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Powered pendant improvised reminder

Lucy Marie Yzahbel B. Balacuit and Trinity Mae A. Duhaylongsod

Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial - Dumaguete Science High School

Mrs. Dallie G. Elum

November 21, 2022

Powered pendant improvised reminder

A set of challenges have been accommodated since the start of the school year, especially

now that students have transitioned from online to in-person classes. The younger generation

today, especially students, face a problem with handling their time efficiently thus resulting in

poor time management and work quality. This has been evident since the beginning of the

academic year and has remained prevalent even in online classes. Poor time management can

lead to a number of problems, such as failing to establish clear objectives and goals, which

results in a rush of work and the inability to generate high-quality work. This led the researchers

to think of a solution to enhance time management while minimizing the amount of work

required of people and still achieving the purpose of being reminded in order to improve work


People are frequently reminded of the importance of time management in their

surroundings. However, they still lack the skills to organize and set their priorities straight

therefore leading to significant issues. One example is procrastination leading to the decrease in

productivity and poor work performance.

Among the significance of this study is to identify whether the development of a device

that serves as both a fashion statement and an alarm would affect how well people function in

terms of work performance. This study also seeks to find whether the appearance may or may

not affect how users perceive the device. Empirical results reveal perceived usefulness and

visibility as important factors that drive adoption intention, suggesting that smartwatches

represent a type of ‘fashnology’ (i.e., fashion and technology). The magnitude of these
antecedents is influenced by an individual's perception of viewing smartwatches as a technology

and/or as a fashion accessory (Chuah S., et al. 2016).

This study aims to develop a functional pendant that helps people better manage their

time while utilizing light materials and fashionable objects. For people who are preoccupied and

may eventually forget their agendas, the use of a vibrating pendant promotes a much more

productive schedule. This would greatly aid busy people in not missing important reminders. If

the two devices connect, specifically the pendant and the phone, then the pendant will vibrate on

a reminder. Because the application in the phone is programmed to have specific instructions that

will make the pendant vibrate when there is a notification.

The study does not focus on making the output aesthetically pleasing to the user; rather,

making it fashionable is considered as it may affect its functionality. Only products available in

the local online market are utilized, resulting in certain parts being replaced depending on their

availability. The study also does not dig deeper into the reasons why people have poor time

management or why they procrastinate. Rather, what is considered is the most common reason

experienced by every student, which is having a packed schedule. Since bluetooth technology is

used to connect the pendant with the phone the range of the connectivity is at 60 feet in diameter

at most. The researchers are not programming experts, so they will only be utilizing the most

basic and easiest way to program the application and construct the pendant.
Review of Related Literature

This proposed development of a pendant that functions as a reminder will keep track of

the activities that users may overlook. A similar study was carried out on people with visual and

hearing impairments by a team of Wisconsin researchers, the researchers concentrated on

enhancing a commercial product from Philips called GoSafe 2.

This pendant device is used medically, but if the user has disabilities, they might not be

properly alerted. We present a complete free and open source design of a visual/hearing-impaired

alert device. It consists of an electronic bracelet, which vibrates when it receives a notification

signal from a central manager. In addition, the bracelet has a button that upon being pressed

sends an alert or distress signal. For reliability and extended range, Wi-Fi is used as the

communication technology (Conley et al., 2019).

The purpose of the study is to develop a vibrating setup pendant through the use of

Arduino and a vibration motor. The anticipated procedures and tools to be utilized in the

prototype development will also be recognized. The Arduino will use the input from the

application to convert it to an output with the vibration motor functioning as the pendant’s

notification system, vibrating on receiving signals to alert the user.

It makes use of applications and coding however the study that the group of researchers

conducted only made use of coding frameworks such as Google’s Android Studio. The

researchers recommended that the Wi-Fi wireless technology be replaced with low energy
Bluetooth (BT) technology. However, this solution would require the addition of a gateway

(stationary and supplied with power from a power adapter) whose role would be to receive the

BT signal and provide connectivity to the Internet. Essentially, this gateway would be a

Bluetooth to WiFi converter (Conley et al., 2019).

To develop the device, Arduino is to be utilized as it is the main component. As long as

you can understand its foundations, Arduino is an intriguing open-source technology that is

perfect for anyone who is prepared to learn mostly by doing. Due to its adaptability, an Arduino

can also be used in a range of robotics and related applications. The goal of this project is to use

Arduino as an input-output system for notifications and reminders created by applications

created using a programming language on a smartphone.

Another key component to be made use of will be the vibrating motor. Vibration motors

are widely used in a variety of applications including cell phones, handsets, pagers, and so on.

Another main feature is the size of the motor itself is small, and thus light weight (Chen, 2013).

This will act as the notification system for the pendant, informing the user by vibrating vibration

motors in response to signals the Arduino receives. This can fit into the pendant because it is

portable and lightweight, making it simple to carry around your neck once put together.


● Vibration motor

● Wires

● Motherboard

● Arduino

● Mobile phone

● Computer/Laptop

● Sublime/Coding Application

General Procedure

Access the parts and components online such as the Arduino to be utilized as the main

component as well as the vibration motor. Create an application where the reminder will come

from. Construct the pendant with its corresponding parts using an Arduino board and a vibration

motor as the main components. Connect the pendant with the application created using Bluetooth

technology to be able to connect the reminder to the pendant itself, hence notifying through

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework


As a result, the researchers conclude that the success of this research will greatly

benefit many people who are struggling with time management while also supporting the

fashion trends set by today's youth. This will greatly improve people's daily lives because

they will be able to do other things as they will only carry a mobile version of their phone or

an extension. This study makes use of wireless connectivity, making it easier for the user to

use the pendant's features as gadgets use wireless technology. Overall, the research can assist

people who struggle to manage their time and responsibilities without consciously thinking

about it and instead focusing on other things to do in life. The success of this research will

help many people who are struggling with poor time management while also giving way to

the modern fashion trends set by the youth today.


Chen, Y., (2013) Paper Production Endangers Human Survival

Conley, K. et al., (2019) Vibration Alert Bracelet for Notification of the Visually and Hearing


Chuah S., et al., (2016) Wearable Technologies: The Role of Usefulness and Visibility in

Smartwatch Adoption

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