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CONTRIBUTION OF WOMEN TO INDIAN ENGLISH POETRY Women: poets have: made a significant’ contribution: to Indian English poetry: they share their experiences of struggle: suffering, and success-with us: theyhave' written poems on a variety: of topics , in a variety: of styles , and they are poets of great» worth ‘Toru Dutt (1856-77) was a gifted Indian Englishpoet- who diedat the age of twenty-one She resembles a Keatsian figure- in Indian English literature. She shares her vision: and experience with us, celebrates Indian womanhood, and speaks in a unique- and varied manner: Her well-known poem: is "Our Casuarina Tree." The tree: represents the passage: of time: and life: for her, particularly as a witness: to her trials and tribulations. In ear nineteenth-century Indian English poetry, she is unrivalled. Sarojini Naidu (1879-1949) wrote a widerange: of poems on a wide range: of topics, but Jove: remained her favourite: throughout. Above all, her poetry captures social Indian life She is a poet» who wrote The Golden Threshold (1905), The Birth of Time (1912), The Broken Wing (1917), and Feather of the Dawn (1961). Love, life: , death , and destiny are all themes that frequently appear: in poetry. Her inventiveness dates fiom the early twentieth century. Her poems 'Palanquin-bearers’ and 'Banglesellers’ are among her most popular. Monika Varma is a writer: who lives in New York City (1916- ) Despite her undeserved neglect: , shedeserves to be: rememberedas a significant: femalepoet: who strucka delicate balance: between quality: and quantity: and believed in disciplined aut: . Her poetry has a Wordsworthian quality: to it, and she is compared to her famous: contemporaries Kamala Das and Gauri Deshpande in terms of how she applies her disciplined mind . Among the best collections is Dragonflies Draw Flame (1962). Kamala Das (1934-2009) was a highly unconventional poet: who, like D H Lawrence, loved to personalise her art by recording and sharing her most intimate experiences and moments. Every natural: woman's needs, aspirations, and emotions are met by her Summer in Calcutta (1965), The Descendants (1967), and The Old Playhouse and Other Poems are among her English collections (1973). Her poem: "An Introduction” is known for its straightforwardness and sincerity. In Malayalam , she wrote fiction’ Eunice de Souza (1940- ) (1940-) There is something of Emily Dickinson in her poetry, especially in the minimum use* of the most appropriate: words: , combined withbitter’ izony:. She attempts mingled themes in her poems, from poets to students, from women to marriage’ and religion: . She has published the collections-Fix (1979), Women: in Dutch Painting (1988), Ways of Belonging (1990), etc. She has also edited numerous anthologies Suniti Namjoshi (1941- is a feminist and a poet: raises controversial and burning issues relating to culture, sex, gender, identity, etc. Her collections include Poems (1967), Cyclone in Pakistan (1971), The Jackass and the Lady’s(1980) aud The Authentic Lie (1982). (1982), Gauri Deshpande (1942- ) explores man — woman relationship and respouds to nature in three volumes: Between Births(1968), Lost Love(1970) and Beyond the SlaughterHouse(1972) (1972). She is sometimes unable to manage her emotions . She loves to romance with the past and befriends death often. ‘Mamta Kalia(1942- ) belongs to the school or the group of her great \scontemporaries- Kamala Das , Eunice de Souza , Suniti Namjoshi and above all, Gauri Deshpande. She writes in Hindi and English. She examines the role of a woman in a family and society . Her personal experience plays a major role in moulding her outlook about social and domestic life. Her poetry is ironic and witty . Her verse collections are Tribute to Papa (1970) and Poems (1978). (1978). ‘Meena Alexander(1951 - ) lives abroad; an Indian poet of the international repute writes about the place she left behind and how she feels residing in a foreign land. She is among Indian diasporic luminaries: they form a glorious group in Indian literature in English. Stone Roots (1980), House of a Thousand Doors (1988), River and Bride(1995) Illiterate Heart (2002) andl Raw Silk(2004) are her poetry collections. Imtiaz Dharker(1954 - ) explores the issues relating to women more openly ,in addition to communal , cultural and geographical issues. Her collections include Purdah (1989). Postcards fiom God (1997), Speak for the Devil(2001),The Terrorist at my Table(2006)and Leaving Fingerprints(2009) (2009). Chitra Banerjee (1956 -) is a celebrated Indian woman poet, residing in America, known for her versatility in the literary world , who won in1997the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Prize and the Pusheart Prize for her poems in ‘Leaving Yuba City’- the best known collection Sujata Bhatt (1956- ) is an intemationally recognised poet; she resides in Germany these days; and on the basis of her overseas experience, she writes good quality poetry. She earnestly addresses linguistic issues and other contemporary issues in Brunizem (1988), Monkey Shadows (1999) and The Stinking Rose (1995). (1995). Smita Agarwal (1958-) is a contemporary poet who has published several collections of poetry about small-town India and magical transformations. She is particularly sensitive to issues concerning nature and women. It remains to be seen whether she can maintain her creativity. Mani Rao (1965-) is a well-known contemporary poet who has published over a half- dozen collections both nationally and internationally. She is a writer who writes about love. Nature, God, and Satan are three of the most powerful forces in the universe. She appears to be delving into or unravelling the meaning or mystery of life, Hercules is a character she could play. She also works as a translator Neelam Saxena Chandra (1969 -) expresses herself in two languages.Her poetry is written in English, but her fiction is written in Hindi, She won the Rabindra Nath Tagore Intemational Poetry Award in 2014. She has the ability to succeed Nandini Sahu (1973 -) is a young talented poet who understands how to use language and personal experience in her creative work. She has a number of interesting collections, including The Other Voice (20004). Tishani Doshi (1975-) is a promising and well-known poet who has published two exciting collections of poetry, Country of the Body (2006) and Everything Begins Elsewhere (2013), which focus on nature, man, woman, immigration, and the human body. She has a great deal of empathy for the vietims or sufferers. Meena Kandasawy (1984 -) is a practising and passionate poet who focuses on issues conceming women and caste, Touch (2006) and Ms.Militancy (2006) are two of her collections, and she is a poet with a mission (2010). Women poets have made significant contributions to the recognition and development of Indian English poetry. Reading them from Toru Dutt to the present is a new aesthetic experience. Some of them are well-known poets who have been published all over the world. Even new poets are worth reading because they are bursting with energy and enthusiasm. As a result, Indian poetry in English, with its emphasis on specificity and coneretization of style, subject, and situation, has become more relevant and readable in the current context of escalating violence, intolerance, power imbalances, and divisive and discriminatory practises based on region, gender, class, race, and caste. The potential for radicalism and change, which are sorely needed these days, can be found in the poetry of specifics. The only thing that comes to mind is whether it could be more accessible to general readers in terms of language and diction, as many new generation poets, sich as Ranajit Hoskote and even Sudeep Sen, use pedantry and jargon in their poems.

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