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Activity No.

I. Identification:

1. It is represented as the capability to access, analyze, and invent media.

2. It has been called the Information Age.

3. It is the understanding to access, analyze, evaluate, create, reflect and act using all
forms of communication.

4. It is the skills of a person, working independently an with others, to responsibility,

appropriately and effectively uses technology tools to access, manage, integrate,
create and communicate information.

5. It is a set of skills requiring people to recognize when information is needed and have
the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.

II. Enumeration
A. What are the media literacy skills that can help people?
B. An information literate person is able to do what?
C. New ways to read and write Information Literacy?
D. Learners who have obtained the technology literacy are able to do what?
III. Essay
In your opinion, how can communicate be affected by media and information?

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