Lesson Plan

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Kabacan, Cotabato


I.Content The learners demonstrate understanding of parts. And functions of
Standards animals and importance to humans
ii. Performance a.The learners should be able to enumerate ways of grouping animals
Standards based on their structure and importance
III.Learning At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to describe the
Competencies/O animals in their immediate surroundings (S3 LT-IIc-d3)
bjectives 2.1 Name animals in immediate surroundings
III.CONTENT Living Things and Their Surroundings; Animals and Their functions
Learner’s materials pages: Quarter 2 - Module 2

Other Learning Resources :


Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

A.PROCEDURE A. Preliminary

1. Opening Prayer
Good Morning Class! Please all stand up. Let’s start our day with
a prayer. Let’s bow down our heads and feel the presence of God

________ can you lead the prayer?

Yes Ma’am

*the pupils will

In the name of the
Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit.
Angel of God, my
guardian dear, to
whom Gods love
commits me here
every this day be
at my side, to light
and guard, to rule
and guide.

2. Greetings
Good morning children! Good morning
Good morning
It’s nice to see you

Okay class, before we sit down kindly pick up all the pieces of
paper on you place and please arrange your chairs properly.

How are you today? Have you been eating?

Yes ma’am

Well that’s good, make sure before you go to school try to take
breakfast ok?

3. Setting of Classroom Standard

Now… can everyone recall our classroom rules ?

 Treat
others with
respect at
all times.
 Listen to
the teacher
when s/he
 Ask for
help when
you need
 Be
every day
 Respect
Very good everyone!
 Listen and
 Raise your
or leaving
your seat.

4. Checking of Attendance

No ma’am, we are
________ is there any absent for today? all present today.

Okay thank you. Good job everyone.

Students will pass

their assignments.
5. Passing of Assignments
Yesterday, I gave you an assignment. Please kindly pass it


You studied about sense organs in the previous lessons. You described
the parts and functions of the sense organs of the human body and were
encouraged to practice good health habits to take care of the eyes, ears,
nose, tongue and skin. From lesson on the human body, we will now
move to a lesson on living things in the environment, the animals.

Observe and describe the pictures below. Can you name them?


Now to freshen our mind and body, please stand up and we will
sing a song.

“B – I- N-G-0”

What kind of animals is in your surroundings?

* Pupil response *

How many animals can you recall?

Class, what is in phe picture?

How many animals do you see in the picture?

What are the animals seen in the picture?

Our lesson for today is animals and their surrounding.

We will read.

Animals are also living things found in our surroundings Different animals
live in different places.

Some animals live on land others live in water and some live on both

They live in many places like house, garden, farm, pond, river, sea,
mountain, and forest.

The most common animals that you can observe everyday are those kept
as pets. Dogs, cats, turtles, parrots, doves and fish are animals that can
be your pet at home.

Some animals are kept on farms like chicken, ducks, goats, pigs,
carabaos, cows and horses.

Draw and encircle the animals with four legs.




( let the pupil roam
around inside the
classroom to find
the match picture )

( the pupils will

follow the
instructions and
respond to the
afterwards )


( The teacher will roam to check if the pupils are making the activity
correctly and will later on give a feedback on the activity response of the
students )

Animals are living things found in our surroundings. There are

animals that live on land. Others live in water. Some live on both land
and in water. There are animals with two legs. Others have four.
Some are covered with shells, feathers, scales, and fur.

( the pupils will be group into 5 members and will be given an animals to
match with the given situation or to answer a question)

1. Which animal can be your pet at home?

2. Which of them can swim?
3. Which can lay egg?
4. Which animals helps the farmer flow the Field?
5. Which animal can fly?

Animals are found everywhere. You can see them moving on the ground
or under the ground. You can see them swimming in the water or crawling
on the riverbed.

You can see them flying over the tress or high up in the sky. They can
move from places to another.

There are many kinds of animals. Some animals are big. Some are small
and can be kept in a small jar, and some are very friendly that we can play
with them.

Some animals also are endangered and face while some are abused
because of their unique qualities.
Domesticated/Pet Animals
-These are tame animals and kept as a pet.

Wild Animals
-These animals are not domesticated, and they are potentially dangerous
to humans.

Aquatic Animals
-These animals are found in water.

Land Animals
-These animals are found in the forest, grassland, fields, and gardens.

Aerial Animals
-These animals have wings for flying

Animals and their movement

- Ducks have webbed feet that enable them to waddle in water.

- Some animals crawl. Snake, snail and worm use their entire bodies
to move, while millipedes and centipedes use their short legs.
- Birds, bats, and most insects use their wings to fly. They also have
feet for walking.
- Fishes use fins, while whales and dolphins use their flippers.

Animals and their food getting.

- Animals have body parts that suit the type of foods they eat. Dogs,
cats, lions, and tigers have sharp teeth for cutting and tearing meat of
other animals.
- Birds have beaks or bills to pick seeds and grains and catch small

Animals and their protection.

- Horns for carabao, antlers on deer and tusk on elephant use for
defense mechanism.
- Bears have thick fur to protect their skin from hot and cold
- Dogs, lions and snakes use their fangs to fight off predators.
- Fishes have slipping scales: crabs use their pincers on claws to catch
other animals for food. Shells protects the soft bellies of turtles,
snails, crabs, and clams.

EVALUATE - Name ME: name the animals that are being described in terms of
their body parts.

1. I can jump, walk, hop, and run using my forelimbs and hind limbs. I
have sharp teeth for cutting and tearing my food. I am man's best friend.

2. I have wings, feathers and beak or bill.

3. I have slipping scales, fins, tails, and lives in water.

4. I have spots on my skin with long neck and long legs.

5. I have big ears, long nose, two pairs of tusk and I am the biggest land

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