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Assessment Activity:

A. Essay Type: Explain briefly but substantially the given questions.

1. As a student, what can you do to help slow down or control the growth
or population?
As a student, in order to help slow down or control the growth or population I
will encourage my fellow youth and other people to do a family planning. Also, I
would like to give a free symposium about the result of having many children, in
that way people may realize how hard life will be to the future of their children. I
can also use myself as an example because I am one of the teens who have been
pregnant at a young age, however my journey didn’t stop there. Now, I am using
contraceptive pills to avoid being pregnant since I am pursuing my dream to
become a professional teacher. I would like to share that using any ways of
controlling birth is not embarrassing but a good alternative to the other result
which is abortion. In my experiences, it is not bad to become a mother at a young
age but expect the struggles of life.
2. With the number of siblings in your family, what are the challenges that
you are facing/ experiencing especially with this global crisis that we are
now experiencing?
I have three siblings, a 22 years old, an 18 years old, and a 5 months old. My
elder sister and I are already engaged and living to our partner’s home. I have
continued with my studies in IFSU Lagawe Campus with a free tuition while my
elder sister had stopped because she doesn’t know how to manage her time with
her studies. My third sibling is a Grade 12 student in Don Bosco High School and
her tuition is paid by our father. Thankfully, our father has not been unemployed
because of the pandemic. My mother and our eldest is living away from us because
my parents are both separated. These are the challenges that we are facing
especially with this global crisis that we are now experiencing.

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