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Compiler Desion (1 .) vate lexical Bnalysis parsing! Syntax Divected Translahin (sot) Indermeciate code qeneration a eS OI as ee eo Transa ¢ B software system hres Convert the Source Loc a Fem ore form of language +o anotbes four of Language 18 cated Trams tachos Tupee of transaloters There a7€ tw36 type of Trancalotors Compiler 2. Assembler. > Compilers B transclater whith convert the Sousce cod from hgh level language to lows level language ~ Cablect Compiles ru bee Compiles -—> Source Target code Code > ) ss Assembler? Erravs Sarnia, Ro SoPtuccse Sim whith comves}? agkembly Cade mto okjtc code ov Bmary code is colléd fh ccernbler a ASL objetk code ; —— | Assembley | 5S ; bmary code Eumchors: of Language Procemum System (LPS): ; Deeg Bo So w we Ye. pe a Peprcescer | Pure HLL [compiles Cd File Teelasten G@> maces Bvaluahoe ole ch -cocte net zl LN. [ Assernbier | Relocatable Absol object Code maple | Res object code exe.code Pneproceuer includes atl the beacles flex and alse evoluale fF Te prep any macro ik arduded. comer ya alto called ai MACRO Evaluator Pneproceng 4 ephane! ie i} any language whith dot not cuppet #irmctude and macRos prepyocHy fa not Hequived Compiler joke the prebroceos a4 inpub and conves Tho axrernbly code Assemble a Clrmary biking and leading provider four Allocahon pes se Gett cytiem and cenvert the assembly Language into ob ee coda) of Crnachme code) funchons Relocation Linker Loader mg the memory womhens Fram opesahrg stormg Me objet dota or Objet Code Caetatve — Cprysicalr adele se) Adclweuy ( ¢ ¢ © Dp Relocation: Mapping the sidlahve adideeu to the phy weat: addres and nelogahag. the ebjcet code Combine: ath executable object module to pre guagle executable Fle. Loader: Lectelrmagy Ibe exccumabie file into pesmanenta Design of Compiler Ve EEG" OF Compile i lex. Analysis Sy oiox Pralpis Cporsig) Symanhc knalpis Csot) Intermediate. code gene code Optimization Target code fas ole Phase Converting the fource code From one form Slepmaentehse tb anvthey form a sebyeuniahen «1 colled Phase Lex "Sf sSticot Pacts + lexical Analyses scan the source cod ane Awide orto tokens ie input 1 source cade anel ofp & Stveam of tokens. ext ind lets Trot ! Joe \ kw id opt cot or kus val SPT Gana 2. Syrtlax Bralysis t 1B ARIES Dinix Anodiy2e7 Veriby the qpammaheal mistake of the Sources coca, du veriby the Syria eh the Hu language mud be dubned by CFG Syntax arelyzer take! eee Source Cocle the aheom of qenerate: rhe Porse bee fat as atbre crG anid Ponce Tree? 5 “N x = € JN aE N eben / ex* + b ne Symante Aralysis : : Symantre Pmalyitt Veripy the meansg © ef each and every sentance by perhorrning hype check type Syntax aralyzer jush vewiier whether the Operator 4 opesohig on oepreccd ne % opesendy oy no! and doe not lool itd woeking “Cet int eG chav a: Float b? No Syntax Esvos xratbhd symannc Feros Eo ils E esereli ys aglermecucne Looe genevanens a Tre Couste- code fk converted ito jnteyenm \.refrcientaben +o make code gqenchohen farmcess ewhbl Beaty % Zico te achieve the platkam Indeperdency ° oe : tis bee tat at Ff Intermediole Cece neds © S. Code bhi zahto Rectucerig He numbes d} mshuthens Mout afsechng Ht ouklome of the gource mEYrAM ik called Cod: ephimizohon ~ Ophminahsn is Q two hype 1. Machme mwidlependint ep imizahor a. Machme dependent ophmrahon -. Machine indeperden! ophmi2ahée : Loacl ; ue arb : xscartb; yew: S p> 6 Target code: 3 The optmizabwmed source code should converted into assembly code. Cx: @ x= AtbAC! Ro mut R, RB, IlbRe S f Ra ay ROD Ro & Matbac 1b ‘ Roc Move R&R xrNr= atbac, Code ophmm2ahen phaw divide He Compiler into wo © Parts @ Font End (Anatyis) Gent nd Probayse © © cbkmaton/ ¢ Syntresi Back End Triexpreter ¢ eed ie b. Software syste that convert ml executable Code 4 Cormpiler THe see ele: ie process Franclahs> Coan the entre eet is "Requires TERE memory « lout hme Lu lese ob Cede ophmizehsr 41. Peiible c. Scope 4 chabe 4. Fortean ie be froth language languagi1 are beth Ovientahen, €*: Java. vet> Mie mdependent ophmMitah Fem om + le dependent opt omwose Fhe source Code an Interpreter Interpreter. tle: ele: Procent a. Sourvte code sre culk. to execuhsn . b. Scan The source code line by ime. = € S Reayne leu mumarg bol hone iu mone : ¢ to net d. code ophmnahe? ‘ posible © e. Stepe 1S dynemc e e € compiles and: Inkebotle ve Lex. Analysis 4 S¥mbol table rot Handler } Symantec Anauysic [ ue Symbol table - Symbol table ADT used by the complicr to steve tree Usmplete wnhoemahin of Sourte Code. At any phase if any variable sx éMeountesed ‘that si . ost tl _ 7ethhg each and every phose 9 compiler lexical Prolysis ¢& The pitt phose inkescct voit Symbol! fable and. ete/id we idtid tid E e 7 hd Ye Vor LN 4 ere a ui L tL ' ia id ara 2 the gqpammes (G4 Bmbigeous * note. The ciarmmer whote joreduthete ave wh He foenn’ paw. neve xeCuen™ in cated crag eo éx: @ e4 e+e lexelid ; > E= {t,a,id 3 9 @ i eS e+e > Ce) oe -~ és oe = id tet, =2,0,),id5 8 @ 2078+) ; Aid C eid ee Ben GG, ' Batd Derivation? The porocemtey Of dewviig a Khring (4 colledl oe derieahen and gqeomentcal siefreentahon % colled Demvahen Free /paorce bree/symtox Tree.” Ail Fhe \inlermediobe alepx 14 the desivahon +4 called gentantial form. Farce Tree E> e+e aS a ” > e+ere a) sid +Gae Yd a idtid AE : ) + idtidxid ito ta Sentential id e* Ee “ form. od } i id Type of derivation: . 1 LD Clebt most dervohon) - a.RMD CRight met} der vahen ) w i : 6 Lmp: The saroceu Y devivng & amng by expanding The left most nom deornmals i« .called Lm and Geometrical Stefeseienkahen 4 CMD ta. called imp RMD, The @roceu gq deriving a RMSE bY expanding apight mos vartable 1« cabled RMD and germs veprecemallon -chremp 0 ealed- RMDT ar S4 sslo 3. s> as|Sole W000 oe aaa 7 oe 7 s s Ss s e 8 /\ ZN V8 o a sos a s noe E \ Q os Ss JN 4 4 7X ps 4oL € $6 aos s 2 zs oa £ & JN YS : ae 758 0 9.6.8 s ie t a Wotes Ne. 0, demahen <6 +1. Te ambigeous Gramme bol imp 4 RmD He farcent diftevent porse hee imot #emot 8 The ambiguity § cFq 4s. Undecidable. 3. Prmbiguily can be elimmatd by newsiting He Groom €xt gs ete/id a G4 etelerelid ra. eo e+t/T = E> ett/t e toate ESE YP URE, y Tih LAG . : - ww tdtid-+tid oan er 5 ic ZN - oN ee fe e+ TT Js var t a sN 4 ae » e444 id ey Poy L 4 doe id, A a idl id - ! idl fens id f 5 Unambigeous Grammer: : gad t be Unambiqerss tf > The grammer “G's 2 ZF ungue derdohen Hee for every i/p AP™H- a ex: S-> aSsblé a Si aasble weaaabb YG. 4 wraabb ung s s ea 4I™N ISN a Ss b yh b i<™ 7 Lis a oas b 1 f . é vextiyrig tre following Gaarnmey LS Ala ne Ca) ¥ «aw anl|(ayla cad a. $3SaS|b (a) a Ges asesle (s)- 3, sasssla (*) 6. sossies ® L. Sa'sase [sbsale (07 a= Aala Cr) = Belb ss AzACAYIA Cry a. so Cula Con) La L,sls 10, SAR ‘ Po aA (vr) AaB : ® Non - Recursive Grammes Recussive Grammer . . the grommet 4) 2 Raid tO be mecursive if F atleast one prrodurthen hich on Kame variable both’ } ab tus and RS by ex: S—> Salb @ s2oslb @ svacele Non neaire Ne Grarmrmes i £ The qraromes 6" 1a Zaid do be non necarsve if No pyeduchen eonhaina same Voriablé both of LHS SPs ye. Prmbbigreous 6 ex; ¢ 3 sslAR Po a= Bala » BZ Rbolb jt The Grammer s— sslo "2 a. No ambigeow @Prnbigeous c leFh HecUTHCD J. righ? Seo Avan \cayla a. No ambigeou ©. Ambigesu © cleft Hearne 4. Hight 9eus A. The Hearetiep which iter lefh nor weKr fe called General Ne cua gn ol ex: @MA > Calla Cea eee ie Z.Tf the 4rammery iz mph loop. .ce ambi qeout gb we Of general ex: S4esspyje F let} Re curiian tae BLY Hoe _qwanmex S s i al ~~ ORK P ass bh . AS g asshe ee i} si ee eed Meeurive thon the Parsex got fo avoid the loopig we need 70 tony! He lefh Hecuwive Ogrammer mt atght Heats Grea Convessim of a A Ae |e |e > rape] aA we Aa Aex)\B = AS BA Ato an’ |é rio wal lé left necursion imto Right Hécur nT. LRG» RRG oa Bet, | Prot | pete | 2 A fa! pi et, 0° Jou BL bain" al Bo a oy = Gata \ex") of Al > Baad a. per rel[@|elal- 1b >, Ba |e aia apie Jodi > a fot, [Aot, DR BA IR Ala 4, A! loo p].. [a A! € {Joey bP le en {| Bea € at |... Joma le Plime The eff edirnény for the Fallousg, Grammer; 1. 4. A > Balbo 2 acaba’ pia aalle sososi lé x % So és' sta osis' le a 63 sslo 3. an s- os! sta gstfe ss Sasb |sbSale a F Sa és! sia asbS'|osas'le sessile casesls fae si» sss'lé 6 ee+e leae ak a Ph Abd [ace Idle oe en ile OB ! A= an! f Asada lfa pe aty - Ata -Cay aA! ats bdal |e Bale wi ¢a Cidla 2 3. Ea £€4+T LR), . 8 Z/E.C ua uss . Lit ek ® o TS TR EIE cry cee 5 x @ ma Bey a F eo ce)lid ee ecicy ¢ Sol uo sutle 3 e-te! 7 ay Bs +retle no go-bela oO ose . A= AbISAbLbS a Po xer'lé ro Fe )lid shi ga fala n= pblAm lam \e x ot a OF 5 Sa aApla & > gace'|bn! ‘ ala woljanbn'le ‘ Non Determintehe Crarnmer 2 The grammer: wil common pmefixes 1« cobled Non déetesmmrche Grammer Aap, |42, | ¢ Bg now dekteminishe ‘Note: : oo CL The Qearmet wilh Cormmen prefixer nequrrer backhoe fe) % Backtracking 14 coatHy. avoid the backhackitg We need 40 Convest the nen— r 3. TH > See fy detesrainishe grammer to dettsymmishe ve need to ‘ Peston left factenng f bef} factsring ; 7 The Proce Of Conyesstn Of aeammnet urls ‘ Common Osefixer int) delesminuhe grammer iA Colled € lefl factoring Ex: a mae, |se.| 45, 7 > ARH . aly wo pf iz | 3 Ns BL, By ex. @ g - aSb labslab saas Jo ae t en sb|bslb 2, Ss abedlabce| abflag @ $3 abkes' labflag si dle @ 63 abs"lag a “ ¢@ SMo5 es! |F & Sty ale @ e+ ac" om, bs" |q Ss" ast lf sia dle @ Dangly eke prablem ~ Detmrag the grememner Lov | Condittcnal stakement. “su sets lies Esle emk Sel Sy vetes' |e sis eles © aE - : Clacsifreation of parsers: @ Top pown parser ctoP) @® Botton up parser CBUP) Tor Down parser (TOP): The procews. 7 ton ¥hachas af parse bee Starhrg from oot and proceed to. children in colted Toe. fe starhrg from Afast symbol of, the grammes and seacnnig the UP Shing, €x: S> ohte s “yas be a ae aod ¥ wn F w= abede boc TDP internally vases lelP most deri vahon . TOP Conshucted. fer the oprammet ya wa free pom cunbiquiky and left seein ae SO 3 TOP Uned for Hae grammer with teu Compumhy oh) csmplxity i mote thin Hu paraiig mechanism Be c slow oud hinte perfamantt wi dow. = Bvesage Tine Complesity 4 0 Cnt) nO Cassificahre of Top down parser O with Back Prackng > BwuleFowce Tethwiape Q@oithout Rous Pokug —- pHedechve parses © LLOD oF Non -frecursive @® Reurrtive Descent parser. «Bouck Force Technique? Pree olen eB ce laced) fos and’ Comporre Wi Whenever bine, go wilh the frat) allernohve Yo Hye thpekshwig, if docx nok matty go wily He 3 keusmd alltinohee aed Compare wit, Kae mpot Abita ) tf dest not mache go wilh He Hives andl 30.07 io and conhnue with au rhe altesnahves iy ablecth € one alkenahve fa marche the i)P amg thon ' ip aig ¢e parsed suceetuballyy Otheswiae the Amug can nok be Parxed. & ‘ ex: Scand las ws ddde t Aable t g > ecdldde 5 S { s a oN t ATS aie of Gg AN “as aA a JIN : é t ccd cle 2 4 > LEO) parses Cor) Table driven Parser = LLO) x | Loyno. of - symbol taken wto count fos pornvig left to Right ; LM Clef} mort derNahun) Block Diagzam of un ose: ee Seek Piagvam of Lb 60). parser: Grammer a input Buffer & CET ' Tape headles é Lp TERE ere aleonttm [> ve (Prockuchen) : : fobs] af [ele] mere O¢ Wen- Herons! * —_— be ne be. ay Fermbale |c_| pe | £ te mxn forse Table c € UC) har ; 1 Topub Butter 2 Porete-—Sho. tke -—— _ 3. Parse table Input Buffer = : ® tru dwided mito cellu and eath cellu 4 Cofeable a holaiwig only ene Sgmbol Tnput Ruffer contests only one Tre Tape headur oluain Pomhing ont one symbol at oo hme, The sgmbol “ahr 4 pomkd by tele heodes tx colld took bhead saenrel d > > ey “ Fatse Stack: Ft centama the Grammer Symbols: The avcindlne, eyrmise are putbed ye mie x2tadc or peped feorn ‘the Stade bared on Hoe occuranie of the molthing. ie if there rR no matching bo the | tp moth cigrnbo of} Mhe ArAcK ard look ahead CSymiel then the “Trommes Syrnecl ave -purbed ito Stade i motdh occas bles the to mov Aigrrbo) 9 wu tlaur ard Jook abeack Agmiol then Hu geammin Sqbolt a7 peed from the -*lack. Farce Tabl - Ft re a toe démensonal array a ordix MRP whese ™M= Noo non -fesemrdal 4 n= mo 4 germ oda +1 Tt containk all Hx produthe®’ whith are veEd an He parsing 42 push the aeammer eyrnsola into stock. Parsiig process StepO: Push Hee statt Symbol mto fhe stack. . Step (a): Compare the topmosh sigratol of the stade wth He: look ahead Symbol. StepcCa): If matthmg occur then top of He apramnmes Symbol and wisemen} the i/p pointer. £ conhnue the. process Skp ty): Oofpub the. porodachon whith ig Used for the exporclitg o Aon-tesmival and conhnue. EC fe ig maces Let x be the Grammer symbol Cstost Symbol ri the statk and ai fk the look ahead Symbol Op xsa-g¢ then, ih va SUccetthull «Qo parang, @) rp xcad4 then pop off and worm the te pork @ tp xdatg 4 mfx.a]} bas the produthon xauve meplace by Uvin 15 Fhe veveste order & tsphnus ht p2ot Gy) eubput the produsthse whith ik vaed bor expanding Ae en, SAA. een los abab, Aab.-! . x stacks Ip cheg Achen s i ghac4 push (San) gaa abab$ push (#0) qPAa devas ¢ pee é gan babt puth (Ab) fae babs per abt push (naan) pa & ; aot eS s to Bt puth (Rab) ca wb - wa por 4 at beceph r a L + S | sora] sana ¢ : haan Rab € é LCD Grammer: qe —eyrommex LLG Parser can be Crammer HL rnulkplh entie Funchror ©. The Qoammes m6 paed be comhrucked 1% ‘gtanedtdecbe for Chin uLay Knotan cu tat doer not cme & whet porssé cobled LLC) Gramma the Umabudsn oF Parse rable @ Fest Co&h) terminal /nen Terminal @ Fortow (A). Nom terminal, _FiRstCA): : Fivct Co) ra the aet of all terminals that mary - ‘beqm mo ang rentdntial form whith 14 derived fom o : Rulesr 7 I2 Ot TF &X ik adesmisal then. 7 First Cx) = fa 3% .. Lieu dine oe Nene ened ocenne se toy the rule © eed First (x) = {eh 3% TF 8 a Non terminal and defined by non MAU px fe X39 >, XQ xy Frvst Ct) = Fivst Cx) ’ = First Cx) v FirstOu) ; = First Cx) u FrrstCxa) 0 Froth Ga) = Gosh Cx.) 0 Batk Gea) 6 Five Car) 9 £E4 ex: cal oe @ Sah ® FG) = fay , 7 bo bale ely. fhe B-dala F(e)={d.< Fest Cel> Lae} © Sane. £Cs):fa" @ srahle Fs)=$a,€} ho ble FCAIR{b , Aab FCa)= {bY Bee F(aI+fe ) ® sa ale . © ssFe ecsys{apbe} @ saAacve a ele SC) fa,e4 ease te) cele err 78 : cea. fa,b,c, Bsablé (ads fe, ey code 8\fvey 2 Dad Bithey “ @® s>a4secoe cfice3 Aa ale as Bele eas . Ba ble elf e3 Zz ca cle u Onde maelé Ss) s— aed e(sitfay AS BAble FCM =f Edn} ba nan ef RY.S edd Find the Hits} set for the foliovieg grammers. ae x ti PACA |A Not Lyd ®, Fa Soln am ae . aa Caya'lan’ : a's caya'fe alae Best CHT £24 . Feet cay = £6.08 sesh Carde{oe} peck (ps LEAF 23 e4t[t Tos TxF(F fF Ce) la{o é Q erertit to id St: e24Te' ‘i BOTE € glo nte'le ela 4reye Taid & T— FT! . Fivsh Ce) = £id3 4 xe! le € Grrsk Cede Le, +4 r— cer lalb é Firth CT) = Tidy frst C62 {c,a, 6] & © sca free Cerne 14-63 ¢ Loatusis ert L6.0%3 Sol: 9-5 cLyla casks fred es at amr (202 £eG,b5 uasstle aps eben ce taye 2 erst (92 fe,a4 @ acc eC) = fc) ¢ Butts feay . Ca wecle — eCeys 4,63 erst CU): 5,69 ao £00). ¢ 3,54. . enale 3 a FC 20+ fae h eo ele ® s-* FCpIzE Fey gga sete Awe eine Cove tarby eint(ets \' -FoLtow a): : “Fottowin) ia the Ret of ail Hee teeminals thot mo Zz Follos +o the right OF Ah any Senteniod forms of ee : : iB © Rules fe find Fouawcad TF AR IR & Stast Sygenbol teen . a: Foun Co? =-£ 43 ~ 7 Ff Ss «xap Cree) a Ne Grammer rQ Symicole Follow Cn) = Frvst Ge) (Lo thot €} «og If s-x Re or nO ss ape Cre) ad Fhen, |follors Cr . £2 @ San @. s>re — cae Aa ale oa Folloo (6) = {$5 S-> ble . r Follow Cad? 144 Follows) = £43 . ={b.95 © Ss sarbp Ffottorscar= £6, $ . A> Bald Foleo (B= 144 7 a 6 > aecor Follos(s) = €$3 ane Pollen (ale Thy =a Folloe Co )= fay Cele @.- s— Sesi le paalé ; ) ga e VO Rotten C92 THON a Follow 2 @ s+ Aahb| Gabb 7 s} t44 , i ae al Lb,cd,e3 a e|feaes oy Follou(s d= £$3 eee ‘ Follow (a d= fab pl tes . Follon(g ): T4.54 i 45 8... S->aBDh Bcc Ca bce pose e2 4le F> Fle Follas Cs)= $3 Folloo (6)= £4, f.hy Follos Co)= £4, fh} Fotlos (OD= $43 Faileo CE) = LFb3 Farlow CFD= £ bY a as Car. la B> oBalb Fotles (a= ($594 Falles C8)= fa. $75 yo, S32 aBCbD ea ban| gold c3 cela D7 eclbelée e— coble Follos Cs) = 143 Pollo Ca) = Lab.bS Fallon C2 thay | Follow 623.2 £4,0,b.24 Follow (2) = {bay consteuct and every ¥ qrommer ‘left 1. a 3. the folloaag 824 fox e variables for rhe fol & Ablee climmahon - of \ not Lt {1 e!—sate'le : recursion es e4t|t Tid © Te! Taid ro Cer? TE5 foi Ce) 145. - e fol(r) 2 {+.43 . e- erelexelid G7 ide! ei +28! |xee' le ¢ Poi cey< {4.4.43 po Cee L$, 4.3 eoertl|t Ta TRFIL BR Fo Ce) lia mo eote! elaetet|e Ta et Ts xFT'le Fo Ce) lid. poi cer £4,043 Foi Cet)? £4,03 ror Cr: £4,4,53 For (re 4. 4.93 For Cede{ x44.) - WS AR aaa { Ae Y = ForCsd= £43 folcad= {a,b ¢y Cee Gla pee a esis) Ogee ree ao boa su : Uysule — For CL = £49,594 “O° frdiy = 49,93 Fr Ce). £4, 95 Ro ree ire} ekica)lalb B, BI a fel aos Cay et lan! [be ; f aia+ee'| ge’ |xe' je ForC@ ts, ya a Ca,by = FCA) = Fhe} og Ss itiss' |a S23 eSlé eEokb . RI Csy. EF, eF- 7 a es yp RIGTe THed Rice ged Peocedure to-conshud the tl0) parser _ For every produchiny A> sebeat He follooing steps Pdd Ree in mfa,a) for every Symbol a im Firck(? 2. Fivst Cd) contamn, € and Add Roa mm mAb] for exergy Symbol b 44 Fottow CA). We qremmer 9G! re UG ib ik Centena multible enires, é Pore table does nob 7 tg s-sictss | Pest Foics) = £$.04 sSisesle 7 2a 50 eck 08) Bob Ss \tee} for eds THY EYt.y qztita,e b. $4 Pie ff | Fl 2 gramen sa nok ut) - ers e gee ¢ “TPs. Leer us se [use 4. SLAM FCs) =f4,%3 Foi Ce) = U5 aoap eCAD= {4,63 Fol (A= Zarb. #4 Asa b a be $ s S$3Ag| SsaAH -. uLdry) a Roan| As > SS eaeerlt - Ts im FCeE)={mnry Fol CED = $3 Sel; e-— 7Te" F Cet) f+63 Foca: £43 ese Te'le FO: fsry Breet ye Lt Fy 7 To iat } — 3 + ing ¢ ) £ E>te! €' floste’ 1 Taint 6. eo te ee ee Follow eee Le,iag {43 < TS Bro e ) Ply were F463 £43 Fs Ce) |id $C, id} Jo ( " fag {4,493 ¢ fc, ia3 fa, 4.4.03 fe € ial + * C ) € € cote gote! A pete a eae : T qaet aaer & — __ é oa pot [rt net pete |que a4 © | eid : ence) v|. Note: ‘ Shortcut te Frnd 10 parser € 4. & grammer without € pale fs LLOD for cach © Produchen of Me form A> ow ler lagl... le, @, First Co) 1 Fresh (eis2 9 2.2 9 Fisk Cand= . wo tre EC 5B Cot Da eo RCelg) ome Mulvolly disjornd Fast (4,) 9 File) = 6 2 The qrammer wits € vule fs LLG) for each neue | of the form no ale Fost} .9 Felloo 6m) = LL Pmbigiouw gqvammes fA not LLC 4, Left ecurive aqprammer fA. nop tLCD 5 Non left factor arammmer 1A ok EEO 36 Ths aemmer sh white every. pamcuchin. shar enly en i Aleenakve RHS 8 always LLC) iZ : 7 Z 3 : = : ere ne 2 “ pees | a 6 .[ s Ba » 4nas s [sane | sone : Bob BR Pacae | ee B Bb. 2 ss anlee fay ofb3 ed Aseria fb,clafay: g a B> Ble Bedoteyeg ey > Se yrammes fs LLG) pO) c) s—> AR|BR . Asale fa,by 1 fab #¢g ea B= bla 2 3 80 grammes os not Lot) ; Ab aM sae @ ee Perma Boable iedotdys¢ * 2 So grammes rs LLC) S > Aahbb | BLBa Roe JoZof{bj=¢g 2 Boe no So grammer ic uC 6 S> AaAb| RoR aoe » goe fayn fay €g Verify the folloeng qeammerys ra LUCID ey Not. S232 aABL . hacle fehofa by=g i Sci fayofbys¢ a. S53 pace) ChB) ea b= dal ac @re|ft mecrrhin -G) Rigrt Rew 06. SFR Raxsle Parrivig table Entries J ana mee) Foaid ¥ fdig bho fh 4 See poho Pho d ag ‘co ble © Se qrammes us nok LEC. 2 “S+4agle eo ee 1 &—> WaAc loc ln éeg Boos eee Lead Gate 1 ssala Rey sot LUO a. pam = begin d ceri x ead x —= Ad semi x ls ¥ fajngsd= 8 Yoo Semi s vile fsemi Jolenaj= 6. 2 wt 3:0 find the Fist and follow °4 Sivek Ea onl Cer a Ka tel] kee x lta. #04 Aan Sess! | q = nea - iy af{aj= es Stn es le titot feJofe : aes fepe@ 4% wer LLG) Ss A> AB\ CADE 26 Br Prmbigeows @ tone mfsjid} mfee,rJ L L SFR Se 8 _#*™ Botton UP PARSER ; { > URC . . vA Y operate procedure poser & : . ERG) cLRoD aa RO) SERCO) Gear LacRe? 7 Onernbigeous oberedes proteins partes aS aeare - only opesalor prammer “ sitet) : ; . eLR OD LRO) ~beth ambiqguieiy and unambiguet G tare Cid 6 Bottonn up parser (BuP)* : ; . eo . The procera of contbuchin of Hie parse bree 5 ae bul up manntr vee starhig wih, the eae rand pyoceede 40 the root YA called @athern Up Porse + r ex Sa aPge eee eee de A= belb Wi acre Parse bree wy Handle = ~salaring of He oiven Yp.ahing ‘ ‘ ef any .produchim in cabled Handle. thot motina oh oy Note: : : ) t BUP jz also cobled as Shift mneduce parser. 2 The @0P user meverke 6f Tight mott desivahen 3. It han to detect the handle and weduce tHe handle 4 Dekeching Hhe handle i& main ovechead ee Cexcept em fer sherates grammer) “Thee, Parsiig machanicky ix The BUP aan be Camatruached for. Hoe. qrammer whith baa “more comblathy, - fortes then Top down porsmg & HE, BUP C& more efficient then toe BUP Pertormance YA high Pverage hime camplenity ie OCn*) ex S—> AA & RaaA : ¢ Rob stack Ve Reto q ababy shift & ga babg shift é gab ab} meduce Ab dan aby feduce pP7an cc 3A : abg shift - gha by Reciever Rewrb sHith $Aab g reduce A7bR han ¢ meduce AAR : Bae Sy medurce SbF ‘ gs 4 accept: ; Blocts dioqran of BUP: Grammer pinpal Buffer 2 OEE LL TT] : Shift meduce olgqenthm Jos, Ee : Cereduche 5 Achin Foto we alblelale|$]ale] clo] © > a, GRbeeee rnd > $ thems TZ s i Poe “OD Ne L oe : s Table .o rr ‘ a \ Tnpud Buffer : a. porce clack. 1 i 3. parse table jo be parsed ond . Topuk Buffer: consis of fre tip amng . the iyo ating ia ends caith ¢ Syrmeolu Parse stacks “Shack omsish an of the -Grarnmes sqreols. The qyoamsr 17 Waerked oF semoved = om the Stade 045 fr ghikk and seduce opesahon’ a “Parse table: no. 4 ewe eu parte fable 1& tansbucled wilh no. of devennratr, nen kermmol % LR thems / compiler tema. The parse table consist of two ports: a. ACH b. ge to. Achon park conatsh of chibt and sedicce Gperdkons implied for the Kemal. Onc gote conarsta of the Shift Cheranon whith are applied an the nen-dermmals operahons eee _@ snifd @ Reduce — ® fecept © Exo, : : ‘ Shift: oo f Shift operahmn can be ab wheneves handle doesn't occur brem the top symbol of Hee stack. € Reduce: Recluce Sbasahon canbe vaed whenever handle ocare broom the top Sqombola of He atack. _ € Accept: & : Mhler protessing the complele ip shrig ih the stacks contama only start from Hu oprammer Hin the ©) Yo shrig tm accepkd and parse ta Succembatly. PUK Erex: Panccensg Hu ip abng i} Reverve of RMD. > Left fe Right = Clacericahon of LR Parser: Baud on He Gmaruchsr | he fabl Le passers dnidud wrt A ty per ' LRlo?) a SLRO) clue sai) 4 LALR (I) Procedure fox the’ Conshuthom: of LR -porse table 4 pobram the arqumepted aearnmer for the given qramme Creole the Canonical “cotlethon 4 LR item or compiles) 2. Gramma DFA and prefos the tabu kawd om Hu LP Ven ef the parser allows au the ombigqeaw, grammer aera ee yack renee eet ey recent and should not be modibied. Ragumented Grammer? The qrammes whith tx oblaimcd by addisg One more Prroduchin thot denver the «tax! Aigmnbsl of Hh a Trees RR Called Brgumented Grammer. ex: - Stas Sopp ~ be a Begurunted Cyrarnmen Roa gob Pquminkd opromnmmes bel VA 1% Seporhig He biol km From non. fuicl ikem Hu need fur argumenied Greeny : Hp 2 A you have mulble Producén gos Hy « feok fymbel Hhen Sy we com deuds whot ix the fol xhing. Leto) fkms: G@r lkema im _ compiler: p prreduchén ‘+ ' at any pot te codled ar ERC) ik™. Ua the ight nand oF > ex: Rs abe fy Rabe wy Raabe on, Ra abc . Bo aPC. Ewald (complete Ten * Canonicol coltecken ce (re, tote Fahy, ed Te r ry ts . 5 4 1 sia .s , s cs « sia Sann AG sen nen as oe aad aa 4 Po aA a pa. aoe Bai’ : A> ob = Conshuchdn of LeCo) parse Table : PorseTable consist of -& pork 2 Aachen @ Goto © Goto Ch.x) =3 «> Termival es PR. ul &Cu) 18" Goto CT .%) = X= Non Fesmiral ae) x mLECS)) The Grammix G fa Raid to be 6200) if th porseta yR free pom mulkple enhrea % Complicts Comfirets m LR)! eae ecomatel TF any stofe mm DEB Contam, both cpFt & Sedu Ophen Hen: it tu SR-comflict. I > Termial “sy Rote - Bar. > - > * a QRe Comenet: - TE He-same state contath max than one frial Hom Mum ik ig RR Comflict 4 hae Ban / + > Lb ie Le Co) Grommer. &) r € , Verity the foilosidg gqrame, LR ay nol. 6 3 Aah | BbBa a saane}@alab 3 s—hable _ r 4 GB hoe 1 AOA) = = g— Bale ene e—ac . a 4 Ea ETT 6p eet/y coo helen . Ta terle qtoer/ealb BR Aablb Fats Fo Ce\la B>RaAla A. S > pftal@be 5S Aablballkclach 4, eserle a— pala R- okA lo Fo erlf € Bob qoerle e bo xealt ‘ € to Br ACA YER Is ‘ wy : - ' &) Bk not .tr(o) ©) mre than ractont friol tots 52 Comb Ror L@LOD B (of bac Aa bk 62 complit ret elo ‘Se Lele “eed not be LLG) an pied LLOID grammer need not ba LR(o2 Sorme camer are bots Lele? and etl Fer Serre cparmmen we canret dontbudh ceb) & uel. Onmmbigesy . 2. UO? Lele» sur ponser © TMhe protectuse for Gambruthig the parse tase a Similar to LR(e) porvser, bet Fheje 44 One hecloichen On ‘ Decluang Hie . enki. : ies Gee oh Gey ry ee Neduui enhia onder He filo egmbeok of tett hana wd Vomatle . cS YH the cle G0 parte balk dea not contain Mulhiple enki hem ommfick 4 SRO Grammer. . ComPich wn SLRLD ae 1 SR Com firct: SE folcayoiry #4 Yun Eh a OR Comtech in sveG? “SR Comite muerte if flda)o Sabah Hun i} 4 se Comd wi Le lo> ans ner Ste Ee -- pe fi (ado bite) Fa... ab DT wo eR emficr A SeRO) yc ou rf fel(a) o hICQd= ph ; See ee ee coe Cee 1 = . uk net seri) 7 - BR Comber om Lee). QO a + 5 Notes Every LRIOD erammer ff SLAG) 5% Eveng tet) qremme, neect net be URED 3. Te ne of enties ty sur) posse table wi_<_ no. of enh URL) parte table 4 Su OD pater 24 max powerfull tran Leto) paler= {43 aft. J=¢ Ee: @ eot+e|t ° roid 1 nok LRCe?, seetid Rg > Prahb[ Bbea- fol(sd=fa,b5° -Fr(ayo bi (0) +4- names faced =fb.a3 Rowe x nok LRLHD and SLRC1) foi arfatagbl= go> Cy ee a ERO bab not Lew), ¢ ue $3 bal bRe| del eda é pee tere ae pot L208) = Nok giec? see ei so Ba Ne o5 compich.. rien s $e LOLS AD hor fLe(, Lee? + uRG) Parte oN mene 14 ered) Pcarec) UALR LookAheod LR " vetr) LRG) -parsér defends on one LookAbead sgl URL) ponser doe not depinds en LookBhcad Cyrnbol. Peoceduyre fo Comrhuch LR(ID parser, a Close CE), Bad even thig. from ife 4. lp. om co Som teymdod 2 a fog N? ‘ ag. spammer Syenboly a oe and Bar 8A WA the grammer Hen Sad Bo, Frit Cet) to the ClomeCe) no te} Be, Host (2 $) f Repeat Hx fow Cveng edly addid item ee, @Qoto Ci? we : a - Lo ephile findsig the Ranithon leokabead pavk Sema carn ge chile epblarng thi chowre bokatead past may chong, & Conflict of yn vec: SR- con Flic Q. RR- Conflict: eee € SRR contict _& LROD Grammer « The gramme for ehich ERO) gqpaesces IR Conshuchie’ € LROD ov CLROD apammer, The erammin fa .LRLID bh: iH posse toble th fre Brea... pu ener. - = - Fox every, grammy sceli) oremmis 44 Cornhuced Hun welt) parer in otis comimekd bet tb CeO pores sf tanthuchd ,we Mou, @ may nok hy emshuc sLeti) . bh CLALID paney ta moe. proesby thins sceti), 1 No, of evict mm SLROD pare toste < Cleu then a No. TR Cnty 14 ELROD parte. table. es ys Aa, ye heb 7, ad "> Rob a : al ner F x a A> ma, 8 A> -b, & 9 a eld, sre cry cee nod tele), beh Ak seed, CLR) nop LEC rome aan 5 4 hake | Bb Ba. : : : fad aD zt eo 6.4 Sag be. a, F . of EDs Aho €.na f= BF g> eb) wee), cre le? Ler net cA LOD eel OL & se cmtiid a LEG P HT ¢ sre 0? ce, : ety ene LED LS gue tra, cerlid 3 Ss ts | 5 = mos 4 E Joe] ag 2 Ts > Tel se Sy ) a x ns Te] a, ma qq me eset eave $ Te Fe Ta 1 i ak valels i Tes ao vainly)” - alb}} an,albls he, pe eralelis . Laced Parser ; totes The OFA ge CLROD porsex conta fort s 7 Lookabed P4 wai, commen poroduthen port dittes by Wo combryne the shodes sil, commen preduchon “Past and dWesear “aot dead pay be tete a - Single <— 5 and omahuu te paxse table .1f the Park rahe > free fom mulhpi enhrer Hen fe free Prom poly ) Sma pk conFKO thin the gremmeu c LBLEO) grammes ? Nete- DI Lp He OFA 8h CHRO paricy deer nor Canta mow than | Chede oc Hy Cammmen poreduichtis past and oi addfecnt telle. Pert Kren the. Goemmar 6 CLR end wLeli 2 1f the DEA of CLR) cantata mm Heo one cele tere ent pork Free st meg of may mot. be LatR) Parser. conflicts do LALROD oy oo ¢ 1, TE these fa oR Conflick Ya CLR OD then thre fa no SR cenflick in) LALROD also 2 rf Hae ono eR conic 8 CLOUD then Hite mag be Re combi A LALEO): @ ‘ s B ' * € Bee s ¢ an ce ay : a WF geeay ) ure) Tete Arq vec jeer paleds tls s1eQ) Thm clet) EZ Nok LAL CLD wok ELC) nok “Lelo) wot sce Ci) Nels: \. Fos Grammey LALet) parier ik conshudrd the CURED Parics Can be Com buded. zap CLR OI) qrammes part can be asnbucha bor qremmes G@ then Ke mayan may net comrud LAr Porsex, fr Ame apeamrer- cue Every ALRLID Gramma A. oR CLR CD bt eve: Oremmu need mr be LALA CI) cer) &@, The ne, OQ enmu “ke -Pae LALELO): parte table. 7” enries im Me CLROQ porte table 5 ye SNe Of enbres WA Upped parse Fable = be. ay enters ciel) parse fable and als the entice am identicay for bot the perrce rs. : - ¢ 6. Une ia a medium Hype oO} parser and ia not povesful oe muds ak RO) but slightly more Goes pal” than, CERO parsers Pence LALEGI Wer bis eo? 4 suey), a. CLO) peter a moe eferend. powes ful and Cok, among abh rhe paveens | Proislems : . ~ The qrernmer S34 ce Caac cab é ar LL) bd SLED bob not teOD 6) LALet? bur nek SLeuD - ¢ 4) CLO be ner LA LEO) > 2. The qrammer Saale hoa, ia a. wo) “burt & wy ~— as, CLAD LLG, SEBO, LER OP, LLOD apne. Fee ie eee) eee eoon to Pace ee cemc tae! Wothe ee a. 0) 57, o an, Erm, b+ exn & } , , oN Q bon ern, +99 ae -S C9, arn, ntnAn 4 : e470 wage en eet Bote) Os. foe $L2L) ahd LALEUD ehith of He follosrtg 16 bue A. Get enknts A7¢ chyterert Ls Chips embrace identreal. ro ace Reducer enter are dfeven> mere OF etree enmer are afer Fr Operator precidency parse ro 1, Cenenuckd fee bel ambigesur and una bigt Oud et Cprramrmtr’k © aL Gmahbuud for only, ofeccalos gramme CO" a, Taker the grammer wilh les4 asenplesily 4. Can net be comatuckd for eveng qpramney o~ fe a Ss Genesatly vrsed toe the language white ave nasty vxepul 1d serenkyre applicohio , OPewater Gearames + _ A The aprammir that dou nok contort € errechs or adyacear non-smwoh on RH of any we wa noe 2 r au cperete, qrammer, av © & 85 ene lid | on not ebevelr Grammer e Am +lel- oh Grammer. as ex: Ea E+E & 7B Ee t sca e | Opec Gramm fe ae . She cpecctes qremm~y Lg efe mates Preceatincy. Grammes i} tt GetahFnol parse’ table i Bea fem onath's enbie~ Procedure te Geexhud he Perccedensy Ponte table Ler .@, .and ©) be the. hee . abeators 1h 6 hax higher psecedency tran O. Hhen @ > 6 Gr 62<8 Agarr O, and 6: are oy equel precendenay 8, = 62 e Rt 476,20, M5 a produchdn weve B iA Vasieble ov & then, B=6, 5 € 8. GO, and @, ave of eqpot Precademuy and a. are of let Atrociative 5 then, ®>6, ~ 82<% bo are 5) BIGhr Atsodanve then, O<6, o& .8:>6, ‘ es Eoe4t/r Ts TH E/E Tia . tal * = i 4 ‘| a + > < > a * > |> > > id > > > ¢ < < < = es Ete/Exe iid eee eee ZN © ass aa \ i $ Ale e “> 7 e+e 4% 2 nae fo | ex & 9 —— ZN tO _ _ exe oC Parse table contains muthbi. ene! ' The greininin 5. Mel Sptrchor precedemay Sgrecrn~ ole: Every ofewehs precedenuy qramme wan Ofeecalor 2 Grammes bok at every oferelss creme, meek NO* be efperchor prccedency Grammer. . _fyntax Directed Tranralahon (£07) prentic sev Verihy the each and every Aemlence My 7g of the Source code . Syntox malyser ur parses taker Cave & the operators c , Barking on fequived — numbesx of ofpewanda cy not, If ~ - Mol consides the type of cperand. Symantec analysts can be wblernented by poysrig oleng Sop wih He Rymanke Sule by abadhg He Sgmanhs se Ofer cath ond. evens arammey mule Syrenht aralysis the paring ik alte Vasife The grammer vith symanhic duler ia noon ‘ak. sD? ¥ es id “Levels iddval 5 esha sey Evol 74 a evolu 7 e.vels4 KE wolta+ €val=3 | L ae ja. Wwol=? v 4 ‘ > 2 Note, Apast fem povithg the SPT 1, To stme the type mformahon 8. To build the syntax tree To Ver}y Ye comaistancey Parameky @® Inhevited Atmbcete _Synthe sed Am bule + a j The alfibute whose valine ix evoluat = t tums a atmbtu volun gq th childven 1 Colled ar Synthesized akh bute. Boer A 82 ¢ > DN . x YX 2 Ast pOxal sal 2-4) .s J Synthe S2ed Atte. pacbewiced eetetouey - Atriade whet value ws coluoled m hn PO oO eldmlodes volun of ih parent on sEblrags PY Cotted Enherited athmbute. A Ky2 ' yas FRAY] 24) a a Inherited Btmbalk. Ruler coms drucd the SDT \ Dene Hee Gvarnmer by loolung ar mpur £hing a comhu the pose free oR Marin Hee Sumanh; tutu by look ak neqgunrcd Ye (£8: SDT fy me embuchon of an: cxprzexgibn a2 ve: a . — Grarimes : Boe+ : \t TO TAR nS Ltved = Pvel3 . ae fevals id.lval ¥ ‘ Eval 2 4 Tove ais € : 4 Trvele? + pveles ‘ | t 7 evel =2 id. vel = S. “ id.velea a ox 2: sot 4 Comveskion OY mm to post ix re i/p: 2t2*S @ ele: 2B5%4+ Sevol + eved [val 33 BO e+T ‘ aa. —§ogwols teh I _ totan tevebs tuelll pevoll 413 a fpvel= Fuel } a peia geval = id.dva§ Enob = 2254+ Evol=2 + | Fuel 225% rob? 2 a reveled * Kev =o . . \ Evol =2 rol Hues | fd Wale? id.Nval +3 oo 68T de aoewent io) [spr te cout the eee - a7. 7 a v i ee oO SACS) FS Counts Scounr +13 3 sae {s.countee ¥ (o>) S count eZ —T c S.ceunr=2 > Am S.counter > pS mi emcbeching ra UAE fer typechecKing of beoalean and me spr S vnteges dota Hpes. ec ye: (3s) =10 olp: Falte. Grammer Jide athe > Fatce Le. tyre of CE.type - Belin boolean A giiype = B.tore 3 fe ypeti tC] type 2-8: RO AS el type st) Sela wit elie tere Le bype = rd-type ord Le. tyes evdean ¥ Li Ebype = Boolean ¥ id = type ~m> port z Sot +o build Parte Tree Syntax TseeS Tree heT -hosacd Syniax a DAG -Precled Acyche cyntox tree Tose Ge € - AST 2 2 Es E+T fe. ph = Ble vede Ceph, +, Pps Iv fe ps tp 3 ; TS THE ftps mie mods (Tepe k, SPW )G i. oe eee Fath oe ores mle node Chott id, Rut )23 DAG DAG i« Used to eliimmale the commen sub expreuior The prrocedux tp camanuck the spT dor DPS fa Omik to RST exped one aertithan. ie ih amg node 1% alxody created make “4 that node mstead of gorg fer new Cocahse a Aarne node. ER Cath) x Catbh+e) . A : pag rw Q QD bg Cu) oo Types of SPT Spt can be dehned mi tee wary 1. S- akbibeled - — _ 2. Le atinhted. So bet - 1 UREA only synthesed aktri bute & Symanke Sula canbe placed ot He wight end oy the 3. Mibu ase evaluated cluarhg Bottom SP Paro g, ern: punctate ecm) Fatar fet €«I} 3a § } roy < 2 L-atbibuted: paca syntherged apd Inbesited oth uke, Enbenled atti tu velue are thhested from tie “Pasen ey Leb Gibilagy Symantic owl tan be placed om the RHE Mibu ane evaludked usiq Pept iomt Bighy to lee proces (Des Le SD Sak Lem C#) FB Roa { pre l@ J cle Ral LemntrC$)9 le C3 b fypmat Cx)Y ‘Note = 1 2 & EVem, S-altbded 1A L-athmbued. Every L-akimbkd Can be Converied wit S-akbr outed Leathribubedd s-attnbuled eo teZ eo te! eta +1Q@e'le sia arme' le ‘ T> et! mae @ : to xe @T'le to Ft & es 1ia® via ae et'(e Cr ) = es ia @® L abitbuka ave evalited = only bem dil dren QO csaxnv Fpnnt 04 hy femms 023 a 58 fmt (294 othe cor Semmes Th apg ee A% IH9SB a, 2213) 2, 23939 321353 38! y 9 & s3Be TRAE aY . a. S-atvibued °° bo L-abhaouled _9 Le Boh, 7 dad Nene oe Trlewmediole Code ie : pe ee fo = 4 Te = ee Linear ‘5 IN free »3 AST PAG po lh zaddy Codi Po Nokeahon ceveny yooiosl hos ah” “y, t-addreue . ex Cath) * Cathe) D) Pelt nokhen ie AST: . DAG 3. > aN Lr eieciocen RF [ ) wg hddsess Code +. .-- fo . a Racer ‘ / by = OS - tgs tate tus tio®tg Type: of 2-addzeu ney goto L (Upcirndihetnot Jump.) Tf melohse opr goto b Ceordihonal Ture ere eee alil= xy. a= Pe ae $y ; FC tar %geeee Sn )- not 2 addzess code, @GOCHHBELBO Porramd % € EA CD Implemeniahen of _3- Add? code? B-Pddreu code can be Superrd we B-wayt — ® | Quachuples. @ Tipia @® Indivect Triple

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