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Exam Pointers

• Types and classifications of research according to:

o Design (either Quantitative/Qualitative)
o Nature of study (Descriptive, Correlational, Causal Comparative,
Phenomenological, etc.)

• Recall three perspectives that form the basis of the classification of types of
o Applications of the Findings of the Research Study
o Objectives of the Study
o Mode of Enquiry Used in Conducting the Study

• Recalling the 8 steps in the research process

• Characteristics of a GOOD research (kindly recall)

• Steps in writing a sound Chapter IV
o (1) Introduce and describe the figures from the table/chart/graph
o (2) Present own interpretation backed with an author from RRL
o (3) Insert own analysis for the figures in relation to the problem to be
o (4) Make a synthesis from everything from nos. 1-3

• Recall types of sampling techniques for both probability and non-probability

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