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CARBON 7 1 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 2 –1 1 9

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Surface temperature jump beyond active oxidation

of carbon/silicon carbide composites in extreme
aerothermal conditions
a,* a,b
Francesco Panerai , Bernd Helber , Olivier Chazot a, Marianne Balat-Pichelin c

Aeronautics and Aerospace Department, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Chaussée de Waterloo 72, 1640 Rhode-Saint-Genèse,
Research Group Electrochemical and Surface Engineering, Vrjie Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Elsene/Brussel, Belgium
PROMES-CNRS Laboratory, 7 Rue du four solaire, 66120 Font-Romeu Odeillo, France


Article history: The behavior of carbon/silicon carbide composites at very high temperatures is investi-
Received 11 November 2013 gated in an inductively-coupled plasma generator that simulates atmospheric re-entry
Accepted 13 January 2014 aerothermal conditions for space vehicles. Samples exposed to heat fluxes exceeding
Available online 21 January 2014 1.2 MW/m2 and low pressures of 2000–6000 Pa show a spontaneous jump in surface tem-
perature near 2100 K, rapidly leading to temperatures above 2400 K. Under these conditions
the silicon carbide coating at the samples’ surface is entirely eroded and the bare carbon
fibers of the substrate are left exposed to the incoming flow. The material loses nearly half
of its mass and is no longer reusable. The temperature jump phenomenon is described by
means of infrared temperature measurements and real time visible recordings of the sur-
face. Space- and time-resolved optical emission spectroscopy and scanning electron
microscopy analysis of the samples are used to discuss and explain the chemical processes
occurring at the surface. Jump conditions are compared to the passive and active oxidation
regimes for carbon/silicon carbides, showing that such a sudden temperature increase
occurs at conditions beyond active oxidation and cannot be attributed to the passive/active
transition itself.
 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction second can survive one single entry maneuver and are typi-
cally used for planetary entry and sample return missions
The success of any spacecraft entering a planetary atmo- at speeds exceeding 8.5 km/s [2,3]. In this paper we focus on
sphere relies to a great extent on the Thermal Protection Sys- carbon/silicon carbide composites or C/SiC that belong to
tem (TPS), which is designed to shield crew and payload from the first class. Their typical composition is based on a weaved
the severe aerothermal conditions during the hypersonic carbon preform, filled and coated with SiC, according to dif-
flight. Heatshield materials developed for such purpose are ferent manufacturing processes. The thermophysical proper-
classified in two main categories: reusable and ablative [1]. ties of these materials and their interactions with the
The former are able to handle multiple entries at moderate surrounding plasma are of high scientific and technical inter-
speeds (<7.5 km/s) and mild heat fluxes (<1.2 MW/m2). The ests, for both a correct sizing of the heatshield and an

* Corresponding author. Current address: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky, 151 Ralph G. Anderson
Building, Lexington, KY 40506, USA. Fax: +32 2 359 96 00.
E-mail address: (F. Panerai).
0008-6223/$ - see front matter  2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
CARBON 7 1 (2 0 1 4) 1 0 2–11 9 103

improvement of the materials performances. One of the main reusability limit. Studies on the oxidation transition of sili-
contributions to the heat transferred to the wall comes from con carbide-based materials, conducted in high enthalpy
the catalytic nature of the surface, which is the probability plasma facilities, led many authors to observe spontaneous
of promoting recombination of dissociated species from the jumps in surface temperature, of the order of hundreds of
incoming flow [4]. A non catalytic surface can halve the con- Kelvin, during exposure of the samples to high heat flux,
vective heat flux with respect to a fully catalytic one. The low pressure, dissociated flows. The phenomenon was firstly
main mechanism of heat release, for passively-cooled Ther- observed during arc-jet experiments of C/SiC samples at
mal Protection Materials (TPM), is surface re-radiation, which temperatures up to 2120 K [27]. Hald discussed temperature
is proportional to the fourth power of the temperature, and jumps on similar Ceramic Matrix Composited (CMC) materi-
can be computed if the emissivity of the material is known als and suggested an explanation based on exothermic cata-
[5]. Oxidation phenomena are also of primary importance lytic reactions of gaseous silicon with atomic nitrogen,
for SiC-based surfaces exposed to high enthalpy, oxygen-rich which would raise the temperature of the boundary layer
environments. It is well known that low surface temperatures and hence the convective component of heating to the sur-
and high oxygen partial pressures promote the formation of a face [28]. The phenomenon was observed by Herdrich et al.
glassy SiO2 layer over the surface [6]. This situation is often [19] and Laux et al. [18] both in inductively heated and arc-
referred to as passive oxidation and often corresponds to a jet facilities, during testing of sintered and CVD b-SiC coated
net mass increase. Higher temperatures and lower pressures C/C. Herdrich used increased N-atom recombination on SiC
can lead, instead, to the volatilization of silicon oxide prod- versus SiO2 to explain part of the increased heat flux to
ucts into the gas phase, hence a net mass loss. This scenario, the surface under temperature jumps, observed during plas-
referred to as active oxidation, can become a harmful condi- ma testing of passive/active oxidation transition. Silicon
tion for the integrity of the TPS. Ideally one desires a low cat- emissions, detected by optical emission spectroscopy, were
alytic, high emissive and high oxidation resistant material to used to distinguish between passively and actively oxidized
be used as heatshield. samples. Investigations were performed in the VKI Plasma-
Several studies, both theoretical and experimental, have tron facility [29] on CVD b-SiC specimens at surface temper-
been conducted on the identification of the transition bound- atures of 2000–2800 K and various pressures. Sudden
ary between the passive and the active regimes for silicon car- temperature jumps for constant freestream conditions were
bide-based composites. Authors have studied different observed, corresponding to high mass loss and strong in-
atmospheres and different materials [7–24]. The dispersion crease in silicon volatilization, detected by optical emission
of proposed transitions is significant and a universal law is spectroscopy near the surface. The phenomenon was also
difficult to provide. Differences are attributed to both experi- observed during testing of Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics
mental factors and materials properties. Ruled by oxygen par- (UHTC), containing SiC. Gasch et al. documented arc-jet tests
tial pressure and temperature, the transition is affected by the of HfB2–20%SiC samples at high surface temperatures,
gas mixture (pure oxygen, O2/Ar, O2/He, O2/N2, dry air, atmo- observing a slow and constant surface temperature increase,
spheric air), that determines the oxygen potential, by the de- of 300–400 K, starting near 2100 K, about 400 s after the
gree of dissociation, the reactants transport, and the Knudsen beginning of the plasma exposure [30]. This behavior was
regime (equivalent to the effect of the total pressure). Related attributed to the presence of a thick porous hafnium oxide
to the material, key factors are microscopic characteristics layer, changing surface catalycity, emissivity and conductiv-
like the crystalline structure (a-SiC or b-SiC) and macroscopic ity of the material. Recent Plasmatron experiments were per-
properties like surface roughness or emissivity. Therefore, a formed by Marschall et al. [31] on zirconium diboride-based
dedicated characterization in a relevant environment is UHTC materials. Above a certain heat flux, samples reached
needed for a specific TPM and a specific flight trajectory. temperatures near 2200 K (at 10,000 Pa) at which their sur-
The demand of higher velocities and higher heat fluxes is face oxide scale was no longer protective or stable and
pushing reusable TPS materials to the edge of their opera- underwent temperature jump. Based on computational anal-
tional limits. Speed entries to Earth above 7.5 km/s develop ysis, the authors attributed the temperature jump to a tran-
enthalpies above 28 MJ/kg and peak heating conditions that sition in surface chemistry involving the silica-rich oxide
could bring SiC based surfaces far into the active oxidation re- scale and the silica former SiC.
gime and prevent their reusability. The Intermediate eXperi- This paper focuses on the temperature jump phenomenon
mental Vehicle (IXV), a lifting re-entry spacecraft developed observed on the IXV C/SiC materials. High heat flux experi-
by the European Space Agency [25], is designed to fly a C/ ments are conducted in the Plasmatron facility at von Kar-
SiC TPS covered by a b-SiC coating in such demanding condi- man Institute for Fluid Dynamic. Samples are tested at
tions. The testing of its heatshield materials is an ideal frame pressures between 2000 and 6000 Pa and temperature above
to investigate the behavior of this class of materials under a 1900 K. The practical challenges arising when performing
strong oxidizing environment. The catalytic and radiative temperature jump experiments are discussed. The jump phe-
behavior of the IXV materials were studied in [26], during nomenon is illustrated by means of infrared pyrometry mea-
induction plasma experiments in a representative atmo- surements and real-time visible emission recording of the
sphere for the vehicle trajectory. A study on the passive/active samples’ surface. A discussion on the phenomenon is pro-
transition of C/SiC materials similar to those of the IXV was vided, based on Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis,
proposed in [13]. spatially- and temporally-resolved optical emission spectros-
The present work focuses on the active oxidation regime copy and comparison with passive and active oxidation
and studies the behavior of C/SiC composites close to their regimes.
104 CARBON 7 1 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 2 –1 1 9

2. Experimental water manometer, leading to an uncertainty of ±7%. The Plas-

matron chamber is also equipped with an absolute pressure
2.1. Test setup transducer that measures the static pressure. This is con-
trolled with ±1% accuracy.
The present research is carried out at the 1.2 MW Plasmatron A MR1SC Marathon Series pyrometer, operating at 1300–
facility at VKI. It is a high enthalpy, subsonic wind tunnel that 3200 K, records the front surface temperature of the sample.
generates plasma by electromagnetic induction, at sub-atmo- It measures over two overlapping, narrow wavebands around
spheric pressure [32–35]. The Plasmatron allows the simula- 1 lm, at 1 Hz frequency. The two-color scheme provides an
tion in ground of the chemically reacting boundary layer output value independent on emissivity, if the observed sur-
around a reentry body [36,37]. Its long test time (up to hours face satisfies the graybody assumption over the operating
uninterruptedly) and high purity flow make it an ideal setup range. This condition is typically valid for ceramic materials,
for material thermochemistry testing and studies of gas/sur- as those investigated in the present research. The pyrometer
face interactions. A schematic of the system and instrumen- points to the stagnation area of the sample through a 1 cm
tation is shown in Fig. 1. Displacement mechanisms, thick quartz window. The calibration is performed by means
mounted on a 1.4 m diameter, water-cooled test chamber, al- of a blackbody reference source, with the window in place,
low moving the test models into or out of the flow. Optical allowing a maximum calibration value of 1800 K. The linear
accesses equip the system for non-invasive measurements. behavior within the calibration range is extrapolated to high-
A 50 mm diameter copper water-cooled probe, mounting a er temperatures. The overall uncertainty of those measure-
copper calorimeter in the center of the front face, is used for ments is estimated to be ±1%.
the calibration of plasma flow conditions. The cold wall Real-time visual recordings of the samples’ surface are ac-
(350 K) stagnation point heat flux is determined by the cool- quired with a high-definition (HD) digital dual camera
ing water mass flow rate, controlled by a calibrated rotameter, (VPCGH1, Sanyo Europe, Ltd.). The camera has a 1920 · 1080
and the inlet/outlet temperature difference, measured by two C-MOS sensor and a double-range focal lens. The frame rate
calibrated type E thermocouples. The calorimeter is inserted for the recording is set to 30 fps.
in the probe, wrapped by a Teflon insulator that prevents Measurements of erosion products from the material’s
heat conduction exchanges with inner walls of its lodging. surface are performed by means of temporally- and spa-
Both the probe and calorimeter have copper surfaces, which tially-resolved optical emission spectroscopy in front of the
are highly catalytic to nitrogen and oxygen atoms recombina- test model. Volatilization of SiO during active oxidation tests
tion. The heat flux can be measured with ±10% accuracy. of SiC-containing samples is expected to occur according to
A water-cooled Pitot probe is used to perform stagnation the reaction mechanism SiC(s) + 2O ! SiO + CO. We take into
pressure measurements. The pressure line is connected to a account only the formation of CO instead of CO2 as the reac-
Validyne variable reluctance pressure transducer and the out- tion occurs at high temperature where the CO formation is fa-
put is amplified by a voltage demodulator. Validyne and vored. Excited Si atoms, likely to be formed as SiO is
amplifier are calibrated prior to the test by means of a Betz transported to the high temperature boundary layer, radiate

Fig. 1 – Schematic of the Plasmatron setup. (A color version of this figure can be viewed online.)
CARBON 7 1 (2 0 1 4) 1 0 2–11 9 105

strongly in the UV-range and can be detected using available probes are mounted inside the Plasmatron test chamber
Ocean Optics HR4000 spectrometers. The optical diagnostic at 0.445 m from the ICP torch exit. The placement ensures
bench consists of a light collection system, optical fibers that the axis of the probe and the axis of the torch itself
and the three spectrometers covering a spectral range of coincide. The test configurations are shown in Fig. 2. The
200–1100 nm. The light emitted by the plasma is collected first is a standard 50 mm diameter model, mounting a
through a variable aperture and focused by a plano-convex, 30 mm diameter, 60 bevel disk sample. The samples are
uncoated, fused silica lens (LA4745, 750 mm focal length) via kept in place by a sintered SiC or graphite cover. The sec-
two mirrors, to the entry of three optical fibers (Ocean Optics ond is a 30 mm diameter probe holding mushroom shaped
QP600–2-SR/BX, 600 ± 10 lm core diameter). A numerical models. These are mounted by interference-fitting their
aperture of 0.22 ± 0.02 is optimized to match the 5 lm wide stem into the graphite holder. The geometry of the samples
entrance slit of the spectrometers. The slit and a from Herakles, France (HER) and MT Aerospace, Germany
300 grooves/mm grating lead to a typical resolution of approx- (MTA) is detailed in Fig. 3.
imately 0.65 nm (Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM)), as Microscale morphology analysis of post-test samples is
determined by a low pressure Oriel 6060 Hg lamp. The spec- performed using SEM (Hitachi S-4500). High resolution pic-
trometers are set to an acquisition frequency of 0.75 Hz, tures are acquired using a commercial SLR camera. The mass
allowing the acquisition of multiple time-resolved spectra of the samples is measured with a high precision scale
during one test run. The integration time was set to 100 ms (±0.01 mg accuracy), prior to and after plasma exposure.
for all tests (comparable to the shutter of a camera). The ac-
quired spectra are averaged during this acquisition period. 2.2. Materials
The optical path is aligned perpendicular to the flow and tan-
gential to the test sample surface. The bench is mounted on a The ceramic matrix composites analyzed in this research are
movable holding system, enabling horizontal movements to those mounted on the IXV thermal protection systems, pro-
place the line of sight at the desired position. The positioning vided by Herakles (Safran Group, Le Haillan, France) and MT
is adjusted before each experiment using a laser beam sent Aerospace (Augsburg, Germany). Herakles material (SEPCAR-
through the optics and located ahead of the stagnation point BINOX L6) manufacturing [38] starts from a carbon fiber pre-
of the sample. The spectrometers’ lines of sight are fixed at form, based on a multi-layer woven architecture. The
the desired distance from the sample front face respectively, preform is constructed from a lay-up of pre-preg that is cured
and not moved during the whole experiment. A magnification in a mold, and densified with consecutive depositions of sili-
of 1.5 is used, resulting in a distance between each probing con carbide by Chemical Vapor Infiltration (CVI) [39]. The last
volume of Dd = 3.5 mm, the respective distances from the sur- CVI cycle allows at the same time to achieve the requested
face (y = 0) being y1 = 2 mm, y2 = 5.5 mm, y3 = 9 mm. Calibra- density, and to ensure a full coating of the composite surface
tion of the whole system in relative intensity is performed by a b-SiC layer of 80 lm thickness.
using a deuterium lamp in the UV range (<400 nm) and a The MT Aerospace samples are produced using a near net
tungsten ribbon lamp (OSRAM WI 17G) in the visible range shaped layup technique via Polymer Vapor Infiltration (PVI). A
(>400 nm), to obtain comparable intensities to those during pre-impregnated carbon fiber structure (7 lm filament diame-
the tests. ter) is cured before undergoing pyrolysis, which turns the
Two sample holders, equipped with adequate water-cool- polymer into an amorphous carbon phase. The pyrolized car-
ing, are used to install the TPS samples in the setup. The bon-fiber-reinforced polymer is then coated with b-SiC by a

Fig. 2 – Stagnation point test models with sample holder and sustaining water-cooled arm. (a) Standard model and (b)
mushroom model. (A color version of this figure can be viewed online.)
106 CARBON 7 1 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 2 –1 1 9

could not be achieved due to the challenges of the facility

operating conditions. Only tests under active (A) oxidation
are available for comparison with the mushroom model.
The distinction between the passively and actively oxidized
samples is preliminary based on the measured mass loss
due to plasma exposure and later confirmed by SEM imaging,
being the presence of a passive and continuous SiO2 layer at
the surface used as discriminant. This technique is well con-
solidated from existing literature [13,17]. A steady state expo-
sure time of 600 s is imposed to actively and passively
oxidized samples. Test MTA 9 is run for 400 s and earlier inter-
rupted due to an excessive heating of the test model, causing
a sudden shut-down of the plasma flow. For the temperature
jump experiments, the duration is determined according to
the performance of the sample holder during the test, the test
being interrupted according to the experimenter’s best judg-
ment to prevent the model failure.

3.1. Description of the temperature jump phenomenon

Fig. 3 – Geometry of the test articles. (a) Standard model and Fig. 4 shows the temperature measured during the cases that
(b) mushroom model. Dimensions in mm. Drawings are not present the temperature jump phenomenon. For both materi-
in scale. The thickness of model (a) samples is 2 mm for HER als, the temperature history measured during a jump test is
material and 3 mm for MTA material. compared with that in passive and active regime, at the same
static pressure (Fig. 5, tests of HER samples at 2000 Pa and test
of MTA samples at 5000 Pa).
Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) process. The SiC coating Test HER 17 represents a well-suited case to illustrate the
has an average thickness between 60 and 80 lm [5]. evolution of the surface. A sintered SiC cover is used to hold
Herakles and MTA materials are denoted as HER and MTA the sample. The insertion of the test model into the flow at
in the following sections. 1.3 MW/m2 heat flux leads to a natural rise of the surface tem-
perature, stabilizing to a plateau of 2095 K after approxi-
2.3. Test protocol mately 40 s. Differently from tests in passive and active
oxidation, where a steady state is reached and maintained
The Plasmatron tests are performed under standard air plas- constant throughout the test, a temperature plateau is mea-
ma (79% N2 and 21% O2) at a mass flow of 16 g/s. Flow condi- sured only until 120 s, when a sudden jump of 400 K leads
tions are initially calibrated according to the real-time reading to a surface temperature near 2500 K. Power, pressure, and
provided by the calorimetric and pressure probes. Those are mass flow (i.e. total enthalpy and total pressure) are main-
alternatively swung into the plasma stream and the torch tained constant throughout the test, hence the phenomenon
power is progressively adjusted to obtain the desired values. results as spontaneous process at constant freestream
The chamber static pressure is adjusted by air by-pass and conditions.
vacuum pumps regulation. After the establishment of a stea- A visual observation of the sample’s surface during the
dy-state flow, the calibration probes are maintained into the tests shows a large increase in the light emitted from the test
plasma stream for a total exposure time of 100–200 s to en- article. Frame images extracted from HD video recording at
sure the stability of the test conditions. Following the calibra- 3 s time intervals are shown in Fig. 6 and compared with a de-
tion phase the sample is injected into the flow and, after tail of the temperature history near the jump. The camera
steady-state temperature is achieved, constant conditions operating mode automatically adjusts the exposure to the
are maintained for a total steady-state time of 600 s. For some variation of light intensity, therefore the changes of bright-
tests, this is shortened in order to avoid damages to the setup ness between different frames cannot be directly correlated
or to prevent the complete destruction of the test article. to the temperature. Nevertheless, the images clearly show
the progression of the phenomenon over the sample surface,
3. Results and the brightness pattern within one single image gives a
good representation of the temperature gradient over the sur-
Experiments are performed at static pressures of 2000, 5000 face. A bright spot appears at the bottom left edge of the sam-
and 6000 Pa. The test conditions are summarized in Tables 1 ple at 106 s. It progresses as a high emission front expanding
and 2, respectively for the standard and mushroom test mod- at the edges of the sample and reaches the center of the sur-
els. The cases highlighted in bold show the jump phenome- face. After about 30 s the surface is entirely covered and no
non (J). For the experiments with the standard model, two brightness gradients can be observed. The rate of progression
tests are reported as comparison, respectively under passive of the bright front is calculated to be 0.9 mm/s. One should
(P) oxidation and active (A) oxidation regimes. For the set of note that the phenomenon can be observed along the temper-
experiments on the HER material at 6000 Pa, the jump regime ature history only 12 s after it actually starts (s = 118 s), that is
CARBON 7 1 (2 0 1 4) 1 0 2–11 9 107

Table 1 – Test conditions for the standard model experiments: electric power Pel, sample wall temperature, Tw , cold-wall heat
flux qcw , static pressure ps , dynamic pressure pd , and time of exposure to plasma sexposure . ‘‘P’’, ‘‘A’’, and ‘‘J’’ indicate tests in
passive, active, and temperature jump regime respectively.
Sample/Test Pel [kW] Tw [K] Tw;postjump [K] qcw [kW/m2] ps [Pa] pd [Pa] sexposure a [s] Holder Regime

HER 26 264 1917 – 1021 2000 154 600 SiC P

HER 14 310 2065 – 1215 2000 178 600 SiC A
HER 17 322 2115b 2512 1304 2000 189 206 (tot) SiC A!J
HER 15 270 1942 – 1194 5000 74 600 SiC P
HER 20 331 2090 – 1417 5000 86 600 SiC A
HER 23 384 2141c 2734 1587 5000 95 131 (tot) Graphite J
HER 16 299 1967 – 1345 6000 69 600 SiC P
HER 29 328 2063 – 1499 6000 76 600 SiC A
MTA 1 260 1870 – 963 2000 146 600 SiC P
MTA 2 304 2014 – 1196 2000 176 600 SiC A
MTA 11 340 2066c 2589 1237 2000 181 121 (tot) Graphite J
MTA 5 291 1956 – 1398 5000 85 600 SiC P
MTA 6 348 2119 – 1575 5000 94 600 SiC A
MTA 12 283 2064c 2542 1403 5000 85 130 (tot) Graphite J
MTA 7 326 1981 – 1399 6000 71 600 SiC P
MTA 9 362 2105 – 1497 6000 76 400 SiC A
MTA 13 320 2122c 2593 1394 6000 71 121 (tot) Graphite J
Exposure time is the total time at steady state for tests in active and passive regimes, while the total time into the flow for the jump samples.
Jump temperature, Tw;jump . Tw = 2095 K steady state before jump.
Jump temperature, Tw;jump .

Table 2 – Test conditions for the mushroom model experiments: electric power Pel, sample wall temperature, Tw , cold-wall
heat flux qcw , static pressure ps , dynamic pressure pd , and time of exposure to plasma sexposure . ‘‘P’’, ‘‘A’’, and ‘‘J’’ indicate tests in
passive, active, and temperature jump (in bold) regime respectively. A graphite holder is used for all the experiments.
Sample/Test Pel [kW] Tw [K] Tw;postjump [K] qcw a [kW/m2] ps [Pa] pd [Pa] sexposure b [s] Regime

HER M37 234 1920 – 900 2000 257 124 A

HER M32 200 2083c 2470 1200 2000 343 132 J
HER M36 254 2101c 2465 1100 2000 314 181 A!J
HER M35 246 2093c – 100 2000 290 184 A ! J (interrupted)
MTA M21 225 1905 – 900 2000 219 120 A
MTA M22 229 2073 2475 1000–1200 2000 304 153 A!J
Rounded reference values with the standard heat flux probe.
Total time into the flow.
Jump temperature, Tw;jump .

Fig. 4 – Temperature jump time-histories during standard model testing. (a) HER material and (b) MTA material. (A color
version of this figure can be viewed online.)
108 CARBON 7 1 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 2 –1 1 9

Fig. 5 – Comparison of temperature time-histories measurements during temperature jump tests (J), with those recorded
during passive (P) and active (A) regime experiments at the same pressure. (a) HER samples at 2000 Pa static pressure and (b)
MTA samples at 5000 Pa. (A color version of this figure can be viewed online.)

Fig. 6 – Details of the temperature jump phenomenon observed during test HER 17. The temperature plot is an enlargement of
Fig. 4(a) around the jump region. The images are frames extracted from the HD video recording, each 3 s starting at the onset
of the jump phenomenon. The total duration of the process is 27 s. (A color version of this figure can be viewed online.)

when the bright front reaches the edge of the two-color which sums to the incoming heat flux from the dissociated
pyrometer field of view. This is a nearly circular 12 mm diam- flow. Consequently, as it can be observed in Fig. 4, for sam-
eter spot, centered over the samples surface. ple HER 23 and samples MTA 11–13, the initial temperature
During other attempts performed to obtain a similar rise is significantly accelerated, for similar heating levels to
phenomenology to that observed in the test HER17, the that used with sample HER 17. As a result, steady state
SiC holder experiences a sudden failure when running at temperature prior to the jump cannot be achieved and the
very high heat fluxes, as temperature jump conditions for phenomenon is observed during the transient heating of
C/SiC are beyond the heating load that sintered SiC can the samples.
support. Therefore, graphite sample holders are adopted Details of visual recording for sample MTA 12 are shown in
in place of SiC holders for experiments at different pressure Fig. 7. Differently from test HER 17, the graphite is a brighter
conditions. Graphite offers better performances when ex- emitter than both SiC and C/SiC, such that the exposure
posed to sharp heating rates, nonetheless it has the incon- auto-adjustment shows the inner sample as a darker surface
venience of rapidly recessing due to ablation when exposed prior to the onset of the temperature jump phenomenon. The
to plasma. Erosion is likely to occur at the graphite edges progress of the bright front over the surface is then analogous
surrounding the C/SiC samples, resulting in highly reactive to what is observed before, but faster (18 s). A front propaga-
hot zone transferring side-heating to the test samples, tion rate of 1.5 mm/s can be estimated in this case.
CARBON 7 1 (2 0 1 4) 1 0 2–11 9 109

Fig. 7 – Details of the temperature jump phenomenon observed during test MTA 12. The temperature plot is an enlargement
of Fig. 4(b) around the jump region. The images are frames extracted from the HD video recording, each 2 s starting at the
onset of the jump phenomenon. The total duration of the process is 18 s. (A color version of this figure can be viewed online.)

For experiments with the standard model using a graphite

holder, like those described (HER 23, MTA 11–13), the identifi-
cation of the jump temperature is particularly involved be-
cause the temperature increases very quickly compared to
the acquisition frequency of the pyrometer. The used crite-
rion to place the jump temperature is based on synchronizing
camera and pyrometer recordings, observe the progression of
the surface erosion front from the video and assume as Tw;jump
the closest temperature value when the front reaches the
pyrometer field of view. For some experiments (for example
sample MTA 11 at 11 s in Fig. 4(b)), changes in Tw are ob-
served, not to be confused with the temperature jump phe-
Fig. 8 – Comparison between temperature jumps during
nomenon. Those are just temperature fluctuations that
testing of HER and MTA mushroom models. (A color version
could be reasonably related to fluctuations of the plasma
of this figure can be viewed online.)
jet. The jump phenomenon in this paper is reported and iden-
tified in correspondence of a transition on the characteristics
of the surface of the materials.
Experiments conducted with the mushroom model pre-
vent problems arising with the ablation of graphite. The HER and MTA materials which show identical performance
backing holder is protected by the sample itself, allowing at similar freestream conditions. The green curves show
for longer life-times. Therefore, this appears to be a conve- experiments at 0.9 MW/m2, providing active oxidation condi-
nient solution for temperature jump testing. A minor draw- tions for the material. During the test of MTA M22 the flux
back is represented by the holding mushroom stem. The was increased from 1.1 to 1.2 MW/m2 at around 50 s after
heat exchanged by conduction with the holder graphite the injection. As a result, the MTA M22 sample initially fol-
produces a heat sink effect leading to longer heating times lows the behavior of the HER M36 sample (tested at
toward steady state conditions. This can be clearly noticed 1.1 MW/m2), the temperature jump is anticipated after the
in the temperature histories of mushroom experiments, increase and the final temperature is similar to that of the
shown in Fig. 8. Steady state conditions are reached at test sample HER M32 (tested at 1.2 MW/m2).
times greater than 100 s, compared to 40 s in the case of
back insulated samples. Current state-of-the-art simulation 3.2. Temperature jump and passive/active oxidation
tools are not able to predict the response of C/SiC samples,
coupled with the incoming plasma flow, therefore the To further analyze the temperature jump, it is interesting to
conductive heating dispersed thorough the stem is difficult compare the phenomenon to passive and active oxidation re-
to quantify. Its determination shall be subject of future gimes. Oxygen partial pressures are reported in Tables 3 and
investigation. Fig. 8 allows a direct comparison between 4, together with temperature data and mass loss. The mass
110 CARBON 7 1 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 2 –1 1 9

Table 3 – Oxidation and mass loss data for the standard model tests. ‘‘P’’, ‘‘A’’, and ‘‘J’’ indicate tests in passive, active, and
temperature jump (in bold) regimes respectively.

Sample Tw [K] poxygen [Pa] mpreplasma [g] mpostplasma [g] Dm=m [%] Regime

HER 26 1917 452 2.0281 2.0116 0.8136 P

HER 14 2065 457 2.0847 1.8430 11.5940 A
HER 17 2512a 460 2.0386 1.1751 42.3575 A!J
HER 15 1942 1066 2.0701 2.0644 0.2753 P
HER 20 2090 1068 2.0242 1.9139 5.4491 A
HER 23 2734a 1070 2.0466 0.9123 55.4236 J
HER 16 1967 1274 2.0375 2.0287 0.4319 P
HER 29 2063 1276 1.9560 1.9016 2.7812 A
MTA 1 1870 451 3.6229 3.6028 0.5548 P
MTA 2 2014 457 3.7108 3.5471 4.4114 A
MTA 11 2589a 458 3.5128 2.4481 30.3092 J
MTA 5 1956 1068 3.7010 3.6897 0.3053 P
MTA 6 2119 1070 3.7102 3.5547 4.1911 A
MTA 12 2542a 1068 3.5008 2.4330 30.5016 J
MTA 7 1981 1275 3.6450 3.6476 0.0713 P
MTA 9 2105 1276 3.7660 3.7446 0.5682 A
MTA 13 2593a 1275 3.7005 2.6605 28.1043 J
Post-jump temperature.

Table 4 – Oxidation and mass loss data for the mushroom model tests. ‘‘P’’, ‘‘A’’, and ‘‘J’’ indicate tests in passive, active, and
temperature jump (in bold) regimes respectively.
Sample Tw [K] poxygen [Pa] mpreplasma [g] mpostplasma [g] Dm=m [%] Regime

HER M37 1920 474 2.6610 2.6479 0.4923 A

HER M32 2470a 492 2.6853 2.2217 17.2644 J
HER M36 2465a 486 2.6802 2.0490 23.5505 A!J
HER M35 2105a 481 2.6830 2.4470 8.7961 A ! J (interrupted)
MTA M21 1905 466 3.4127 3.3949 0.5216 A
MTA M22 2475a 484 3.4885 2.6145 25.0537 A!J
Post-jump temperature.

Fig. 9 – Comparison between the passive/active oxidation transition and the temperature jump regime during tests of
standard model samples. The solid line is the passive/active transition law from Balat [13], determined for the same HER
material tested in the present campaign. Labels on the data points correspond to the sample number (see Table 1). (a) HER
material and (b) MTA material. (A color version of this figure can be viewed online.)

loss is measured by weighing the sample before and after the Fig. 9 compares the three regimes for both HER and MTA
tests and is expressed as percent variation with respect to the standard samples, in a classical oxygen partial pressure versus
initial mass. reciprocal temperature plot for the passive/active oxidation
CARBON 7 1 (2 0 1 4) 1 0 2–11 9 111

transition. The boundary between active and passive regimes,

represented by a solid black line, is taken from [13], where oxi-
dation experiments were performed on a similar HER material
analyzed in the present work. The microscopic analysis of the
surface is used as criterion to determine the transition. Sam-
Fig. 11 – Post-tests photograph of a HER virgin sample (left)
ples showing a thin and uniform SiO2 scale are classified as un-
and sample subjected to temperature jump (right),
der passive oxidation. Sample where the silica is significantly
highlighting the thickness reduction due to erosion of the
deteriorated, and holes and damages appear on the SiC coating
coating under extreme heat flux. (A color version of this
are instead considered in active regime. Plasmatron data show
figure can be viewed online.)
a good agreement with the published law. For the temperature
jump experiments, both jump and post-jump temperatures are
shown. Since the phenomenon is relatively fast compared to
Fig. 12. Micro-cracks are present on the pristine b-SiC layer.
the acquisition frequency of the pyrometer, it is difficult to
Microscopic analyses of the materials’ cross section show
accurately place the jump temperature, therefore large error
that the cracks can extend through the whole coating thick-
bars are computed. It is clear from the figure that jump condi-
ness, nevertheless their width never exceeds 5 lm
tions reside in the active regime. Overall, jump temperatures
(Figs. 12(a) and 13(a)). The morphology of the cracks and the
are higher than active oxidation temperatures, therefore the
coating itself are not seen to be affected by exposure to pas-
jump cannot be considered discriminant between passive
sive oxidation conditions (Figs. 12(b) and 13(b)). Within the
and active regime, i.e. jump temperatures are not transition
investigated pressure range, passive oxidation occurs at sur-
temperatures. Similarly, mass loss values are 30–55% for the
face temperatures below 2000 K. Under passive oxidation
jump cases, while below 10% for active oxidation conditions.
condition, a uniform silica scale is formed constituting a pro-
Values below 1% are measured for passively oxidized samples.
tective barrier for the surface from the incoming reactants.
Visual inspection of the samples in Fig. 10 reveals a signif-
After the passive/active oxidation transition, increasing
icant erosion of the surface exposed to plasma, subjected to a
temperatures promote the decomposition and volatilization
temperature jump. Compared to the virgin material, passively
of SiO2 into SiO and Si. High evaporation rates would eventu-
oxidized samples present a brownish yellowish surface, typi-
ally lead to its depletion, hence to the onset of active oxida-
cal of silica scales of different thicknesses. Samples in active
tion conditions, where the b-SiC coating is progressively
oxidation have a light grey color typical of SiC, where numer-
consumed by oxygen reactants. This condition is revealed
ous defects, pores or degradation regions start to appear.
by Figs. 12(c) and 13(c) where, despite some traces of SiO2
Sample subjected to the temperature jump present a dark/
are still present, several damages and holes in the SiC layer
grey surface with shining net structure, revealing a complete
are observed.
removal of the superficial SiC layer and nude carbon fibers at
During the temperature jump experiments, the samples
the surface. The thickness of the sample is significantly re-
are injected into the flow at very high enthalpies and a very
duced (HER 23 and MTA 12) (see Fig. 11).
steep temperature rise is experienced upon insertion. The
3.3. Microscale morphology and surface chemistry surface temperature reaches values above 2000 K in less than
30–40 s. The progression of silica formation/evaporation inter-
The information obtained by visual imaging of the surface is ests only the first 20 s and represents therefore a minor con-
confirmed at microscopic scale by SEM analysis, shown in tribution to the chemical history of the surface, while active

Fig. 10 – Virgin and post-test pictures of samples tested at 5000 Pa under different regimes. Top row: HER material and bottom
row: MTA material. (A color version of this figure can be viewed online.)
112 CARBON 7 1 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 2 –1 1 9

Fig. 12 – Micrographs of HER samples at 5000 Pa under different regimes.

Fig. 13 – Micrographs of MTA samples at 5000 Pa under different regimes.

oxidation starts soon after the injection into the flow. Under exceed 2100 K (jump temperature), sublimation of SiC into
this condition, the silicon carbide reacts with oxygen atoms, Si and in lesser extent into Si2C largely contributes to the
producing mainly SiO and CO. The higher the incoming flux chemistry of the surface. Further exothermicity might be pro-
the higher the rate of consumption of the b-SiC layer. Ther- moted by N radicals that are present in large quantities in the
modynamic calculations (Fig. 14) show that, if temperatures mixture, and by cracks enlarged by active oxidation, that
CARBON 7 1 (2 0 1 4) 1 0 2–11 9 113

are identified using the NIST atomic spectrum database [43].

Within the UV range the Si I emission multiplet at 252 nm
(consisting of several, not resolved single lines) and at
288 nm are the main contributors to radiation. They were ob-
served by several authors [19,26,44–46], during plasma testing
of C/C–SiC composites or as ablation products of silicon-
based materials in oxygen atmosphere [47].
The CN violet (B–X) system is also found during material
testing, at much higher intensity compared to the freestream.
A Si emission line overlapped with the CN violet system is ob-
served at 390 nm. In addition to the freestream contribution,
the source of CN observed during material testing is twofold:
(1) reactions of SiC oxidation products (CO or CO2) with nitro-
Fig. 14 – Equilibrium thermodynamic calculations at 2000 Pa gen in the flow, and (2) under temperature jump conditions
for a mixture of 10 mol SiC, 8 mol of N2, and 2 mol of O2, when the coating is depleted, direct nitridation of the sub-
obtained using the GEMINI software. Similar behavior can strate carbon fibers and reactions between of the incoming
be calculated at 5000 Pa. (A color version of this figure can be nitrogen with the gases produced from the oxidation of car-
viewed online.) bon. For the first contribution, the leading reaction mecha-
nism is CO + N ! CN + O [48]. For the second, possible
allow O atoms to diffuse and react with the substrate (carbon reaction mechanisms are C(s) + N ! CN and CO + N ! CN + O,
fibers and SiC matrix). As a result the volatilization rate of SiC where CO is provided by the oxidation reaction C(s) + O ! CO.
turns into a self-augmenting process, leading to a rapid tem- According to Park et al. [48] and consistently with Boudou-
perature rise and to the fast erosion of the material. ard’s equilibrium theory CO2 is less likely to form at these
Following the complete depletion of SiC (post-jump condi- temperatures and was not observed during oxidation experi-
tions), the bare carbon fibers of the substrate are left exposed ments of graphite. It is acknowledged that, for experiments
to incoming reactants, as revealed by micrographs in performed using the standard model, contributions might
Figs. 12(d) and 13(d). The fibers present the characteristic come from the test article holder (especially when graphite
pointed morphology observed in several studies on oxidized is used), which are difficult to isolate. Nevertheless, analogous
carbon [40,41]. Dominant reactions, under this condition, species volatilization is detected during experiments per-
are exothermic carbon oxidation C(s) + O ! CO and nitridation formed using the mushroom model, where the sample holder
C(s) + N ! CN. Active oxidation processes continue at the is behind the sample and is expected to have a limited partic-
interstices between the fibers, occupied by the SiC matrix fil- ipation to the boundary layer chemistry. This strongly sup-
ler used to densify the carbon preform. ports that the main contribution to volatilization comes
It is also remarked that the jump process starts at the from the sample.
edges of the probe, where indeed the heat flux is higher due No CN emission other than the contribution from the free-
to the turning of the streamlines and the thinning of the stream flow was detected for tests in passive oxidation, and
boundary layer [42], and where the SiC coating is thinner, only a small increase was observed during active tests. As
hence more quickly consumed. shown later in Fig. 18, the CN violet emission constantly rise
Similar features observed for the disk samples, can be also in time during the temperature jump, followed by a constant,
found for the mushroom specimens. Sample HER M35 repre- high emission. Hence, it seems to be an indicator for the pro-
sents a very interesting case, since the test was interrupted gression of the temperature front during jump conditions.
during the progression of the temperature jump phenomenon Temporally resolved spectral profiles within the 240–
(right after its onset is seen in the HD recording). It allows 290 nm band are compared in Fig. 17 for tests, MTA 5, MTA
tracking different features described above over the same sur- 6 and MTA 12, respectively under passive oxidation (1956 K),
face, as described in Fig. 15. active oxidation (2119 K) and jump regime (2064 ! 2542 K),
at similar oxygen partial pressure (1000 Pa). No Si emission
3.4. Species volatilization by space- and time-resolved is recorded for sample MTA 5, consistent with a stable silica
optical emission spectroscopy scale that protects the SiC, formed under passive oxidation.
For MTA 6, as temperature increases to steady state, we have
An emission spectrum of freestream air plasma measured a rise in Si emission, which then stabilizes to constant values
during temperature jump testing with a mushroom model throughout the whole length of the test. This case is represen-
(HER M32) is presented in Fig. 16(a). N and O emission lines tative of active oxidation of SiC at low rate producing Si gas-
can be observed in the infrared range (>700 nm). eous products in the boundary layer. For the temperature
The main contributing species in the UV range are the Nþ2 jump case (MTA 12) an initial sharp increase in Si emission
first negative system, overlapped by the CN violet (B2R+–X2R+) is observed, leading quickly to values well above active oxida-
band system. CN originates from few ppm concentrations of tion. An intensity peak is observed around 40 s after sample
carbon dioxide in the test gas, as normal atmospheric air is injection, followed by a successive attenuation and final stea-
used for the tests. Once the C/SiC sample is swung into the dy emission from 55 s till the end of the run. This behavior is
flow, volatilization products from the material surface are consistent to what is described in the previous section about
detected in the emission spectra Fig. 16(b). Intensity lines the jump. Strong active oxidation starts soon after the sample
114 CARBON 7 1 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 2 –1 1 9

Fig. 15 – Micrographs of HER M35 sample (left figures) and correspondent location over the sample surface (right top). Pressure
is 2000 Pa for this test. The right bottom figure shows a still image from HD recording of the instant at which plasma
conditions are extinguished and the test is interrupted. (A color version of this figure can be viewed online.)

injection into higher heat flux flow, with a lot of SiO produced range of 340–440 nm. Spectra shown in the upper plots are
into the gas phase. After 2100 K (see also temperature his- collected close to the sample surface (2 mm) with increasing
tory in Fig. 19(a)) the onset of SiC sublimation, producing Si distance to bottom plots (lowest plot taken at 9 mm distance
and Si2C, would lead to a peak intensity in Si emission, which from the sample). High intensity Si emission at 243 nm,
would then decrease as the b-SiC layer is completely eroded. 252 nm, 263 nm and 288 nm is clearly evident, sharply
The final constant phase in Si intensity represents constant increasing after the first 20 s of sample exposure to plasma.
rate active oxidation reaction at the SiC filler matrix that It leads to an intensity peak and a following steady emission
starts after the substrate is left exposed and continues to oc- recorded by all three spectrometers. It can further be ob-
cur until the end of the run. served that Si emission collected by the spectrometer point-
A similar behavior on the Si time history can be observed ing 5.5 mm ahead of the sample is stronger than that close
from temporally- and spatially-resolved emission spectra, to the wall (2 mm ahead), with the weakest emission collected
shown in Fig. 18, for test MTA 12. Left-panel plots show the at the farthest probing volume (9 mm). Opposed to that of Si,
range 240–290 nm where most of Si emission can be identified CN violet emission sharply decreased through the boundary
and plots on the right-panel show CN violet emission in the layer, almost vanishing at 9 mm distance.
CARBON 7 1 (2 0 1 4) 1 0 2–11 9 115

Fig. 16 – Radiative signature of characteristic emission lines for (a) freestream and (b) material testing, for HER M32

Fig. 17 – Temporal emission spectra of Si erosion products for experiments on MTA samples at 5000 Pa, under different
regimes, measured with the spectrometer at 2 mm ahead of the surface (closest). (a) MTA 5, passive oxidation, (b) MTA 6,
active oxidation and (c) MTA 12, temperature jump.

For a clearer visualization, Fig. 19(a) plots Si 228 and CN likely coming from ablation of the graphitic sample holder
violet (B–X) emissions, along with the temperature measured used for test MTA 12. Indeed, no CN violet emission prior to
from the pyrometer. Measurements for a mushroom model the temperature jump was found during tests where a SiC
test (HER M32) are also shown for completeness in Fig. 19(b). cover was used, except the weak signal coming from the free-
Si emission at 5.5 mm (dashed line) is higher than at 2 mm stream. The strong emission increase during the temperature
(full line). Instead, the response of the two spectrometers is jump is consistent with the removal of the SiC coating and
nearly identical during the part before the jump (first 30 s the onset of carbon fibers oxidation and nitridation. The CN
for MTA 12 and first 80 s for HER M32). The most plausible bandhead emission decays moving away from the surface
explanation for this behavior is related to the dissociation of and is not detected by the spectrometer at 9 mm from the
SiO produced by active oxidation. Assuming a Boltzmann dis- sample. Excited CN molecules are very strong radiators and
tribution of excited states, Si emission increases along with Si small mole fractions would already lead to a radiative signa-
species concentration. It is plausible that SiO molecules are ture of CN violet at the surface. The emission would decrease
not fully dissociated 2 mm ahead of the surface, while they as the CN dissociates towards the edge of the boundary layer,
break up as they travel away from the wall encountering responsible for a gradient of 60% between the locations at
increasing temperatures. This effect might be enhanced dur- 2 mm and 5.5 mm. For the standard sample configuration
ing the temperature jump due to the increasing rate of SiO CN did not show an emission peak as it was observed for Si
production and due to an injection of sublimation products and reached a steady state following the temperature jump.
into the boundary layer. Feigel [49] found during arc-jet tests A spatially stronger decrease of CN emission
performed on SiC samples with the same geometry as used (2 mm ! 5.5 mm) was observed when testing with the mush-
for this work that the zone of detectable SiO by laser induced room model, likely due to a thinner boundary layer surround-
fluorescence (LIF) extends to 9 mm at 30 Pa ambient pressure. ing the mushroom shape probe.
This is likely due to the higher mean free path in arc-jet
experiments at 30 Pa than in our test conditions (from 2000 4. Discussion of the temperature jump
to 6000 Pa).
The temporal evolution of CN shows a small amount of Based on the described experimental observations, the
radiation captured from the beginning of the test. This is temperature jump can be associated to an augmented
116 CARBON 7 1 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 0 2 –1 1 9

Fig. 18 – Time- and space-resolved radiative signature of characteristic emission lines of (a, b, c) atomic silicon in the UV
range and (a 0 , b 0 , c 0 ) CN violet (B2R+–X2R+) band system in the visible range for test MTA 12. From top to bottom measurements
are at increasing distance from the sample’s surface along the stagnation line.

exothermicity in the surface chemistry of the b-SiC coating of reactions occur. These further increase the temperature
C/SiC composites. The primary contribution to this transition accelerating the rate of volatilization of SiC. Once the coating
appears to be the onset of SiC sublimation that accelerates is completely eroded, that is once the observed temperature
the erosion of the coating. This is consistent with a steep rise front has covered the whole surface, the substrate preform
in the volatilization of Si-containing species observed in the is directly exposed to the incoming plasma and carbon oxida-
temporal emission spectra, as well as with predicted temper- tion and nitridation become the leading reaction mecha-
atures for SiC sublimation, which starts at low rate around nisms. Beside those primary effects, further contributions to
1800 K and accelerates at temperatures near 2100 K (jump the convective heating might come for exothermic processes
temperature), where production of Si and Si2C sharply in- in gas phase in the vicinity of the surface, like reactions of the
creases. The other important contribution to the chemistry sublimated silicon with nitrogen radicals, or O- and N-atom
of the surface is provided by carbon reactions with O and N recombination.
atoms from the freestream flow. Temperature jump condi-
tions are far in the active oxidation regime for C/SiC. At these 5. Conclusions
conditions any SiO2 phase produced during transient or stea-
dy passivation is fully decomposed and the b-SiC layer is sig- Air experiments were performed in low pressure plasma
nificantly attacked by the reactants in the boundary layer. As flows on carbon/silicon carbide heat shield materials at tem-
a result of the SiC volatilization several holes enlarge over the peratures above 1900 K. The tests aimed to simulate enthalpy
coating, allowing passages for the transport of O and N atoms levels experienced by the IXV TPM during hypersonic reentry,
to the substrate carbon, where oxidation and nitridation and to exceed nominal heat flux conditions. A sudden and
CARBON 7 1 (2 0 1 4) 1 0 2–11 9 117

Fig. 19 – From top to bottom: time history of surface temperature, emission intensity of Si 288 in the UV range and emission
intensity of CN violet (Dm = +1 peak) in the visible range as a function of time, at the three spectrometer positions probing
ahead of the sample. (a) MTA 12 sample in standard configuration and (b) HER M32 sample in mushroom configuration.

spontaneous surface temperature increase of several hun- for Innovation by Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT,
dred Kelvin, at constant freestream condition, was observed dossier #111529). Herakles and MT Aerospace are acknowl-
under different operating conditions. The phenomenon oc- edged for the procurement of material samples used for the
curred at wall temperatures near 2100 K. Infrared pyrometry experiments. The authors are grateful to Prof. K. Nickel for
temperature measurements and real time HD recording of the fruitful advises and discussions and to Mr. P. Collin for
the surface were used to characterize the phenomenon, to- his unwavering dedication in operating the Plasmatron
gether with an arrangement of optical emission spectroscopy facility.
to follow the evolution of the chemical species along the
boundary layer of the tested sample. A mass loss exceeding
30% of the initial values was found, one order of magnitude R E F E R E N C E S
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