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Name: Summer Lorhein M.

Section: 8 - TOPAZ
Performance Task in

From what I’ve learned through the past weeks, both the potato from my
school and my home weren’t be able to be “complete”. The potato from our
school wasn’t given the sufficient amount of water to have a solid
observation to compare to the potato in my home. However, there are some
sprouts coming from the soil, leading that it despite it being a portion. It grew
sprouts that can multiply potatoes if it had been watered regularly. On the
other hand, the skin of the potato that I took home was inside the plastic
bag. Over the past few weeks, I saw that the potato didn’t have a major
change at all. In fact, it didn’t seem rotten but it was darker than it was. It
was placed on our table but there were no drastic changes at all. Additionally,
while studying the changes of both potatoes, I watched a video about tissue
culture and it does have a similarities for this task. Based on the video,
tissue culture is a method that involves the separation of fragments from a
plant or animal to an artificial environment to continue their growth or clone
them. Applying my observation to my prior knowledge about tissue culture,
the slices of potatoes are meant to serve as a part of the process of this
technique. Putting the potato slice I received from school into a plate and
wrapped in plastic, it protects the potato from bacteria around the
environment. Their is a reason why we really didn’t apply tissue culture, due
to the fact it’s expensive and there are tools that are crucial to make this
process successful. Moreover, it requires a plan to prepare the equipment
and the expected result from the desired fragments. For the most part, I
realized the use of tissue culture and how it can provide an eco-friendly
space where plants can grow rapidly and clone in hundreds of copies to the
agriculture of the area, it also serves as a great conservation for
endangered plants. Since it is also a simple process despite of its high-cost,
this will lessen the time of growth and cloning, a contrast to traditional
propagation methods.

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