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Quarter 3-Module 4
Principles in the Prevention
and Control of
Communicable Diseases
About the Module
This module was designed and written with you, students, in mind. It is here to help you
understand more about gender and human sexuality. The scope of this module permits it to
be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELCs) released by the Department of Education (DepEd) for this school year
2020 – 2021.
This module is divided into four parts, namely:
Lesson 1 – Stages of Infection
Lesson 2-3 – Common communicable diseases
Lesson 4-5 – Nature of Emerging and reemerging diseases

What I Know?

Instructions: Answer the questions below by writing the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper. (Write your family name, first name, year and section)

_______1. What stage is called a recovery stage?

A. Convalescene B. Illness C. Incubation D. Prodromal
_______2. Which stage has a specific severe signs and symptoms?
A. Decline B. Illness C. Incubation D. Prodromal
_______3. What is this stage when the signs and symptoms of the sick person slowly goes
A. Convalescene B. Decline C. Illness D. Incubation
_______ 4. What stage has non-specific signs and symptoms appearing?
A. Decline B. Illness C. Incubation D. Prodromal
_______5. Arrange chronologically the following stages of infection.
1- Convalescene stage 4- Prodromal stage
2- Illness stage 5- Decline Stage
3- Incubation stage

A. 1,2,3,4,5 B. 5,4,3,2,1 C. 4,3,2,1,5 D. 3,4,2,1,5

_______6. These are prevention measures for head lice EXCEPT

A. Do not share comb C. Take a bath everyday
B. Clean the bed sheets D. Use one towel for the whole family
_______7. Which preventive practice is NOT included for COVID 19?
A. Perform hand hygiene
B. Prevent breeding of insects
C. Wear mask and face shield properly
D. Keep distance at least 1 meter from the person/sick person
_______8. What is the preventive measure for measles?
A. Do not share comb
B. Should not attend to school
C. Prevent breeding of mosquitos
D. Ensure all food is adequately cook especially high- risk food like shellfish
________9. These are preventive measures of communicable disease EXCEPT
A. Personal hygiene
B. Use your own personal things
C. Eat clean and well- cooked food
D. Wait until the Barangay in-charge cleans your own surrounding.
________10. What are the two modes of transmission?
A. Direct and Indirect C. Airborne and droplet
B. Contact and Droplet D. Food/water- borne and vector borne
________11. What usually causes a very itchy rash that often makes a pattern in the shape
of a ring?
A. acne B. jock itch C. ring worm D athlete’s foot
________12. What disease grows best in warm, wet places, such as the area between
A. acne B. jock itch C. ring worm D athlete’s foot
________13. Which disease is usually caused by the following factors: dirt, excess oil, and
unhealthy lifestyle?
A. acne B. jock itch C. ring worm D athlete’s foot
________14. Which from these diseases is slightly contagious, and you can spread them to
the different parts of your body by touching them?
A. acne B. warts C. jock itch D. ring worm
________15. What statement describes a responsible student in terms of preventing a
disease such as COVID 19?
A. He covered his mouth with hands while sneezing.
B. She went home washed her hands for ten seconds.
C. He wore mask and walked with his arm on his friend’s shoulder.
D. She wore mask and face shield and stood meters away from other people.

1 Stages of Infection
What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

• describe the stages of infection;
• discuss the stages of infection; and
• analyze the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the Philippines

What’s In?

Activity 1.1 Sa Maka Usa Pa Huna-Hunaa

Instructions: Write SF if the statement is an effect of Smaller Family and write BF if the
statement is an effect of a Bigger Family. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

_______ 1. Financially stable

_______ 2. There is a stiff competition among siblings.
_______ 3. Disadvantaged in terms of physical development
_______ 4. More time, energy, and money left for other pursuits
_______ 5. Allows the parents to give more attention and love to their children

What’s New & What Is It


1. Incubation it is the period starting from the entry of the pathogen until the appearance of the
first sign. For example: COVID-19 ranges from 1-12.5 days.

2. Prodromal stage which starts from the onset of non-specific signs and symptoms such as

3. Illness stage begins when more specific signs and symptoms appear. For Example, COVID
19 is characterized by fever or chills, cough, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headaches, sore
throat, shortness of breath or difficulty of breathing.

4. The last stage of infection is an interval when acute symptoms of infection disappear. The
length of recovery depends on the severity of infection and the sick person’s general state of
health. Recovery may take several days to months and is called the convalescence stage.
Incubation stage Prodromal Illness stage Convalescence
stage Stage

Chickenpox, 2-3 weeks Malaise, manifested by sore Length of recovery

low-grade, throat, sinus congestion, depends on severity of
fever rhinitis mumps infection and patient’s
fatigue manifested by ear – general state of health;
Common cold, 1-2 days ache. take several days to
Influenza, 1-3 days
Mumps, 15-18 days

The Leading Causes of Mortality and Morbidity in the Philippines for 2020
The leading causes of death are diseases of the heart, diseases of the vascular
system, pneumonias, malignant neoplasms/cancers, all forms of tuberculosis, accidents,
COPD and allied conditions, diabetes mellitus, nephritis/nephritic syndrome and other
diseases of respiratory system. Among these diseases, six are non-communicable and four
are the major NCDs such as CVD, cancers, COPD and diabetes mellitus.
(Adapted from

What I have Learned?

Stages of Infection

Image #1

(Adapted from Department of Education Learning Module Health 8, 2013)

What I Can Do?

Activity 1. 4 Solid og Lawas

Instructions: Check YES if you agree to the statement found in “What will I do” column and
check NO if you don’t agree. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

When the following happens…. What will I do? YES NO

By understanding the chain and stages of I will intervene to prevent
infection infections from developing.
When I acquire infection I will observe signs and
symptoms of infections.
When there are symptoms and signs I will take appropriate actions
to prevent its spread.
If the symptoms and signs persist I will see the appropriate
doctor/medical specialist.

Common communicable diseases

What I Need to Know?

At the end of this lesson you are expected to:

• discuss the most common communicable diseases;
• identify the preventive measures for the communicable diseases; and
• write the preventive measures for COVID-19

What’s In?

Activity 2-3 .1 Mag Binantayon Aron Dili Ka Mahiagom

Instructions: Identify the statement by writing the corresponding stages of infection. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper with your name and section.

Incubation stage Prodromal stage Illness stage Convalescence Stage

__________________ 1. Temperature reading is above 37.2 digress Celsius, dry cough,

breathing difficulty, or diarrhea if there’s any or worsened till the
following days.
___________________ 2. For the survivors, the symptoms can be manageable, fever tends
to get better, breathing difficulties may start to cease, some will still
have mild cough.
___________________ 3. Mild sore throat neither having a fever or feeling tired.
___________________ 4. COVID 19 2-14 days after the exposure to the virus.

What’s New & What Is It?

Mode of transmission Examples of diseases Prevention


1. Contact / Do not share towels and other

Transmission personal items
(sleeping with someone with Head Lice
2. Food-borne/ Food Poisoning, Cholera, / Ensure all food is adequately
water-borne Bacillary dysentery, Hepatitis cook especially high- risk food like
transmission A, Hepatitis E shellfish.

/ Perform hand hygiene before

meals and after going to the toilet.

/ Handle vomitus and excreta


3. Vector-borne Dengue fever / Prevent breeding of insects /

transmission mosquitoes
(usually insects)


1. Droplet /Maintain good ventilation

Transmission / perform hand hygiene properly
Influenza, Common cold, and immediately
Coughing and Sneezing Streptococcus, pneumoniae / cover nose and mouth while
infection, COVID 19 sneezing or coughing
/ Wear surgical mask
/ Keep distance at least 1 meter
from the sick person
2. Air-borne /Seek medical advice
transmission immediately if unwell
Pulmonary, tuberculosis, /anyone with symptoms
Measles, Chickenpox suggestive of air-borne
transmissible disease should not
attend to school

What I Have Learned

In order for you to avoid the spread of infections, if you are sick, you should avoid going
to school or going outdoors. The suitable time for you to return to school depends on your
health conditions.

What I Can Do?

Activity 2.4 Kahibaw Ko Kaluwasan Mo!

Instructions: Copy the different preventive measures for COVID 19 (BIDA) in a short bond
paper. Make sure the texts are visible to all the members of the family. You can also add
drawings if you know how. Apply creativity and posts it in an area of your house visible to
everyone. Take a picture and submit it to digital platforms or submit your output together with
your answer sheets in the school.

Images 2-5 retrieved 3/17/21

Rubrics for Activity 2.4 Kahibaw Ko Kaluwasan Mo

Description 5 4 3 1-2
COVID 19 All preventive Lacks 1preventive Lacks 2 Lacks 3
Preventive measures are measure preventive preventive
measures written measures measures

Text Texts are very Texts are visible Texts are Can’t almost
visible limited be read
Creativity Very unique and Generally unique Work No
take several and explore some somewhat uniqueness
options options unique applied

Nature of Emerging and
4-5 Re-Emerging Diseases

What I Need to Know?

At the end of this lesson you are expected to:

• analyze the nature of emerging and re-emerging diseases:
• examine the important roles and responsibilities in preventing the spread of
the disease; and
• make and write your own journal.

What’s In?

Activity 4-5.1: Pwede’g Kita Nalang Duha?

Instructions: Write DT if the disease is through Direct Transmission and IT if the disease is
an Indirect Transmission. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

_______1. Head Lice ________ 4. Tuberculosis

_______ 2. Cholera ________ 5. COVID 19

_______ 3. Common colds

What’s New & What Is It?

Nature of Emerging and Re-Emerging Diseases

Ringworm of the Body (Tinea Corporis) - usually causes a very itchy

rash. It often makes a pattern in the shape of a ring, but not always.

Image # 6 and 7
Adapted from Department of Education
Learning Module Health 8, 2013)

Acne has always been a common skin problem among teenagers and
adults. The best thing that you can do is to learn how to take care of your
skin. Acne is usually caused by the following factors -- dirt, excess oil, and
unhealthy lifestyle.
Image # 8

Athlete's foot is caused by a fungus that grows on or in the top layer of

skin. Fungi (plural of fungus) grow best in warm, wet places, such as the
area between toes. It looks like a burned skin because it has scales and it
is reddish and itchy.
Image # 6 and 7
Adapted from Department of
Education Learning Module
Health 8, 2013)

Warts are the most common of dermatological complaints. Warts are

slightly contagious, and you can spread them to other parts of your body by
touching them or shaving around infected areas. They are small black or
brownish hard grown skin. They can become bigger especially when they
are always touched.

Image # 9

Jock itch is characterized by an itchy, red rash on the genital,

inner thighs and buttocks. It occurs in warm, moist areas of the body and is common in athletes
and people who are obese or perspires a great deal. Jock itch (groin infection)

(Adapted from Department of Education Learning Module Health 8, 2013)

What I Have Learned?

The emerging and re-emerging diseases are ringworm of the body, acne, athlete's
foot, warts and jock itch.

What I Can Do?

Activity 4.4 “Ako ang simula”

Instructions: Choose one from the emerging diseases previously discussed in Lesson 4.
Write your answers on how to prevent this emerging disease in your personal journal. Take a
picture and submit it to any digital platforms or submit it together with your answer sheets in

Journal Title: Making Small Things to Prevent the Spread of Diseases.

My Daily Journal

Date: Ex. March 10, 2021
1.What have I done today to prevent the spread of emerging and re-emerging disease?
For example, I wash my hands before touching my face.

Date: Ex. March 11

1. What will I do tomorrow to prevent the spread of Ringworm?
Disease: Ex. Ringworm My strategy/preventive measures
or Acne
Ex. I will keep my skin clean and dry

Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature

Rubrics for Activity 4.4 “Ako ang simula”

Criteria Fully Evident Needs More Information

The format is being followed 5 3-4

Ideas are clearly understood 5 3-4

and relevant to the question

Total 10 6-8


Instructions: Answer the questions below by writing the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper. (Write your family name, first name, year and section)

_______1. What stage is called a recovery stage?

A. Convalescene B. Illness C. Incubation D. Prodromal
_______2. What are the two modes of transmission?
A. Direct and Indirect C. Airborne and droplet
B. Contact and Droplet D. Food/water- borne and vector borne

_______3. What is the preventive measure for measles?

A. Do not share comb
B. Should not attend to school
C. Prevent breeding of mosquitos
D. Ensure all food is adequately cook especially high- risk food like shellfish

_______4. These are prevention measures for head lice EXCEPT

A. Do not share comb C. Take a bath everyday
B. Clean the bed sheets D. Use one towel for the whole family

_______5. Arrange chronologically the following stages of infection.

1- Convalescene stage 4- Prodromal stage
2- Illness stage 5- Decline Stage
3- Incubation stage

A. 1,2,3,4,5 B. 5,4,3,2,1 C. 4,3,2,1,5 D. 3,4,2,1,5

_______6. Which preventive practice is NOT included for COVID 19?

A. Perform hand hygiene
B. Prevent breeding of insects
C. Wear mask and face shield properly
D. Keep distance at least 1 meter from the person/sick person

_______7. Which stage has a specific severe signs and symptoms?

A. Decline B. Illness C. Incubation D. Prodromal

_______ 8. What stage has non-specific signs and symptoms appearing?

A. Decline B. Illness C. Incubation D. Prodromal
_______ 9. These are preventive measures of communicable disease EXCEPT
A. Personal hygiene
B. Use your own personal things
C. Eat clean and well- cooked food
D. Wait until the Barangay in-charge cleans your own surrounding.

_______ 10. What is this stage when the signs and symptoms of the sick person slowly goes
A. Convalescene B. Decline C. Illness D. Incubation
_______11. What usually causes a very itchy rash that often makes a pattern in the shape of
a ring?
A. acne B. jock itch C. ring worm D athlete’s foot

_______12. What disease grows best in warm, wet places, such as the area between
A. acne B. jock itch C. ring worm D athlete’s foot
_______13. Which disease is usually caused by the following factors: dirt, excess oil, and
unhealthy lifestyle?
A. acne B. jock itch C. ring worm D athlete’s foot
_______14. What statement describes a responsible student in terms of preventing a disease
such as COVID 19?
A. He covered his mouth with hands while sneezing.
B. She went home washed her hands for ten seconds.
C. He wore mask and walked with his arm on his friend’s shoulder.
D. She wore mask and face shield and stood meters away from other people.
_______15. Which from these diseases is slightly contagious, and you can spread them to
the different parts of your body by touching them?
A. acne B. warts C. jock itch D. ring worm

Text Book
Anido, M., (2013). Physical Education and Health of Asia Learner’s Module Book. Media
Press Inc. 21-E Boni Serrano Ave. QC joined with Printwell, Inc. 38 Dansalan St., Mandaluyong
City,pp. – 86-145


OpenStax Microbiology. Provided by: OpenStax CNX. Located

at: e0c57998e765@4.2. License: CC BY:
Attribution. License Terms: Download for free at

Adapted from

infectious-disease/ retrieved on 3/10/2021


Image 1 (n.d) Adapted from retrieved on 3/3/2021

Image 2-5 (n.d) Adapted from retrieved on 3/ 10 / 2021

Image 6-7 (n.d) Adapted from Department of Education Learning Module Health 8,
2013) retrieved on 3/ 10 / 2021
Image 8 (n.d) Adapted from retrieved on 3/ 17 / 2021
Image 9 (n.d) Adapted from on 3/ 17 / 2021


You are now ready for the next module. Always remember the following:

1. Make sure every answer sheet has your

▪ Name
▪ Grade and Section
▪ Title of the Activity or Activity No.
2. Follow the date of submission of answer sheets as agreed with your teacher.
3. Keep the modules with you AND return them at the end of the school year or whenever
face-to-face interaction is permitted.


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