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Marketing Funnel stages


The awareness stage is a consumer’s initial interaction with your brand (for example encountering an ad
or social media post). Make these touchpoints memorable; consumers can wait weeks or more before
shifting to the consideration stage.


Once consumers shift to the consideration phase, the funnel narrows as your brand demonstrates its
unique value. As they navigate your site, make sure they find useful, informative content like blog posts
or sample tools.


Not every visitor makes it past consideration, but a smooth customer experience helps maximize
conversions. Accurate product descriptions, images, and well-placed ads can encourage potential
customers to make purchases.


Build brand loyalty by giving customers a reason to return. Creating a positive purchase experience and
fostering customer relationships through follow-up emails and rewards programs can keep customers
coming back

Brand is the foundation of a digital marketing strategy and guides all of a company’s marketing and sales
efforts. Brand success is essential to the success of a company.

Analyze a SHEIN brand

Why you chose this brand?

What makes the brand equity positive?

How you would describe the brand’s value system?

The key characteristics that make this brand successful?

SHEIN is known for offering affordable and trendy fashion items.

The brand encourages customers to share their photos and reviews of SHEIN products, creating a sense
of community and authenticity. This user-generated content adds to the positive perception of the

SHEIN prioritizes mobile optimization, recognizing the importance of mobile shopping. This approach
aligns with the modern lifestyle and convenience sought by its target audience.

The brand's commitment to responsive customer support ensures that customers receive assistance
promptly, which contributes to a positive overall experience.

Business Goals: Business goals are broader and encompass the overall objectives of the organization.
They focus on what the company aims to achieve in terms of growth, revenue, profitability, and market

Business goals are typically long-term and strategic in nature. They guide the company's direction over
an extended period.

Business goals may encompass a wide range of areas, including finance, operations, product
development, and customer service.

Marketing goals should align with and support the achievement of business goals. They are a means to
contribute to the broader business objectives.

Marketing Goals: Marketing goals are specific to the marketing department and are aligned with the
business goals. They concentrate on how marketing efforts contribute to the achievement of broader
business objectives.

Marketing goals are often more short-term and tactical. They revolve around specific campaigns,
promotions, or initiatives.

Marketing goals, specifically pertain to marketing activities. They may include increasing brand
awareness, expanding the customer base, or boosting sales.

The alignment between the two is crucial to ensure that marketing efforts effectively contribute to the
company's success.

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