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What is a function?

a) A set of ordered pairs where each

input is paired with exactly one
b) Any mathematical expression
involving variables.
c) A sequence of numbers.
d) A set of random numbers.
If f(x) = 2x + 3, what is f(5)?
a) 8
b) 13
c) 10
d) 11
Which of the following is a one-to-one function?
a) f(x) = x^2
b) f(x) = 3x + 4
c) f(x) = √x
d) f(x) = 2^x
What is the domain of the function g(x) =
1/(x - 2)?
a) All real numbers
b) All real numbers except x = 2
c) Only even numbers
d) Only integers
If h(x) = |x - 4|, what is the range of h?
a) All real numbers
b) All positive real numbers
c) All non-negative real numbers
d) All numbers greater than 4
The composition of two functions f(x) and
g(x) is denoted as:
a) f(x) * g(x)
b) f(x) / g(x)
c) f(g(x))
d) g(f(x))
Which of the following is the inverse of the
function f(x) = 2x - 1?
a) g(x) = (x + 1)/2
b) g(x) = 2x + 1
c) g(x) = (x - 1)/2
d) g(x) = 2x - 1
The horizontal line test is used to determine:
a) If a function is increasing or decreasing.
b) If a function is even or odd.
c) If a function is one-to-one.
d) If a function has an inverse.
What is the formula for calculating simple
a) I=P⋅R⋅T
b) I=P+R+T
c) I=P⋅(1+R⋅T)
d) I=P⋅R⋅T/100
If you invest P1,000 at an annual interest
rate of 5%, what is the simple interest
earned after 3 years?
a) P150
b) P50
c) P30
d) P15
How is the maturity period of an investment
typically measured?
a) In days
b) In months
c) In years
d) In hours
If you borrow P500 at a simple interest rate
of 8% per annum, how much interest will
you pay after 2 years?
a) P80
b) P40
c) P20
d) P10
What happens to the simple interest earned
if the principal amount is doubled?
a) It doubles
b) It halves
c) It remains the same
d) It quadruples
If the principal amount is P2,000, the annual
interest rate is 6%, and the investment
matures in 4 years, what is the total amount
at maturity?
a) P2,240
b) P2,480
c) P2,960
d) P2,760
The maturity value of an investment is the
sum of:
a) Principal and interest
b) Principal, interest, and time
c) Principal and time
d) Interest and time
In simple interest, what does "R" represent
in the formula?
a) Maturity value
b) Interest rate
c) Principal
d) Time
If the simple interest is P75, the principal is
P1,000, and the time is 3 years, what is the
annual interest rate?
a) 2.5%
b) 5%
c) 7.5%
d) 10%
What is the maturity value of a P800
investment at 4% simple interest for 5
a) P920
b) P960
c) P1,040
d) P1,200
Consider the rational function f(x)=2x−5​/x+3.
a) What is the domain of the function?
A) x∈R
B) x∈R, x≠−3
C) x∈R,x≠3
D) x∈R,x≠5
What is the range of the function?
A) y∈R
B) y∈R,y≠2
C) y∈R,y≠3
D) y∈R,y≠3y5
To solve 3/x-1 =1/x+2
a) What is the solution for x?
A) x=3
B) x=−3
C) x=1
D) x=−1
In a research study, a simple random sample is
obtained when:
A) Every individual in the population has an equal
chance of being selected.
B) Only individuals with specific characteristics
are chosen.
C) The researcher selects individuals based on
D) The sampling process is complex and involves
multiple steps.
Stratified random sampling involves:
A) Randomly selecting individuals without any
specific criteria.
B) Dividing the population into subgroups and
then randomly selecting individuals from each
C) Selecting individuals who are easily accessible.
D) Using a predetermined list to select
In systematic random sampling:
A) Every individual in the population has an equal
chance of being selected.
B) The population is divided into strata, and
individuals are randomly chosen from each
C) Individuals are selected based on specific
D) Individuals are chosen at regular intervals from
a randomly chosen starting point.
Cluster sampling involves:
A) Selecting individuals based on convenience.
B) Dividing the population into clusters and
randomly selecting entire clusters.
C) Choosing individuals who share similar
D) Using a specific order to select participants.
Convenience sampling is characterized by:
A) Randomly selecting individuals from
different clusters.
B) Choosing participants based on their
accessibility or availability.
C) Dividing the population into strata.
D) Selecting individuals based on a specific
In a salary survey of a company, the mean
(average) salary is calculated to be P50,000.
Which of the following statements is true?
A) Every employee earns exactly P50,000.
B) The sum of all employee salaries is P50,000.
C) The average salary is the most representative
measure of salary in this company.
D) The mean may not accurately represent
individual salaries due to potential outliers.
In a classroom, the median score on a test is 85.
What can be inferred from this information?
A) At least 50% of the students scored below 85.
B) The average score is 85.
C) The median is the same as the mode in this
D) The highest score in the class is 85.
In a customer satisfaction survey for a product,
the mode response for a specific question is "Very
Satisfied." What does this indicate?
A) Most customers are dissatisfied with the
B) The average satisfaction level is "Very
C) "Very Satisfied" is the most frequent response
for that question.
D) The survey is not reliable.
A researcher wants to test whether the average
time spent on a website has increased from the
previous average of 10 minutes. The null
hypothesis (Ho) and alternative hypothesis (Ha)
B) Ho​:μ>10,Ha​:μ=10
C) Ho​:μ=10,Ha​:μ<10
D) Ho​:μ<10,Ha​:μ =10
In hypothesis testing, if the null hypothesis is
true, but you reject it, this is an example of:
A) Type I error
B) Type II error
C) Correct decision
D) Power of the test
A sample of 25 students is taken, and the
average score on a test is calculated. To test if
the average score is significantly different
from 70, the appropriate statistical test is:
A) Z-test
B) Chi-square test
C) One-sample t-test
D) Two-sample t-test
If a researcher sets the level of significance (�α)
at 0.05, it means:
A) There is a 5% chance of making a Type I error.
B) There is a 95% chance of making a Type I error.
C) There is a 5% chance of making a Type II error.
D) There is a 95% chance of making a Type II error.
After conducting a hypothesis test, if the p-
value is less than the level of significance (α),
the researcher should:
A) Reject the null hypothesis.
B) Fail to reject the null hypothesis.
C) Accept the null hypothesis.
D) Conduct further experiments.
When utilizing the Central Limit Theorem,
the rejection region for a hypothesis test is
determined by the:
A) Confidence interval
B) Standard deviation of the population
C) Level of significance
D) Sample size
For a one-tailed hypothesis test with a level
of significance (α) of 0.05, the critical z-
value(s) in the rejection region would be
A) ±1.96
B) ±2.58
C) ±1.645
D) ±1.28
In a two-tailed hypothesis test with a level of
significance (α) of 0.01, the critical z-values
for the rejection region would be
A) ±2.33
B) ±2.58
C) ±1.96
D) ±2.58
If the level of significance (α) is increased in a
hypothesis test using the Central Limit
Theorem, the size of the rejection region:
A) Decreases
B) Remains unchanged
C) Increases
D) Depends on the sample size

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