Everyone Speak 3 SB

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Personality - the qualities that make one person different from another

dishonest serious cautious

unfriendly uncreative careful
generous confident compliant quiet/silent

an astronaut
space discover life on other planets.

study science harder exercise every day.

to work for NASA.

do a lot of experiments and discover a lot of things.

discover new things

ery interested in science, and I like to learn new things.

science and other subjects

go to a very good university and get a good recommendation.

When I grow up, I want to work for NASA. I want to do a lot of experiments and discover a lot of
This would be a good job for me because I'm very interested in science, and I like to learn new
To be able to work for NASA, I have to go to a very good university and get a good
I think working for NASA would be very exciting and I would feel eager to go to work every day.
How many times have you been to Philippines?

I've been to Philippines three times.

sophie tripp

gone bungee jumping

seen a kiwi bird
eaten a lamb


high snow

forest leaves


mountain , flower, grass countryside, tree, river,

cloud elephants, taking a bath quiet peaceful
drinking water

mountains a forest sheep grass

happy, peaceful,
happy, relaxed calm adventurous
calm, peaceful
a park lovely and quiet

a forest, trees
a woman

trees' leaves falls of on the ground. The woman is walking alone.

The forest is cold and boring

a countryside

quiet and beautiful

elephants, a forest a river

elephants are drinking water from the river. The river looks clean, and the

forest has trees with green leaves.

happy and calm

soccer ball
soccer ball

reasons play outside

classroom soccer team


soccer ball

favorite players

soccer ball

soccer ball

play outside all day long

make a lot of friends

meet all his

favorite soccer players

tell it go to the police office
and tell it to the police officers.
to your teacher.

study hard tell it to your teacher.

on my math.
amusement park

exciting rides

fun friends


amusement PARK

f, i, e, b, c, d, g
a, h

a, e, f, c a, b, c, d, f amusement park

more exciting

play, scream, and eat a lot of candy

Do you prefer going to Seoul or going to Jeju Island during summer vacation?

Jeju Island Seoul

There are great views in Jeju Island

I can see the sea and beautiful mountains.

the beach There are interesting places in Jeju Island like Teddybear Museum and the
the mountains
Chocolate Museum.

Jeju Island
it's fun

There are many fun activities like swimming, playing beach volley ball, and building a
sand castle.

I can spend more time with family there

I can watch the scenery and eat a lot of delicious sea food with them.

the beach
tease - to laugh at someone or say bad things to them


should - O
shouldn't - x

1. We should do our homework because it's important to practice what we learned.

2. We shouldn't use our cellphones in the classroom because it might bother your teacher and
3. We should listen when others are speaking because it's the right etiquette of a good listener.
4. We shouldn't tease our classmates because their feelings might get hurt.
5. We shouldn't chew gum int he classroom because it's impolite to teacher and classmates.
6. We should work in a safe manner because it's important for everyone's safety.

We should do our homework

We shouldn't bring our cellphone in the classroom.

We shouldn't chew gum.


do homework free time

family hard

cellphones are necessary for safety. every night

cellphones can be used to dislike school

learning studying

boring don't think

free time away from children

children dislike school.


are good for studying

we can download apps that we can use for studying

creative idea

We can talk about different subjects using our cellphones.

disagree that
spikes gasiga manh-eun

Thorns are prickly

Donkey hurting Mr. Wolf.

a magic pencil writing whatever you want.

Donkey thinking about Mr. wolf will eat him.

writing her homework.

I thought Mr. wolf will hit Donkey, but in the end Mr. Wolf didn't
hit the Donkey.
Mr. Wolf will hit Donkey.
my homework

Hey you

Mr. Wolf

an angel tooth



heard bad about you

Mr. Wolf

A: My friend Donkey said. He hurt you last night.

That's Terrible! I heard you cannot work anymore. So, This project is your last mission
Everyone said it was fantastic. Oopps It is my mistake.
When you leave your company, They will have a big party for Donkey. And Donkey will have a
gold medal.

B: I can walk, so I will tell about my company, many animals are scared
that they will get fired.

A: Congratulations, I'm your company's CEO, I will give you my CEO position.

B:My first mission is firing Donkey. We will move him, his family, and his friends to another
planet, and they will not be allowed to go back to Earth for 1000 years. And also, kill
Donkey's leader.

presents parents


electric guitar





present mom and dad
go to

the ball park

baseball game

people cheered


hit a home run

flying through the air

raised her hands

the home run ball

He is talkative when it comes to money, house, and economy.

She is a teacher. This is a garden.

She is teaching. I can see different kinds of flowers.

He is angry. She wants to be a cook.

He is rich.

He's been to China. I can see elephants.

It's mad of plastic It's rectangle

You should practice a lot.

she prefers to go to amusement park.

My birthday is on December 16. My best friend is

my favorite color is blue

The color of my backpack is black.

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