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1648 Vol. 49, No.

7 / 1 April 2024 / Optics Letters Letter

Sub-Nyquist sampling-based high-frequency

photoacoustic computed tomography
Songde Liu,1,2,3 Chenxi Zhang,2 Junyi Zhang,4 Xingyang Liu,2 Benpeng Zhu,5,6 AND
Chao Tian1,2,3,∗
Department of Anesthesia, the First Affiliated Hospital of USTC, Division of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Science and Technology
of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China
School of Engineering Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China
Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center, Hefei, Anhui 230088, China
Institute of Advanced Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230088, China
School of Integrated Circuits, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei
430074, China

Received 11 December 2023; revised 14 February 2024; accepted 3 March 2024; posted 5 March 2024; published 18 March 2024

High-frequency (greater than 30 MHz) photoacoustic com- size, and view angle [10]. To enhance the spatial resolution
puted tomography (PACT) provides the opportunity to and thus improve the image quality of PACT, one can sim-
reveal finer details of biological tissues with high spatial ply increase the center frequency of ultrasonic detectors [9].
resolution. To record photoacoustic signals above 30 MHz, According to the Nyquist sampling criterion, high-frequency
sampling rates higher than 60 MHz are required according PACT imaging demands data acquisition (DAQ) systems with
to the Nyquist sampling criterion. However, the highest sam- analog-to-digital converters (ADC) of high sampling rates.
pling rates supported by existing PACT systems are typically In practice, the highest sampling rates supported by existing
within the range of 40–60 MHz. Herein, we propose a novel PACT systems are typically within the range of 40–60 MHz
PACT imaging method based on sub-Nyquist sampling. The [11], which leads to a Nyquist frequency of not greater than
results of numerical simulation, phantom experiment, and 30 MHz.
in vivo experiment demonstrate that the proposed imaging To achieve high-frequency PACT imaging with band-
method can achieve high-frequency PACT imaging with a widths covering frequencies above 30 MHz, researchers usually
relatively low sampling rate. An axial resolution of 22 µm is employ DAQ systems with sampling rates higher than 60 MHz
achieved with a 30-MHz transducer and a 41.67-MHz sam- [8,12–14]. However, such DAQ systems are usually not cost-
pling rate. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest effective. Inspired by a delayed-excitation DAQ method previ-
axial resolution ever achieved in PACT based on a sampling ously reported for high-frequency ultrasound imaging [15], Fu
rate of not greater than 60 MHz. This work is expected to and Jokerst proposed a new method called interleave-sampled
provide a practical way for high-frequency PACT imaging PA imaging that enables high-frequency PACT imaging with a
with limited sampling rates. relatively low sampling rate, e.g., a 41.67-MHz sampling rate
with a 30-MHz transducer [16]. The proposed method requires
© 2024 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open
two acquisitions that are precisely shifted with each other by half
Access Publishing Agreement
of the sampling period and are sampled at the same sampling rate (e.g., 41.67 MHz). Interleaving these two acquisitions forms a
virtual acquisition that is equivalent to the acquisition sampled at
a doubled sampling rate (e.g., 83.33 MHz). The authors achieved
Photoacoustic (PA) computed tomography (PACT) is a fast- a 63-µm axial resolution and a 91-µm lateral resolution via the
evolving biomedical imaging modality in the last two decades proposed imaging method.
[1]. Based on the PA effect, PACT can achieve high spa- In this Letter, we propose another novel imaging method based
tiotemporal resolution at large imaging depths and thus has on sub-Nyquist sampling that can also achieve high-frequency
vast applications in a range of biomedical fields [2], such PACT imaging with a relatively low sampling rate. Sub-Nyquist
as neurology [3], oncology [4], rheumatology [5], surgical sampling, also known as bandpass sampling, allows for sampling
navigation [6], and other areas of medical imaging prob- bandpass signals with a sampling rate less than twice the highest
lems. High-resolution PACT provides the opportunity to reveal frequency content [17] and has been widely used in ultrasound
finer details of biological tissues [7–9]. The spatial resolution imaging for reducing computational complexity [18]. The idea
of a PACT system can be affected by multiple system fac- of the proposed method is based on the fact that the frequency
tors and is closely related to the characteristics of ultrasonic response of high-frequency ultrasonic detectors is usually band-
detectors, including the center frequency, bandwidth, aperture limited.

0146-9592/24/071648-04 Journal © 2024 Optica Publishing Group

Letter Vol. 49, No. 7 / 1 April 2024 / Optics Letters 1649

Fig. 1. Schematic illustrating the basic principle of the pro- Fig. 2. Numerical simulation confirming the feasibility of the
posed sub-Nyquist sampling-based high-frequency PACT imaging proposed imaging method. (a) Schematic of the simulation setup
method. (a) Flow chart of the proposed method. (b) Original analog showing a 20-µm microsphere placed 8 mm from a linear transducer
signal. (c) Filtered analog signal. (d) Replicated digital signal with array. (b) Ground truth for the simulation obtained with Config. 6.
spectral inversion. (e) Recovered digital signal. (c)–(g) Imaging results obtained with Configs. 1 to 5. (h) Summation
of (c) and (d). (i) and (j) Axial and lateral resolution comparisons.

Suppose we have a bandpass signal with a center frequency

of f c and a bandwidth of B. According to the theory of sub- construct another spectrum, G(ω), as
Nyquist sampling [17], we can sample the bandpass signal
without aliasing at a rate of f s that is constrained to {︃
F(4fc /3 − |ω|), if 2fc /3<|ω|<4fc /3
G(ω) = (3)
0, otherwise.
2fc − B 2fc + B
≥ fs ≥ , (1)
m m+1
Taking the inverse Fourier transform of G(ω) gives the recovered
where m is an arbitrary, positive integer ensuring that f s ≥ 2B. digital signal g(t), the sampling rate of which is twice that of f (t).
We can rearrange Eq. (1) as It is critical to ensure that the original analog signals are
filtered with an analog bandpass filter before being sampled
2fc 2fc by the ADC to eliminate the noise and undesired spectra out-
B≤ ≤ . (2) side the band of interest. Otherwise, these noise and undesired
2m + 1 3
spectra would be added to the replicated spectrum after digitiza-
Smaller bandwidth brings larger m and thus smaller f s . Since tion. Under such circumstances, the original spectrum of interest
bandwidth is essential for high-quality PACT imaging [9], we would be contaminated and could not be recovered accurately.
should choose smaller m, e.g., m = 1 in this Letter. In this case, To demonstrate the performance of the proposed imaging
the highest bandwidth supported by sub-Nyquist sampling is method, numerical simulation, phantom experiment, and in vivo
2f c /3, and the corresponding f s is 4f c /3. Figure 1(a) illustrates experiment were conducted. The numerical simulation was per-
the basic principle of the proposed sub-Nyquist sampling- formed by imaging a microsphere. Considering that smaller
based high-frequency PACT imaging method (m = 1, B = 2f c /3, microspheres yield higher frequency content, the diameter of
f s = 4f c /3). Firstly, we employ a bandpass filter (passband: [2/3f c , the microsphere was set to 20 µm to represent a point target
4/3f c ]) to eliminate the noise and undesired spectra outside the while matching the detection bandwidth of the transducer to
band of interest [Figs. 1(b) and 1(c)]. Secondly, we sample the fil- maximize detection sensitivity as much as possible. An ana-
tered signal at 4f c /3. The desired spectrum in the high-frequency lytical model [19] was employed for generating PA signals of
band ([2f c /3, 4f c /3]) is replicated in the low-frequency band ([0, the microsphere, which were then received by a 30-MHz linear
2f c /3]) with spectral inversion after ADC digitization [Fig. 1(d)]. transducer array with a bandwidth of 20 MHz. The microsphere
Thirdly, we fold the replicated spectrum back into the original was placed 8 mm from the transducer array, as shown in Fig. 2(a).
high-frequency band ([2f c /3, 4f c /3]) along 2f c /3 [Fig. 1(e)]. The The received PA signals were first digitized at 1 GHz to serve
sampling rate is doubled in this step. The recovered spectrum as the original analog signals. To compare the performance of
shown in Fig. 1(e) is identical to the original spectrum of inter- the proposed method with other methods, the digitized signals
est shown in Fig. 1(c). Finally, the recovered signal is used for were separately filtered with multiple filtering configurations
PACT image reconstruction. Specifically, the third step (recov- and down-sampled to different sampling rates (Table 1). Herein,
ery of aliased signal) can be implemented as follows. Suppose we suppose the highest sampling rate supported by the DAQ is
F(ω) is the Fourier spectrum of the aliased digital signal, f (t). 62.5 MHz. Sampling rates of 83.33 and 125 MHz were used for
To fold F(ω) back into the original high-frequency band, we simulating interleaved sampling based on 41.67 and 62.5 MHz,
1650 Vol. 49, No. 7 / 1 April 2024 / Optics Letters Letter

Table 1. Sampling Configurations for Performance

Configuration Sampling Highpass Filter Lowpass Filter
Rate Cutoff Freq. Cutoff Freq.
(MHz) (MHz) (MHz)
1 41.67 20 35
2 41.67 - 20
3 62.5 - 30
4 83.33 - 35
5 125 - 50
6 250 - -
Fig. 3. Phantom experiment of a fine hair evaluating the perfor-
respectively. A highpass filter and a lowpass filter were com- mance of the proposed method in practice. (a)–(e) Imaging results
bined to act as a bandpass filter for Config. 1. For Configs. 2 to obtained with Configs. 1 to 5. (f) Summation of (a) and (b). (g)
5, a lowpass filter configured with different cutoff frequencies Axial intensity profiles along the red dashed line shown in (e).
was employed to avoid aliasing resulting from frequency con-
tent above half of the sampling rates. Varying sampling rates for
Configs. 2 to 5 leads to varying cutoff frequencies of the low- numerical simulation. Figures 3(a)–3(e) are the imaging results
pass filter. The cutoff frequencies and spectral responses of the obtained with Configs. 1 to 5. As expected, the proposed imag-
above filters can be found in Table 1 and Fig. S1 (Supplement 1). ing method [Fig. 3(a)] provides finer structure but worse ringing
PACT image reconstruction was performed based on the filtered artifacts (white arrows) compared with the conventional imag-
back-projection algorithm [19]. ing method [Fig. 3(c)]. The ringing artifacts shown in Fig. 3(a)
Figure 2(b) shows the imaging result obtained based on Con- are well suppressed by adding Fig. 3(b) to Fig. 3(a), as shown in
fig. 6. Due to the limited detector bandwidth [see Fig. S2(f), Fig. 3(f). The interleaved imaging method also provides shaper
Supplement 1] and view angle [9], the reconstructed micro- results [Figs. 3(d) and 3(e)] compared with the conventional
sphere shown in Fig. 2(b) is not round-shaped. Nevertheless, imaging method [Fig. 3(c)]. Figure 3(a) shows a smaller FWHM
Fig. 2(b) is regarded as the ground truth in this simulation. Fig- [Fig. 3(g)] and severe ringing artifacts, both resulting from spec-
ures 2(c)–2(g) are the imaging results obtained with Configs. 1 tral aliasing and the loss of low-frequency content, compared
to 5. Negativity artifacts shown in Figs. 2(b)–2(g) result from the with Fig. 3(d). On the contrary, Fig. 3(b) shows a larger FWHM
limited detector bandwidth and view angle [20]. Intensity pro- [Fig. 3(g)], resulting from spectral aliasing and the loss of high-
files along the red dashed lines shown in Fig. 2(b) are plotted in frequency content, compared with Fig. 3(d). Theoretically, the
Figs. 2(i) and 2(j) with the FWHM (full width at half maximum) combination of Configs. 1 and 2 should cancel each other out
quantified as axial (z axis) and lateral (x axis) resolution. Due and produce a similar FWHM [Fig. 3(f)] as that obtained with
to spectral aliasing and the loss of low-frequency content [see Config. 4 [Fig. 3(d)]. However, due to spectral aliasing, Fig. 3(f)
Fig. S2(a), Supplement 1] [9], Fig. 2(c) shows clearer ringing shows a slightly smaller FWHM. The above findings are well
artifacts (white arrow) when compared with the ground truth. supported by the axial intensity profiles [Fig. 3(g)] and the digital
The hollow structure of the microsphere shown in Fig. 2(d), the spectra (see Fig. S3, Supplement 1).
moderately broadened microsphere shown in Fig. 2(e), and the Finally, we conducted an in vivo experiment on a mouse ear to
mildly broadened microsphere shown in Fig. 2(f) both result explore the potential of the proposed method in imaging complex
from spectral aliasing and the loss of high-frequency content biological tissues. Approval of all ethical and experimental pro-
[see Figs. S2(b)–S2(d), Supplement 1]. Considering that Con- cedures and protocols was granted by the Institutional Animal
figs. 5 and 6 have similar patterns of frequency content [see Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of the University of Sci-
Figs. S2(e) and S2(f), Supplement 1], Fig. 2(g) shows similar ence and Technology of China under No. USTCACUC1803065.
imaging result to the ground truth. Figure 2(c) is sharper than Blood vessels of the mouse ear shown in Fig. 4(a) were imaged
Fig. 2(e) owing to the sampling of a higher frequency con- based on Configs. 1 to 5, with results presented in Figs. 4(b)–4(f).
tent. The result obtained based on the proposed imaging method As expected, the proposed imaging method [Fig. 4(b)] provides
[Fig. 2(c)] is as sharp as those obtained based on the interleaved higher spatial resolution but suffers from severe ringing arti-
imaging method [Figs. 2(f) and 2(g)]. However, Fig. 2(c) suf- facts when compared with the conventional imaging method
fers from severe ringing artifacts that can be well suppressed by [Fig. 4(d)]. The ringing artifacts shown in Fig. 4(b) are well sup-
adding Fig. 2(d) to Fig. 2(c), which yields Fig. 2(h). The above pressed by adding Fig. 4(c) to Fig. 4(b), as shown in Fig. 4(g).
findings are well supported by the axial and lateral resolution The performance of the combined imaging method [Fig. 4(g)]is
comparisons shown in Figs. 2(i) and 2(j). comparable to that of the interleaved imaging method [Figs. 4(e)
A fine hair (diameter: 10–20 µm) was embedded in an agar and 4(f)]. The findings are well supported by the characterized
phantom and imaged to evaluate the performance of the pro- FWHM values [Figs. 4(h) and 4(i)] of the blood vessel shown
posed method in practice. The specifications of the imaging in insets and the digital spectra (see Fig. S4, Supplement 1).
system can be found in [6] and will not be detailed here. Due to hardware limitation, the cutoff frequency of the
The highest sampling rate supported by the imaging system highpass filter in Config. 1 was configured as 20 MHz, not
is 62.5 MHz. A commercial 256-channel linear transducer array 20.83 MHz. For consistency, the 20-MHz cutoff frequency
(MS400; Visualsonics, Inc., Canada) with a center frequency of was used in both the simulation and experiments. A specially
30 MHz and a bandwidth of 20 MHz was used for signal receiv- designed numerical simulation shows that the impact of this
ing. The imaging settings are the same as those described in the tiny deviation (20.83 MHz versus 20 MHz) on imaging results
Letter Vol. 49, No. 7 / 1 April 2024 / Optics Letters 1651

sampling method and only impacts the image quality of large

structures, not small structures.
In summary, we proposed a novel imaging method based on
sub-Nyquist sampling to achieve high-frequency PACT imag-
ing with a relatively low sampling rate. The results show that
the proposed imaging method provides better spatial resolution
when compared to the conventional imaging method. It is nec-
essary to add another acquisition that samples a low-frequency
content to the proposed acquisition to suppress ringing artifacts
induced by the proposed imaging method. The performance of
the combined imaging method is comparable to that of the inter-
leaved imaging method. We achieve an axial resolution of 22 µm
based on a relative low sampling rate (i.e., 41.67 MHz) with the
proposed imaging method. To the best of our knowledge, this is
the highest axial resolution ever achieved in PACT based on a
sampling rate of not greater than 60 MHz. This work is expected
to provide a practical way for high-frequency PACT imaging
with limited sampling rates.
Funding. National Key Research and Development Program of China
(2022YFA1404400); National Natural Science Foundation of China
(12174368, 61705216, 62122072); Anhui Provincial Department of Science
and Technology (18030801138, 202203a07020020); University of Science
Fig. 4. In vivo experiment of a mouse ear exploring the potential and Technology of China (YD2090002015); Institute of Artificial Intelli-
gence at Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center (23YGXT005).
of the proposed method in imaging complex biological tissues.
(a) Photograph of the mouse ear showing lots of microvessels.
Disclosures. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
(b)–(f) Imaging results of blood vessels (white arrows) obtained
with Configs. 1 to 5. (g) Summation of (b) and (c). Insets are the Data availability. Data underlying the results presented in this paper are
zoomed-in images of the vessel in the yellow dashed boxes. (h) and not publicly available at this time but may be obtained from the authors upon
(i) Intensity profiles of the blood vessel shown in insets along z axis reasonable request.
(h) and x axis (i) with FWHM values characterized.
Supplemental document. See Supplement 1 for supporting content.

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