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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Thesis on Research Paper Topics: Torture

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis is undoubtedly a challenging task, requiring meticulous
research, critical analysis, and eloquent articulation of ideas. When it comes to delving into the
complex and sensitive realm of research paper topics, such as torture, the difficulty intensifies.

Exploring the various dimensions of torture, its historical contexts, ethical implications, and the
impact on individuals and societies demands a deep understanding of the subject matter. Crafting a
thesis on research paper topics related to torture requires navigating through a myriad of sources,
ranging from legal documents and historical accounts to psychological studies and human rights

One of the primary challenges is maintaining a balanced perspective while presenting a

comprehensive analysis. Delicate issues surrounding torture often provoke strong emotions and
varied opinions. Striking a harmonious chord between presenting factual information and respecting
diverse viewpoints is a delicate tightrope to walk.

Moreover, the extensive research required for a thorough examination of the topic can be
overwhelming. Distinguishing credible sources from biased ones and sifting through a plethora of
information to extract pertinent data demand time and expertise.

For those seeking assistance in navigating the intricate path of crafting a thesis on research paper
topics like torture, there is a reliable ally – ⇒ ⇔. Specializing in providing support
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In conclusion, tackling research paper topics related to torture in a thesis is undeniably demanding.
However, with the right support, individuals can navigate through the complexities, presenting a
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Why, then, has the British government encountered so many difficulties in its efforts to be ridden of
this person. Such events were very common in Roman gladiatorial contests and Holy Inquisitions of
the Church. Racial Profiling Abortion Freedom of Speech Pro Choice Abortion Homelessness Child
Labour Euthanasia Civil Rights Minority Mandatory Military Service. The main part of the study
analyses ethical theories in relation to torture and uses these. Kant here is also saying to convince
that person to tell someone else what they want to hear. Globally, clinicians often avoid addressing
torture-related symptoms of illness, believing they will not have the tools or the time to help torture
survivors once they have elicited their history. Bin Laden has been vilified in Western press and the
torture of. As health-care practitioners become more empowered to ask questions such as, “Have you
experienced extreme violence or torture?,” it becomes easier to identify and treat the pathological
symptoms of such trauma. Since the theory of eugenics is false, Mengele was unable to prove these
claims and instead fed into his torture fantesies to explore the human body. There are many incidents
where citizens who are killed in cold blood by the police officers in the streets. Further, GD overlaps,
for females, with the other Type III traumas (e.g., racism, stigma, poverty, discriminations and other
forms of social structural violence), producing different cumulative traumagenic dynamics that
predispose the affected individual to respond differently to subsequent stressors. Adopting a
paradigm shift about the nature of GD as type III trauma that has been sometimes internalized,
rationalized or resisted, will entail revising our legal standards for violence against women, as well
as some of the assumptions and meth- odologies of gendered social sciences. Princeton University
Press, 2009. 9. Scheipers, Sibylle. Prisoners in war. Oxford University Press, 2010. 10. What does
the Bible say about the Torture?, Got Questions, July 5, 2011 from. Keywords: Gender
Discrimination; Torture Survivors; PTSD; Cumulative Trauma Disorders; Type III Trauma
Introduction Torture and Gender Inequality: A Feminist Perspective The adverse effects of gender
discrimination on the mental health outcomes of women have been a well-documented phe-
nomenon in the research milieu. It is reported that most of the time torturers were unable to get a
confession. Please spread the word and tell your friends how this information has helped you with
your. The victims of the Holocaust were extremely malnourished and were forced to starve in the
camps. The purpose of this experiment was to show how drinking sea water for extended periods of
time would affect Germany’s navy. The commission’s Sri Lankan director, Basil Fernando, says the
police seem to be operating with impunity, which could have far-reaching consequences. The idea is
that state should not promote any tendency where someone shows sympathy towards the victim and
starts getting involved in acts of cruelty against prisoners. GD is a protective factor for males and
risk factor for females’ mental health. Torturing is causing physical pain to someone, when someone
is causing pain, they will tell the torturer what they want because they cannot take the pain anymore.
There is no way around when it comes to prohibition of forms of torture, they are all cruel and
inhuman treatment of other people. Women’s INpowerment: The First-ever Global Survey to Hear
Voice, Value and Vi. Some torture survivors, especially victims of sexual violence, may have been
hiding their history out of feelings of shame or fear of stigmatization, and thus be grateful to talk to
someone who cares. Use of physical torture can definitely harm someone’s physical well being.
Premier Publishers Human Rights Violations in Niger: Grievance to the Woman and Child Human
Rights Violations in Niger: Grievance to the Woman and Child Eric N. No human should be
included in this cruel harsh treatment. There are many different ways to make people revealed their
information; a technique torture is used today which is called waterboarding, they cover around
victims’ mouth to make sure mouth always open and then they pour water into victim’s mouth. It is
punishment inflicted through means of severe methods meant to cause severe pain in exchange for
valuable information or a sadistic action taken by others to exert power.
Instead, I support torture like a measure to protect our life. In this scenario, the bomb would go off
unless the terrorist’s demands are met. A Red Cross report, the Army’s own Taguba report (British
Red Cross, 2004), even the photographs published in. Each State Party shall ensure that all acts of
torture are offences under its criminal law. Similar scenario is drawn about a bomb on a jet with
hundreds of passenger’s lives at stake and unless information about the bomb is made available, the
bomb will explode and kill thousands. Should you use torture for the bomb location and where the
remote is. Prisoner torture should not be acceptable in any rational and civilized society. Come
costruire il successo professionale al femminile. Though instances reveal that the execution of
prisoners did take place, theologically such actions were not justified. Such tools, in addition to
being morally sound, would also lead to better image of a country and make it credible. Maran, Rita.
(1989). Torture: the role of ideology in the French-Algerian War, New York: Praeger Publishers.
Even though in television torture does work there in real life it is a different story there. Tortureum
wrote, “A number of acts for the protection of human rights were adopted at the initiative of the
council of Europe; the most significant among them is the convention for the protection of human
rights and fundamental freedoms, adopted in Rome in 1950” (Tortureum). The measure is short form
of a longer version that utilized taxonomy of traumas that are based on child and adult devel-
opmental theories. Most countries have signed and agreed to the terms of the United Nations
Convention against torture. Torture has been a tool of coercion for nearly all of human history,
whether to instill fear in a population or force people to convert, but almost all contemporary
attempts to justify the use of torture revolve around torture as a means of extracting information
from a victim. They are submarino, chiffon (creating the feeling of drowning in water), exploitation
of phobias and the fear of sexual abuse which gives birth to shame and guilt, sleep deprivation,
solitary confinement and many more (Reyes, 609-612). Introduction According to the most accepted
definition, torture is an act which is deliberately inflicted on a person with intent to creates severe
pain and suffering; physically or mentally. Prohibition of Torture and Exclusion of Illegally Obtained
Evidence. He founded his argument on the accepted definitions of the terms “war crimes” and “
torture ” that can be found in the Uniform Code of Military Justice, US law and the 1949 Geneva
accords. A necessary complement to these provisions, the principle of non-refoulement, precludes
states from removing anyone to places were 1 'I've had a strategy of deporting Abu Qatada within
the law. Why, then, has the British government encountered so many difficulties in its efforts to be
ridden of this person. Our principal purpose was to shed light on an issue. In US, The First
Amendment of the Bill of Rights mentions the right to liberty for all citizens. Scott (37) writes about
the practice of mutilation of genitals seen among the Australian Blacks which was done on both
males and females on attaining puberty. I handed myself over personally to the police,” he said. “The
police handed me over to. When nailed to the cross there was a massive strain put on the wrists, arms
and shoulders Effects Of Drugs In Beowulf. Participants were referred to clinic by resettlement
agencies and health screening authorities as a torture victims. Data Analysis Study investigators
explored the trauma profiles for each gender using two-ways cluster analysis, and the mental health
differences based on the two trauma profiles. Torture was used to obtain confessions to these
charges, the rights group said. Get the reader’s attention with a “hook” or grabbe.
There were even reports of sexual abuse, forced-feeding, stress positions and even there are
allegations of organ harvesting. Have more background checks on applying for law enforcement to
ensure people will not torture others. No human should be included in this cruel harsh treatment. It is
thus understandable that one life at stake is better than putting many other innocent lives on stakes.
Torturers see their victims as a thing not like a person they think they can do anything with them.
Please spread the word and tell your friends how this information has helped you with your. Instead,
the investigating agencies need to contemplate psychological tools that help them understand better
about prisoner’s thought process. These self-healing efforts need to be strongly supported by society
and its health-care and mental health—care institutions. International Review of the Red Cross,
Volume 89, (867) Sept 2007, pp.609-612. Scott, George, R. The History of Torture throughout the
Ages. Primarily, the article will analyze the impacts brought to the interpretation of the principle by
the lack of a common international definition and how this has led to a more flexible application of
an absolute prohibition. However, there are many other theories that show that torture could be
morally acceptable in some situations. Gender equality may help reduce internalizing disorders in
girls and women, and possibly externalizing disorders in boys and men. The idea is that state should
not promote any tendency where someone shows sympathy towards the victim and starts getting
involved in acts of cruelty against prisoners. The proponents believe that by such a claim, it becomes
easy to understand that torture is a way to threaten a criminal to surrender to the police and help
them in defusing any criminal plan which may affect people and property (DesAutels and Walker).
Why, then, has the British government encountered so many difficulties in its efforts to be ridden of
this person. The effects of gender discrimi nation by parents (GD-P) are worth noting. Finally, the
victim’s own weight and the extra irons cause the wedge to slice through their bodies, splitting them
in half. Some of such crimes can amount to be gender hate crimes and should be legally handled as
such. Prisoners of War are defined as combatants carry arms, wearing a uniform or having a rank
captured by an torture and Prisoners of War Al Qaeda terrorists should not be tortured for
information. Torture restricts rights and reducing that person into someone who just follows rules
from another person. Notwithstanding that everybody understands well that the democratic society
should not accept and use torture in any form, the issue still remains controversial. Gender
Discrimination GD as Type III Identity Trauma Traumatology developmental theorists have
identified GD as a unique form of trauma that can have profound and negative mental health effects
on clients (Kira, 2001; Kira et al., 2008). As such, a trauma taxonomy has been proposed to classify
various forms of trauma based on their severity and complexity. Perhaps, those who are especially
concerned about harmful effects of torture need to look things from such multidisciplinary angles
while raising awareness against it. Improvement through Enlightenment Cesare Beccaria, in 1764,
fought against the torturing of witnesses and suspects and he opposed brutal punishments. Racial
Profiling Abortion Freedom of Speech Pro Choice Abortion Homelessness Child Labour Euthanasia
Civil Rights Minority Mandatory Military Service. In furtherance of Jacobs' establishment of her
own status as a person and to make a case against the dehumanization inherent in slavery, Linda
continues to exist in this tortured world. Tables 6 and 7 include the decomposition of standardized
di- rect, indirect, and total effects of the variables in each model. Torture, who gave brief opening
remarks; Tony Reeler, enacted draconian laws to gag the media, restrict free speech, and discourage
oppo-. Come costruire il successo professionale al femminile. The media portrayed torture as a
powerful tactic that young men and women will use once they enter the law force.
Purdue University Press, 2008. 4. Clark, Ann Marie. Diplomacy of conscience: Amnesty
International and changing human rights norms. Princeton University Press, 2001. 5. Karl, Jonathan.
“Former CIA Directors: Holder's Investigation Could 'Help al Qaeda'. The most obvious intention of
torture is breaking down an individual both physically and mentally (frequently for military or
political purposes). In 1955 a French civil servant, Williaume, was sent by the French government to
investigate allegations of torture. Diplomatic Assurances Against Torture Zoi Anna Kasapi In recent
years, one of the most prominent and controversial legal cases in the United Kingdom, has been that
of Omar Othman, better known as Abu Qatada. People learn to accept torture from watching 24 and
a decades-old program that aims to avert soldiers from providing false confessions, if ever they were
interrogated, because they produce “image interdependence,” which happens when people become
more sensitive and vulnerable to insecurity due to re-presentations of violence that constantly
bombard them in the media (Lafayette presentation, April 23, 2015). However, there are some
countries that are known to use torture more than others, such as China, North Korea, and Iran.
Kellaway, Jean. (2003). The History of Torture and Execution: From Early Civilization Through
Medieval Times to the. According to Butler, in human rights ethics, “a right not to be tortured is a
prima facie universal right.” Torturing, according to Butler, is wrong as it compels someone to say
something which he or she does not wish to say. New York: Guilford Press. Scott S. (1998).
Aggressive behavior in childhood. The participants include 215 primary torture survi- vors and 143
secondary torture survivors (family members). Kant here is saying treat people as they matter first.
Monotheistic religions like Christianity, Islam, and Judaism put their gods supreme. Introduction
According to the most accepted definition, torture is an act which is deliberately inflicted on a
person with intent to creates severe pain and suffering; physically or mentally. A Journalist’s
Experience of children had witnessed the. Kant also says to not treat people like instruments.
Sometimes something so traumatic like torture can cause intense pain and suffering and so they lose
their dignity. Please spread the word and tell your friends how this information has helped you with
your. It is impossible to know how many mistakes the Nazi doctors made in their research on this.
Indian Farmers' Protest 2020-2021: Using a Food Security Lens to Conduct a Th. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. Understanding Myanmar's Social Stability using AsiaBarometer Understanding
Myanmar's Social Stability using AsiaBarometer Women’s INpowerment: The First-ever Global
Survey to Hear Voice, Value and Vi. We hope you found this information in this free pdf useful.
Despite the abundance of research on the etiology and consequences of GD, there remains a dearth
of literature on the impact of this societal ill on the psychological well-being of female refugee
torture survivors. In this experiment, Heissmeyer was trying to disprove the widely accepted idea that
tuberculosis was an infectious disease (12). The cruel and violent acts witnessed and experienced by
these individuals come in many forms, one of the most common being torture. According to this
classification system, Type I trauma consists of a singular and potentially traumatic event (e.g. car
accident), while Type II trauma is the complex and potentially repeated trauma that is discontinued
(e.g., sexual or physical abuse). Burning at the stake was the common way of torture. Case Study:
Torture in the Algerian War (1954-1962). An atheist is someone who does not believe in any religion.
Torture survivors have: “elevated rates of anxiety, depression, and adjustment problems, including
outbreaks of anger and violence directed towards family members” (Williams and Merwe).

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