUDY CLASS-5, 390) 391) Io MDA O School, there were teicher ahi b)AT 919 Sa 23 Its 1863 Sr Syed established school in which city? «) Detht b) ©) Denapur 4) Muradabed In which year Sir Syd set up a Sctentiic Society at Ghacipur? 4) 1820 b)A832” 1852) IBS The scientific society published « newspaper (Aligatt Insttute Gazette) in March 1851 6) 1857) 1861) 1868 Scientific society translated moder work from’ a) Eng. to Persian b) Exigitsh'to Arabic ©) English Urdu) Urdu wo Eng During his stay in England: Str Syed Ahmad Khan closely watched which system of England? #) Religious ) Educational ©) Political ) Social Syed Ahmad Khan set up a commutes +406) § 310 byTh 12 wis Muhammadan Educational conference helped In the development of language a) Persian b) English —¢) Urdy od Hinds Where Sir Syed Ahmad opened an institution for orphans? #) Delhi b) Madras) Gujrat d) Muradatoad Which of the following ivare the off springs of ‘Su Syed's Movement? a) Molvi Chiragh Alb) Mulana Aziz ©) Shiblt Naunant—) all of these After returning from London Sir Syed Aberiad Khan issued? 2) Causes of Revolt b) L ©) Asbabe Baghawat ¢ Hind d) all of these Tehib-ul- Akhlag was started in 2)1860 b) 1870 ©) 1875, d) 1880 In Subcontinent two nation theary was introduce by @) Quid Azam ‘b) Allama Iqbal ©) Sie Sved Almad ~ ) Haji Shariat The Lahore resolution of tried to jyed and Iqbal's thought as a ) Baparay-b) Delhi) Mumbai d) Bengal tepresent 397) MAO. (Muhammadan Anglo-Ortental ‘goal School) school was inaugurated wt May 23 Jan 1940 ‘1 1865 b) 1872 ©) ABTS of) 1882 ) 27 March 1940. df) 23un 194) 398) In which city MLA.O high school was established? Ali Gharh b) Banaras €) Dhaka d) Delhi 399) Which Governor General donated 10,000 rupees? 4) Lord Ripon, b) Lawrence ©) Lord Lytton: od) Northbrook 400) In which year MLA.O school was upgraded to status of a college? a) 1872. b) 1877 ©) 1882 d) 1890 ‘She was the founder of the All Pakist 401) “Who laid the foundation stone of MEA,O Coll Woah Peiiation (APWA). 8 ‘) Lord Curzon ) Lord Rippon «) Rana Lequat Ali b) Fatima Jinnah ©) Lord Lytton d) Lord Canning Jahan Ara Shahnawaz d) Anite Ghulam Alt 402) M.A. College was to provide education too? She arranged meetings of Muslim League 4) Muslims by Non Muslims women with the wife and dauighter of the ©) Hindus Botha &b wiceroy 403) In which year M.A\O.College becomes ) Rana Liaquat Ali (by Fatima Jinnah Unies 7 via Vii ©) Jabacs Ara Shabowwae d) Anita Ghulam Alt f° ©) Tee 415) She organized the Muslim voluntary service 404) Syed Ahmad Khan set up Muharnmadan, and. later, the women's National Guard. Educational Conference in for the educational ) Fatis Jinnah b) Jahan At development ofthe Muslims of India Statnewar aig 202 a) 1886 b) 1884 ©) 1882) 1880 ©) Bilquis Edht ) Bana Liaguat Ali 405). Sit Syed Ahmad Khan performed hits duty asa | 416) She Worked as honorary secretary and typist 10 ‘secretary of Muhammadan Educational her husband conference for years Treasure of Knowledge 280 Scanned by TapScanner Gr SOCIAL STUDY CLASS-S 23) mu) 8 40) Ne Atalay pero to 4) gon-Arab bi) another Araby ©) Egyptians ‘The Prophet (PBUH) salt tn his ast sermon that a) all the Muntins ate frtends to ane another bi all he Sy a) Natio”) Nanve o Natio mean a) place b) birth ©) country The way of living, customs, language. literature ‘and handicralts of the people of an area Is called 4) Gols. b) Services. «) Culture Culture 4s connected 16 4) Past b) Present c) Future d) all of these The vital point of Pakistant culture ts tts a) Language b) Dresses) Religion. Which of the following museum hay bea established in the suburb of Shakar Parhiya Islainatiad to Identify and represent the mixed culture 4) Louk Versa b) Badshahi —d) Heritage Human waysand manners of life from me to time. 4) Change b) Bail c) Worse d) none of these] There are cultures in Pakistan a) Same b) Different c} Badd) none of these The status relision of Pakistan 1s a) Islam.) Muslim ©) Christian About percent of the population Muslims ay 83% 87%, OT) DTH ‘Which of the following is the identity of any ‘nation and its cultural assets? @) religious b) language ©) clothing touch 18 promineot in our culture a) Islamic) Desi c) Liberal d) Foreign ‘Our national language 1s a) Pashto) English ©) Urdu d) All iaitove ‘Our national dress 4) dhoti kueta~b) pent shirt ¢) shakwar In Sindlva spectal red and dark blue hand printed cloth is made w a) Phulkari bi Ajrak ts-called Cay din nif these ©) all the Mushimns ate strangers loane abother 1) all the Muslims are brothers to one another The event of the Prophet's migrate Medina 1 called 25) ry +. which ts called bb) Afrak A) roe of these a) Phuatkarl m tak be cautitul enibreidesy on which 4s called ) Phullari, bb) Ajrak ch Gal d) none of these 2) 43) Kashnitri men and women wear embroidered a) Phulkart b) Atak ©) Gal ) Pheran = V9 ‘lian Sid aa a 44) People of Gilgit Baalu fitytan, Gar coat. Eid malian 09) ceed = 45) Which of tie following ts the home of ancient Kalsh evvilization? 269 Scanned by TapScanner 101) 103) Where did the world’ first civilization develop? «) Mesopotamia ——_b) Crete ©) Egypt d) Eastern China Mesopotamia was the great civilization based ‘on the many cultures sited on the Tigets and Euphrates Rivers of the near east beginning about 4) 2500 BC ») 3500 BC ©) 3500 BC ) 4000 BC Mesopotamia civilization (present day Iraq) developed between river Tizris and a) Indus b) Euphrates c) Nile d) Yangtze Name of the oldest Crvilizan 4) Indus Valley ) Mesopotamian plan «d) Chandeagupt The Harappas had commercial relation with 8) China Moyen-jo-Darra anit Harrapa? a) 1942 b) 1912 ©) 1932 d) 1922 ‘Who is the supervisor of the archaeological experts visited Moyen jo-Darro and Harrapa? a) Sir Watson. b) Sir John Gem d) None of these Distance between Moyen-Jo-Dar Harrapa? #) 520 km b) 720 km ) 600 km «) 920.ken wing Indus Valley sites tn ) Lothal b) Harappa ©) Kalibangan d) Alamgirpur The Ruins of Harappa and Mohanjodaro were found on which of the following river bank? a) Ravi by) Indus ©) Beas «) wand b both Harappa was located on the banks of river ‘One of thie fol Pakistan. SOCIAL STUDIES CLASS-8 | Ore - ‘) Jhelum b) Ravi ol 112) Mohenjodaro was located on the banks of river On Ravi #) Indus b) Beas BE ‘i ae 113) Mohenjo:Daro ts also called as mound of the 4) Great b) Survivors ©) Dead d) Living 114)" Mehrgarh 1s situated in 4) KPK b) Baluchistan. ©) Sindh d) Punjab Rehman Dhert 1s situated in 4) Punjab b) Baluchistan c) KPK d) Sindh Mohenjo-Daro (Sindh) 1s sstuated in ®) Larkana b) Gujrat ©) Karak, d) Mian walt Harrapa 9 situated in 4) KPK) Baluchistan c) Sindh d) Puinjab Indus valley civilization belongs t6 a) Old stone age b) New stone age ©) Medieval stone age d) Metal age ‘The culture of Harappan was belonging to which age? «) Bronze age ) Stone age ©) The Neolithic Era” d)None of these In which country most of the Indus valley civilization area is situated? a) China b) USA © Pakistan d) Iran When did the Indus valley civilization ended? a) 3000 BC b) 1500 BC 171 115) 116) 417) 118) 120) 121) ) 500 BC ) 1100 BC Which civilization came after the Indus tvilization? «) Anan ) Arabic ©) Bengal) d)None of these The Aryans came ffom central Asia in and attacked Indus valley after which the Aryan ctvilization nourished tn the Indus valley #) 1200 BC ) 1300 BC ©) 1500 BC ) 1900 BC ‘The religion of Aryans was Vedic. which developed into: #) Sikhism ) Hinduison ©) Buddhism dd) all of these 123) 124) 249 Scanned by TapScanner 621) 623) 624) 625) 626) 631) GENERAL SCIENCE CLASS-7 ira (KP Text boo! When light entery from one medium another, Its bends slightly from Its original path This bending 1s. called #) Reflection b) Refraction ©) Dispersion) Total internal reflection ‘When light enters from air into glass it bends reflection ) Towards normal —b) Away from normal «) Does not change the path a) all the light ts reflected After rain, when sunlight falis on tiny rain drops suspended tn the att. rainbow Is produced due to 4) Reflection of light —b) Refraction of light ©) Dispersion of light d) Diffraction of light, The primary colors of light are SEE) 2son2000 201 #) Red, green, yellow — b) Red, green, blue ©) Red, yellow, blued) Green, yellow, blue The phenomenon of splitting up of white light {nto its component colors is called zu 4) reflection of light b) refraction of light ©) dispersion of light d) none of these Light travels wath speeds in different transparent media. a) same 4) different ©) change time to timed) none of these ‘The miedium in which light travels fas, ts called 4) rare medium 'b) denser medium, heavy medium d) none of these ‘The medium in which light travels slow, ts called a) rare medium b) denser medium ©) heavy medium | d) none of these ‘Which one ts the rare medium? ®) air b) water ©) glass ) all are same Light travel fistest in a) alr b) water ©) lass ) vacuum When light enters from rare medium to dense medium, its bends. from/to normal @) away 1) towards ©) stop dl) none of these Pencil partially immersed in water appears to 632) 633) 634) 635) 636) 637) bent because — «) Refraction b) Reflection ©) Diffraction d) Convection ‘When light enters from dense medium to rare medium. Its bends. from/to normal 8) away b) towards ©) stop 4) none of these ‘The following picture shows that. lncident ray yormat * ester lass slab o #) light enter from rare (o dense medium 1) light enter from densé to rare medium ©) light enter from glass to water medium 4) none of these: ‘The following pleture shows that, 104 4) light enter from rare to dense medium ‘b) Jight enter from dense to rare medium ©) both a and b ) none of these The speed of lights aur 1s BSS 6-2 ate not coir a) Be b) 2x 10"nvs ) 8 10%m/s d) 6 10"mvs The speed of light in common lass i a) 3 10'mw/s b) 2x 10%mis ) Bx 10"nvs, d) 6 10's A reflecting prism ts made of transparent Treasure of Knowledge 105 Scanned by TapScanner BETTANI SERIES SOCIAL STUDIES CLASS-4 | 125) _Egyptian-civilization developed near river 136) Which Animal was important in the Indus a) Indus b) Amazon ©) Nile d) Yangtze valley Civilization? 126) Mesopotamia civilization (present day Iraq) a) The horse b) The mule developed between river Tigns and The cat ) The cow a) Indus ) Euphrates 137). “The people of Indus valley use for measuring ©) Nile ) Yangtze Wory and its smallest unit was approximately 127) _ Name of the oldest Civilization tienes a) tosis Veli 0 a) 1.704 b) 2.704 €).3.704 d) 4.704 sa eR nd uae CN am) The ne Valley Hoa wer ata acne FF 8) Wood b) Stone ©) Bamboo d) Bricks se wren 139) The Indus valley civilization lived far about 129) There are similarities between the seals found ss ORES ‘at Mohenjo-Daro and 2) 4000-6) 3000) 2000 d) 1000 a) Eaypt b) China 140) The active period of Indus valley civilization ve eet ca ‘was between 2500 BC to clizion of Indus evvilization people is 3) 3500 BC Sees eat ywoone wn ©) Chaistianity «) not known «) 4500 BC 131) All-classes of men and women of Indus 141) ~The Indus Valley Civilization type was found in civilization used to wear a) Sumer b) Egypt 172 alcap b) ornaments 9) China 4) All of these ©) turban 4) none of these 142) Which was the biggest building in Mohnjodara? «) Great Bath ) Huge hall © Granary None of these 143) Shatughal (Indus Valley Civilization site) ts in which country? a) Pakistan b) nia ©) Afghanistan 4) Iran AD: ea nen ociie labeling 144) Where was found a Swimming poo! called “Great Bath” a) catle rearing b) hunting ©) agriculture d) all of these 3 Mohenfodare a Hwee 133) Inthe oldtimes, _ was.a commercial center tad ened aNietppe 1b) Mayen. Jo-D 145) Which crops is not grown in Harappa and ©) Rehman Dhert_ ——_d) Mehrgarh Melee? 134) _ What was used by the people of the Indus @) Bice b) Peas ©) Barley d) Nyheter 2 146) _ Which game was known to the Indus people? valley civilization for transportation ra iO DLa a) The Train ) The bull cart eae (Bie ©) The Aeroplane.) The buses 5) Balt ieee, a Reng 135) Which animal beet consiered the symbuat_| 17) The famous figure of a dancing tl found in oe cfallsdiae acd Vale? the excretions of Mobenro wes mde op a) Red limestone b) ©) Bricks a) Terracotta 148) Which was the largest site of Indus Civilization? 4) Mohenjodare 'b) Harappa c) Lothal 4) Rangapur Treasure of Knowledge 250 Scanned by TapScanner Ec GENERAL SCIENCE CLASS-7 | ©) conversion 4) none of these 3H8) Animals move from one habitat to another to survive ts called ®) migration by) hibernation ©) Aestivation «) camoutlay 349) Whales, butterflies, bats, hummingbirds, robins, geese and ducks are the examples of ») snigration bb}hibernation ©) Aestivation ) dormancy 350) Which of the following ts state of inactivity tn animals during winter seaso 2) migration. b) hibernation ©) Aestivation ) dormancy 351) Bears, skunks, frogs and chipmunks are the examples of 4) migration b) hibernation ©) Aestivation ) dormancy 352) Which of the following Is similar to hibernation but occurs in some animals during, summer or dry period? @) migration: by) hibernation d) dormancy 353) Amphibians, reptiles and snails are the examples of a) migration by) hibernation ©) Aestivation d) dormancy 354) is away of concealing when an animal blends with ts surrounding, environment to help it to hide 4) migration by) hibernation ©) Aestivation d) Treasure of Knowledge 355) Chameleon ts the example of ) migration ) hibernation ©) Acstivation «) camouflage Which of the following ts a period of inactivity in plants? «) dormancy ©) Aestivation 356) 1) hibernation d) camouflage 357). Trees that lose thet leaves are dormant in Winter. ¢.g Miltonia is the example of #) dormancy fh) hibernation ©) Aestivation 4) camouflage 358) Food chains always begin with a @) consumer b) producer ©) decomposer d) all of these ‘Which of the following ts the primary source of energy in a food chal a) plants © Sun 359) d) none of these Food web is a network of more than food chain, a) one Scanned by TapScanner Cc GENERAL SCIENCE CLASS. CBS The spa re e age began on ') October 23, 1956 «) October 3, 1951 The first artificial satetli ») Sout 1) October 13, 1992 ) October 4, 1957 sent in space was b) Sputnik: IL ©) Explores Explorer 1 Sputnik: was launched by azo aan a) Franc +) United State ©) Saviet Union 4) China The alm of Sputnik-t is/are to montior a) weather condition b) radio and TV transmission «) precise navigation — d) allof these What is the NASA stands for? 2) Natlanal Aeronautics and Space Administration) by) Natural Aeronautics and Space Admintstraic 493) ) Natural Administration and Space Administra ) Nation Administration and Space Agency 488) The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) were formed in? 199) ) 1958 b) 1960 ©) 1962 d) 1964 489) When the first man (Netl Armstrong) to step onthe surface of the moon? } 20% July, 1969) 20" Jun, 1979 495) ©) 20" May. 1989) 20" august, 1999 Y 490) MIR, the Russian space Station orbited the Earth for 15 years at a height of km ) 200 b) 250 ©) 300 «) 700 496) 497) 498) 491) — “The stze of which space station ts greater than a football ground? a) Tlangong space gtation bY MIR 499) oss id) None of these 500) 501) 502) 503) 492) © International Space Station was & joint project | 594) with the collaboration of space center of CONTE: 4) Russia, Japan b) Canada, Europe ©) both « and by d) none of these ISS has been orbiting the Eartt at « height o approximately 400 km for the last a) 10 years b) 15 years ©) 20-years d) 25 years ISS completes its One revolution around the Earth in, a) 60 minutes, ) 90 minutes ©) 150 minutes ) 720 minutes Which of the following satellite carried « dog to space? 8) Sputnik 1 b) Sputnik 2 ¢} Explorer 1 ) Explorer 2 Any heavenly body that revolves around the planets is known as ) moon ) satellite ©) planet ) star Natural satellite of Easth 1s 20 #) moon b) Explorer 1 ©) Explorer 2 ) none af these The first artificial satellite was launched in PP sda ot confirm a) 1880 by) 198 e) 1957 od) 1705 The Mars has moons euuuzoie 1.38) a2 3 od a6 The Jupiter has. moons a) 62 b) 79 od a6 The Saturn has iooing 4)66 6) 70 O73 4) 82 The Uranus has moons? a2 0) 32 939 a) 57 The Neptune has. moons? ag wd 29 dag The Earth rotates from: Treasure of Knowledge 44 Scanned by TapScanner Conn GENERAL SCIENCE CLASS. Maurer Ca) 43)— There are main layers of Earth a2 ba ot ds (Core. Mantle. Crux) 444) The property of the big theee layers of the earth res a) Onion ) Ball ) Tomato ) Egg 4 41 S 445) Outmost layer of earth is Which layer of the earth Is like the white of an egg, a) Mountal b) Crust ac b) Cast €) Trench d) Ridge ©) Mantle ) orie of these 446) Which of the following Is the lightest Mantle layer of earth ts Composed of thinnest layer of the earth? a) Iron ) Silicone a) Core b) Crust ©) Magnesium «) all of these ) Mantle. di) none of these ‘Temperature of the upper portion of the Mantle ts a) 550°C ©) 700°C Temperature of the a) 550°C b) 870°C ©) 4,000°C ) 3,600°C Which of the following Is Fesembles the yolk of an egg? a) Core b) Crust ©) Mantie 4) none of these Core ts divides in how many parts? a2 b)3 oa ds ma mop ner: 447) Thickness of erust under continents is (average) a) 5.70 km ) 30-30 km ©) 50-80km d) None of these 448) Minimum thickness of crust under oceans Is about 9) Sham b) 12 km 15 km ) 20 km 449) Crust layer of earth ts composed of a) Silicon ‘b) Aluminum €) both and bd) None of these ~O 450) Division of cores of earth includes AN ) Fault Thickness of inner core of earth 1s about ) Both a and b) 1650km 4) 1400s 451) Layer below crust of earth is 460) ire at the inner core as about a) Mental b) Core ») S000"C ¢} Mountain: d) Trench ©) 3,700°C d) 6,300°C 452) The thickness of the mantle y about ey SCN er , aye baa He oor )Thelntercorof he Earth made up ©) 2,600 kim «2400 km sperer ») irom ©)nickel-tron alloy d) platinum (in 5* clams CS hook 2900 incoerecd Treasure of Knowledge 42 Scanned by TapScanner Sere Pers 260) Matter: Ayting that ocupes space a has wuss called ate 251) Stateof mafier: Mac xs ore Sales Sol Iu and x. 262) Solid: Sold fs defied shape an volume Examples wood. gliss ons 263), _Liguid Liquid has x definite volume but dors not have defined shape 264). “Liguid ls easly Examples wate, mak and ol te 265). Gas. Gis has & Tee - 29 og ery 34 266) Mater as aD 14) Ne mass but occuples space 1) Solids filtration) quid 1b) Mass but occupies no space : ae es of matter are au ©) Mass and occupies space, EI d) No mass and occuples 1 0) Ice, water and vapor 261) Thera ©) Solid tga nd gas oe 2 ©) Metal: eter an 268) Things all around us made up of ) Hydeogen, fas element) Cogguckdey Parcs ) 211) lus conversion af a sald object nos ig 269) All physical objectsare made of , state by heating: SORE zee 2.20 Treasure of Knowledge 34 GENERAL SCIENCE CLASS-S *) snetng bev 1) Dew W/Matsure —«) Fog. Front ©) freezing Pee Pars Vilridieacer 0 jawdy rer nevedy (we Bis epee y) sess rad cbes hot tnseetea sin wed Tuaweg. vie esses ry wa ws cry dhe et Ow wh paps reap ves LOPE eceete SF Gn toh te tuts LO) iter Lt AY ead arly wif Wat DeS/ettewceed) an LST 08 woml ages Avte tore Soins Dini BS abe SS sane Us Tot ey ars MIE Sadi ON) SEM tay OS Gbps “ars “Hare LaP> 03 Oe eve ’ ole am WMeweiced Cm) ots SS ee a 2) desis Saleh cds a) SABO IE cried OM) see wes de hare xis Jason res erotics tine ADEM SLA orate” Cn eurited. deiides Wate WES ite te ror ihe durstiaes dak 6 arcane Case ao Wis pais otis res aneir ecu S Ee ee E97 FFA A400. VeteOutar Gu Fwd Fe owl bode ere Game oe fue sms 91d 830 on tednta Jae ata 2298 ker Ni. tie 2 i Ae Ab tans os Dho E p (2 Coit tngnipedenee ete” os) ASD mgr galne > (600 Shs Shiai)” 50003 Lg tin gee fgalnay Ga Gu t Gor Gis 65 ase, ass a ne any pias wy ath a ae (| SE whhaperSroutule G6 eherecl porsigdlne? (04 11566 ae ee wa fe Ttgeaet Sucve — (305 PPL Sige hos a Thar heidi G06 Sons Bie belo Treasure of Knowledge | rm Scanned by TapScanner What is a Digraph? : J digraph isa group of two letters that makes a single sound Ina consonant diagraph, two consonants join forces to create a single sound. (Wp, letters together form a diagraph, the sound itself is called a diphthong.) 5 List of Digraphs thas in thumb wh as in where ck as in clock | sh as in shark ‘What Is a trigraph? ‘A trigraph is a single sound that is represented by three letters. For example: In the word 'match’, the three letters 'tch’ at the end make only one soun Other examples of trigraphs are: igh as in sigh ore as in bore air as in far ear as in dear are as in dare #40 No 1: Make at least two words with the given digraphs and trigraph. ch: chin, chain | wh: what, where | igh: sigh, high | teh: maich, aa Silent letters: In English pronunciation, a silent letter—a term used informally—is a letter or le combination of the alphabet that is usually not pronounced in a word. Examples i the b in subtle, the c in scissors, the g in design, the t in listen, and the gh in thought. ( No 2: Read the given words and notice the silent letters in them. Climb Design, thumb Talk honest aul Climb Design thumb Talk honest autuia Wrap Knee Faster Knock Often Vibe Knee Faster Knock _ Offey* Statement Auswel 1 ~The first Caliph of Islam was......... Hazrat Abu BM" 2, Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)was a ......of Rasoolullah (PBUH). _ lose {4 A ae Anak (R.A) was a very "trader. Rich lazrat Ali (R.A) was the first am = Childe 5 Hazrat Umer (RA) was ae long ......t0 accept Islam. econ! ...caliph of Islam. ay | Treasure of #1" Scanned by TapScanner * farmhouse had. py green c) tall d) yellow : “oem decided to visit... in b) Kashmir d) Hunza °) —s was shocked to see the 9 A jyltan |) There a) te tere ‘ere are many tre din Jhelum. ) f een a CSRLELGRhaceerirers ) farmtuuse ¢) The Jhelum river d) Zip lines le writer decided to -of the farmhouse b) electric 4) animals b) three d) four -.siblings. ‘ie sent her friend a letter. 'SInced your help. ‘ llegave them a bag full of money. * She sent her friend an email. ae will help you with your housework. Where did you put the keys? in Save them a hag full of money. «, tdyour help. « l8¢\rote a book on the French revolution. Wy ted her a flower: a ais bought us a new TV set. “YOu good luck. Sold me his cat y | Treasure of Knowledge & Answer: Direct Answer: Direct Answer: Indirect Answer: Direct Answer: Indirect Answer: Indirect Answer: Direct Answer: Indirect ‘Answer: Direct ‘Answer: Direct ‘Answer: Indirect ‘Answer: Direct Scanned by TapScanner “an605a201sphQr elo : Sie bib LeSsee hick IE EP Scone INE Life sa ES BD orphbe pele r Lui! LparEsBe Art hohiel st Sea bred yidyi se 43), Four hundred thirty two Two hundred forty | ES poe gi Sie BES be LS LI i fe sie nf SHLME Four hundred thirty two trillion, Six hundred five billioh, One hundred forty two million, Seven thousand, Two hundred for : Place value chart Bins [ Hundred | Tea] Miliows | Wundred Y” Ten] Thowsnnds | Hundreds | ilions | Millions thousands | thousands 1 0 0 0 0 7 Ti a For Practice: > 764, 353, 464 y 930, 405, 800, ae RO & 915,047,259 : Ea ©) : [Treasure of Know! ms Scanned by TapScanner MATHEMaTics CUass.s DF te ned, williuy SHC hundred sixty-five th, 6 Samed 24 ss sand and fot foe “AU Number) dig, Sue (MIMO ESL ee 8 eS ee “ fiat ae Sa Bhest Value digitdye ri, ot Leo pee PEE AREA Oriani Ques a PRM deh 0 pero (Fens Canis Ig Pe ten) Petite ake s 7 + indeed AL JL ge UMitlon ye Million Sones Amel sixty 2085 Ten date ug po f nei? as Wiemtere yoyo ‘Thousand ae phones -g-! forty ¢ AU CTens Vote 2 Be BSlimaed ye Ie SO i dp ol ahs et Four, Unit PILE LES Een | 0 gt ie] «[s [oa ls Million Thousand Unit : : (003,665,044 eI LLL Gye Supt LUA 2 Ler LOS 8 Place Value: Find the place value of underlined digi (4,465) | 4000-+400 + 60 + 5 thousands + 4hundends + 6 tens + 5 ones Sothe 4 is in the hundred places. » Addition, Subtraction, Multiplicati : NE sit i ition, Subtraction, Multiplication tu: Wi eltrerisedvir LL SE gH -< Se Addition, Sul Se | i 625. What is lhe price of a house is RS.18, 356, 420 and t th toll price of house and shop altogether? he price of a Shop is RS.35, 845, ae Price of House 18, 356, nn Price of Shop 35. 845:.625 ‘34, 202, 045 | | Treasure of Knowledge. \ Scanned by TapScanner ‘Ex ere irthe HCF of two numbers is the numbers are. r Solution: Two numbers having only 1 as a common factor is called Co-prime numbers For Example: Factors of 6 (1,203.6) Factors of 25 (1: 5.25) The HCF of 5, 10. 15 is. a) 3 fb) 10 c) 20 d) 30 Solution: Factors of S= 3 Factors of 10= 2 * 5 Factors of 15= 3 * 5 3. The number. which is divisible by a umber other than itself'and I. is called... a) Prime b) Composite c) Even t 1 Odd Solution: ° (suitor tA fig 4428 is divisible | by. a) 3 b 4 5 Sb Ss oa a ine Sar tn. 4 Find the LCM/of.18, 24 and 60? es 3 a F yj; eke 2X 3X SNS <—____ “ om '3°s ‘Se a) Divisors b) Primes : ) Co-prime 4 d) Factors a MATHEMATICS cLass.s a Lom 219, 12,200" 4) 7 5. A number is divisible by 2 and 3 is also divisible by a) 4 b) & c) 8 d) 9 6. The least number among the common multiples of 6 and 5 is. a) 6 b) 5 e) 15 dy 30 ‘\ Solution: : 6 multiple =6. 12. 18. 24/30, 06 5 multiple =5, 10. Least common maitiple~ 30 7. LCM of two prime numbers is their a) Sum b) Difference ¢) Quotient d)~ Product ‘Solution: for example we have Ayo prime rs like 3 and 5. When wi d th ultiply both ws then 1 numbe LCM of this numbers thei ve because it has no offi, “fact (5 3-15) 8. The smallest number divisible by 2. 3 and 5 is... a) 1S b) 60 o 30 dy, 20 | Treasure of Knowledge Le ‘Scanned by TapScanner sion ore P pet fraction, the answer will she oss tha __ (step) Wd > change into) ra (© Change into» an A sh opkeeper has $ > liters oil, he brought a-galion of 7 > liters more, how much total oil does hehave? —aever we perform a normal division vrmmprope fraction, the answer will snagsbe. i Less than 1 a) “15 ») More than 1 b) 133 ) Equl 1 > None of these & (LeM= 8) ‘neadd$ with 3. we get. Write asa mixed number? a4 2 b> 42 °) 3 1 4) 3%, A farmer bought = kg of wheat. He kg of this. How much wheat 1 ale 2 (1" step LCM= 2) sowet was left? ‘un - acting? from 3 gives. K 2 (UeM-40) “So a Solution: Shahid placed 5 2 tiles together © es the width of a path in is garden: Eat! wre of Knowledge | Treasui ~ — ee Scanned by TapScanner os Two rays with a make an nels: >» Point O is called yertex ie angle and the (Wo rays are ee its arm. common end £, le measuring less te ang| 1 Ht aie wie is a3 called a right angle. es angle whose A oO B Anangle whose measue is 180° is Point An an, than Sa is called acut For example 50°. lose a An CRETE is greater than 90° but less than 180° is called obtuse angle. Two angles, common arm Gh oPPasite Sides of a Vertex, h ving a com are called Adjacent angi Angle AMB and BMC mmon les? c A are adjacent, NPE angles, the sum NC) whose Bete ial, 90 9 5: . > le with m ZTPN+ mZ KLM= 53+ 127 = 180 an (aie C D = 135445=180 Measure 360° \is known as a complete mZABCt+mZCB ae ‘asure 360° is know S The Deshaped nse Geat is ca ee D-shaped A 8 protector. : i : ‘ An , angle | >, And sme eyiieeenel i dare ng: Measure is greater | _ _stetor used to mestre ants, than 180° but less > Ruler is used “ Fo fa than 360° is called measure the lengt! ‘reflex angle. ay Treasure of of Knowledge Scanned by TapScanner 2 nn MATHEMatics CLASS.5 ip Sealled traction (Common fraction). OF w vee : ean sap gear spe won part (#) of tHe faction is called Nominator an he bowwom part (b) of the fraction is called Denominator > ihe ; ieee . 7 ppgper fenctions All those fractions which have the nominator are ess than , eer . nator For Example: 3, 3,2 proper fractions Improper fractions are the fraction where the nominator is bigger 7 10 12 20 genom jpandenominator. For Example >, <2, 22 Mixed fraction: Mixed fraction is another way of writing improper fractinn How to convert improper fraction into mixed fraction 4 5 1 ‘Reminds ~ ae For example: = Aig sivas N w 4 4 a ee Wotient 4 a and Subtraction of Fractio dLeM¥Denominator Foy Ha Jo LeMs-2%2«3=12 it yiagh wht Aang) snes dog CADE nLib eMiioe 8 | Treasure of Knowledge Scanned by TapScanner

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