HOPE 4 Q3 Notes

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Anthony Bryant S. Daga 12-Quezon Date: .

Health-related physical fitness is primarily FITNESS
associated with disease prevention and functional Skill or performance-related fitness involves
health. Participating in regular health-related fitness skills that will enhance one’s performance in athletic
helps you control your weight, prevents diseases or sports events. Health-related fitness involves
and illness, improves your mood, boosts energy, skills that enable one to become and stay physically
and promotes better sleep. healthy.

Cardiovascular endurance (3 – Minute Step Test) Agility (Hexagon Agility Test) is the ability to
is the ability of your heart, blood cells, and lungs to change and control the direction and position of the
work continuously for extended periods of time. This body while maintaining a constant, rapid motion.
is how efficiently your body takes in, transports, and For example, changing directions to hit a tennis ball.
uses oxygen while exercising. Having efficient heart
and lungs leads to increased energy throughout the Balance (Stork Balance Test) is the ability to control
day. or stabilize the body when a person is standing still
or moving. For example, in-line skating.
Muscular strength (90-degree Push–up)
(Dynamic) is the maximum amount of force a Coordination (Juggling) is the ability to use the
muscle can produce in a single effort or how much senses together with body parts during movement.
you can lift in one attempt. Performing exercises For example, dribbling a basketball. Using hands
that use your own body weight, free weights, or and eyes together is called hand-eye coordination.
weights on a machine are excellent ways to develop
muscle strength. Having muscular strength will Speed (40m Sprint) is the ability to move your body
ensure that you have the strength needed to lift a or parts of your body swiftly. Many sports rely on
heavy object, for example a box full of books. speed to gain advantage over your opponents. For
example, a basketball player making a fast break to
Muscular endurance (Curl Ups) is your ability to perform a layup, a tennis player moving forward to
contract your muscles several times without get to a drop shot, a football player out running the
excessive fatigue. Another way to think about it is defense to receive a pass
the length of time your muscles can continue to
work before tiring. What this means is once you Power (Standing Long Jump) is the ability to move
have picked up that heavy box of books, you can the body parts swiftly while applying the maximum
then carry that box for a long period of time before force of the muscles. Power is a combination of both
you need to take a break. speed and muscular strength. For example,
fullbacks in football muscling their way through
Flexibility (Zipper Test, Sit and Reach) is the range other players and speeding to advance the ball and
of motion that your joints have during volleyball players getting up to the net and lifting
movement. Maintaining flexibility can improve your their bodies high into the air.
performance in physical activities in addition to
decreasing your risk of injuries by 4 helping your Reaction Time (Stick Drop Test) is the ability to
joints move through their full range of motion, reach or respond quickly to what you hear, see, or
therefore, allowing your muscles to work most feel. For example, an athlete quickly coming off the
effectively. Stretching and yoga can be done to help blocks early in a swimming or track relay, or stealing
improve your flexibility. a base in baseball

Body composition (BMI) is the ratio of water,

bone, muscle, and fat in the body. A healthy body BMI- BODY MASS
composition indicates that you may have less risk of
developing obesity-related diseases, such as INDEX
diabetes, high blood pressure, and even some
Anthony Bryant S. Daga 12-Quezon Date: .
BMI- Body Mass Index - measure of body mass 7. Lack of resource The lack of resources may
based on height and weight that aid in determining cause an increasing interest in dance
weight categories. performance. A certain weariness and fatigue
𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑘𝑔 from the constant stress of resources will
𝐵𝑀𝐼 = weaken the performance of even the most
(𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑚)2
dedicated staff and artists.
8. Weather Condition Consider the safety of
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY dancers especially if the weather condition is
Personal barriers: With technological advances presence.
and conveniences, people’s lives have in many
ways become increasingly easier, as well as less 9. Family Involvement A great dance
active. In addition, people have many personal performance and source of bonding if the
reasons or explanations for being inactive. (Sallis parents support and join their children in a dance
and Hovell; Sallis, Hovell, and Hofstetter) activity.

1. Lack of Time This is sometimes the problem of The top three barriers to engaging in physical
a dancers especially when his or her study and activity across the adult lifespan are: time, energy
training are at the same time. Time management and motivation.
should be the prioritized.
Environmental barriers: The environment in which
2. Social Influence It is the change in behavior we live has a great influence on our level of physical
that one person causes in another, intentionally activity. Many factors in our environment affect us.
or unintentionally, as a result of the way the Obvious factors include the accessibility of
changed person perceives themselves in walking paths, cycling trails, and recreation
relationship to the influencer, other people and facilities. Factors such as traffic, availability of
society in general. public transportation, crime, and pollution may
also have an effect. Other environmental factors
3. Lack of Energy Late nights can take a toll on include our social environment, such as support
your energy level. Diet and stress can lead to a from family and friends, and community spirit.
dancer to feel less energy during rehearsal or
4. Lack of Motivation In every aspect of life,
staying motivated is hard. Very few of us can RECREATION
remain on a high every hour of every day of the • Done during vacation or school break
year. If you wish to be an active dancer, you • They want to have fun
must have a specific goal and be a motivator to • Done outdoors with nature
⎯ Outdoor recreation is an organized activity
5. Fear of Injury No pain, no gain is an exercise done during free time, where an interaction
motto that promises greater value rewards for between man and an element of nature is
the price of hard and even painful work. Under present.
this conception competitive professionals, such ⎯ Free time is a concept that can mean different
as athletes and artists, are required to endure things to different people, but it generally refers
pain and stress to achieve professional to time when one is not engaged in obligatory
excellence. activities such as work or school.
⎯ A day can be divided into three parts according
6. Lack of Skill Is the ability to do something to Clayne R. Jensen (2006): existence time (for
correctly or well. As new in the activity, there is biological needs: having a meal, sleeping, and
also a basic skill to learned. As long you can other personal care), subsistence time (for
follow, in the end, you can do it well. economic purposes: going to work, chores, and
Anthony Bryant S. Daga 12-Quezon Date: .
for students, hours spent in school, and school 3. Boosts self-esteem: Your self-esteem
work), and free time. increases exponentially when you spend time
⎯ Recreation, derived from the Latin word with friends doing different outdoor activities.
recreare, means to be refreshed. Choices for This effect is particularly strong when you spend
recreation vary from person to person. time near water, green areas, and within sounds
⎯ People engage in outdoor recreational activities of nature such as waterfalls. Walking along
for varied reasons. Some do it for personal nature trails, fishing, and gardening, among
satisfaction and enjoyment, others to be in touch other moderate-intensity physical activities, are
with nature, and many for personal pursuits such important for your esteem as well.
as photography, collecting seashells, reaching 4. Promotes memory: Nature walks have shown
the top of Mt. Apo, conquering the rapids of the a significant relevance in memory retention
Cagayan River, or attaining a fitness level. Some among humans. Walking around trees, for
individuals or groups do it as part of outdoor or example, promotes your memory by more than
environmental education, such as bird- 20%.
watching, plant naming, etc. 5. Stress-reduction effects: Cortisol, the
⎯ People engage in outdoor recreational activity hormone that indicates the level of stress in
for their own sake and pleasure, voluntarily, and humans, reduces greatly when you spend time
of their own choice. in the forest, say, watching birds and taking part
in low-intensity outdoor activities. Camping in
the woods, for example, is a far much better
BENEFITS OF activity than spending time in the city, especially
for people who suffer from anxiety.
OUTDOOR 6. Reduces anxiety: Something about the outside
calms down an anxious mind. You will attest to
RECREATION this fact even if you aren’t fond of going out. You
• Outdoor recreation provides fun and pleasure. have experienced the calming nature of Mother
• Being close to the natural environment is Nature even if it is through a house plant or
healthy. pictures of nature.
• The outdoors has positive effects on the general 7. Improves the quality of your sleep: Your sleep
wellness of an individual, especially if done cycle is dependent on the accurateness of your
regularly. internal clock. If the clock isn’t working right,
• Wellness encompasses the general state of a then you will have a hard time regulating your
person (physical, social, psychoemotional, and night’s sleep. The clock works right when the
spiritual) and contributes to a better quality of cells in your eyes get enough sunlight during the
life. day, particularly before mid-day.
8. Boosts your immunity: Morning sunlight
Health benefits of outdoor recreation: boosts your Vitamin D levels. The more the
1. Improves your mental wellbeing: Your mental Vitamin D your body gets, the stronger its
wellbeing greatly improves when you exercise immune system becomes. On top of that, being
outdoors. This is due to the awareness that your within outdoor plants helps you leverage the
mind has throughout the exercise, particularly health benefits of the phytoncides and other
with the changing terrain and weather. The organic compounds that plants produce. These
terrain outdoors includes winding paths, hills, compounds boost immune function in humans.
woods, and valleys, which forces you to be 9. Helps burn some unwanted fat: When you
focused and alert at all times. play outside, say, while out doing water
2. Best way to get Vitamin D: Your bones and activities, you burn tons of calories and
blood cells need a lot of calcium, phosphorus, unwanted fats. And because being outdoor
and vitamin D for them to be healthy. Working during the day helps you to sleep better, coupled
out under the sunlight helps your body to absorb with the fact that better sleep facilitates faster
these minerals seamlessly. Also, getting 5-15 weight loss, the role of outdoor time in your
minutes of sun at least once every two days physical fitness can never be overemphasized.
gives your body all the Vitamin D it needs.
Social Benefits of Outdoor Recreation: Outdoor
activities are ways for families to become closer.
Anthony Bryant S. Daga 12-Quezon Date: .
They can be a family-bonding activity as each family • Use maps and compass when trekking to avoid
member participates in an activity, achieves a leaving marks.
common goal, and goes through the same
experience. Spending time outdoors allows one to Principle 2: Travel and Camp on Durable
meet and interact with others who share the same Surfaces
passion for outdoor recreation. Participating in a • Use durable surfaces like established tracks,
team will help form lasting friendships and develop rocks, gravel, and dry grasses.
a community. Outdoor recreation also promotes • Avoid walking on soft surfaces like plants.
stewardship. Activities done outdoors in the natural • Use existing trails or campsites.
setting help in making people realize great things • Walk in single file in the middle of the trail to
that nature provides to mankind. Increased avoid erosion.
knowledge and appreciation help them understand • Keep the campsite small and discreet.
how personal actions can strongly affect the • Camp at least 200 feet from lakes and rivers.
environment. Thus, people’s feelings and
connection with nature are the greatest motivation Principle 3: Dispose Waste Properly
for them to care for the natural environment and • Follow the “Pack it in, pack it out” principle.
advocate its preservation. • Dig cat holes for human waste when camping.
• Wash dishes 200 feet away from lakes or rivers
Economic Benefits of Outdoor Recreation: and use biodegradable soap.
People who have a relaxed body and mind tend to
be more productive at work. This translates into Principle 4: Leave What You Find
efficiency at the workplace. “It’s more fun in the • Examine but do not touch or leave marks on
Philippines!” as the Department of Tourism slogan archeological structures and heritage artifacts.
goes. Indeed, it is more fun as well for everyone • Do not take any plant, rock, or marine animal
involved in ecotourism activities in the Philippines. with you.
It has been rewarding for the local folks there as • Avoid introducing non-native plants and
ecotourism in our country created jobs and other animals.
economic activities which have, one way or another, • Do not build structures, furniture, or dig
contributed to our economic growth. trenches.

Spiritual Benefits of Outdoor Recreation: Principle 5: Minimize Campfire Impacts

Positive outdoor experiences can stir up spiritual • Use a lightweight stove for cooking.
values. Being one with nature brings certain • Use fire rings or mound fires if fires are
calmness within a person. It strengthens an permitted.
individual as it heals, rejuvenates, and soothes the • Keep fires small and use only sticks from the
body and soul. ground.
• Do not burn plastics or other substances that
emit toxic fumes.
LEAVE NO TRACE • Burn all wood to ash and make sure fires are
completely out.
Principle 1: Plan Ahead and Prepare Principle 6: Respect Wildlife
• Check if your planned activity is permitted. • Observe wild animals from a distance.
• Know the rules, guidelines, and safety • Do not feed wild animals or birds.
procedures. • Protect wildlife and your food by storing and
• Have the needed equipment and skills for your securing the trash well.
activity. • If you bring pets, make sure it is allowed and you
• Plan for emergencies. can control them.
• Check the weather forecast.
• Avoid crowded times. Principle 7: Be Considerate of Other Visitors
• Keep group numbers small to minimize • Respect people who live and work in the
environmental impact. countryside.
• Repack food to minimize waste. • Respect other visitors.
• Allow the sound of nature to prevail.
Anthony Bryant S. Daga 12-Quezon Date: .
• Be courteous; yield to others on a trail.
• Camp away from trails and other visitors.

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