Teacher's Reflection Form

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Objective 6: Maintain learning environments that are responsive to community contexts.

Question: How do you maintain a learning environment that is responsive to your community’s context? Describe
the context in your area and share teacher practices that contribute to further improvement of your community.
I maintain a community-responsive learning environment by engaging with local members, parents, and leaders to
understand their educational needs. I participate in organizations like Book Nook Primasia Alabel and work with
indigenous groups to foster children's knowledge through on-site and off-site book readings and activities.
At Batang Star Philippines, Inc., I volunteer with Mr. Edward Lacanilao, supporting needy children in completing their
education and promoting their overall well-being. We empower the youth to become nation-builders, starting within the
community. In my daily classes, I incorporate indigenous culture, traditions, and local examples to promote cultural pride
and understanding. I emphasize inclusive education and encourage diverse group discussions on social issues affecting the
community, developing empathy and critical thinking skills.
I also integrate technology to enhance learning opportunities and help students become globally competitive in honing
their skills. These practices contribute to the community's improvement and ensure a high-quality education for all

--Maintaining a responsive learning environment that improves the community is my top priority
as an educator. To achieve this, I strive to understand the unique context of the community in which I
teach. By delving deep into the community, engaging in conversations with its members, attending
local events, and conducting surveys or interviews, I gain a comprehensive understanding of its
characteristics, needs, and challenges.
One specific scenario stands out in my teaching experience. I was assigned as a trainer for the
TESDA scholarship program in EIM NCII, whose beneficiaries are out-of-school youth and indigenous
people, some of whom are non-readers. The challenge I faced was ensuring that these students were
fully engaged and able to understand the content despite their limited literary proficiency. Although
the struggles of teaching non-readers can be overwhelming at times, witnessing their growth and their
gradual improvement in skills is incredibly rewarding. 14 out of 15 of them are now NCII holders, and
some of them have acquired industrial jobs.
Furthermore, I recognize the importance of cultural responsiveness and actively incorporate it
into my teaching. In my classroom, I foster an atmosphere where students' cultural identities are not
only respected but celebrated. I do this by incorporating culturally relevant materials, diverse
perspectives, and inclusive teaching practices. This approach creates an environment where every
student feels valued, included, and represented. It nurtures a sense of belonging and fosters mutual
respect and appreciation among students from different cultural backgrounds.
Objective 7: Review regularly personal teaching practice using existing laws and regulations that apply to the
teaching profession and the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for professional Teachers.
Question: How do you develop your teaching practice in accordance with the existing laws that apply to teaching
and the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for professional Teachers? How do you develop your
teaching practice in accordance with existing regulations?
As a dedicated teacher, I prioritize studying relevant laws like the Governance of Basic Education Act (RA 9155) and the
Enhanced Basic Education Act (RA 10533), as well as the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. These laws form the
foundation for my effective teaching practices, and I always uphold my responsibilities, including commitment to
learners, professional development, integrity, and accountability.
To enhance my teaching skills and knowledge, I actively seek professional development opportunities. Currently, I am
enrolled in the Electronic Products Assembly and Serving NC II course at Tesda Provincial Training Center, Malapatan.
Additionally, I am a proud member of the Philippine Association for Teacher Education (PAFTE), contributing to the
promotion of national development through pre-service and in-service teacher education.
Complying with the Code of Ethics, I participate in Continuing Professional Education (CPE) by saving money to pursue
my graduate studies at Sultan Kudarat State University.
I continuously engage in self-reflection, assessing my teaching methods, and seeking feedback from mentors to identify
areas for improvement. This helps me make necessary adjustments to cater to my students' needs effectively.
--Throughout my teaching journey, I have consistently strived to develop my practice in
alignment with existing laws, ensuring fairness, compliance, and a harmonious relationship with the
legal framework. Drawing from my experiences, I have come to understand the significance of
upholding the law in creating a safe, inclusive, and effective learning environment for my students.
One particular experience stands out as a testament to the importance of developing teaching
practice that is fair and does not conflict with the law. I encountered a situation where a student with
special educational needs required individualized accommodations and support to thrive
academically. Recognizing the legal requirement to provide equal educational opportunities for all
students, including those with disabilities, I immersed myself in the applicable laws and regulations
surrounding special education.
Moreover, I have come to realize that developing teaching practice in accordance with existing
laws is not only a legal obligation but a moral imperative. By adhering to the law, I ensured that my
students received equitable opportunities, were protected from harm, and were treated with fairness
and respect. It allowed me to build trust with students, parents, and the broader community, fostering
a positive and supportive learning environment.
Moreover, I stay informed about educational policies, reforms, and guidelines issued by the Department of Education
(DepEd) to ensure I align my practices with the latest regulations and best practices. By doing so, I am committed to
providing the best education and support to my students.
Objective 8: Adopt practices that uphold the dignity of teaching as a profession by exhibiting qualities such as
caring attitude, respect and integrity.
Question: In which practices do you show care, respect, and integrity to learners, colleagues, parents, and other
education stakeholders? How do these practices uphold the dignity of the teaching profession?
I follow the golden rule of ethics: "Treat others as you would like to be treated," showing respect to everyone, regardless
of their social status. I offer personalized support to struggling learners and encourage collaborative development among
students. Open and transparent communication with parents fosters respect, trust, and collaboration.

I make ethical decisions and employ inclusive and respectful classroom strategies to create a sense of belonging and
empowerment among my students. I also teach them to be respectful and helpful to others. Even when no one is watching,
I continue to demonstrate these principles and practices.

By upholding these values, I contribute to the dignity of the teaching profession, promoting student success, trust, equity,
and social justice. Through care, respect, and integrity, I establish positive learning environments and contribute to the
holistic development of my learners.

--Throughout my teaching journey, I have come to realize the transformative power of teaching with
dignity and compassion. One particular experience stands out was highlighting the profound impact
that a caring approach can have on students' lives and their educational journey.
In my classroom, I encountered a student who was facing personal challenges that affected
their academic performance and overall well-being. Recognizing the importance of creating a
nurturing and supportive environment, I made it a priority to approach this student's situation with
utmost dignity and compassion. I took the time to listen attentively, seeking to understand their
struggles, fears, and aspirations. Through genuine empathy and respect, I aimed to build a strong
and trusting relationship with the student.
As I continued to care for this student, I recognized the transformative effect it had on their
learning and overall well-being. By fostering a sense of dignity and compassion, I witnessed an
increase in their confidence, motivation, and engagement. They began to actively participate in class,
contribute their unique insights, and take ownership of their learning journey. We should always do
our duties whole-heartedly and with integrity because that is what a teacher is all about.
Objective 9: Participate in professional networks to share knowledge and to enhance practice.
Question: What co-curricular and/or extra-curricular organizations and/or activities did you participate in, that
enabled you to share your knowledge and enhance your teaching practices? How did your membership in this
organization/participation in this activity contribute to your professional development?
I actively engage in social activities through various organizations, including the "Philippine Association for Teacher
Education (PAFTE)," "Book Nook Primasia Alabel," "Batang Star Philippines, Inc.," and "Guhit Pinas Gensan chapter."
At PAFTE, I promote professional growth, collaboration, and advocacy among educators. Book Nook Primasia Alabel
allows me to conduct book readings for young people and indigents in our community. Meanwhile, volunteering at
Batang Star Philippines, Inc. enables me to support underprivileged children in completing their education and receiving
Being part of the Guhit Pinas Gensan chapter, I engage in creative activities and collaborate with fellow artists to enhance
our talents.
Through these organizations, my professional development has been significantly boosted in various ways. I have
expanded my professional network by connecting with educators and artists from different regions and institutions across
the Philippines.
Moreover, the organizations provide access to online resources and webinars, ensuring that I am continuously learning
and updated with the latest trends and best practices in education.
Participating in these activities also helps enhance important workplace skills, such as creativity, teamwork,
communication, problem-solving, project planning, task management, compassion, open-mindedness, and a positive
attitude. These skills contribute to my personal and professional growth as an educator.
--I currently employed in Passionist Technological Institute Incorporated which is a catholic school.
Teaching in a Catholic school has been a deeply meaningful and transformative experience for me. It
has provided a unique environment where I have been able to integrate faith, values, and academics,
creating a holistic approach to education.
Engaging in extra-curricular activities in a Catholic school has significantly enhanced my
teaching practice and provided valuable opportunities for students to grow both academically and
spiritually. Through extra-curricular activities, I have witnessed students develop and showcase their
unique talents and skills. Whether it's through music, sports, art, or debate, these activities provide
platforms for students to explore their passions and discover new strengths. This holistic approach to
education promotes the development of the whole person and helps students recognize their God-
given gifts.
These experiences deepen their understanding of social justice, empathy, and the call to be
Christ's hands and feet in the world. As a teacher, it is inspiring to see students embrace these values
and witness their growth in faith and character.

OBJECTIVE 9: Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities,
giftedness and talents

Context: Clara is often seen restless or unfocused in class. She also has troubles following instructions and skips

activities when left unsupervised.

Action Taken: You had a conference with her parents and found out from them that Clara was diagnosed with a

learning disability.

How will you modify the instructions for Clara to keep her focus on classroom activities? Write your reflections in

this form. Mention in your reflections a specific learning disability that you are familiar with or have researched on.


Learning disability means that a learner has difficulty in one or more areas of learning. When a

learner try hard to understand and still struggle with a specific set of skills over time, it could be a sign of

a learning disorder. One example of specific learning disability is dyslexia. Dyslexia is a learning

disorder that affects the ability to read, spell, and write. In order to help Clara in her lessons and help her focus on her
classroom activities, I will research and learn more about her disability to understand how I will manage her in my class. I
will research teaching strategies on how to teach her based on her disability. I will also conduct a diagnostic assessment
so that I can evaluate Clara’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge and skills to established Clara’s present level of academic
and functional performance. For instance in her Reading ability, she must recognize and name the letters of the alphabet
first before teaching her the letter sounds of each alphabet. With this, I can plan meaningful and efficient instruction and
can provide her modified activity sheets suited to her level. To further help Clara I will do a modification and
accommodation such as; give her extra time to complete her assignments or tests, reduce the difficulty of her
assignments by breaking down her assignments into smaller, less complex tasks. For example, I will allow her to complete
3 math problems out of five math problems. And to help Clara focus in class, I will always prompt her and remind her to
keep working and to focus on her assigned task. I will assign her a learning partner (peer teaching) to guide her in her
seat works. Children with learning disabilities are prone to behavior problems. Because having a learning disability can
make them worry that they are different from their classmates, which can lead them to act out in the classroom or at
home. Some special needs students intentionally engage in bad behavior as their scape to their seat works in class. They
may lack the confidence in the things that they do. That’s why it is very important for a teacher to understand the root of
the bad behavior of the learner. The use of positive reinforcement to manage their behavior is often the best help to
motivate students to stop acting out in inappropriate ways. Let us be compassionate to these kind of learners because
we know that they are facing difficult situation having the disorder itself. As a teacher I should be aware of signs and
symptoms of Learning Disabilities. If more people especially teachers, are aware of Learning Disabilities, proper steps can
be taken to help these learners. Let’s instill in them that it is okay to learn differently and that they are not only capable
of learning, they are also capable to succeed.

--I have observed that one of my students named Clara is unfocused in our classes. Every time I give instruction, she can’t
follow it. She can’t even do the simple task like writing her name and most of time she skips our writing activities. I
wondered if she is having any learning difficulties. I was right when I talked to her mom and discussed what I have
observed on her. Mrs. Agoncillo, her mom, told me that Clara was diagnosed with Dysgraphia. This explains why she has
extreme difficulty getting her thoughts both in order and then down on paper. After hearing her condition, I asked my
friend who is a SPED teacher how will I help the learner. For her to learn the writing activities, I should give her shorter
writing assignments or different questions from her classmates. I am planning also to make remedial session with her
wherein I will let her use my computer to type instead of write. I am planning also to provide copies of the class notes to
limit writing work. I must integrate video or audio in our lesson for her to understand and do the activities.

--I decided to modify my instructional materials to fit her needs, I will make my instructional
materials more exciting and engaging too her attention. I will include more tactile, vestibular,
kinesthetic and more visual information. Adding more engaging activities that will require her full attention and
participation to the class, instructional materials that Clara needs more sensory information as it can trigger her
interest. Providing her with more visual and colorful presentation while explaining or discussing the lesson. Everyday
should be new learning experience for her so that she would get excited to come to school everyday because
usual things she does in the classroom may be boring for her, therefor make the lesson or instructional material a new
learning experience to look forward. Also giving her rewards after finishing activities would also help her to focus and
take time to finish expected outputs as she looks forward to what she is going to get as a reward. This different
approach could surely help her start to focus on the lesson a specific learning disability that you are familiar with or have
researched on.

--Learning disability means that a learner has difficulty in one or more areas of learning. When a
learner try hard to understand and still struggle with a specific set of skills over time, it could be a sign of
a learning disorder. As per my personal research from the internet. Clara’s problem could be experiencing Dyspraxia.
It is a difficulty with organizing and directing the body to perform a motor skill(movement) needed to
carry out the steps in a process and to ensure that a task is performed in the most efficient way, according
to http://childdevelopment.com.ph With this in mind, I decided to make my instructional materials more exciting and
engaging to get her attention. I believe that Clara needs more sensory information as it can trigger her interest. I have to
include more of tactile (touch), kinesthetic (body position awareness), vestibular (balance awareness) and
visual information. These different approaches could surely enhance her interest and could help her start to focus on
the lesson. Adding more engaging activities that would require her attention and participation to the class.
I believe that to be able to get Clara focused in class, I need to provide her things that could get her
attention and interest. I could start Trying to provide her with more visual and colorful presentation while explaining the
lesson. She should be given classroom activities and classroom tasks wherein she should be excited about. In this way, it
would always get her attention and interest and that she would always look forward to coming to school
and doing her classroom tasks. I personally believe that, giving her rewards after finishing activities would
also help her to focus and take time to finish expected outputs as she looks forward to what she is going to
get as a reward. Children with learning disabilities are prone to behavior problems. Because having a learning
disability can make them worry that they are different from their classmates, which can lead them to act
out in the classroom or at home. That’s why it is very important for a teacher to understand the root of the
bad behavior of the learner. The use of positive reinforcement to manage their behavior is often the best
help to motivate students to stop acting out in inappropriate ways. Let us be compassionate to these kind
of learners because we know that they are facing difficult situation having the disorder itself.
As a teacher I should be aware of signs and symptoms of Learning Disabilities. If more people
especially teachers, are aware of Learning Disabilities, proper steps can be taken to help these learners.
Let’s instill in them that it is okay to learn differently and that they are not only capable of learning, they
are also capable to succeed.

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