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Theme 1: Reading & Language 2023 Fall English Reading

Week 3 Language Class No.: __________ Name: _____________

[Word Help] : Language

Word Definition Note

Propose (v.) To put forward or suggest a plan, idea, theory, or course of action for
consideration, discussion, or acceptance.
Perception (n.) The ability to recognize, interpret, and understand sensory information
from the environment.
Examine (v.) To inspect or analyze something closely and systematically in order to
understand its details, characteristics, or components.
Refer (v.) To mention or direct someone's attention to something, often by
mentioning or providing a source, connection, or example.
Distinct (adj.) Clearly recognizable as separate or different from something else; having
unique or individual qualities.
Comprise (v.) To consist of or include, usually referring to the various parts or elements
that make up a whole.
Differentiate (v.) To distinguish or recognize the differences between two or more things;
to identify unique characteristics or features.
Markedly (adv.) In a noticeable or significant manner.
Root (v.) To establish deeply and firmly.
Expose (v.) To reveal, make visible, or subject something to an experience or
situation, often one that brings to light certain aspects or truths.
Govern (v.) To control, manage, or direct the actions, behavior, or policies of a group,
organization, or entity.
Vehicle (n.) Used metaphorically to refer to something that carries or conveys a
particular idea, concept, or message.
Bring up (v.) To raise or look after a child until it is an adult.
Implication (n.) The conclusion or consequence that can be drawn from something, often
indirectly or as a result of certain conditions.
Entwine (v.) To weave something together, often referring to objects or ideas that are
closely connected
Immerse (v.) To completely involve or engage oneself in a particular activity,
environment, or experience.
Flux (adj.) A state of constant change or fluctuation; a flow or movement of
something, often in a continuous manner.
Fumble (v.) To handle something clumsily, awkwardly, or in a way that lacks
coordination or skill.
Vulnerable (adj.) Open to harm, damage, or attack; easy to being harmed physically,
emotionally, or otherwise.
Reserved (adj.) Characterized by being cautious, controlled, or restrained in one's
actions, expressions, or emotions.
Tongue Used metaphorically to refer to language or speech.
Incorporate (v.) To include or integrate something as part of a larger whole; to combine or
merge different elements into a single entity.
Decontextualized Removed from its original context; lacking the surrounding information or
(adj.) circumstances that give it meaning.
Tap (v.) To access or connect with a particular resource or aspect

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