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The law defines sexual harassment

comprehensively, covering both physical

and non-physical acts, including verbal,
non-verbal, and online harassment. It also
defines terms like consent, coercion, and
sexual advances.

RA 11313 defines sexual harassment

broadly, encompassing physical, verbal,
and non-verbal acts that are sexual in
nature and done without the consent of the
victim. It covers a wide range of behaviors
that may occur in public areas, online
spaces, schools, workplaces, and

Definition of Sexual Harassment: Section 2

provides a comprehensive definition of
sexual harassment. It covers a broad range
of behaviors, including physical, verbal,
non-verbal, and online acts that are
unwanted and offensive in nature. This
definition ensures that various forms of
harassment, whether they occur in physical
spaces like streets and workplaces or in
digital spaces like social media platforms,
are recognized and addressed under the

Applicability to Different Settings: Section 2

emphasizes that the provisions of RA
11313 apply to all spaces, both public and
private. This means that the law is not
limited to specific environments but aims to
address sexual harassment wherever it
occurs, whether it's in public areas,
educational institutions, workplaces, online
platforms, or other settings.

Inclusivity and Protection: By applying to a

wide range of settings, Section 2 ensures
that individuals from different backgrounds
and situations are protected from sexual
harassment. It recognizes that harassment
can occur in various contexts and aims to
create safe environments for everyone,
regardless of gender, age, social status, or
other factors.
Stalking means
repeatedly bothering
or following
someone, either by
showing up where
they are, trying to
talk to them when
they don't want to,
or doing both. This
In simple terms, an employee is behavior makes the
someone who agrees to do person being
certain tasks for another person followed or bothered
or company in exchange for feel scared for their
payment. This agreement could own safety or the
be with a private company or a safety of others, or it
government entity. The makes them feel
important thing is that the really upset.
employer has a significant level Stalking can include
of control over the work the things like
employee does, regardless of constantly showing
how long the agreement lasts. up at someone's
house or workplace,
Additionally, if a person is sent sending them
to work for another company unwanted
through a subcontracting or messages, or calling
secondment agreement, they them when they've
are also considered an asked you not to.
The term "employer" in this
employee under this law. So,
context refers to a person or
anyone doing work for another
entity that has authority or
entity, whether directly
control over an employee. It
employed or sent through an
doesn't matter what the specific
agreement, falls under the
terms or conditions of the
definition of an employee.
employee's job are. What
matters is that the employer has
the power to direct the
employee's work and make
decisions about their
Republic Act 9344,
also known as the
Juvenile Justice
and Welfare Act of
2006, is a law in
the Philippines that
governs the
treatment of
children in conflict
with the law. The
law emphasizes
the rehabilitation
and reintegration of
children who are in
conflict with the law
rather than
punishment. It
establishes a
separate justice
system for children,
taking into account
Disseminating copies of Republic Act their age, level of
11313, also known as the Safe maturity, and other
Spaces Act, in conspicuous places is circumstances.
important to raise awareness and
ensure compliance with the law. By
making copies readily available in
public spaces such as government
offices, schools, workplaces, and
community centers, individuals are
"Flagrante delicto" is a Latin
informed about their rights and
legal term that translates to "in
obligations under the Act. This helps to
blazing offense" or "in the very
prevent and address incidents of
act of committing a crime." It
sexual harassment and promotes a
refers to the situation where a
culture of respect and accountability in
person is caught in the act of
various settings, including public and
committing a crime or offense.
private spaces, online platforms, and

Gender-based sexual
harassment that occurs in
public utility vehicles (PUVs)
where the driver is the
perpetrator will be considered
a violation of the contract of
carriage. This means that if a
driver harasses someone in
their vehicle, the owner or
operator of the vehicle is
presumed to have been
negligent in hiring and
supervising their employees.
As a result, both the driver
and the owner or operator can
be held responsible for the
harassment, and they may be
required to compensate the
victim for any harm caused.
In the Philippines,
under the Revised
Penal Code,
arresto menor is
one of the lightest
penalties that can
be imposed for
committing a

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