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Framework Cheat Sheet

Why When and Where

1 3
Understand your goal Understand customer's context and needs

Why is this product or feature important? List the context and conditions (When and Where)
What problem are we trying to solve? Where are they physically?
What impact does it have on the world? Is there a trigger event causing this need?
How does this product benefit customers? How much time do they have?
What business opportunity does it create? Are they on a specific digital app or platform?
What emotions do they experience?
For existing products:

List customers needs

How it extends company’s mission?
+ all of the above What is the customer’s high-level
motivation for solving the problem?

Who How could they achieve that?

Define the audience
What are the categories of people who 4
List ideas (A, B, C...)
have significantly different motivations
for using this product? Pick one. What could the company build to fulfill the
customer’s needs?
What are the different groups inside
this audience that have different Type of product: physical/digital
needs? Smart watch, smartphone, tablet, desktop,
Age, gender, location, occupation, laptop, TV, VR-headset etc.
mobility etc. Type of interface — graphic, audio/voice, VR, AR etc.
5 Prioritise and choose an idea 6 Solve

Place ideas on an Impact/Effort matrix: Storyboarding

Map out the customer’s journey to get a picture of

what interactions your product needs to support.

Defining tasks


Implementation effort vs. Make a list of tasks the customer needs to

Reach, value for customer, potential revenue complete to use your product successfully.

How Speedy sketching

Measure success

How would we know that the solution was

Task success rate, task completion time, Sketch 4 possible interfaces for the product you’re
engagement, retention, revenue, trying to design. Spend 1 min per sketch.
conversion, user acquisition, net promoter score

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