Market Plan - 2

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Marketing Management

Dr. Ahmed Ghazal

Doxyveto Citrix Market Plan
Presented by:
Name Registration Number
Mahmoud Nassar 20225624
Mahmoud Battout 20225618
Weam Mosaad 20225704
Rana Mohamed 20125542
Company Brief

Executive summary

Situation analysis

Marketing strategy

Marketing tactics

Implementation controls

Financial projections
Company Brief

Intermedicavet (IMV) had been Found in 2000, and since that time,
it takes wide and steady steps toward the top of the market of
veterinary medicine. We are proud to be committed with an approach
depending on credibility and transparency to achieve a long and
honorable history and a solid bridge between the company and its
customers. we are agency for five multinational pharmaceutical
company from Europe ,and we are distributing their products as a
sole agent in all Egyptian governorates by a sales and marketing
team .
 Our products range includes antibiotics, anticoccidials,
antiparasitic s, enzymes, probiotics prebiotics, antimycotoxins,
disinfectants, etc.
 Our target is to improve the overall animal health and reduces the
incidence of disease.
Company Brief

In order to satisfy the customers ,maintain the company's success ,

and company permanent presence in the market, the company resorts
to :-
 carefully selecting our products range at the best international
standards, which always have great favorable effects on the
poultry industry and maximizing the profitability.
 The company is committed to provide a skilled sales team with a
high degree of scientific and technical values to ensure the
delivery of an excellent customer service, which continues after
sales in the form of fruitful communication and continuous
survey to measure the satisfaction of our customer.
 The company covers all the governorates of Arab Republic of
Egypt with veterinary pharmaceuticals and feed additives
products for poultry, cattle, sheep, goat, horse, fish, cat and dog.
Company Brief

 In order to encourage the local industry, we did not neglect to

have a share of it. We provide some local veterinary products
with international standards and top quality.

 The company continues to make a great effort to create an ideal

environment for the poultry and livestock industry through
creation of new ideas and the application of modern technology
and marketing of high quality products that achieve higher
productivity and profitability.
Executive summary

There is no doubt that ,veterinary medicine is Scalable And

renewal field . Therefore ,as we consider a veterinary
pharmaceutical company, we always keeping to provide the best
possible ever to develop the field and satisfy the customers
needs .so we present Doxyveto citrix with high qualifications
such as purity , efficient solution on hard water , High
absorption, with unusual Manufacturing method which is
monosized micro ionized technique . A major purpose of the
marketing plan is to set the company on a specific course in
marketing. Goals of marketing generally align with broader
company objectives. A company looking to grow, for instance,
often has a marketing plan that emphasizes strategies to increase
customer base. Gaining marketing share, increasing customer
awareness and building favorable attitudes are other common
Executive summary

So we create Marketing plan to Doxyveto citrix consist of :-

1. Situational analysis ( SWOT analysis – PESTEL-
competitive analysis- marketing analysis )
2. Marketing objective
3. Marketing strategy ( growth strategy – competitive strategy
4. STP ( segmentation – targeting – positioning )
5. Marketing mix ( product – place – price – promotion )
6. Budgeting

Doxyveto citrix is a star product according to BCG metrics ,so

we should invest more by using 1037000 LE as a budget to gain
our objective which is sell 24400 units from doxyveto citrix by
the end of 2022
Situation analysis

Political :
Political situation : Politics plays an important role in all
countries , in Egypt there is a stable political situation from
Abdel Fattah El–Sisi become a president since June 2014 and
the next presidential election dates is 2024 , the next
parliamentary election date is 2024.
-Pressure groups :
-We don’t have any NGOS effect our poultry sector.
Situation analysis

Economics :
While considering the external business environment . We have
to take economic factors in consideration.
The Egyptian economy , which had previously shown resilience
to the global financial crisis , has suffered from the internal
political crisis and revolutionary uprising of 2011. nonetheless ,
the economy started to recover as of the financial year 2016 -
2017 ,with growth forecast to have hit 5.6% in 2019 .up from
5.3 % a year earlier.
According to the updated IMF forecasts from 14 of April 2021 ,
due to the outbreak of Covid 19 , GDP growth is 2% in 2021
and expected to fall to and pick up to 2.8% in 2022 , subject to
the post pandemic global economic recovery .
Situation analysis
Main Indicators 2019 2020 2021 2022
GDP (billions USD) 302.34 361.83 394.12 438.35

GDP(constant prices 5.6 3.5 2.8 1.9

,annual % change )

GDP per capita 3 3 3 3

Inflation rate (%) 13.9 5.7 4.5 6.2
Unemployment rate 8.6 8.3 9.7 7.5
(% of the labor factor )

Source : IMF –world economic outlook database October 2021

Note :(e) estimated data
Situation analysis
-Imported antibiotics on the Egyptian market are not subject to VAT.
Break down of economic Agriculture industry services
activity by sector

Value added (in % of GDP) 11 35.6 50.5

Source : world bank , latest available data .

Exchange rate :
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Exchange 18.13 17.78 17.91 16.05 15.65

rate $

Exchange rate is effecting our industry because are imported company

Situation analysis
Interest rate :
Egypt's interest rates to be fixed at 14.25 % in 2019 , down to
12.75 % in 2020 fore casts . The new decision of central bank of
Egypt cut interest rates into 9.25 in 2021 and expected to be
increased in 2022 . The central bank of Egypt encourage small
projects low interest rate.

Social class :
 The poverty rate in Egypt fell to 29.7 percent during the
fiscal year of 2019/2020 compared to 32.5 percent in 2017
/2018 .
 Culture
 From 8% to 10 % are Christians in Egypt will effect poultry
sector during their fasting
Situation analysis
Technological :
Technological factors play an important role in the success of an
organization in a business. Our company applies new
technologies in inspection and testing our product . We always
following new technology and implementing any modern
system .
-R and D activity in our products
-Our company use ODOO system to make sells process more

Ecological: (Environmental) :
 Change climate is affect our market .
 In winter the viral and bacterial load is increase and the
consumption of antibiotics increase .
 In summer the viral and bacterial load is decrease and the
consumption of antibiotics decrease .
Situation analysis

Legal :
 Our products are registration from the ministry of health .
 We follow the laws to import.
 We follow consumer protection laws.
 Health and safety laws.
Situation analysis
SWOT analysis
i. Doxyveto citrix is manufactured by VMD company which
have unique technique in production monosized micronized
ii. Doxyveto citrix is a European quality , not just European
iii. According to European pharmacopeia last version ,
DoxyVeto citrix is considered a grade EPA 9.86 which is
low impurities and low resistance on bacteria .
iv. DoxyVeto citrix is highly soluble and high efficacy in hard
water .
v. DoxyVeto citrix is safe , no toxic effect on kidney.
vi. High training and skillful staff team .
vii. we have 15 sales person in all governorates in Egypt.
Situation analysis
SWOT analysis

Weakness :
i. DoxyVeto Citrix is high price product.
ii. Shortage of goods in our stores.
iii. Lack of delivering on time to our customers.
iv. We don’t have large packages from DoxyVeto Citrix , only
we have 1K package.
v. Our cash flow is slow .
Situation analysis
SWOT analysis

Opportunities :
i. Shortage of Doxycycline and row materials in Egyptian
market in 2021.
ii. Our business sector and poultry market is expanding , with
many future opportunities for success.
iii. Our main competitors don’t have Doxycycline in 2021.
iv. customers loyalty with VMD products
Situation analysis
SWOT analysis
Threats :
i. Suppliers increase row material price .
ii. Our distributers sells our products below cost price .
iii. Covid 19 outbreak is effecting on the quantity imported
from suppliers in 2021 .
iv. Our competitors make many events and promotional tools
than us.
v. In last five years there were many imported products and
local products compete us .
Situation analysis
Competitive analysis
Situation analysis
Market analysis
 According to economical situation our market become price
oriented . So the customer prefer large packages with low price.
 Exchange rate will effect the price of our product .
 There are shortage world wide in row materials of doxycycline
which make effect in price of doxy in 2021 .
 In 2021 the demand of doxy is more than the supply due to the
shortage of doxy world wide and expansion of poultry sector this
will give future opportunities for success .

Marketing objective
To sell 24400 unit of Doxyveto citrix by the end of 2022 by
substitution of doxyral by doxyvet citrix. 2-2 to gain 2 % market
share of doxy from competitors and to gain 8,3% market share of
doxyral by the end of 2021.
Marketing strategies
Growth strategy
• R and D department launched doxyveto citrix in 2021 as a new
product in existing market ,and this followed strategy called
partial product development .
• Sales of doxyveto citrix in 2021 is 17000 units . We need to push
sales in 2022 and achieve our marketing objective by following
the market penetration strategy ,which is applied by 2 tactics :
a. Increase consumption of current customers
b. Attract new customers .
Competitive strategy
• IMV company is using the market differentiation strategy in
• Doxyveto citrix have unique selling point such as , high quality ,
grade EPA 9.86 ,high stability and solubility , high efficacy in
hard water.
Marketing Tactics
Segmentation :
In fact ,our market segmented is B to B and B to C ,which dividing
into companies (accounts ) , fragmented market (distributors-end
users) and prescribers .
The companies dividing according to their size ( how many broiler
,breeder ,GP they have and payment system into:
• Class A ( feed mills, broiler , breeder and GP)
• Class B (feed mills, broiler , breeder )
• Class C (feed mills , breeder)
• Class D ( broiler ) Fragmented market dividing into :-
Distributors classified according to their consumption into ( class A
and class B )
Marketing Tactics
End users are small farms , which have less than 50000 chicks - the
prescribers classified to class A and class B , this classification based
on the potentiality which is how many breeders visit them . on other
hand, There are another segmentation geographically to
Targeting :
Our company use differentiated marketing . We have 3 products to 3
different segments:
• Doxyveto 50 s for loyal customers
• Doxyral for price orinted customers
• Doxyveto citrix specialized to class A accounts , class A and B
distributors and small farms .
Our aim in 2022 is replacing the segment which using doxyral to
doxyveto citrix due to unavailability of doxyral.
Marketing Tactics
Positioning :
The purest and most efficient

Solution to the problem of hard water for
your farm

Positioning statement:
Doxyveto citrix is the purest and most
efficient solution to the problem of hard
water for your farm
Implementation controls
Doxyveto citrix is considered as a convenience product according to
characteristics which is:-
• Specific product for poultry industry
• Unique characteristics
• High price
• Influent design
• Good packaging
Location of our company in Abour city and disturb to all governorates
- Product specifications:-
• Doxycycline hyclate 500 mg/g
• eq Doxycycline base 443 mg
• Citric Acid 500 mg
• Excipients (Lactose) 200 mg up to 1g
Implementation controls
• High absorption
• High tissue concentration
• Excretion mainly through bile
• Broad spectrum
a. High efficacy : MG, MS ,Pasteur Ella, Hemophilic, staph
b. Variable : EColi and Salmonella
c. Low : (needs continous course of high doses) ORT and Clostridia
Doxyveto citrix is manufactured by VMD company which use unique
technique in production ( monosized microionized
technique)According to European pharmacopeia ,last version
doxyveto citrix is considered grade EPA 9.68 in raw material which
reflect low impurities ( low resistance on bacteria). According to BCG
metrics, doxy veto citrix is considered a star product , which has high
relative market share in high industry market so we should increase
investment on this product more and more.
Implementation controls

Public price
Doxyveto citrix public price is 2100 LE for 1 kilo
Distribution price
• Distribution price :-1950 LE postpaid for 90 days
• Distributors price :-1800 LE for cash
• High potential end users and high potential accounts :-1600 LE
• Postpaid for 90 days
Implementation controls
Pricing strategy
our pricing strategy based on :
• cost which is include
a. fixed cost ( salaries - Promotional tools - expenses like shipping)
b. variable cost ( cost of imported product from suppliers)
c. competitors price is below than us because we are brand not
generic product
d. customers became price sensitive due to the current economical
situation but we deal with that through offers or sales discount
e. we use fair profit strategy in Doxyveto citrix
Implementation controls
Distribution strategy
Intensive strategy
we can noted that , the company is following the policy that areas
where the breeding is intensive, such as the companies in Cairo and
the farms in Giza, Fayoum, Dakahlia, and Sharqia, so we considered
them the most governorates breeding. therefore, the company efforts
are focused on those areas by sellers to increase the sale process ,there
are other areas where there is no breeding intensive , such as Sina, so
the focus is not on these places .
Implementation controls
promotional tools
we use all the promotion tools during the year
1. Advertising
use social media like Facebook to promote our product we have a
Facebook page named IMV
2. Public relation
we join to exhibitions like AGRENA and make mega events and
invite our customers
3. Direct marketing
Brand item such as pens , flyer , office name plate , pencil case
and notebooks
Implementation controls
promotional tools
we use all the promotion tools during the year

4. Sales promotion
• sales discounts 2%for customers at the end of the year in case the
costumer sales exceed one million pounds
• Offers such as :
free goods like buy 30 and get 1 free
free goods like buy 100 and get 4 free
5. Personal selling –
we have 15 sales person in all governorates in Egypt to follow up the
customers and Satisfy their needs
Financial projections
The company uses two method :
Percent of sales
• we use 2.5% of sales
• our objective to sell 24400 unit × 1700
• ( price average)= 41480000
• the budget is 1037000 –
Task method
Financial projections
Financial projections
Thanks & Best Regards

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