UGB331 Applying Critical Reflective Practice

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Applying Critical Reflective Practice - Developing the Reflexive

Practitioner Research Project

Table of Contents
Part A: Research Aim(s) and Literature Review.............................................................................3

Aim and context of the research..................................................................................................3

Theoretical Direction for research...............................................................................................3


Part B: Reflections on Research Methods and Data Analysis.........................................................6

Research methodology, including analysis of personal data.......................................................6

Personal data sources...................................................................................................................6

Critical evaluation of research design..........................................................................................7


Part C: The Reflexive Practitioner Storyboard................................................................................9


Part A: Research Aim(s) and Literature Review

Aim and context of the research

● To develop self-awareness with the help of theoretical and practical evidence
● To develop reflexive consciousness by the utilisation of self-reflection
● To find out the necessary strategies and steps to follow for becoming a reflexive
practitioner in professional environment
Every individual has some specific set of skills and competencies. Their ways of thinking and
perceptions are also different. All of these impact on their level of self-awareness and attitude
towards self-reflection. According to Wilson (2010), the importance of having a CIPD profession
map is very much effective in the professional environment. It allows an individual to have a
dynamic set of standards and follow a specific benchmark according to the aspects of the
profession. CIPD also encourages continuous professional development in the most formal way
(Emmott, 2016). The context of this research is regarding the understanding of my own
professional characteristics. It is also about the use of a reflective approach for improving my
professional journey. With the use of the CIPD framework, it will be easier to develop a formal
professional identity. It is also beneficial for fair performance reviewing of myself and analysis
of my own needs (Morgan and Turner, 2000). The application of CIPD is primarily for giving a
theoretical direction to the research. Besides, I will also use the Johari window for understanding
my relationship with myself and others at the same time (Lowes, 2020).

Theoretical Direction for research

According to Nesbit (2012), self-reflection is completely about the assessment and understanding
of emotion. It allows an individual to have a better awareness of his strengths and weaknesses. In
the area of professionalism, the individual has to go through the implementation of skills in terms
of leadership, empathy etc. Self-reflection is necessary for improvement in these areas as well. In
the professional environment, I may go through multiple challenges and it can force me to have
some specific professional features. Emotional and psychological entrenchment is also required

within that environment. Both of these are possible through the application of self-reflection.
According to Yip (2006), there are differences between reflective practice and self-reflection. I
can observe specific activities and reflect on those for learning and it is known as reflective
practice. On the other hand, self-reflection is completely about observing my own skills and
finding the requirements. The management of responsibilities and personal motivation also
comes from self-reflection. Otherwise, an individual can remain stuck at a certain phase of
progress and there will also be fewer possibilities for creativity. For example, if I am involved
with any leadership responsibilities in the areas like HR management, sales and marketing then I
need to be creative and work according to the requirements of internal and external factors of the
organisation. It is only possible through a complete awareness of one's own strengths and
abilities. Emotional intelligence also plays an important role here.
The application of the CIPD professional framework is also beneficial for reflective practices.
The research of Emmott (2016) shows that there is a direct impact on the professional
effectiveness of an individual by the combined effort of reflective practices and the CIPD
profession map. This map is used for identifying the required skills to make the change happen.
It is also about restructuring the areas of support through the identification of development areas.
Besides, building a competency framework, and developing specialist expertise are other
components of CIPD. There is a necessity for self-reflection to work effectively in all these
areas. According to Oliver and Duncan (2019), complete awareness about one's own strength is
only possible if the awareness covers all the mentioned areas in the Johari window. One of the
best impacts of it is on the communicative awareness of an individual. It is because it can help
me to be aware of my impression in the mind of the one with whom I am communicating. This is
why it has a direct impact on confidence level and body language. The research of Saxena (2015)
also confirms this statement. The combined application of these personal development tools can
have significant improvement in terms of exploding professional practices by using critical
reflection. In my professional environment, I also get involved with multiple conflicts and
challenges. There is no doubt that practical knowledge is required for handling those situations.
However, the application of these tools and reflective practices can improve the standard of my
managerial effectiveness. Hence, the use of CIPD, the Johari window can be very much
beneficial for the achievement of the identified research objectives.

Bibliography, (2020), Available at:
factsheet#gref [Accessed on: 01/09/2022]
Emmott, M. (2016). CIPD. In Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management. Edward Elgar
Publishing Limited.
Lowes, R. (2020). Knowing you: Personal tutoring, learning analytics and the Johari Window.
In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 5, p. 101). Frontiers Media SA.
Morgan, A., and Turner, D. (2000). Adding value to the work placement: working towards a
professional qualification in an undergraduate degree programme. Education+ Training.
Nesbit, P. L. (2012). The role of self-reflection, emotional management of feedback, and self-
regulation processes in self-directed leadership development. Human Resource Development
Review, 11(2), 203-226.
Oliver, S., and Duncan, S. (2019). Looking through the Johari window. Research for All.
Saxena, P. (2015). Johari Window: An effective model for improving interpersonal
communication and managerial effectiveness. SIT Journal of Management, 5(2), 134-146.
Wilson, J. P. (2010). Learning and Development. Industrial and Commercial Training.
Yip, K. S. (2006). Self-reflection in reflective practice: A note of caution. British Journal of
Social Work, 36(5), 777-788.

Part B: Reflections on Research Methods and Data Analysis

Research methodology, including analysis of personal data

This research follows the auto ethnography method which is a qualitative research method. It is
beneficial for describing the personal experience of the researcher and criticising his cultural
beliefs. The relationships between the researcher and others are also given value with the help of
careful self-reflection (Warren, 2011). This method includes specific approaches like self-
interview, use of writings for generating self-cultural understanding, participant observation,
artefact analysis, conversational engagement, focus groups etc (Adams and Herrmann, 2020).
Self-interview is necessary for generating self-awareness and the use of different poetic writings
is also beneficial for criticising one's own cultural beliefs. It allows an individual to view his own
actions and perceptions from different perspectives (Ellis and Adams, 2014). The strategy of
participant observation is also good enough for realising the views of others towards me. All of
these have a direct impact on the improvement of reflective practice in the professional
environment. It will be easier to make better decisions during challenging situations.

Personal data sources

The objectives of this research are regarding the development of self-awareness and reflexive
consciousness in a professional environment. Hence, the following sources of personal data are
compatible with it.
● Use of specific poems that are based on personal and professional development goals
● Use of paintings related to self-improvement
● Observation of my co-workers and conversational engagement with them to know their
feelings and perceptions about me
An important area of provisional development through self-reflection is about the perception of
others towards me. This is why observation of others and conversational engagement are
important. It is necessary to check if my perceptions about myself are right or not. In many cases,
we have a different kind of attitude but we don't know the impact of that on others. It is primarily
for making improvements as per the identified weaker areas. As there will be the use of the
Johari window then I can use their observation also to check the open area and blind spot at the

same time. I will use the paintings and poems for describing my self-image and way of thinking.
The combined application of these three data sources will allow me to cover all the necessary

Critical evaluation of research design

The use of any specific Research design needs to be compatible with the objectives of the
research. In case of the research related to the areas of self-improvement, auto ethnography is
beneficial as it includes personal narratives. It provides the opportunity of accessing the
individual's world which is necessary for gathering rich data (Méndez, 2013). There is also
access to this data as the individual can ask any question to himself according to the requirement.
Auto ethnography can also be taken as a valuable form of inquiry to find out the reality that has
not been thought of before (Ellis et al. 2011). A crucial purpose of this method is to make others
aware by informing and educating them. According to Plummer (2001), What matters is the way
in which the story enables the reader to enter the subjective world of the teller -to see the world
from her or his point of view, even if this world does not ‘match reality’. By using this method, I
can make sure that my voice is heard and I will remain an insider in the research. According to
Richard (2008), auto ethnography is about representing the truth of an individual without the
force of any external factors. It means an individual can express his views freely without any
biases. Specific approaches like observational testimonials are also beneficial for knowing the
thoughts of others about me.
However, there is a requirement of honesty and willingness to self-disclose for an appropriate
use of this method. If I am confused about myself and my views then this method will become
ineffective. I will not be able to provide accurate information about myself. I may also feel that
there are possibilities of different judgement on certain things about myself (Ellis and Bochner,
1996). This thinking does not allow me to expose all of my feelings and thoughts. As this
method is mostly focused on independent experience, then it can also reduce the focus on larger
cultural issues. Another disadvantage of it is that if the circulation of culture is through all of us
then auto ethnography cannot be free from connection to a world beyond the self (Méndez,
2013). It means the overall formation of culture will consist of many other factors. However, in
spite of these disadvantages, auto ethnography is the most suitable method for achieving the
objectives of this research. It is because the control of avoiding these disadvantages is

completely under the control of the researcher. There is not any requirement of depending on
external solutions and it can be a reason behind the appropriate utilisation of this method.


Adams, T. E., and Herrmann, A. F. (2020). Expanding our auto ethnographic future. Journal of
Auto ethnography, 1(1), 1-8.
Ellis, C., Adams, T. E., and Bochner, A. P. (2011). Auto ethnography: an overview. Historical
social research/Historische sozialforschung, 273-290.
Ellis, C., and Adams, T. E. (2014). The purposes, practices, and principles of auto ethnographic
Ellis, C., and Bochner, A. P. (Eds.). (1996). Composing ethnography: Alternative forms of
qualitative writing (Vol. 1). Rowman Altamira.
Méndez, M. (2013). Auto ethnography as a research method: Advantages, limitations and
criticisms. Colombian applied linguistics journal, 15(2), 279-287.
Plummer, K. (2001). The call of life stories in ethnographic research. In P. Atkinson, A. Coffey,
S. Delamont, J. Lofland, and L. Lofland(Eds.), Handbook of ethnography (pp. 395-406).
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Wall, S. (2006). An auto ethnography on learning about auto ethnography. International journal
of qualitative methods, 5(2), 146-160.
Warren, J. T. (2011). Reflexive teaching: Toward critical auto ethnographic practices of/in/on
pedagogy. Cultural Studies? Critical Methodologies, 11(2), 139-144.

Part C: The Reflexive Practitioner Storyboard

Phase 1: Open self

I have some specific attitudes, emotions, skills and feelings that are completely known to me. I
am also aware of the influences behind those specific emotions and feelings. There are also some
specific reasons behind the generation of those within my characteristics (Ha, 2019). Since
childhood, I have been brought up in a moderately strict environment that includes some
standards of discipline. The impact of that is still visible in my behavioural approach.
"He always tries to take challenges on his own and complete those within due time"
(Source: Co-worker observation 1)
However, it is not only the impact of those childhood disciplines. It is because I have gone
through a lot of frustrations as well at that period. I had friends from different backgrounds and I
thought that they were freer than me. I used to think that I am not as lucky as them and it had
formed a negative characteristic within me. That period lasted for around 2 to 3 years. Though
my parents were there to provide appropriate guidance to me, I wasn't able to grasp all those. It is
mainly because of surrounding factors. Currently, the importance of discipline becomes higher
for me when I am able to predict the possible consequences of undisciplined activities. It also
allows me to feel confident because of those specific lifestyles in the past.
"The guy is very mature and he tends to depend on his abilities while completing any
(Source: Co-worker observation 4)
My overall concepts and perceptions about myself are also based on some of my previous
experiences of handling tough situations in both personal and professional life. I had seen people
go through pain in their life and I tried to be a soothing friend to them. These things have
allowed me to develop a specific philosophy of life that I follow. I always give priority to the
present and think less about past activities. I believe that the consequences in future are strongly
defended by my present actions. If I can continue my life by following certain principles then it
will be easier for me to achieve the objectives of my life.
Phase 2: Blind self
An important strategy to know about the hidden self is feedback solicitation. I can ask the people
with whom I work about me. They have a complete awareness of the positive and negative areas

of my professional behaviour. I used to think that I am following a specific discipline as I am
taking responsibilities on my own and completing those. However, there is a requirement of
working collaboratively by taking suggestions from others even if I am in a superior position
than them. It is for establishing a positive relationship with everyone and following professional
ethics as well (Lowes, 2020). I need to take suggestions and feedback from others seriously for
developing more self-awareness. It will not only make me more mature but also my acceptability
will increase among others.
"In some cases, I have found him to be not responsive towards feedback"
(Source: Co-worker observation 2)
There are many incidents in our life where we do not put much focus. For example, I may have
gotten help from any specific individuals in my life but I have not given enough attention to the
person at the time because of some other priorities. We get into relationships with different
people in the journey of our life. It is not quite possible to keep in contact with all of them. I
think that there are some specific characteristics of me that are unknown to me and those also
play an important role in the decisions that I make. As I have already mentioned, individuals
work on specific priorities in specific situations. It is also not quite possible to put equal
importance on all the areas at a time. Our brain is developed according to those actions selected
by us (Saxena, 2015). The priorities that are selected will always be the controller of our brain. If
these priorities are positive then there will be positive consequences. The negative or improper
priorities can be the reason behind harm.
“I feel like I have to tiptoe around you because you're so easily offended”
(Source: Co-worker observation 3)
The following painting by Leon Zernitsky is the representation that I need to develop my brain as
a whole. It means having a complete understanding of my surroundings is necessary irrespective
of personal or professional environment.

Phase 3: Hidden Self
People tend to keep some of their information private forever. It is because they don't want
suggestions or judgement from others in those areas (Oliver and Duncan, 2019). I am also one of
such people who do not prefer to share personal information too much. However, from a
professional perspective, there are possibilities of the impact of that personal information on my
professional behaviour. If this impact is there then I must share this with specific people for their
suggestions. I have also gone through distinct life experiences in terms of relationships,
spirituality etc. These have made me a specific type of person. For example, I was in a
relationship a few years ago and I had to get out of that because of some external force. It had
depressed me for almost a year and I wasn't feeling good physically as well. However, I had not
shared this with anyone as I did not want anyone else to interfere with this. In the case of
spirituality, I also follow some specific principles to give find life a specific direction and fulfil
the purpose of it. I don't share these two as there are possibilities of difference of opinions
regarding it. Sharing of such information can cause unnecessary conflicts and discussions
(Gamayanto et al. 2019). However, if there are any negative impacts of these in my life then I
must share this with some close people. As of now, I don't feel that there are any highly negative
impacts of these. I am also confident that there won't be any in future as well. To be honest, I go
through depression because of the relationship issue sometimes. However, my spiritual strength

allows me to overcome that and focus on my personal and professional objectives at this

Phase 4: Unknown self
Throughout my life, I have taken many decisions regarding the progress of my personal and
professional areas. I have taken the decisions completely on the basis of my existing knowledge
level and behavioural characteristic at the moment. It is very much possible that there were also
other alternatives to my decisions. I will never be able to know the consequences of those
alternative options again. The requirement of getting involved with specific challenges or
experiences is for having a better awareness of my own capabilities, talents and feelings. I may
think that I do not have a specific quality just because I have not got any opportunity of
observing that. I prefer to go for open communication to become more aware of myself. Every
individual has two possible options in their life. Either they can go for establishing their marks or
they can work in other ways (Luong and McLaughlin, 2011). The poem ‘Philosophy’ by Dorothy
Parker talks about this thing as well. These lines make me more thoughtful about all the steps
that I have taken.

If I should labour through daylight and dark,

Consecrate, valorous, serious, true,

Then on the world I may blazon my mark;
And what if I don't, and what if I do?
(Source: The poem ‘Philosophy’ by Dorothy Parker)

I can identify each step and the possible alternatives of those through this philosophy. I feel that
there is a requirement of some weaker or negative areas in life for enjoying the strengths and
positives. It creates the opportunity of making comparisons. Through this comparison, I can also
find a new me which is completely unknown to everyone.

It was only a sunny smile,

And little it cost in the giving,
But like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living
(Source: Quote by F. Scott Fitzgerald)

Generally, people like to follow specific approaches with which they are comfortable. It helps
them to remain confident but decreases the possibility of improvement and creativity (Berland,
2017). The quotation by Scott Fitzgerald gives me a lot of hope and positivity. It allows me to
know more about my unknown areas by getting involved with different professional
environments. I also want to make continuous professional development by taking on challenges
as much as possible.

Bibliography, (2018), Available at:

Berland, A. (2017). Using the Johari Window to explore patient and provider
perspectives. International Journal of Health Governance., (2020), Available at:
Gamayanto, I., Christian, H., Wibowo, S., and Purnamasari, D. (2019). Developing “Leadership
Intelligence (CI2) Framework” Inside Social Media to Develop an Ethical Leader using the
Johari Window Method. Indonesian Journal of Information Systems, 1(2), 119-132.

Ha, K. M. (2019). Integrating the resources of Korean disaster management research via the
Johari window. Evaluation and program planning, 77, 101724.
Lowes, R. (2020). Knowing you: Personal tutoring, learning analytics and the Johari Window.
In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 5, p. 101). Frontiers Media SA.
Luong, M. G., and McLaughlin, A. C. (2011). Improving communication of usability
perceptions: an analysis of a Modified-Johari window as a tool for software designers.
In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 55, No. 1,
pp. 1962-1966). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Oliver, S., and Duncan, S. (2019). Looking through the Johari window. Research for All.
Saxena, P. (2015). Johari Window: An effective model for improving interpersonal
communication and managerial effectiveness. SIT Journal of Management, 5(2), 134-146.


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