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Difference between
Goods and

2. Types of Goods

3. Popular Types of
Grade 4 lessons have shown you how a person can
become a successful entrepreneur and how some
Filipino entrepreneurs became successful in their
business. At this point, you are now going to learn
more about opportunities in entrepreneurship.
Everything around you is a product. It could be anything offered to a
market to satisfy a need or a want of a customer. It should be useful and
interesting for the customers to patronize it.
Products can be classified as goods and services.
Goods - are tangible products that you can
see, touch, hear, smell or taste. These things are
produced, bought or sold, then consumed. It has
physical features like color, style, and size. It uses
packaging and product design. Examples of
these are clothing, food, jewelry, gadgets, and
many more.
Services – are intangible products that an
individual performs for a customer to gain profit.
They have to be experienced and you can only
know how well they were done after their
completion. These are actions such as
haircutting, catering, dressmaking, painting, and
clothing repair.
Difference between Goods and Services
Differences between
Goods versus Services
Tangible 1. Form Intangible
The result of many factors (method, research, skill, 2. Result Labor
materials, etc.)
Sell by quantity 3. Payment Charge by rate
(by piece, by gram, bulk, etc.) (hourly, monthly, fixed rate
Store, stall, kiosk, or online 4. Location Store, online, customer’s place, a project site
Attract customers by item’s form or display 5. Marketing - Requires self-promotion
- Build a client base
- Referrals (word of mouth)
- Networking
Types of Goods
Types of Goods
Durable Goods Products that are useful over long periods, and are expensive
because of the quality of materials. Examples of these are dresses,
shoes, pieces of jewelry, furniture, computers, cars, and so on.
Nondurable Goods Products that are easily consumed or worn out. These are consumable
goods like food, soap, pencil, papers, and many more. These products
are cheaper than durable goods and are easily damaged.
Popular Types of Services
Service-Based Business Related Activities
1. Beauty Service hairstyling, manicuring, and haircutting
2. Photography Services taking photos, editing pictures, and creating videos
3. Printing Shop printing t-shirt and souvenir items
4. Pet Grooming Service bathing, ear cleaning, nail trimming for pets
5. Food Services catering, delivering food packs
6. Dry Cleaning washing and ironing of clothes
7. Mechanic Service automotive repairs

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