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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Caloocan City
Maria Clara St. cor. 8th Avenue, Bgy. 109, Grace Park, Caloocan City

CATCH-UP FRIDAYS – February 28, 2024

National Reading Program Material in Mathematics
Intervention and Enhancement

• To prepare the environment and learners for the reading session
• To engage in uninterrupted reading.
• To assess progress, address reading issues, build relationships, and reflect
• To encourage collaboration and communication.

Eye Break: Students rub their palms together until they feel warm. Have them
close their eyes and gently place their warmed palms over their eyes for 10 to 20 seconds.
This is a great exercise to use both before reading and when students’ eyes begin to lose
focus during reading.

Dedicated Reading Time:

"The Mathematical Garden"

Once upon a time in the small village of Arithmetica, there was a peculiar garden
known as "The Mathematical Garden." Legend had it that the garden was enchanted, and
its blooms held the secrets to solving the most complex mathematical mysteries.

A young mathematician named Alice had heard whispers of this mystical place and
was determined to explore its wonders. Armed with her notebook and a thirst for
knowledge, she ventured into the heart of the village, where the entrance to the garden

As Alice stepped through the wrought-iron gate, she was greeted by a symphony of
numbers whispered by the wind. The garden was a dazzling array of geometric shapes,
each flower meticulously arranged according to mathematical principles. Triangular
tulips, square sunflowers, and spiraled roses adorned the landscape.

At the center of the garden stood a towering golden tree with branches that seemed
to reach into infinity. This tree, known as the "Root of Wisdom," bore fruit that held the
answers to unsolved mathematical conjectures.

Address: Ma. Clara St. cor. 8th Avenue, Bgy. 109, Grace Park, Caloocan City
Telephone No.: 8633-4522
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Caloocan City
Maria Clara St. cor. 8th Avenue, Bgy. 109, Grace Park, Caloocan City

Alice, guided by her curiosity, approached the tree. As she plucked a fruit and
examined it, equations and theorems began to unfold before her eyes. The more she
explored the garden, the deeper she delved into the mathematical wonders it held.

But the garden had its challenges. The Multiplication Maze tested her ability to
navigate through a labyrinth of interconnected pathways, while the Probability Pond
required careful steps to avoid sinking into uncertainty.

One day, as Alice sat pondering the Fibonacci Flowers, she encountered a
mysterious figure, the Mathemagician. With a twirl of his cloak, he revealed that the true
purpose of the garden was not just to solve mathematical puzzles but to understand the
beauty and harmony that numbers brought to the world.

Together, Alice and the Mathemagician explored the garden's depths, unraveling
the secrets of symmetry, proportion, and infinite series. As the sun set on Arithmetica,
they marveled at the magical glow that emanated from the garden.

Having gained a profound appreciation for the interconnectedness of mathematics

and nature, Alice bid farewell to the enchanted garden, carrying with her a bouquet of
mathematical insights. As she left, the garden whispered its gratitude, knowing that its
secrets would continue to inspire curious minds for generations to come.

Process Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing:

The teacher will facilitate the discussion:

1. What specific elements of the story engaged students and sparked their
interest in mathematical concepts?
2. Can you identify any connections between the story and practical
applications of mathematics that were discussed during reflections?
3. Were there moments when students demonstrated creativity or unique
approaches to mathematical challenges inspired by the narrative?
4. How did students communicate their understanding of the story and its
mathematical themes to their peers?
5. Were there any instances where students recognized the
interconnectedness of different mathematical principles?

Wrap Up:
a. What specific mathematical insights or revelations did students gain
from the story?
b. Did students pose questions or engage in investigations inspired
by the Mathematical Garden concept?

Address: Ma. Clara St. cor. 8th Avenue, Bgy. 109, Grace Park, Caloocan City
Telephone No.: 8633-4522
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Caloocan City
Maria Clara St. cor. 8th Avenue, Bgy. 109, Grace Park, Caloocan City

c. Can students articulate instances where they applied concepts

learned in the story outside of the Mathematical Garden scenario?
d. Were there any specific challenges or "aha" moments that
contributed to individual learning journeys?

The moral lesson might encourage students to find the beauty in the process
of learning and discovering new concepts.

See you next Friday on our 5th Session of DEAR (Drop Everything and Read)

A fictional story created by the Anonymous Author

Prepared by:

Cheryl M. Asia, Ph.D.

Master Teacher I

Address: Ma. Clara St. cor. 8th Avenue, Bgy. 109, Grace Park, Caloocan City
Telephone No.: 8633-4522
Email Address:

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