Third Quarterly Examination in Pracrtical Research 1

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Third Quarterly Examination in Practical Research 1

 STRICTLY follow the direction indicated in in each set of questions.
 DO NOT submit this test paper without complete answers on your answer sheet.
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the BEST letter of the correct answer. If there is NO correct answer choose letter E.
1. The main concept behind doing research is to
A. study and explore knowledge What characteristics of research is noticeable on her actions?
B. start with a predefined and clear-cut objective A. Empirical
C. find answer from the problem B. Cyclical
D. define clear objectives C. Critical
E. formulate recommendation for the beneficiaries D. Replicability
E. Practicality
2. Which of the following is the first step in starting the
research process? 10. If a study is "realistic”, this means that…
A. survey of related literature A. the methods are outlined in the methods discussion clearly
B. identification of problem enough for the research to be replicated
C. probing for solutions to the problem B. the measures devised for concepts are stable on different
D. searching sources of information to locate problem occasions
E. finding the significance of the study C. the findings can be generalized to other social phenomena
D. it was conducted by a reputable researcher who can be
3. A qualitative research design seeking to describe and analyze
all or part of the culture of a community in the past is known as
a(n) 11. A student is feeling overwhelmed trying to decide on a
A. historical study problem to research. How should she proceed?
B. phenomenology study A. write down topics she is interested in
C. action research B. copy the work of others
D. grounded theory C. convert the research title into quantitative research
E. ethnography research D. abandon the concept of research altogether
E. focus on completing the literature review before
4. An individual with an exceptional memory is identified. She is
capable of recalling major events, the weather, and what she 12. The research question of Tyler Joseph is: 'What is the effect
did on any given date. What research method is being used if of television viewing on Filipinos?' What is the PROBABLE
a psychologist conducts an in-depth investigation of this reason that this question would need some revision?
individual including questionnaires, brain scans, and memory A. the question does not lend itself to research easily
tests? B. the question does not center on specific concerns or issues
A. biography research C. the question is too narrowly focused
B. historical research D. the question is answerable by yes or no.
C. case study E. the question is too broadly focused
D. grounded theory research
E. ethnography research 13. Which of the following is NOT normally included in a written
account of qualitative research?
5. Which of the following does not apply to qualitative research? A. An introduction, locating the research in its review related
A. data are often words and pictures literature context
B. ends with a statistical report B. An explanation of what techniques to be use in the
C. uses the inductive scientific method collection of data
D. involves personal contact with participants C. A description of types of research on scope and
E. quoted exact idea of respondent delimitation
D. A discussion of the main findings in relation to the research
6. Why research considered as cyclical? questions
A. because results of the research may lead to another E. A decision to accept or to reject the formulated null
problem to be answer again by conducting research hypothesis
B. because the main goal of research is to provide
recommendations for future researcher
C. because benefits of research may affect not only one 14. Teacher Nezuko discovered that her student use cannabis
person but also people around the researcher as main research material without BFAD and DOH consent.
D. because wrong action in doing research may start again Which among the following Ethics of Research violated of her
from the beginning student?
E. because the chapter 2 of research is resemblance of A. Legality
previous study related from research title B. Openness
C. Confidentiality
7. Qualitative research is used in all the following circumstances, D. Respect for Intellectual Property
EXCEPT… E. Non- Discrimination
A. it often uses small samples
B. it uses the inductive method 15. Which among the following is the first five steps of
C. it is based on a collection of non-numerical data such as conducting research?
words and pictures A. Identify the question or problemReview the existing
D. it is typically used when a great deal is already known literatureClarify the problemClearly define terms and
about the topic of interest conceptsDefine the population
E. it is from the experiences of the respondent or base from B. Identify the question or problemClarify the problem
the observation of researcher. Review the existing literatureClearly define terms and
conceptsDefine the population
8. As part of responsible mentoring, this individual need to… C. Identify the question or problemDefine the population
A. give you a reading list of review of related literature Clarify the problem Review the existing
B. identify the level of difficulty of proposed title literatureClearly define terms and concepts
C. provide academic support, guidance and critical D. Identify the question or problemReview the existing
feedback on your work literatureDefine the populationClarify the
D. negotiate access to the research setting on the problemClearly define terms and concepts
student's behalf E. Identify the question or problemClearly define terms
E. ensure you keep to your schedule and deadlines and conceptsClarify the problem Review the existing
literature Define the population
9. Ms. Swift is a researcher from OCTA Research - University of
the Philippines. She collects direct experiences of COVID-19 16. Research is considered to be more than just a way of skills, it
victims and uses observation to graph the trend of cases. is..
A. planning to what, why and where type of questions to
determine a goal
B. practical research critical thinking and problem-solving
skills 25. According to Prof. Luka Dončić of Laguna University, the
C. relating the research objectives to statement of the problem research topic of most students in Practical Research 1 iarout
D. discovering the relationship between respondent answers about COVID-19 virus and the effect of pandemic. Which
and the statement of the problem among the following considered of the LU students in
E. conducting research for the sake of humanity formulating their research?
A. “To write your title, you must start with a topic.”
B. “Consider your passion or interest.“
17. The statement of problem in a research writing should…
C. “Pick a topic that is timely and relevant.“
A. identify the design of the study.
D. “Master the skill of finding the right research topic.“
B. identify the intent or objective of the study.
E. “Be ready with your personal resources.“
C. specify the type of people to be used in the study.
D. describe the limit of the study.
26. An experienced researcher should impart knowledge to his
E. understandable for the respondent.
or her students/schoolmates.
A. responsible publication
18. Why the question “What are the effects of extracurricular
B. non-discrimination
activities on cognitive development of school age children?” is
C. respect for colleagues
not a good statement of a qualitative research question?
D. confidentiality
A. Because there is no connection between extracurricular
E. social responsibility
activities and cognitive development.
B. Because there are few respondents engaged in
27. What is the order of these topics if narrow down from general
extracurricular activities to conduct the study.
to the most limited topic? E
C. Because the question is too specific that can be answered
I. Pluses and Minuses of Teenage Marriage
through internet.
II. Teenage Marriage
D. Because the study would be too difficult to do given all the
III. The Advantages of Early Marriage
different extracurricular activities.
IV. Marriage
E. Because the statement was not specific enough to provide
V. Human Relationships
an understanding of the important data being investigated.
19. Ms. Mikasa Ackerman constructed set of questionnaires for
her study. In order to gather reliable data from her
respondent, she ensures that the survey questions exhibit
careful and precise judgment base on her statement of the
problem. What characteristics of research possess of her
28. Mrs. Heartfilia is studying the similarities of Korean and
Filipino cultures by means of visiting each country. What type
A. Critical
of research she conducting?
B. Methodical
A. Ethnography
C. Replicability
B. Historical research
D. Empirical
C. Grounded theory
E. Cyclical
D. Case Study
E. Content and Discourse Analysis
20. What kind of ideas can’t be empirically researched?
A. effectiveness of different methods of instruction
29. Mr. Ryota Kise idolizes his English teacher who is expert in
B. description of educational practices and effect on academic
grammar and literature. He wants to write a scholarly
chronicle about the latter’s experiences including his family
C. emotional impact of Community Pantry to young individuals
background, how he achieved his success in life, his likes
D. issues of values and morality such as the correctness of
and dislikes, his achievements and struggles in life. What
having prayer in schools
type of qualitative research should he employ?
E. perceptions of medical experts about the legality of some
A. Historical Research
B. Biography
C. Discourse Analysis
21. Ms. Nobara Kugisaki, a senior high student, proposed the
D. Narrative Report
research title about robbery as caused by illegal syndicates
E. Phenomenology
within her barangay. Her professor disapproved the title.
30. Why are ethical standards being important in research?
A. The flow of research is vague.
A. it will help me pass the Practical Research 1
B. The idea of research is too broad and without focus.
B. it indicates what the researcher ought to do
C. The aim of research is controversial.
C. it helps the researcher write up their research
D. The research may lead to plagiarism.
D. it indicates that all people are very sensitive
E. The principle of SMART is not followed.
E. it develops the critical thinking of the researchers
22. Why do you need to review the existing literature?
31. Identify which of the following is NOT an example of
A. to give the research paper a proper academic appearance,
qualitative research.
with lots of references
A. Studying the perception of gun owners about the risk and
B. because without it, you could never reach the required
importance of having licensed gun.
B. Studying the diary of a person who was committed
C. to find out what is already known about your area of
multiple accounts of gun-related violence
C. Studying how the legal frameworks regarding gun control
D. to formulate proper citation in bibliography
have changed over the past 30 years
E. because it can lengthen the pages of the research paper
D. Studying the correlation between the number of guns
sold and the number of gun crimes victims.
23. Which among the title that appears to be the best in terms of
E. Studying the famous gun collectors across the country.
narrowing down a broad topic?
A. symptoms of AIDS
32. In which type of qualitative research do the researchers
B. physical symptoms of AIDS
intend to generate a theory that is based on data
C. known data about AIDS from WHO
systematically gathered and analyzed?
D. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS
A. phenomenology
E. symptoms of AIDS visible in skin
B. historical
C. grounded theory
24. Confidentiality of a participant is best exemplified in which of
D. case study
the following actions?
E. ethnography
A. compulsory the participants to write his or her name in the
33. A college counselor met a student who was experiencing
B. including the address and contact number of them in
stress due to family problems. During lunch, the counselor
research paper
shared with her friend of the session she had with the student
C. not mentioning his or her name in the participants of the
and the family issue the student was facing. This shows that
study section
the counselor had breached which ethical code?
D. introducing personal idea of himself or herself in an
A. openness
B. integrity
E. taking his or her picture and placing it in the appendix
C. confidentiality
D. objectivity B. The author is Ramoso, Gabriel but the reference of
E. legality Aaron is Ramoso, Gabrielle.
C. In Athena’s assignment, she carefully expressed the
34. A qualitative research design in which data related to past ideas of the author and wrote the author’s name.
events is systematically collected and evaluated to describe D. Because of lack of time, Pauline omitted some of the
potential causes, effects, or trends related to those events is important details from a source in her thesis.
known a… E. Emmanuel copies the famous short story in Wattpad but
A. phenomenological research he renames the characters in the story.
B. historical research
C. case study 43. Consider this general idea of research: Filipinos’ Admiration
D. grounded theory research for the Current First Lady of the Philippines. What is the
E.biographical research problem for this research title?
A. vague subjects
35. It is the quality of research which tells that something is B. highly technical subjects
based on direct experience or observation by the C. too narrow subject
researcher. D. controversial topic
A. empirical E. too broad subject
B. methodical
C. critical 44. Which among the following is an example of controversial
D. analytical topic?
E. logical A. Agartha-- Hidden World for Extraterrestrial Creatures
B. Discriminating the Asians to Evade COVID 19
36. Which of the following best describes the purpose of C. Exceptional Abilities of LGBT
conducting a qualitative research? D. Good Qualities of Christians and Muslims
A. to test hypotheses of the study E. Exploring the Daily Lives of HIV Positive
B. to prove a particular theory in mathematically.
C. to find the degree of relatedness and differences 45. The goal of ethics in research is to...
D. to examine relationships of variables A. to ensure that no one is harmed
E. to explore the meaning of people's experiences, B. to protect researchers from legal liability
culture, etc. C. to identify what behavior is appropriate
D. to ensure research sponsors fulfill their legal obligations
37. The COVID-19 vaccine has only been tested in children E. to promote the popularity of researcher
above 16 years of age. Therefore, at this time, WHO does
not recommend vaccination of children below 16 years of 46. Which of the following statements is most aligned with a
age, even if they belong to a high-risk group. What ethics of researcher using qualitative methods?
research is obeyed in this situation? A. Communicating the results in a formal, highly
A. Social Responsibility structured report using technical language.
B. Human subject protection B. Using a structured, fixed design in which a few
C. Non- Discrimination variables are manipulated or controlled.
D. Respect for Intellectual Property C. Collecting measured data through interviews and
E. Openness and Integrity observations.
D. Using appropriate statistical treatment for each part of the
38. A nursing researcher determines that there is little study.
information about the use of complementary practices in E. Investigating a formal research hypothesis.
treating obesity. This represents the research…
A. design 47. A remark, statement or comment based on something
B. problem one has seen, heard or noticed.
C. theory A. scientific
D. question B. information
E. topic C. observation
D. noticed actions
39. Consider this title: “Experiences of Mamanwa Tribe of Samar E. perceptions
after Surviving the Typhoon Yolanda” This title would indicate
which of the following types of qualitative research? 48. Consider the proposed research title:
A. ethnographic Online Games for Students: Awareness and Response of
B. case study Parents at Brgy. Hachira.
C. biography Which among the following represents the respondent in the
D. phenomenological proposed research title?
E. grounded theory A. Online games
B. Students
40. Komugi wants to conduct a research that based on direct C. Parents
experience or observation. What characteristics of D. Brgy. Hachira
research she will use? E. ‘unknown’
A. Analytical
B. Empirical 49. Camila Cabello is conducting research about the reason why
C. Cyclical male teenagers are commonly users of cigarettes. She
D. Critical accepts all the criticism and new ideas from her panelist and
E. Logical mentor. What ethical principles she expresses?
A. openness
41. A literature review is best described as. B. confidentiality
A. A list of relevant articles and other published material C. carefulness
you have read about your topic, describing the content D. legality
of each source E. human welfare
B. An internet search for articles describing research
relevant to your topic criticizing the methodology and 50. All of the following are ways to protect participant
reliability of the findings confidentiality except ...
C. An evaluative overview of what is known about a topic, A. obtain signed nondisclosure documents from those who
based on published research and theoretical accounts, wish access to the data
which serves as a basis for future research or policy B. restrict access to participant identification
decisions C. offer access to study results to participants
D. An essay looking at the theoretical background to your D. reveal participant information only with written consent
research study. E. include the pictures of respondent at the research
E. A resource from internet or book that serves as basis for appendices.
answering the Statement of the Study
51. Lilo and Stich are conducting the research about the effect of
42. Which among the statement does NOT describes a case of too much tourist on the beach of Kansas. Base from their
plagiarism? interviews and surveys, there is no significant effect of too
A. Alexandra puts her name on a quotation of much tourist on the beach. They manipulate the result of their
Shakespeare. study and use the it to warn the public officials about the effect
of tourist. Which among the following did by Lilo and Stich?
A. Blatant Plagiarism A. Interest in the subject matter
B. Technical Plagiarism B. Availability of information
C. Offensive Language C. Timeliness and relevance of the topic
D. Sexist Words D. Limitations on the subject
E. Fraud E. Personal resources

52. A good research problem should have the following 61. What sets a synthesis apart from a summary is that it
characteristics EXCEPT combines various sources. The easiest way to think about this
A. It should lead to further research. is that each paragraph should discuss a few different sources,
B. It should address a gap in knowledge. and you should be able to condense the overall point of the
C. The approach towards solving the problem should be paragraph into one sentence. This is called a/an…
ethical. A. topic sentence
D. The answer should render itself to investigation through B. focus subject
collection of data. C. ideal data
E. It should be significant enough to contribute to the D. synthesis matrix
existing body of research. E. significant result

53. Ms. Mavis Vermillion is a researcher from LU. She is 62. Gowther is assign to construct the RRL of their group. He
conducting a research about the influence of LU graduates to started from the general topic of their research. In the latter
society. Her research focuses on Social Science. Which part of their RRL, he uses specific idea from the general
among the referencing style is the BEST to use? topic. What approach in writing the RRL synthesis he used?
A. APA A. Chronological
B. Chicago B. Broad-to-specific
C. MLA C. Major models or major theories
D. Brownian D. Prominent authors
E. IEEE E. Contrasting schools of thought

54. Chapter 2 is the part of the research paper that contains 63. Escanor is assign to construct the RRL of their group. Their
the... research is about how the betta fish introduced in the
A. Background of the Study. Philippines. He collected different books from different year of
B. Scope and Limitation. published. What approach in writing the RRL synthesis he will
C. Significance of the Study. use?
D. Review of Related Literature. A. Chronological
E. Result and Discussion. B. Broad-to-specific
C. Major models or major theories
55. Which choice reveals what should not be included in the D. Prominent authors
bibliography? E. Contrasting schools of thought
A. Name of researcher
B. Titles of the article 64. Zeldris is assign to construct the RRL of their group. Their
C. Author’s name research is about the famous manga writer among the
D. The dates of the article millennials. What approach in writing the RRL synthesis he
E. Pages of the Article will use?
A. Chronological
56. It is a style of citing sources that can be found anywhere in B. Broad-to-specific
the research paper in between texts and/or end of each C. Major models or major theories
paragraph. D. Prominent authors
A. In-text citation E. Contrasting schools of thought
B. Bibliography
C. Out-text citation 65. Which of the following is NOT a component of ethnographic
D. Referencing List research?
E. List of Websites A. being immersed in a social group or setting
B. participant observation, interviews, and/or documentation
57. Sheldon contacted his research participants and inform them C. a written account of an ethnographic study
of the general purpose of the study. He tells to the D. identifying the way of life of the group
participants that they do not have to sign form as he E. solving the occurring problem within an ethnic group
respects the confidentiality, norms, and characters of his
participants. Where in the process of research he avoided 66. The following parameters can be used to help you formulate
the ethical issue? a suitable research title EXCEPT.
A. Prior to conducting the study A. the purpose of the research
B. Beginning the study B. the summary of research paper
C. Collecting data C. the solution to be identified
D. Analyzing data D. the particular respondent of the research
E. Reporting, sharing, and storing data E. the expected result of the research

58. Mr. Morningstar report honestly his research about religion. 67. It is useful when your sources are more varied in their
He uses composite stories so that participants cannot be purpose and structure – for example, when you’re dealing
identified. In his delivery, he uses unbiased language with books and essays making various arguments about a
appropriate for audiences of the research. At the end of his topic.
report, he gives credit to his participants, and research A. topic sentence
adviser. Where in the process of research he avoided the B. focus subject
ethical issue? C. ideal data
A. Prior to conducting the study D. synthesis matrix
B. Beginning the study E. significant result
C. Collecting data
D. Analyzing data 68. Which among the words is BEST describe in writing the RRL
E. Reporting, sharing, and storing data synthesis?
A. Summarizing
59. All of the following are unethical activities EXCEPT… B. Combining
A. revealing the names of research participants C. Collaborating
B. stating that a survey will take 10 minutes to complete D. Explaining
when the actual time is 15 minutes E. Generalizing
C. make certain that all participants receive the same
treatment. 69. What would be the disadvantages of too many long direct
D. providing incentives for respondents quotations in the researcher paper?
E. use participants by gathering data and leaving site A. Lack of originality
B. Committing plagiarism
60. Ms. Chloe Decker is conducting a research about politics. C. Unreliable research paper
Her basis for choosing politics as her topic is the resources D. Inaccurate information
reachable within the school library and access to national E. Too complicated to understand
library. What is her basis for choosing her topic?
70. Consider this part of RRL: D. Statement of the Problem
E. Objectives
In adjusting to post-secondary education, written assignments
present challenges for many students. As Laidley (2010)
indicates: 78. This refers to the information or content from different
sources related to the topic.
Students need to develop an understanding of the academic A. references
literacy requirements of their chosen field, including discourse B. methodology
organization language expectation, and the appropriate C. literature
acknowledgement of references. Such expectations my not be D. sources
obvious to many students unless explicitly pointed out to them E. citation
79. Lauv wants to learn about Manny Pacquiao, the
What kind of patterns of citation use in the example? Pambansang Kamao of the Philippines. Which source
A. Summary would provide the most appropriate information?
B. Paraphrase A. an encyclopedia entry about Manny Pacquiao
C. Short Direct Quotation B. an essay in a tabloid about Manny Pacquiao
D. Block Quotation C. a student website about the contributions of Manny
E. Tense Reporting Pacquiao in sports and politics
D. a movie about a child who admires Manny
71. In her research, Tracy religiously takes down notes of her Pacquiao
sources, data and respondents, so that she can include it in E. list of Law enacted by Manny Pacquiao
her footnotes and bibliography at the end of her study. What
characteristic of research did she possess? 80. Which of the following is not an importance of Citation?
A. Objective A. To give credit to the author
B. Accurate B. To combat plagiarism
C. Systematic C. To make the study well-known
D. To locate particular sources
D. Timely E. To identify the page/year of sources
E. Informative
81. If you paraphrase, summarize, or directly quote
72. Mitsuha conducted a training seminar for her employees last information, you must…
April. She found some problems and mismatches in the flow. A. research the source
She gathered the evaluation of her employees pertaining to B. format the source
the seminar they attended and she found out the same thing. C. cite the source
She wanted to correct this. What type of research should D. bibliography works
Mitsuha used in order to solve her problem? E. credit the author
A. Action
B. Phenomenological 82. Paraphrasing is…
C. Grounded theory A. Harm that is physical, financial, or psychological
D. Bibliography experienced by the participants.
E. Ethnography B. Using someone’s idea in own words to restate the
author’s ideas and acknowledge to give credits to the
73. GRIT, is defined as the child's perseverance and passion for original author.
long-term goals, coupled with a powerful motivation to C. Minimizing harm and risk to human lives
achieve his respective objective (Duckworth, 2007). D. Making derogatory comments and personal attacks in
the review of author’s submitted work.
This citation uses what style? E. copy the author’s exact words numbering from 40 up to
A. APA 100 words
B. Chicago
C. MLA 83. If you are studying a specialized topic, like 'Common
D. Brownian symptoms of mentally ill children', but search for something
E. IEEE broad, like 'Psychology of children', you are likely to find:
A. a large amount of relevant articles
74. The study hopes to promote awareness on alternatives to B. a small amount of relevant articles
address the health needs of the jurisdiction. This statement C. a large amount of non-relevant articles
constitutes what part of Chapter 1? D. a small amount of non-relevant articles
A. Significance of the Study E. no related study can be collected from this article
B. Scope and Delimitation
C. Introduction 84. In APA format, when referencing other works you have cited
D. Statement of the Problem within the text of the report you should…
E. Objectives A. State the first and last name of the author
B. Use the author, date citation method
75. This study aimed to investigate the healthy lifestyle practices C. Use an asterisk and a footnote
and health condition among high-risk diabetic clients before D. Insert the complete citation in parenthesis
and after the utilization of Community-Based Lifestyle E. Include the Author and the page of the article
Intervention (CBLI). This statement constitutes:
A. Significance of the Study 85. Which is the most reliable source of information for your
B. Scope and Delimitation literature review?
C. Introduction A. a TV documentary from year 1998
D. Statement of the Problem B. a newspaper article
E. Objectives C. a book written by Vice Ganda
D. a relevant chapter from a state-of-the-art textbook
76. Which of the following is the most important thing for a E. reaction from the witness
researcher to consider when deciding on a research topic?
A. how they feel about the topic 86. Billie Eilish manipulated his methodologies and data then
B. if the topic is researchable reported those results as accurate. What did Billie Eilish
C. if they have adequate resources to research the topic do?
D. how many research journals will want to publish an A. Billie Eilish committed fraud
article on the topic B. Billie Eilish plagiarized
E. if the topic will gain profit after publishing C. Billie Eilish made mathematical errors
D. Billie Eilish did not sufficiently edit
77. The focus of the study is to propose and to test the E. Billie Eilish deceived the beneficiaries
effectiveness of the Bricolage Approach Model in a blended
87. Rudeus is now writing his RRL section of his research here
learning environment for Isabela State University (ISU) San
is the excerpt:
Mateo Campus. This is a statement for:
Avila (2009) figured students with low self-esteems maybe
A. Significance of the Study had undergone psychological trauma. According to Gallo
B. Scope and Delimitation (2001) hallucinations, uncontrolled shakings and alienation
C. Introduction are clear manifestation of alarming level of trauma.
What in-text citation format was used in the excerpt E. Vague topics
B. Chicago 96. Consider this research title:
C. MLA “Cure for Meningitis as Caused by COVID-19 Virus”
D. Brownian
E. IEEE What is the problem of this title?
A. Controversial topics
88. Rudeus is now writing his RRL section of his research here B. Highly technical topics
is the excerpt: C. Hard-to-investigate topics
Avila ( 2009) figured students with low self-esteems maybe D. Too broad topics
had undergone psychological trauma. According to Gallo E. Vague topics
( 2001) hallucinations, uncontrolled shakings and alienation
are clear manifestation of alarming level of trauma. 97. It is how a study will be narrowed in scope, that is, how it
is bounded. This is the place to explain the things that
What section of the research paper should the researcher you are not doing and why you have chosen not to do
credit the owners? them.
A. Acknowledgement A. Delimitation
B. Significance of the study B. Limitation
C. Reference List C. Scope
D. Statement of the Problem D. Research question
E. Introduction E. Research problem

89. Joe went to spent 24hrs to the far-flung high school and 98. An area of concern, a gap in the existing knowledge, or a
interview some teachers regarding the attitudes compared to deviation in the norm or standard that points to the need
those in lowland. What research approach is manifested? for further understanding and investigation.
A. Phenomenological A. Delimitation
B. Grounded theory B. Limitation
C. Action C. Scope
D. Bibliography D. Research question
E. Ethnography E. Research problem

90. The groupmates of Mr. Connor Maynard asked him to write 99. Consider this research title:
the synthesis of their Review of Related Studies. He “Remedial Actions of Millenials in Upholding the Filipino
arranged the dates of related studies from long-ago up to Culture in 21st Century”
present. What approach used of Mr. Connor Maynard in
writing the synthesis? Which among the research question is best suited for
A. Chronological the sample research title?
B. Broad-to-specific A. How many Millenials are aware about Filipino
C. Major models or major theories Culture?
D. Prominent authors B. Do the Millenials still uphold the Filipino culture in
E. Contrasting schools of thought 21st Century?
C. What is the effect of academic performance of the
91. The research paper of Dr. Leorio Paladiknight is all about the Millenials to uphold the Filipino culture.?
effectivity of VCO as a cure for COVID-19 infection. While D. What are contributions of Millenials to uphold the
conducting his research, he found similar study on internet Filipino culture?
but instead of copying he used the information as support for E. What are the actions of Millenials to mitigate the
his research. Which among the following avoided of Mr. western culture and promote Filipino culture?
A. Blatant Plagiarism 100. The term SMART in conducting research stands for?
B. Technical Plagiarism A. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and
C. Offensive Language Timely
D. Sexist Words B. Specific, Meaningful, Achievable, Realistic, and
E. Fraud Timely
C. Specific, Measurable, Attentive, Realistic, and
92. Which of this research title is an example of qualitative Timely
research? D. Solution, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and
A. Students’ academic level based on financial status Timely
B. Growth performance of Squash Plant using organic E. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and
farming Truthful
C. Millennial’s perception of Duterte’s administration
D. Stress level of SHS students taking Immersion

E. Analysis about Length of Sleep and Academic


93. Which among the research title is an example of

Ethnography research?
A. Human trafficking among our Brother Badjaos
B. The First Successful Badjao in the Field of Medicine
C. The Experiences of Badjao During the Pandemic
D. Resemblance of Badjaos’ Culture to our Modern Day
E. Level of Educational Attainment of Badjao Community

94. By simply reading the title, you can tell what the research
type. Which is not a qualitative research title?
A. Analysis of gender and cultural gaps in classroom
B. Predictors of being K-pop of the student
C. Events affecting students’ absenteeism
D. Students attitude towards Oral Com
E. Ideas for the development of blended learning

95. Consider this research title:

‘Several Ideas of Millennials about the Proper Usage of
Filipino Language”

What is the problem of this title?

A. Controversial topics
B. Highly technical topics
C. Hard-to-investigate topics
D. Too broad topics
Senior High School
Laguna Sports Complex, Brgy. Bubukal, Santa Cruz, Laguna
Tel No. (049) 501-4360

Second Quarterly Examination in General Biology 2


Module 1: Nature of Inquiry And Research
Lesson 1. The Importance of Research in
Daily Life 25% 25
Lesson 2. The Characteristics, Processes, and
Ethics of Research 9
Lesson 3. Quantitative and Qualitative
Lesson 4. The Kinds of Research Across the

Module 2: Qualitative Research and its

Importance in Daily Life
Lesson 1. The Value of Qualitative Research, 25% 25
Its Characteristics, Strengths, Weaknesses
and Kinds
Lesson 2. Importance of Qualitative Research
Across Fields of Inquiry

Module 3: Range of Research Topics

Lesson 1. Research Title
Lesson 2. Research Problem and Research 9
Questions 25% 25
Lesson 3. Scope, Delimitation and
Module 4: Related Literature and Ethical
Lesson 1. Selecting Relevant Literature 9 25% 25
Lesson 2. Standard Style of Related Literature
Lesson 3. Ethical Standards in Writing
Related Literature
TOTAL 36 100% 100

Prepared by:


Teacher II

Noted by:

Dean, Senior High School

Approved by:


Vice President for Academic Affairs

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