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Plant Ecology (2005) 177: 177–188  Springer 2005

DOI 10.1007/s11258-005-2322-8

Biomass, production and woody detritus in an old coast redwood (Sequoia

sempervirens) forest

Richard T. Busing1,* and Takao Fujimori2

U.S. Geological Survey, 200 SW 35th St., Corvallis, OR 97333, USA; 2Japan Forest Technology Association, 7
Rokuban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0085, Japan; *Author for correspondence

Received 14 November 2003; accepted in revised form 08 June 2004

Key words: Decay, Natural disturbance, NPP, Old growth, Pacific Northwest, Stand dynamics, Woody debris


We examined aboveground biomass dynamics, aboveground net primary production (ANPP), and woody detritus
input in an old Sequoia sempervirens stand over a three-decade period. Our estimates of aboveground biomass
ranged from 3300 to 5800 Mg ha1. Stem biomass estimates ranged from 3000 to 5200 Mg ha1. Stem biomass
declined 7% over the study interval. Biomass dynamics were patchy, with marked declines in recent tree-fall
patches <0.05 ha in size. Larger tree-fall patches approaching 0.2 ha in size were observed outside the study plot.
Our estimates of ANPP ranged from 6 to 14 Mg ha1yr1. Estimates of 7 to 10 Mg ha1yr1 were considered to
be relatively accurate. Thus, our estimates based on long-term data corroborated the findings of earlier short-term
studies. ANPP of old, pure stands of Sequoia was not above average for temperate forests. Even though
production was potentially high on a per stem basis, it was moderate at the stand level. We obtained values of 797
m3 ha1 and 262 Mg ha1 for coarse woody detritus volume and mass, respectively. Fine woody detritus volume
and mass were estimated at 16 m3 ha1 and 5 Mg ha1, respectively. Standing dead trees (or snags) comprised
7% of the total coarse detritus volume and 8% of the total mass. Coarse detritus input averaged 5.7 to 6.9 Mg
ha1yr1. Assuming steady-state input and pool of coarse detritus, we obtained a decay rate constant of 0.022 to
0.026. The old-growth stand of Sequoia studied had extremely high biomass, but ANPP was moderate and the
amount of woody detritus was not exceptionally large. Biomass accretion and loss were not rapid in this stand
partly because of the slow population dynamics and low canopy turnover rate of Sequoia at the old-growth stage.
Nomenclature: Hickman (1993).

Introduction ha1yr1. By comparison, mean ANPP of old tem-

perate forests is 10 to 13 Mg ha1yr1 (Whittaker
Old Sequoia sempervirens forests have the greatest 1966; Whittaker and Likens 1975). Even young
terrestrial biomass levels on earth (> 3000 Mg ha1; Sequoia stands tend to have unremarkable ANPP
Westman and Whittaker 1975; Fujimori 1977, 2001). (< 20 Mg ha1yr1; Westman and Whittaker 1975;
Whether their biomass dynamics are also distinctive is Olson et al. 1990). The few published estimates of
unclear. The productivity of Sequoia forests appears biomass and production thus far suggest that high
to resemble that of other old temperate forests Sequoia forest biomass is not a consequence of high
(Whittaker 1966). Westman and Whittaker’s (1975) productivity. It is the great longevity and size of
estimates of aboveground net primary production Sequoia trees that allow great biomass accumulation
(ANPP) in old Sequoia stands range from 5 to 19 Mg (Whittaker 1966; Westman and Whittaker 1975).

Biomass loss and the dynamics of dead wood in Natural disturbances in the study forest include fire,
Sequoia forests have not been fully characterized flooding and tree fall. Fire events are thought to cause
(Sawyer et al. 2000b). Bingham and Sawyer (1988) cumulative damage to Sequoia trees that may result in
noted large volume (957 m3 ha1) and mass (200 Mg death (Finney and Martin 1989). The presettlement
ha1) of coarse woody detritus in an old upland return interval for fire in Humboldt County and sur-
Sequoia forest. Other estimates for Sequoia forests rounding areas is estimated at <10 to 500 yr (Veirs
range from 10 to 280 Mg ha1 (Sawyer et al. 2000b). 1982; Stuart 1987). Veirs (1982) notes that mesic sites
However, rates of detritus input and decay have not near the coast experience light fires every 250 to 500
been widely reported. Sawyer et al. (2000b) speculate yr. Sites intermediate on the mesic-xeric continuum
that the decay rate of woody detritus is extremely slow have a fire return interval of 100 to 200 yr. Xeric
in Sequoia forests. interior sites have a return interval of about 50 yr. The
A three-decade study of the dynamics of compo- study forest is likely to have a fire return interval
sition and structure in an old Sequoia forest revealed <100 yr (Stuart 1987). However, fire suppression
slow canopy turnover (Busing and Fujimori 2002). policies implemented in the 1900s have greatly re-
Here we provide complementary information on duced fire occurrence for at least the last 50 years
fundamental ecosystem processes. Our objectives are (Stone and Vasey 1968; Veirs 1982). By contrast,
to 1) estimate aboveground wood volume and bio- flooding has occurred in the study stand in recent
mass, 2) examine the trajectory and spatiotemporal decades (Sawyer et al. 2000a). The return interval for
dynamics of biomass, 3) estimate ANPP using several floods covering most of the study stand is <100 yr.
methods, and 4) estimate woody detritus volume, Flooding replenishes nutrients (Westman and Whit-
mass, input rate and decay rate. Implications of our taker 1975), deposits sediments, and influences
findings for the dynamics of old Sequoia ecosystems understory tree survival (Stone and Vasey 1968).
are discussed. Furthermore, we compare and contrast Establishment of Sequoia seedlings is common after
the fundamental ecosystem dynamics of our study major floods (Sawyer et al. 2000a). Tree-fall gaps are
forest to those of other forests worldwide. also an important form of disturbance in the study
forest. Although the return interval of gap disturbance
is at least 250 yr, individual gaps can exceed 0.1-ha in
Study forest area (Busing and Fujimori 2002). They currently
cover about 20% of the total area within the study
Sequoia sempervirens occurs within 50 km of the Pa- forest.
cific Ocean from southern Oregon to central
California. Particularly massive stands of Sequoia oc-
cur in the Central Redwood Forest, which ranges from Methods
southern Humboldt County to San Francisco Bay
(Sawyer et al. 2000b). An old stand of very large trees Biomass and production
on alluvial flats within this biogeographic section was
selected for study. It lies near Bull Creek in Humboldt In 1972, trees ‡10 cm diameter at 1.7 m above ground
Redwoods State Park (4021¢ N, 1230¢ W). Elevation were measured with a diameter tape and mapped in a
of the study site is 70 to 80 m above sea level. Climate, 1.44-ha plot (Fujimori 1977). Allometric equations for
geology and soils of the site are described by Fujimori tree height and stem volume were developed for the
(1977). Moderate temperatures and high moisture in- site. Equations for tree height as a function of diam-
put are characteristic of the forest. Precipitation is high eter were developed from a subsample of live trees
except in summer. Fog drip compensates for low measured using an Abney level. An equation for
summer precipitation (Byers 1953). Sequoia stem volume as a function of diameter and
Sequoia comprises more than 99% of the total live height was developed from a sample of 8 recently
basal area in the study stand (Busing and Fujimori fallen trees (see Appendix). In 2001, we measured
2002). Overstory tree height often exceeds 90 m diameter on all live trees within the plot and noted tree
(Fujimori 1977). Other tree species in the forest are ingrowth and mortality by species since 1972.
much shorter in stature. They include Umbellularia Using the 1972 stem map, diameter growth of
californica, Lithocarpus densiflorus, Taxus brevifolia, individual live trees over the 29-yr period was
and Corylus cornuta. determined. Mean annual diameter increments of

each species were calculated. To account for effects plying the stem NPP by 0.25 and by 0.30 (Westman
of tree size and canopy position on growth, Sequoia and Whittaker 1975). A range of twig and leaf NPP
diameter increments were calculated for each of the values was estimated as the combined stem and
three canopy strata recognized by Fujimori (1977). branch NPP multiplied by 0.3 and by 0.5.
These included a lower stratum (diameter <30 cm), a Separate biomass and production estimates were
middle stratum (diameter 30–114 cm), and an upper made using two different specific gravity values for
stratum (diameter >114 cm). Sequoia tree heights in Sequoia. Westman and Whittaker’s (1975) estimates
2001 were estimated from diameter using one of the were based on an intermediate value of 0.33. How-
stratum-specific allometric equations (Fujimori ever, Green et al. (1999) note that 0.38 is appropriate
1977). for old-growth Sequoia. Some of our dead wood
Estimation of tree ANPP followed the general for- samples (see below) also indicated that 0.38 best
mula summarized by Newbould (1967), Ogawa represented the study forest. So, for comparative
(1977) and Long (1982) as the total annual growth of: purposes we used 0.33, but we also used 0.38 and we
1) live trees, 2) trees or tree parts lost to mortality, and considered this to be a more accurate value for the
3) tree parts consumed. Tree parts shed or consumed study forest. Other species comprised a very small
were ignored, however. Stand volume increment since proportion of the stand biomass and NPP. Total
1972 was initially calculated with ingrowth and aboveground values for these species were estimated
mortality components. Whenever possible, the mea- directly from parabolic volume and specific gravities
sured diameter increment for each tree was used. If a of each species.
measured Sequoia increment was uncertain (because
of measurement location or tree identity), the mean
increment for the corresponding canopy stratum (see Woody detritus
above) was applied. Trees that died over the 29-yr
interval were assigned a diameter increment equal to Woody detritus volume in 2001 was estimated with
half the corresponding mean increment. Diameter plot measurements for standing dead trees (or snags)
increments of ingrowth trees were calculated using an and line transects for logs. Volume of standing dead
initial diameter of 10 cm. Height increments were trees (>1.7 m tall) within the 1.44-ha plot was cal-
calculated from diameter measurements using a stra- culated from measurements of diameter and height.
tum-specific allometric equation (Fujimori 1977). For The volumetric shape (cylindric, parabolic, or conic)
trees with a measured height value in 1972, the and stage of wood decay (stage 1–5) of each standing
increment was added to the measured height. Para- dead tree were noted. Down dead wood was sampled
bolic volume (see Appendix) was calculated for 1) with eight 100-m transects across the study forest. To
live trees in 1972, 2) live trees in 2001, and 3) live avoid transect orientation bias, four of the transects
trees in 2001 plus trees that died over the interval. ran roughly north to south and the other four ran east
Annual parabolic volume increment was then calcu- to west. The lateral distance between parallel transects
lated with and without compensation for mortality. exceeded 100 m. Fine dead wood (<10 cm diameter at
Stem volume of Sequoia was estimated using three intercept) was tallied along transect segments in size
methods (see Appendix): 1) the allometric relation classes. The three smallest size classes followed those
developed by Fujimori (1977) for the study site, 2) a of Brown (1974). Class 1 items were <0.7 cm dia-
second allometric relation developed using stem taper meter, class 2 items were 0.7 to 2.5 cm diameter, and
data on hundreds of old-growth trees in the region class 3 items were 2.6 to 7.6 cm diameter. A fourth
(Parks 1952), and 3) the estimation ratios of Westman fine wood class included items 7.7 to 9.9 cm diameter.
and Whittaker (1975). The latter method involved Items in classes 1 and 2 were tallied on one 7-m
multiplying the parabolic volume by 0.9. Stem mass segment per 100-m transect. Items in classes 3 and 4
estimates were obtained by multiplying the stem were tallied on one 14-m segment per 100-m transect.
volume by the specific gravity. Branch biomass of Coarse dead wood ( £ 10 cm diameter at intercept)
Sequoia was estimated as 0.12 of the stem mass was measured for diameter at point of intercept along
(Westman and Whittaker 1975). each 100-m transect, identified to species, and
Stem NPP of Sequoia was calculated as the annual assessed for stage of decay (stage 15; Sollins 1982).
stem volume increment times the specific gravity. A Specific gravity of Sequoia wood by stage of decay
range of branch NPP values was obtained by multi- was estimated with wood samples measured for

volume and dry weight. For each stage of decay a set tions (Figure 1). Both allometric relations generated
of samples, including representative proportions of mean values within one standard deviation (of the
sapwood and heartwood, was collected from the study estimate) of the mean measured value. By contrast,
site. Most items were cylindric and volume could be the parabolic estimates were much greater, overesti-
estimated from length and diameter. Other items were mating the measured value in all cases. Fujimori’s
submersed in water and the displaced volume was allometric relation overestimated the measured stem
measured. All samples were then oven dried at 55 C volume in 83% of the cases, while the second allo-
(to allow nutrient analysis) until constant dry weight metric relation underestimated the measured valued in
was obtained (ca. 2 weeks). A subset of these samples 67% of the cases. We considered our stem biomass
was subsequently dried at 105 C for two additional estimates based on the allometric relations (and a
days and the dry weight of all samples was adjusted specific gravity of 0.38) to be more accurate than any
using the mean percentage of weight lost at the higher of the parabolic estimates. These relatively accurate
temperature. estimates ranged from 3442 to 4143 Mg ha1.
Rate of coarse woody detritus input was determined Sequoia branch biomass estimates in 1972 ranged
from tree mortality in the 1.44-ha plot over a 29-yr from 359 to 616 Mg ha1 (Table 1, Table 2). Esti-
period. Stem volume of the dead individuals was mates of 413 to 497 Mg ha1 corresponded to our
estimated using the two allometric equations stem biomass estimates of 3442 to 4143 Mg ha1
described above. The parabolic approach of Westman above. Combining stem and branch compartments we
and Whittaker (1975) was not used in the estimation obtained total Sequoia aboveground biomass esti-
of dead tree volumes. mates of 3855 to 4640 Mg ha1. We considered these
Volume of fallen woody detritus was calculated estimates to be relatively accurate. It should be noted,
using Van Wagner’s (1968) formula (see Appendix). however, that our total Sequoia biomass estimates,
Mass of coarse detritus was estimated for each stage calculated using a variety of methods, had a broader
of decay using our specific gravities. Fine woody range (3348 to 5749 Mg ha1; Table 1, Table 2). Total
detritus calculations followed those of Brown (1974); stand biomass was only slightly greater, ranging from
a representative diameter was used for each size class 3350 to 5751 Mg ha1.
and a correction factor for intercept bias of nonhori- Sequoia stem biomass declined 7% over the 29-yr
zontal pieces was applied to the three smallest diam- period. Although biomass declined over the 1.44-ha
eter classes (see Appendix). A specific gravity of 0.33 area taken as a whole, some patches within the study
was used for all fine detritus mass estimates. plot increased in biomass. An examination of biomass
Some authors include dead material as a biomass change against grain size (the smallest area of obser-
component (e.g., Sprugel 1985). We retain the tradi- vation and measurement; sensu Wiens 1989) revealed
tional definition of biomass as the weight of material that patches exhibiting biomass increases were in the
in living trees (Ricklefs 1973) and refer to material 0.01 to 0.4 ha size range. All larger patches or col-
from dead trees and fallen parts as detritus. lections of patches decreased in biomass. Plotting
temporal variance in stem biomass against grain size
(e.g., Levin 1992) revealed high variance at grain
Results sizes less than 0.05 ha (Figure 2a). The log-log rela-
tionship was approximately linear (Figure 2b).

Total Sequoia stem biomass estimates for the study Production

plot in 1972 ranged from 2989 to 5133 Mg ha1.
Estimates depended on the method of stem volume Sequoia stem ANPP for our study site ranged from 3 to
estimation and the specific gravity value applied 7 Mg ha1yr1 (Table 1, Table 2). Estimates based on
(Table 1, Table 2). Both allometric relations gave the allometric relations for stem volume were lower
lower stem volume estimates than the parabolic esti- than those based on parabolic volume and estimation
mates of Westman and Whittaker (1975). Comparison ratios (Westman and Whittaker 1975). Consideration
of estimated stem volumes to independent data on of trees lost to mortality resulted in slightly greater
measured volumes of large tree stems (Sawyer et al. ANPP values (Table 1, Table 2). The use of a relatively
2000a) supported the validity of the allometric rela- large specific gravity of 0.38 for Sequoia also elevated

Table 1. Comparison of biomass and production estimates for Sequoia sempervirens forests using a specific gravity of 0.33 for Sequoia.
Volume, biomass, basal area, density and height values are reported for the initial sampling date (1972 for the current study). Values in
parentheses include contributions of trees dying over the course of the 29-yr study. Means or ranges of estimates from previous studies are based
on Whittaker (1966), and Westman and Whittaker (1975). Allometric estimates 1 and 2 refer to stem volume equations based on Fujimori (1977)
and Parks (1952), respectively.

Parameter This study Previous studies

Terrain Alluvial flat Alluvial flat Slope

Elevation (m) 80 60-240 50-270
Distance from coast (km) 25 20-30 2-20
Slope and aspect level level mixed
Total sample area (ha) 1.44 0.8 0.3
Density (stems ha1)
Sequoia 310 280 330
Other species 70 60 590
Weighted mean height (m) 91 80 46
Mean radial increment (mm yr1)
All trees 0.75 0.86 0.95
All Sequoia trees 0.80 – –
Lower stratum 0.67 – –
Middle stratum 0.54 – –
Upper stratum 0.97 – –
Basal area (m2 ha1)
Sequoia 329 248 112
Other species <1 <1 22
All species 330 248 134
Basal area increment (m2 ha1 yr1)
Sequoia 0.388 (0.404) – –
Other species 0.004 (0.005) – –
Parabolic volume increment (cm3 m2 yr1)
Sequoia 1816 (1883) 1586 850
Other species 3 (4) 1224 232
Sequoia stem vol. increment (cm3 m2yr1)
Allometric estimate 1 1299 (1348) – –
Allometric estimate 2 1047 (1078) – –
Parabolic volume (m3 ha1)
Sequoia 15009 9195 2818
Other species 4 <1 288
Sequoia stem volume (m3 ha1)
A1) Parabolic volume X 0.9 13508 – –
B1) Allometric estimate 1 10903 – –
C1) Allometric estimate 2 9059 – –
Sequoia stem biomass (Mg ha1)
A2) A1 X 0.33 4458 – –
B2) B1 X 0.33 3598 – –
C2) C1 X 0.33 2989 – –
Sequoia branch biomass (Mg ha1)
A3) A2 X 0.12 535 – –
B3) B2 X 0.12 432 – –
C3) C2 X 0.12 359 – –
Sequoia stem ANPP (g m2 yr1)
A4) Parabolic stem vol. incr. X 0.33 599 (621) – –
B4) (Allometric stem vol. incr. 1) X 0.33 429 (445) – –
C4) (Allometric stem vol. incr. 2) X 0.33 346 (356) – –
Sequoia branch ANPP (g m2yr1)
A5) A4 X 0.25 to 0.3 150-180 (155-186) – –
B5) B4 X 0.25 to 0.3 107-129 (111-134) – –
C5) C4 X 0.25 to 0.3 87-104 (89-107) – –
Sequoia stem and branch ANPP (g m2 yr1)
A6) A4+A5 749-779 (776-807) – –

Table 1. Continued.

Parameter This study Previous studies

B6) B4+B5 536-558 (556-579) – –
C6) C4+C5 433-450 (445-463) – –
Sequoia twig and leaf ANPP (g m2 yr1)
A7) A6 X 0.3 to 0.5 225-390 (233-404) – –
B7) B6 X 0.3 to 0.5 161-279 (167-290) – –
C7) C6 X 0.3 to 0.5 130-225 (134-232) – –
Total ANPP (g m2 yr1)
A8) A6+A7 974-1169 (1009-1211) – –
B8) B6+B7 697-837 (723-869) – –
C8) C6+C7 563-675 (579-695) – –
Other tree species 1 (2) – –
All tree species
A9) Parabolic estimate 975-1170 (1011-1213) 1255 1238
B9) Allometric estimate 1 698-838 (725-871) – –
C9) Allometric estimate 2 564-676 (581-697) – –
Total tree biomass (Mg ha1)
Parabolic estimate 4995 1155 3069
Allometric estimate 1 4032 – –
Allometric estimate 2 3350 – –

ANPP estimates. We consider our stem ANPP depending on the allometric relation used to estimate
estimates of 4 to 5 Mg ha1yr1 to be the most accurate stem volume (see methods). Annual input averaged
(Table 2). They are based on the allometric relations 5.7 to 6.9 Mg ha1 (Table 3). Assuming constant
and a specific gravity of 0.38. Also, they include con- input and steady state total mass, a decay rate constant
tributions of trees dying over the 29-yr study period. of 0.22 to 0.026 was obtained by dividing the annual
Ranges of Sequoia branch ANPP, estimated using the input by the total mass of coarse detritus (Jenny et al.
ratios of Westman and Whittaker (1975), were 1 to 2 Mg 1949; Olson 1963; Whittaker 1975; Sollins 1982;
ha1yr1 (Table 1, Table 2). Those for twig and leaf Onega and Eickmeier 1991). The total volume of fine
components were 1 to 5 Mg ha1yr1 (Table 1, Table 2). woody detritus on the forest floor was 16 m3 ha1
Total tree ANPP estimates ranged from 6 to 14 Mg (Table 3). Total mass in this compartment was esti-
ha1yr1 in our study (Table 1, Table 2). We consid- mated at 5 Mg ha1.
ered our estimates of 7 to 10 Mg ha1yr1 to be
comparatively accurate. They were based on the allo-
metric relations and a specific gravity of 0.38 (Table 2).

Woody detritus Biomass and patch dynamics

The total volume of coarse woody detritus was 797 The slight decline (7%) in biomass during the three-
m3 ha1 (Table 3). The total mass was 262 Mg ha1. decade study supports other evidence that the stand is
Fallen wood comprised most of the coarse woody in an advanced stage of development. Rapid, stand-
detritus. The log component was 743 m3 ha1 (242 wide biomass accumulation typical of early devel-
Mg ha1). The snag component was 54 m3 ha1 (20 opment (Bormann and Likens 1979; Peet 1981) has
Mg ha1). Snag basal area and density were 12.7 m2 clearly ceased. The stand has reached the old growth
ha1 and 12 stems ha1, respectively. For comparison, stage or is in transition toward old growth (Oliver
live tree basal area and density in 2001 were 325 m2 1981; Peet and Christensen 1987). Large tree boles
ha1 and 170 stems ha1, respectively. (both live and dead), characteristic of old-growth
The input of coarse woody detritus in the study plot coniferous forest structure (Franklin et al. 1981), are
over 29 yr was 437 to 522 m3ha1 (166-199 Mg ha1), abundant. Trees greater than 1000 years of age are

Table 2. Biomass and production estimates for the study site using a specific gravity of 0.38 for Sequoia. Volume and biomass values are
reported for the initial sampling date (1972). Allometric estimates 1 and 2 refer to stem volume equations based on Fujimori (1977) and Parks
(1952), respectively. Values in parentheses include contributions of trees dying over the course of the 29-yr study. See Table 1 for stem volume

Parameter Value

Sequoia stem volume (m3 ha1)

A1) Parabolic volume X 0.9 13508
B1) Allometric estimate 1 10903
C1) Allometric estimate 2 9059
Sequoia stem biomass (Mg ha1)
A2) A1 X 0.38 5133
B2) B1 X 0.38 4143
C2) C1 X 0.38 3442
Sequoia branch biomass (Mg ha1)
A3) A2 X 0.12 616
B3) B2 X 0.12 497
C3) C2 X 0.12 413
Sequoia stem ANPP (g m2 yr1)
A4) Parabolic stem vol. incr. X 0.38 690 (716)
B4) (Allometric stem vol. incr. 1) X 0.38 494 (512)
C4) (Allometric stem vol. incr. 2) X 0.38 399 (410)
Sequoia branch ANPP (g m2 yr1)
A5) A4 X 0.25 to 0.3 173-207 (179-215)
B5) B4 X 0.25 to 0.3 124-148 (128-154)
C5) C4 X 0.25 to 0.3 100-120 (103-123)
Sequoia stem and branch ANPP (g m2 yr1)
A6) A4+A5 863-897 (895-931)
B6) B4+B5 618-642 (640-666)
C6) C4+C5 499-519 (513-533)
Sequoia twig and leaf ANPP (g m2 yr1)
A7) A6 X 0.3 to 0.5 259-449 (269-466)
B7) B6 X 0.3 to 0.5 185-321 (192-333)
C7) C6 X 0.3 to 0.5 150-260 (154-267)
Total ANPP (g m2 yr1)
A8) A6+A7 1122-1346 (1164-1397)
B8) B6+B7 803-963 (832-999)
C8) C6+C7 649-779 (667-800)
Other tree species 1 (2)
All tree species
A9) Parabolic estimate 1123-1347 (1166-1399)
B9) Allometric estimate 1 804-964 (834-1001)
C9) Allometric estimate 2 650-780 (669-802)
Total tree biomass (Mg ha1)
Parabolic estimate 5751
Allometric estimate 1 4642
Allometric estimate 2 3857

not uncommon (Fujimori 1977), indicating that at has been tree-fall gaps created by trees without severe
least a millennium has passed since the last stand- fire injury. Our analysis of temporal variance in bio-
replacing disturbance. mass by grain size, showing greater variance at grain
Although pervasive disturbances such as fire and sizes less than 0.05 ha, shows the effect of scattered
flooding affect the dynamics of riparian Sequoia for- mortality of individual large trees. Recent canopy
ests (Stone and Vasey 1968;Veirs 1982; Agee 1993; gaps in our study plot are generally less than 0.05 ha;
Sawyer et al. 2000a), the predominant form of dis- however, a survey of the study area revealed gaps
turbance in our study forest over the last three decades approaching 0.2 ha in size (Busing and Fujimori

Figure 1. Comparison of calculated Sequoia stem volumes against measured volumes. Means and standard deviations for each method are
shown. Volume data in the ‘measured’ category are from Sawyer et al. (2000a). They consist of very large trees (87–110 m tall; n ¼ 12) within
the region that were measured in the field. All other categories displayed are calculated volume estimates applying different formulas based on
tree diameter and height. The various formulas range from simple parabolic volume estimates (Westman and Whittaker 1975) to allometric
volume estimates developed with field data and regression analysis (Fujimori 1977).

2002). Further analysis of biomass variance by grain lometric equations we use to estimate stem volume
size reveals a log-log linear relationship. Levin (1989) give lower values. Even our estimates using a larger
states that departure from a linear relationship indi- Sequoia specific gravity and including ANPP of trees
cates ‘...operation of distinct mechanisms on different lost to mortality tend to be lower than those of
scales.’ For biomass dynamics, it appears that distinct Westman and Whittaker (1975) when allometric stem
mechanisms of this sort have not operated during the volumes are used.
course of this study. We consider our ANPP estimates of 7 to 10 Mg
A general conclusion from the analysis of biomass ha1yr1 to be the most accurate. They are based on
dynamics is that small-patch dynamics are significant. allometric stem volume and a specific gravity of 0.38.
A shifting-mosaic of small patches influenced by tree They also include contributions of trees dying over
falls is characteristic of many old-growth forests the course of the study. These ANPP values are
(Bormann and Likens 1979; Pickett and White 1985; slightly below average for old temperate forests
Busing 1998; Fujimori 2001), including those domi- (Whittaker 1966; Fujimori 2001), but similar to those
nated by conifers (McCarthy 2001). Our short glimpse reported for other old coniferous forests of the Pacific
at biomass dynamics within a stand suggests that this Slope of North America (Long 1982). Our estimates
type of small patch dynamics can play a substantial do support the idea that old Sequoia forests are not
role in old-growth Sequoia forests as well. highly productive (Whittaker 1966; Westman and
Whittaker 1975). Even though biomass exceeds that
of most other temperate forests by a factor of ten or
Production more, our ANPP estimates are not high.
The ratio of biomass to annual NPP is very large
Our ANPP estimates of 6 to 14 Mg ha1yr1 fall (ca. 400) for our study forest. Whittaker (1975)
within the range of values reported for other temper- termed this the biomass accumulation ratio. It typi-
ate forests. Our estimates tend to be less than the cally ranges from 20 to 50 in mature forests. The
Sequoia forest ANPP means from Westman and extreme biomass accumulation ratio value from our
Whittaker (1975). One possible explanation is simply study is a result of the exceptionally large biomass, as
that our study stand has slower growth. Indeed, our ANPP is moderate.
mean radial increments were slightly lower. However, The fact that our study stand is old and strongly
the primary reason for the discrepancy is that the al- dominated by Sequoia deserves consideration in

Table 3. Volume and mass of woody detritus at the study site. The
minimum diameter of coarse woody detritus is 10 cm. Decay classes
range from undecayed (class 1) to well decayed (class 5).

Parameter Volume (m3ha–1) Mass (Mg ha–1)

Coarse woody detritus

Fallen, decay class 1 121 46
Fallen, decay class 2 98 36
Fallen, decay class 3 451 149
Fallen, decay class 4 67 11
Fallen, decay class 5 6 1
Fallen total 743 242
Standing 54 20
Annual input 15–18 5.7–6.9
Fine woody detritus
Fallen (<0.7 cm diam.) 0.4 0.1
Fallen (0.7-2.5 cm diam.) 2.3 1
Fallen (2.6-7.6 cm diam.) 6.9 2
Fallen (7.7-9.9 cm diam.) 6.3 2
Fallen total 16 5

Mg ha1yr1 have even lower mean ANPP per stem

(<0.014 Mg stem1yr1; Busing et al. 1993; Busing
1998). Radial growth of old Sequoia trees is relatively
slow, but individual overstory trees do tend to have
greater ANPP than trees of other species in the region
and in other temperate forests. Nonetheless, ANPP in
old, pure stands of Sequoia is not above average for
temperate forests.

Woody detritus

The volume and mass of coarse woody detritus (797

m3 ha1 and 262 Mg ha1) are much greater than
average for temperate forests. Yet, our values are
Figure 2. Temporal variance in biomass versus grain size (or area of
within the range of those reported for Sequoia forests
observation) over the three-decade period. Variance is plotted against (Sawyer et al. 2000b) and for other old coniferous
grain size using: (a) arithmetic axes, and (b) logarithmic axes. forests of the Pacific Slope of North America
(Harmon et al. 1986). It has been speculated that
interpretation of our ANPP results. Clearly, younger coarse woody detritus of Sequoia stands may be
stands of Sequoia can have much greater ANPP (e.g., consumed by fires (Agee 1993) or buried by flood
Hallin 1934; Fritz 1945; Westman and Whittaker sediments on certain sites (Sawyer et al. 2000a). In
1975; Olson et al. 1990). Also, data presented by our study forest, however, there was no evidence of
Westman and Whittaker (1975) suggest that mixed- recent burning or burial of coarse woody detritus.
species stands containing Sequoia tend to be more Heavily decayed logs of Sequoia were common. No
productive. Even though mean ANPP per stem (>2 charred fallen detritus was observed. Likewise, sub-
cm diameter) is greater in pure, old Sequoia stands stantial burial of coarse detritus was not evident. We
(>0.02 Mg stem1yr1) than in mixed-species stands conclude that input and decay processes regulate the
with Sequoia (<0.015 Mg stem1yr1; Westman and coarse woody detritus pool in our study forest, al-
Whittaker 1975), old, pure stands have lower stem though this was probably untrue a century ago before
densities and ANPP. By comparison, old temperate fire suppression. Coarse detritus input, estimated from
deciduous stands having ANPP ranging from 6 to 12 29 years of tree mortality over 1.44 ha, is 5.7 to 6.9

Mg ha1yr1. These values are well above average for Acknowledgements

temperate forests, but within the range reported for old
coniferous forests of the Pacific Slope (Harmon et al. We are grateful to Bruce Caldwell and Tom Hayes for
1986). Dividing our estimates of annual coarse detri- use of laboratory space and equipment for analysis of
tus input by the total amount of coarse detritus, we our wood samples. Professor R.H. Waring provided a
obtain decay rate constants from 0.022 to 0.026. helpful discussion on estimating production in wes-
These estimates fall within the range of other values tern conifers. Steve Hostetler gave the manuscript a
for temperate coniferous forests (Stokland 2001). careful proofreading. Several anonymous reviewers
Assuming negative exponential decay (Olson 1963), made constructive comments on the manuscript. This
they project 50% decay in 27 to 32 years and 95% study was initiated while the first author was at the
decay in 115 to 136 years. Thus, we suggest that the Corvallis Forestry Sciences Lab and Oregon State
decay rate at our study site is not extremely slow. It is University.
below average for forest ecosystems in general, but it
appears to resemble that of other temperate coniferous
Relationships of coarse woody detritus to biomass Appendix
and ANPP can be characterized for purposes of
comparison and estimation. The ratio of coarse The mathematical formulas used in volume calcula-
detritus mass to biomass is 0.06 to 0.07. These values tions for trees and woody detritus are described below.
are within the range reported for temperate and trop- Pertinent information regarding the formulas and their
ical forests (Muller and Liu 1991; Edwards and Grubb application is provided.
1977). They tend to be lower than values calculated Tree stem volume was estimated from tree diameter
for other coniferous forests of the Pacific Slope, and height using three separate equations. The first
however. The ratio of annual coarse detritus input to equation relies on the assumption that stem volume is
biomass ranges from 0.001 to 0.002. These compar- a simple function of the parabolic volume:
atively low values reflect the low mortality rate of
Sequoia (Busing and Fujimori 2002). The annual V = p · (D/2)2 · H · 0.5
coarse detritus input rate divided by annual ANPP is
approximately 0.8. The comparable ratio for stem Where V is volume (m3), D is bole diameter (m),
ANPP is approximately 1.4. Given that a vast pro- and H is tree height (m). Following Westman and
portion of coarse detritus is stem wood, these results Whittaker (1975) we multiplied the parabolic volume
are in agreement with the decline in live biomass by 0.9 to obtain an estimate of Sequoia stem volume.
observed over the course of this study. The second equation for stem volume (allometric
volume estimate 1 herein) was developed using a
Conclusions sample of 8 Sequoia trees from the study stand. Fu-
jimori (1977) obtained the following relation from
The biomass of our study stand is more than ten times linear regression of logarithmically transformed vari-
the average for temperate coniferous forests (Whit- ables:
taker and Likens 1975). Yet, ANPP is moderate and
woody detritus levels are not extreme. Thus, biomass Log10 V = 0.9784 · (Log10 D2H)  0.4843
accretion and loss are not rapid in this old-growth
forest. Population processes of Sequoia, the dominant The regression R2 was 0.99 and the standard error of
species, partly explain these observations. Individual the estimate was 0.029. Standard errors for the inter-
tree boles in the stand approach 4 m in diameter and cept and the slope were 0.12 and 0.043, respectively.
100 m in height (Fujimori 1977), but diameter growth The third equation for stem volume (allometric
tends to be slow. In addition, the Sequoia population volume estimate 2 herein) was developed using a set
is characterized by very low rates of tree ingrowth and of 9 Sequoia trees with typical bole taper. Taper
mortality at the old-growth stage (Busing and Fuji- profiles were obtained from summaries of hundreds of
mori 2002). Low to moderate rates of biomass old-growth forest trees in the study region (Parks
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