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Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap

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Command and Control

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INSTRUCTIONS: Clic on "Edit" to edit the tables. Clic the "Save" button when you are done. The content of these tables will be used to feed the SSTRM Capstone Report which is currently under development. The SSTRM PMO thanks you for your precious contribution to this initiative.

Theme 1: Command & Control

Theme Description/Scope
For the purposes of this theme, Command and Control, or C2, in a military organization can be defined as the exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commanding officer over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission. Command and Control functions are performed through an arrangement of personnel, equipment, communications, facilities, and procedures employed by a commander in planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and operations in the accomplishment of the mission.

Enabling/Emerging Technologies & Mapping

Technology TRL Expected Strength/ Year TRL Weakness (1- 7 9) Critical Barriers/Gaps Action Rational (WatchMonitor/ Leverageassess/ DevelopInvest/ Transition) Watch Need to improve information integration and management at the soldier's level

Embedded instrumentation


Weakness: Size and Cost cost of electronic Strength: Can enable in-situ health monitoring of equipment, devices, etc. through Built-inTest, Can provide

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Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap

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information gathering of system's operation to further optimise the system and below.

Mission Phase CoalitionBattle Management Language (CBML)[CJL3 Unambiguous language used to: - C2 forces and equipment conducting military operations. - Provide for situational awareness and a shared, common operational picture 4-5 2015 User interface automatically adjusts to the current C2 task to be done by providing appropriate decision support functionalities Context awareness at system level ( application) High degree of Software integration required Need Multi-Modal HMI to enable this Case based reasoning 4-5 2015 Automatic identification of similar situations Leverage and Invest Leverage the R&D effort done in lab and companies need to invest into this kind of S/W and integration

Mixed initiative interfaces

Training Gaming technology 9 2025 Lack serious consideration by establishment in Canada Leverage With millions of user the gaming industry has developed novel interface an way of presenting information

Add-ons to existing service games e.g. VBS2


Misunderstanding of the capability offered by this kind of environment.

Have Gaming industry develop and adopt the equivalent of HLA


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Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap

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in simulation Training simulator Wiki-standardpedia 9 9 2020 DRDC-T asset Reside on the willingness of the participants to provide more information and content Adoption by establishment Invest Sharing of information

Interoperability Data exchange standards - JC3IEDM - ADatP-3 (NATO standard, textbased) - USMTF (US and allied nations, text-based) - VMF (Binary) - Link-16 (Binary

Added by SSTRM-CRTSS ADMIN, last edited by Mariane Huard on Feb 22, 2011 (view change) Labels: command_classification control_classification commandement_classification contrle_classification c4i c3ir information_classification c2 control intelligence_classification reconnaissance_classification sensors_classification renseignements_classification communications_classification computer_classification ordinateur_classification surveillance_classification capteurs_classification command

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Date Modified: 2010-08-11

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