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Date: 05.03.2024 Marks: /70
No. of printed pages: 8 Time: 3 hours

General Instructions:
➢ There are 33 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
➢ This question paper has five sections - Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D
and Section E.
➢ All sections are compulsory.
➢ Section A contains sixteen questions, twelve MCQ and four Assertion Reasoning
based of 1 mark each, Section B contains five questions of 2 mark each, Section
C contains seven questions of 3 mark each, Section D contains two case study
based questions of 4 mark each and Section E contains three long answer
questions of 5 mark each.
➢ There are no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in
one question in Section B, one question in Section C, one question in one CBQ
in Section D and all three questions in Section E. You have to attempt only one
of the choices in such questions.
➢ Use of calculators is not allowed.

SECTION A ( 30 min)
1. Which of the following cannot be a speed time graph?

a) b) c) d)

2. Which of the following statements is true for a particle executing uniform circular
a) The velocity vector points to the centre of the circle.
b) The acceleration vector is tangent to the circle.
c) The velocity and acceleration vectors are perpendicular to each other.
d) The velocity and acceleration vectors are parallel to each other.


3. A bullet is fired from a rifle. If the rifle recoils, the KE of rifle is
a) greater than that of bullet b) less than that of bullet
c) equal to that of bullet d) zero

4. Which of the following statement is true?

a) g is maximum on the surface of the earth
b) g is maximum at the centre of the earth
c) g is more at the equator than at the poles
d) g is a universal constant

5. The stress at which elongation of a material starts taking place more

rapidly as compared to increase in load, is called
a) breaking point b) elastic point c) tensile strength d) yield point

6. A spherical drop of water has 1mm radius. If the surface tension of water is
70 x 10-3Nm-1, then difference of pressures inside and outside of the spherical
drop is
a) 35Nm-2 b) 14Nm-2 c) 140 Nm-2 d) 0.140 Nm-2

7. Which of the following surfaces will radiate more heat at a given temperature?
a) Black and Rough b) White and rough
c) White and polished d) Black and polished

8. A polyatomic gas with ‘n’ degrees of freedom has a mean energy per molecule is
given by
a) nkBT/N b) nkBT/2N c) nkBT/2 d) 3kBT/2

9. In the given V-T graph, what is the relation between pressure P1and P2?

a) P1=P2 b) P2 › P1 c) P2 ‹ P1 d) cannot be predicted


10. Average velocity of a particle executing SHM in one complete vibration is

a) Aω/2 b) Aω c) Aω2/2 d) zero

11. If metal bob of a simple pendulum is replaced by a wooden bob, then its time
period will
a) remain the same
b) increase
c) decrease
d) may change depending on its mass

12. A shell at rest explodes. The centre of mass of the fragments

a) moves along a parabolic path b) moves along an elliptical path
c) moves along a straight line d) remains at rest

For question numbers 13 to 16, two statements are given- one labelled Assertion
(A) and the other labelled Reason(R). Select the correct answer to these questions
from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given below.
a) if Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) if Both A and R are true and R is NOT the correct explanation of A
c) if A is true but R is false
d) if A is false and R is also false
13. Assertion(A) : A small drop of mercury is spherical but bigger drops are
oval in shape.
Reason (R) : Surface tension of liquid decreases with increase in temperature.
14. Assertion(A) : A brass tumbler feels much colder than a wooden tray on a
chilly day.
Reason (R) : The thermal conductivity of brass is less than that of wood.
15. Assertion(A) : Lead is more elastic than rubber
Reason (R) : If the same load is loaded on lead and rubber wire of same cross
sectional area, the strain produced is very less in lead than rubber.
16. Assertion(A) : The internal energy of a real gas is a function of both,
temperature and volume.
Reason (R) : Internal kinetic energy depends on temperature and internal
potential energy depends on volume.


SECTION B (25 min)

17. Dimensionally prove Stoke’s law of viscosity.

18. The position of an object moving along x-axis is given by x = a + bt2, where
a = 8.5m, b = 2.5ms-2and t is measured in seconds. What is the average
velocity between t = 2s and t = 4s?
19. A stone of mass 0.25kg tied to the end of string in a horizontal plane is whirled
round in a circle of radius 1.5m with a speed of 40rpm. What is the tension in
the string? What is the maximum speed with which the stone can be whirled
around, if the string can withstand a maximum tension of 200N?

20. An engine pumps up 100kg of water through a height of 10m in 5s. If the
efficiency of the engine is60%, calculate the power of the engine.( g=10ms-1)

21. a) State Universal law of gravitation.

b) Even though the freely falling body and the earth experience the same
action and reaction forces, apple moves towards the earth and not vice-versa.
Give reason.
Show that the total energy of a circularly orbiting satellite is negative.

SECTION C (40 min)

22.a) A car travels along a straight line for first half time with a speed of
40kmh-1 and the second half time with a speed of 60 kmh-1. Find the average
speed of the car.
b) The displacement of a body is proportional to square of time. Comment on
the nature of motion of the body.

23. Prove that a gun will shoot three times as high, when its angle of projection is
600 as compared to the angle of projection of 300, but cover the same
horizontal range.

24. a) Show that the vectors A = i + 2j + 3k and B = 2i – j are perpendicular to

each other.
b) What is an elastic collision? Give an example.

25. At what height from the surface of the earth will the value of g be reduced by
36% from the value at the surface? Radius of the earth = 6400km.


26. a) Define Surface tension.
b) Give reason
i) It is dangerous to stand on the edge of a platform, when the train is
passing by.
ii) It is difficult to cook food on hills.
27. Calculate the heat required to convert 3kg ice at -120C kept in a calorimeter
to steam at 1000C at atmospheric pressure.
Given ,specific heat capacity of water= 4186JKg-1K-1
specific heat capacity of ice= 2100JKg-1K-1
latent heat of fusion of ice= 3.35 x 105J Kg-1
latent heat of steam= 2.25 x 106 J Kg-1

28. a) Define simple harmonic motion.

b) Graphically represent the variation of displacement and velocity of a
particle executing SHM with time.

Show that the mechanical energy of a harmonic oscillator is independent of time.

SECTION D ( 20 min)
Case Study Based Questions

29. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow.

Law of conservation of linear momentum

The linear momentum of a particle is defined as the product of the mass of
the particle times the velocity of that particle. Conservation of momentum of a particle is
a property exhibited by any particle where the total amount of momentum never changes.
Linear momentum of a particle is a vector quantity and is denoted by

According to the conservation of linear momentum, if the net external force acting on a
system of bodies is zero, then the momentum of the system remains constant.

We have to remember that the momentum of the system is conserved and not that of the
individual particles. The momentum of the individual bodies in the system might increase
or decrease according to the situation, but the momentum of the system will always be
conserved, as long as there is no external net force acting on it.


(i) A bullet of mass 5 g is fired from a gun of mass 5 kg. If the muzzle velocity
of the bullet is 500m/s, then what is the recoil velocity of the gun?
a) 500 m/s b) 50 m/s c) 5 m/s d) 0.5 m/s

(ii) Two bodies moving with constant velocities collide with each other. Which
of the following quantities remain conserved?
a) Momentum b) Speed c) Force d) Velocity

(iii) Which of the following is the mathematical representation of law of

conservation of total linear momentum?

a) dP/dt = 0 b) dF/dt = 0 c) dP/dt = Finternal d) dF/dt = P

(iv) Two masses of 1g and 9g are moving with equal kinetic energy. The ratio of
the magnitudes of their respective linear momenta is
a) 3:1 b) 1:3 c) 1:9 d) 9:1
A body whose momentum is constant must have constant

a) force b) velocity c) acceleration d) all of these

30. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow.

Rotational Motion

A rigid body is said to be rotating if every point mass that makes it up, describes a
circular path of a different radius but the same angular speed. The circular paths of all the
point masses have a common centre. A line passing through this common centre is the
axis of rotation.

A rigid body is said to be in equilibrium if under the action of forces/torques, the body
remains in its position of rest or of uniform motion. For translational equilibrium, the
vector sum of all the forces acting on a body must be zero. For rotational equilibrium, the
vector sum of torques of all the forces acting on that body about the reference point must
be zero. For complete equilibrium, both these conditions must be fulfilled.

Two equal and opposite forces acting on a body but having different lines of action, form
a couple. The net force due to a couple is zero, but they exert a torque and produce
rotational motion.


(i) If a body is rotating about an axis passing through its centre of mass, the
angular momentum of the body is directed along its

a) Circumference b) Radius c) Axis of rotation d) tangent

(ii) Three identical spheres each of radius R are placed on a horizontal table
touching one another such that their centres lie on a straight line. What is the
location of their centre of mass from the centre of the first sphere?
a) R b) 2 R c) 3 R d) 4R

(iii) What does a couple produce?

a) pure rotation b) rotation and translation

c) no motion d) pure translation

(iv) A flywheel gains a speed of 540rpm in 6s. Its angular acceleration is

a) 9π rad/s2 b) 54π rad/s2 c) 18π rad/s2 d) 3π rad/s2

SECTION E ( 50 min)

31. a) A projectile is fired with velocity u making an angle θ with the horizontal.
Show that its path is parabolic.
b) There are two angles of projection for the same horizontal range of a
projectile. Justify
c) What is the maximum height attained by a projectile which is projected
with a speed of 12ms-1 making an angle of 300with the horizontal?

a) Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant of two vectors A and B
I n terms of their magnitudes and angle θ between them.
b) Rain is falling vertically with a speed of 35ms-1. Wind starts blowing after
sometime with a speed of 12ms-1in east to west direction. In which
direction should a boy waiting at a bus stop hold his umbrella?

32. a) Explain an adiabatic process stating the required conditions for the same.

c) Derive an expression for the work done in an adiabatic process



a) State and explain the first law of thermodynamics.

b) Why is Cp greater than Cv?

c) Using first law of thermodynamics, prove that Cp - Cv= R

33. a) Derive Newton’s formula for speed of sound in ideal gases.

b) What is Laplace correction? Obtain the corrected formula of speed of
a) The equation of a plane progressive wave is y = 10 sin 2π (0.005x - t),
where x and y are in cm and t is in seconds. Calculate amplitude,
frequency and wavelength of wave.
b) Differentiate between longitudinal and transverse wave.
(two points each)
c) Obtain the speed of transverse wave on a stretched string dimensionally.


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