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Reasoning {2.1 Inthe following question replaces the question mark 7,17,33,51,85 Ao ce E. None of these which number in sequence Ba ba Q.2 E152 mto the west of C, Dis 4m mto the west of 3 mto the south feet A As the south of ¢, ‘What is the shortest distance between & and c? A Sm 8. 25m cam D. 16m, E. None of these 23 Ina code language "Compare* is written as X25V. What may be the possible code for “Focus” in the given code language? A UH B. HOU c. UH D. U16H £ Fs Q4 Eis 2 m to the west of C. Dis 4 mto the south of A. Ais 4 m to the west of B.B is 3 m to the south of C. What is the direction of C with respect to 0? A. North B. South east . North east D. South E. None of these Q.5 How many consonants are there in the below sequence which are immediately preceded by a symbol and immediately followed by a digit? EG4BH75@K8DNeQZ$W3ci9*La2s6 A. One B. Two ©. Three D. Four E. None Q.6 How many such consonants are there in the above ‘arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a consonant and immediately followed by a number? GROT4AB%BFIE#W@OHISMN*32V$5GP7Q A. None B. One . Two D. Three E. None of these Q7 Pointing to a photograph. Bajpai said, "He is the son of the only daughter of the father of my brother." How Bajpai is related to the man in the photograph? ‘A. Nephew B. Brother . Father D. Maternal Uncle E, None of these ‘The following question consists of two Decide if data given in the Wtto answer the questions below, “face! written in that code language? {lm certain code language, no one with face is coded as fo TP 0M S0P" and ‘no one has face’ is caded as ‘om sit fo soy? Il. na certain code language, ace of no light is coded os ‘om ‘mot fo kia! and ‘no one is smart’ is coded as ‘sop fo sip li. ‘A, lf data in statement | alone is sufficient to answer the ‘question, data in statement il alone are sufficient to answer the * ‘question. cc, Ifdata either in statement I alone or statement I slone ae * _suficient to answer the question, pf data given in both &Il together are not eufficient to * answer the question. eg, '¥datain both statement || together are necezzary to answer the question 9 Whatis the distance between point? and point Q? Statement: | Point Ris 10 m west of point P and point point P |. Point Qis 10 m south-east of point R. Point S is 20 m north- west of point ‘a. lf data in statement | alone is sufficient to answer the question. 10 mnorth of a, If data in statement il alone are sufficient to answer the * question cc, |fdata either in statement | alone or statement I! alone are * sufficient to answer the question, lf data given in both | & II together are not sufficient to ‘answer the question. fg, |fdata in both statements | & II to * answer the question, gether are necessary to Q.10 How is PRODUCT written in that code language? Statement |.In a certain code language, AIEEE is written as BIFFF. lin a certain code language, GYPSY is written as FXORX ‘a, |fdata in statement | alone is sufficient to answer the question, If data in statement Il alone is sufficient to answer the question. If data either in statement | alone or statement I! alone are sufficient to answer the question. ,_ !fdata given in both | & Il together are not sufficient to "answer the question. data in both statements | & Il together are necessary to answer the question. Q.11 How is Shubham related to Shivani? Statement: |. Shubham is the brother of Meenal. Shivani isthe niece of (4) @BEDUGORILLA 1 ere Meenas ute and ets tote Ctatement 1 alone is euficient to answer the Ws sae etatemont alone ufcent to anbwerthe ra ent I alone are semen | lie ov sate a Asta ether atte S. cufficient te anewer the GUEEHION. iit ven both | Bc together are nt sufficient to Ds answer the question. Hdata in both statements [8 il together are necessary to Egnewer the question. {@.12 tn whieh month is Mews birthday? rere te remembers that Meenas bitday wat 4 month ago, 11 Raj remembers that after 2 months from now, Meena’s birthatay will be 6 months back . fr deta in statement | alone i sufficient to answer the ® question tf data in statement It alone are s question date either in statement | alone er statement I! alone are sufficient to answer the question. \f dote given in both | & Il together are not sufficient to D. answer the question, {date in both statements | & II together are necessary to. ‘answer the question. Ques (13-16): Direction: In the following question below are given ‘statements followed by some conclusions. Taking the given ststements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from, commonly known facts, read all the conclusions and then Gecidle which of the given conclusion/conclusions logically ‘ollows/follow the given statements, ficient to answer the Q.13 Statements: Qo WoE=ReT YeUsE Conclusion: byeT Qe¥ A. tfonly conclusion | follows. B. If only conclusion 1 follows, _tfeither conclusion | ori! follows. D. If neither conclusion | nor I follows, If both conclusions | and Il follow. 2.14 Statements: AeGzC>L; MBN>B; OS; S<2- 1 0.26 Statements: AA alt ara hat. A bat Conelasinn WAI wets can te bat 1 Some tall are foatbatle footballs nly a fo Bat ara anceats A. only conelution I fours 8. sfonly conclusion i faiowes G. etter concision fa follow 1B. neither coneluslan | rar 1 follows f. ithoth conclusions {and follovr 0.27 Statemen Only 0 few birds are fish. Ho fich are amphibians Cnty « few “amphibians are mammals Conclusion 1: Some fishare not marnmals 11 All mammmats can be bird. A. Henly conclusion | follows, B._ifonly conclusion I fllowrs. .Ifeither conclusion oF il follows 1D. Ifneither conclusion | nor I! follows E. If both conclusions | and it follow. ‘Ques (28-32): Direction :5 sits 2nd to the right of R, but not at an extrem tend, F sits to the immediate left of the one, who faces R, only ‘one person sits between B and F. More than two persons sit between U and T.U sits to the left of T.U is not an immediate neighbour of R. Not more than one person sits to the left of C. B sits to the right of C, A does not face U and T. does not, face B.T does not face D. F and E are not immediate neighbours. a28 Which of the following pair sits at the extreme ends of Row 2? A. RAT BURT c. SAP D. Pat E, None of these 2.29 Who is facing T? AB BF Ge D.C E, None of these 0.30 What is the position of S with respect to U? A. Immediate left B. Third to the left . Immediate Right 1D. Fourth to the right E. None of these Q.31 Who sits second to the left of the person facing P? AC BO Ge D.A EF Q.32 Look at this series: 36, 34, 30, 28, 24, .. What number should come next? A20 8.22 €.23 0.26 @EDUGORILLA ec 3 ° vowels been the 0h ie ‘from the feft end and t4th element from the right AWHUTA NEWAONSPERTZBSWEIRN220081 OB 4.34 Ais the son of © Cand Q are sisters Z is the mother of Wihich of the fllowing statements is true? Pand Aare cousins A 1B Pisthe maternal uncle of A €._ Qisthe matemal grandfather of A D. Cand Pare sisters E, Cantbe determined 1.35 in a code language "Compare" is written as X25V. \What is the code for "Parameters" in the given code language? A Kesh B. 64H . Keak D. ask E. None of these Q.36 In 2 code language “Compare” is written as X2SV. ‘What isthe code for "Nothing" in the given code language? A MST B M527 < MasT b. M23 E. 725M 9.37 IfX + Y means X is the daughter of Y; X - Y means X is the brother of ¥; X 96 means Xs the father of Y and X x ¥ means X is the sister of ¥. Which of the following means is the niece of? AJ-N%CxI CJ+Mxc%! E. None of these BIxC-N5%J D.IKCHN-J 2.38 ina code language “Compare” is written as X25V. ‘The code "7366" is coded as which of the following word? A. Accident B. Abdomens c. Apple D. Alphabet E. Both (A) and (D) 39 in a code language "Compare" is written as X25V. ‘What is the code for “Form in the given code language?’ A. UAN B, Nau c. U6N D. UN E. None of these (@.40 Which element is 11th to the right of the element which is 17th from the right end? £G4BH75@K8DNeQZ$W3C19*LB256 Mock Test - 1 ‘Ques (41-45): Direction: I wat boon on Sd Apiil Two people were born between Fand F. One person was born and Bi diferent months, Number of persons bore betore CIs sar ‘number of persons born after D. Avwine not a born on an even nhumbee date. G was born before J, Some people mare ten ateer are .41 How many persons were born between | and J? ih amg he fon pen brn on nw AA Be oe E. None of these {443 who among the fllowing person was born on thot March? a ac 6 E None ofthese BB DA (2.44 Four of the following five are alike ina certain way and hhence form a group find the one which does not belong to that group? AE BB BC ce Du Q.45 How many persons were born between B and J? A. Four ©. One E. None of these Ques (46-50): ‘A number arrangement machine when given an input of words/numbers rearrenges them following a particular rule in each step. The following isan illustration of input and steps of rearrangement. Input: $6 dice 46 right point 23 hide 12 Step 1: dice 56 46 right point 23 hide 12 ‘Step 2: dice 46 right point 23 hide 12 58 Step 3: right dice 46 point 23 hide 12 58 Step 4: right dice 46 point 23 hide 58 14 Step 5: hide right dice 46 point 23 58 14 Step 6: hide right dice point 23 58 14.48, Step 7: point hide right dice 23 58 14.48 Step 8: point hide right dice 58 14 48 25, This isthe final arrangement and step 8 is the last step for this input. Input: eleven 17 Tuesday Sunday 47 25 march 61 Ta. #EDUCORIL. as Quantity WA tain croatian 9 platornh h .47 Which number/word i § Handing mean in secon nd tan Mock test 1 8 eatity 1A traln with @ spond of 2 brmphr eronees ond ad spa oF Ciena ale 20 meter eor oars 210 Maht oF 7th tom ght ena iar st B. eleven mast e Quantity feQuantity it es tear ewie Q.48 Which of the folk Q.S84 Quantity | A square of side L LOM i tient te tore input? "wing i the last but one step of ven ao h tuesday eleven 63.19.49 27 ir = ty march tuesday eleven 27 63 19.49 a 5 sun = ‘march tuesday eleven 25 63 19 49 rs march tuesday eleven sunday 25 63 19 49 | E. None of these, es : Q.49 What is the sum of numbers which are 3rd from the left fend in step 2 and 3rd from the right end in step S? AO B.8s tes Q.55 Quantity I: maris obtained in 1 tele. Find area of circle uontty N- Area of ractangie whose parimeter is SOcm 1 difference betwesn length ane breath ve Berm ‘Quantity 1» Quantity Quantity eauantity Quantity 1Quantity I B. Quantity leQuantity I €. Quentity i Quantity Quantity I2Quantity th Quantity 1

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