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Ob;ective To improve your re~ding ~nd listening skills.

Think about it IArhen was the bst. time)'OU went on a breign hoIKby?lMIKh drinks do)'OU really 'ke?v.t.en do)'OU have them?
v.1Jat are some of)'OUr favourite dim or meals? V'lhat I)1lI! 0( car have you got? 'MIat I)1lI! would you like? \IIhf.
Exams This reading and listening activity will help prepare you for English exams such as ICET and TOEfL

n Pre.reading
look at the list of people's
~bare necessities" from a
recent study, Which 5 things
al'!: important in your life? What
would you add to the list?
Top 20 necessities
1, An internet connection
2. Television Read and sing along to the
song The Bare Necessities
3. A cuddle from the film The Jungle Book.
4. A trustworthy best friend Search YouTuDe for ~The Bare
5. A daily shower Necessities· The Jungle Book
6. Central heating (with lyrics) "
7. A cup of tea
8. An ~I love you ~ every Look for th~ bore necessities,
now and then The simple bare neussities,
9. A solid marriage Forget abou~your worries
)0. A car
and your striJe,
11. Spectacles (glasses) I m~an the bare necessities,
12. Coffee Old Mother Nature's reci~s.
1]. Chocolate Tha t brings the bQr~
14 A night in on the sofa necessities oflif~.
15- A glass of wine
16. A good cry every now
and then
.... wit'-'
17. A full English ;r,... un·, "11ft ....1IIouI· _h,"I.
breakfast (eggs, __
,... ",...,ily
, ha.. th., ""'" In JOU< tor.

bacon, sausages ...)

18. A fore ign holiday once
are the most
important things
breakfast and a pint at
the pub. Olher drinks that ....
-"'''I,... •••.,. .......
."poII"" it • -.... or """,,on,
a year in you r life - the featured in the list were a th., • «''''PO''' uh .. ",de< to ~
.. r.".m ..ion
19- An iPhone IIf,;"" you just couldn' t live glass of wine, a mug of tea
2O. A pint at the pub and a cup of coffee or hot ;r,..,.. '''''7 "",' , poll. ,..,.. ,.k p«opIo
chocolate. .~ .......
"""...... if> ... de< '0 , .. ,,,"""'_
;r,... ·"""""IoI_· -oIo..... ,..,..

n Reading I
Read or listen 10 the article
recent study has revealed
top 20 necessities of
modern life. The poll, which
Things to satisfy our
emotional needs also

;r .......... . m.•..,. oh ova (lot

.,..mplo). Iho OVO OPPO'" '" • ...".

once to compal'!: your ideas. carried out among appeared on the list, Md ,... .0" bur ~
....... _siIy
I 2 ,.00<> adults between the including a cuddle, a • "..'" th,n, th.,,... nftd '" ,...... life
n Reading 11 of 18 and 65. wa s trustworthy friend, a night
-"'''I ",..·",wn".r-
"Ior,..,.. it Impo<tMO'
Read the article again. Then. I «,mm;,,;,ontod by Disney on the sofa, a good cry. a

answer the questions. mark the Blu·ray release solid ma rriage and an "I love ;r,... ..... ,......u ......... ,... .....
1. How many people movie Th~ Jungl~ yo u" every now and then.
..,..,..,wI/ ""'•

took part in the poll?
Who commissioned
Book. Respondents were
about their "bare Interestingly, 77% of -.. .....
. Iar ... ,hk.~ .up b <1.,,,10,,. ~'I'olfft:

,.... ' ''-;''''''1 nftd.· ,ofet1 '0 _

" ....
the poll? necessities ". to tie in with those interviewed agreed ....... for low, ,n ...,_. • lfffioon. .....

3. What does the writer famous song from the that material items are ;r,...'.... ~ •• <....... . ,...put
list as "treats"? replaceable. And 86% ....-,
,......rn •• <OVftd them loo • l000i''1 W'Y

4. According to the believe that people often ;r.........,.,. .... ,..._hy" . ~ ...
1IontI, OM,... Cl" beI _ _ .".,....,.
writer. what need does Some of lhe things that Brits overlook the essential m-'-l~ .

"a good cry~ satisfy?
What percentage
simply cannot do without
inclu de a television, a fast
things in life such as love
and friendship in favou r of ........
""'..... ion .. obJOClI, _ ....

lOI"Mth'''I · ~pb< •• bIo· ....., ~..,
of people admit internet connection and an ma terial things. Seven in 10 "'potU", Ind to" bo .opIKOd
_ h,"I oI ..,
10 overlooking the iPhone, as well as essentials also claim they have become
;r,... .0ft<I00I0.. _h."I- .,... don·,
essential things in such as a daily shower, a less materialistic as they get ""'oce ... .... ~
life such as love and pair of glasses and central older. ..-"'lnlie
.........,.,. who 10 . .... ' .... ~, ric" think>

What have seven in IQ
people found as they

I T,-.,,, include a car, a

I fo .. ;,,, holiday, a full English
Do any of your "bare
necessities" appear on the
th .. .........,.nd ""'on.......... ~.""

....... oI_d"'~'o_probItm •
... d i llicvlt~ ;,., 1,/0
get older? list? 0

Fortelephonedasses with the Hot English Method. contact 7

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