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T-1 T-2
303A Cap. 303A


( 303 A) (Cap. 303 sub. leg. A)


Regulation Page
1. 1-1 1. Citation 1-2
2. 1-1 2. Interpretation 1-2
2A. 1-5 2A. Delegation of powers and functions 1-6
3. 2-1 3. Application for licence 2-2
4. 2-1 4. Licence 2-2
5. 2-3 5. Licence to be exhibited 2-4
6. 2-3 6. Labelling 2-4
7. 2-9 7. Conveyance of radioactive substances on 2-10
vehicles or vessels
8. 2-15 8. Storage 2-16
9. 2-19 9. Disposal of radioactive waste 2-20

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T-3 T-4
303A Cap. 303A

Regulation Page
10. 3-1 10. Precautions with regard to exposure 3-2
11. 3-1 11. Register of employees 3-2
12. 3-3 12. Recording of personal exposure to radiation 3-4
13. 3-7 13. 3-8
14. 3-9 14. Conditions for continued employment 3-10
15. 3-11 15. Presumptions as to exposure to radiation 3-12
16. 3-11 16. Radiation Board to keep records of medical 3-12
17. 3-13 17. Medical examination and inquiry in cases of 3-14
suspected over-exposure to radiation
18. 4-1 18. Construction and cleaning of workroom, etc. 4-2
19. 4-3 19. Use of luminous compounds 4-4
20. 4-3 20. Exhaust ventilation 4-4
21. 4-5 21. Tool racks and cleaning of tools 4-6
22. 4-5 22. Receptacles for certain substances 4-6
23. 4-7 23. Ventilation of drying stove 4-8
24. 4-7 24. Provision of storage safes in certain cases 4-8
25. 4-9 25. Disposal and transport of radioactive waste 4-10

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T-5 T-6
303A Cap. 303A

Regulation Page
26. 4-9 26. Method of cleaning 4-10
27. 5-1 27. Protective clothing, etc. 5-2
28. 5-5 28. Protective screens 5-6
29. 5-5 29. Washing facilities 5-6
30. 5-7 30. Prevention of bodily absorption of radioactive 5-8
31. 5-9 31. Prohibition of the use of mouth-operated 5-10
32. 6-1 32. Supervision 6-2
33. 6-1 33. Warning notices where ionizing radiations are 6-2
34. 6-3 34. Action to be taken in the event of spillage, 6-4
loss, etc.

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1-1 I PART I 1-2

303A 1 Regulation 1 Cap. 303A


(Cap. 303 section 13)

[1965 10 1 ] 1965 114 [1 October 1965] L.N. 114 of 1965


1. 1. Citation
( ) These regulations may be cited as the Radiation (Control of
Radioactive Substances) Regulations.

2. 2. Interpretation
(1) —— (1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires—
“ ” (personnel radiation monitoring “affected industrial undertaking” ( ) means an
device) industrial undertaking within the meaning of the Factories and
Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Cap. 59), in or by which
(1985 228 ) any radioactive substance is manufactured, used, handled,
“ ” (proprietor) conveyed or stored;
“affected undertaking” ( ) means any undertaking
whatsoever, whether carried on for gain or otherwise, in
which any radioactive substance is manufactured, used,
“ ” (radioactive waste) handled, conveyed or stored, other than an affected industrial
“approved laboratory” ( ) means a laboratory approved
“ ” (unsealed radioactive substance) by the Board for the purposes of regulation 12;

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30.6.1997 30.6.1997

1-3 I PART I 1-4

303A 2 Regulation 2 Cap. 303A

“ ” (affected industrial undertaking) “Authority” ( ), in relation to an affected industrial undertaking,

( 59 ) means the Commissioner for Labour and, in relation to an
affected undertaking, or in relation to any person not engaged
“ ” (affected undertaking) in an undertaking, the Director of Health; (L.N. 76 of 1989)
“employ” and “employment” ( ) include reference to
any kind of work carried out for another whether voluntarily
or for consideration;
“ ” (sealed source) “handling” ( ) includes physical contact or contact by remote
control with any radioactive substance or container containing
any such substance;
“luminous compound” ( ) means luminous material
“ ” (handling) consisting of or containing any radioactive substance;
“open air” ( ) means a space which—
“ ” (luminous compound) (a) is vertically uncovered and unobstructed;
(b) is not less, in any horizontal dimension, than 1.5 m; and
“ ” “ ” (employ, employment)
(c) where such space is enclosed on 4 sides, has a horizontal
area of not less than 0.25 m2 for every metre of the
“ ” (approved laboratory) 12 mean height of the walls enclosing the space; (L.N. 410
of 1982)
“ ” (Authority) “panel” ( ) means such committee as the Board may from
time to time appoint under section 5 of the Ordinance, for
(1989 76 ) the purpose of advising the Board upon matters affecting or
“ ” (radiation) (1985 228 ) concerning the state of health of persons employed or to be
“ ” (panel) 5 employed in any work or process involving manufacture or
handling of any radioactive substance;
“personnel radiation monitoring device” (
) means a device designed to be worn or carried by an
“ ” (open air) —— individual for the purpose of measuring exposure to radiation
(L.N. 228 of 1985)
(b) 1.5

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1-5 I PART I 1-6

303A 2A Regulation 2A Cap. 303A

(c) 4 “proprietor” ( ), in relation to any affected undertaking or

0.25 (1982 affected industrial undertaking, includes any person for the
410 ) time being having the management or control or receiving
(2) ( 1982 410 )
employing any person engaged in such business;
(1990 226 )
“radiation” ( ) means ionizing radiation; (L.N. 228 of 1985)
“radioactive waste” ( ) means waste radioactive
substances and waste material contaminated by radioactive
substances or which, having regard to its use, may have
become so contaminated;
“sealed source” ( ) means a radioactive substance which is
permanently enclosed in a container in such a manner that it
or any part of it cannot be separated from the container unless
the container is damaged, but also in such a manner as to
permit of the emission of radiation;
“unsealed radioactive substance” ( ) means
any radioactive substance which is not a sealed source.
(2) (Repealed L.N. 410 of 1982)
(L.N. 226 of 1990)

2A. 2A. Delegation of powers and functions

( ) The Authority may, by notice in the Gazette, delegate to any public
( )
(1985 228 ) any of the duties) conferred (or imposed) upon the Authority by
these regulations.
(L.N. 228 of 1985)

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2-1 II PART II 2-2

303A 3 Regulation 3 Cap. 303A



3. 3. Application for licence
7 8 Every application pursuant to any of the provisions of section 7
or 8 of the Ordinance for any licence relating to any radioactive
—— substance shall be made in writing addressed to the Authority
(a) and shall contain, so far as may be applicable, the following
(a) the purpose for which the licence is required;
(b) the nature and quantity of the radioactive substance in
(d) question;
(e) (c) the type of packing in which the substance is contained;
(d) the type and dose rate of radiation at the surface of any
(e) in the case of a licence to manufacture, use or store
(f) 8 any radioactive substance, the place in which it is to
be manufactured, used or stored, and, in the case of
a licence to possess for the purpose of transport, the
(g) intended means of transport and the place from which it
is to be taken and the destination;
(f) in the case of any application pursuant to the provisions
of section 8 of the Ordinance, the area in which
prospecting or mining is to be undertaken; and
(g) such other particulars as the Authority may require.

4. 4. Licence
(1) 7 (1) A fee of $3,190 in respect of any period of 12 months or any
12 part thereof shall be payable to the Authority in respect of

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2-3 II PART II 2-4

303A 5 Regulation 5 Cap. 303A

$3,190 (1976 42 1989 the grant or renewal of a licence required by section 7 of the
211 1994 662 2006 Ordinance for any radioactive substance. (L.N. 42 of 1976;
129 ) L.N. 211 of 1989; L.N. 662 of 1994; L.N. 129 of 2006)
(2) (2) A licence shall be issued in the name of the applicant and
3 shall contain, so far as may be applicable, the particulars
12 (3) A licence granted or renewed shall be valid for 12 months
(4) with effect from the date of grant or renewal thereof or for
(1970 98 )
(4) No licence shall be transferable.
(L.N. 98 of 1970)

5. 5. Licence to be exhibited
(1) (1) A person to whom a licence has been issued or renewed
under the Ordinance shall cause the licence to be exhibited
in a conspicuous place in the premises where the radioactive
(2) (1) substance concerned is stored or otherwise dealt with.
$6,000 (1990 226 ) (2) Any person who fails to comply with subregulation (1) shall
(1970 98 ) be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a
(L.N. 226 of 1990)
(L.N. 98 of 1970)

6. 6. Labelling
(1) (1) No person shall store or convey, or cause or permit to be
—— stored or conveyed, any container containing any radioactive
(a) —— substance unless such container bears—
(i) X 24 2.5 (a) in the case of any container in respect of which the dose
rate of the radiation at any point on the external surface
of the container does not exceed—
(ii) 24 2.5
(i) 2.5 microcoulombs per kilogram per 24 hours in
→ the case of gamma or X radiation;

2.5mL / 24 how Last updated date

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2-5 II PART II 2-6

303A 6 Regulation 6 Cap. 303A

(iii) I (ii) the equivalent of 2.5 microcoulombs per kilogram

A ( per 24 hours in the case of beta-radiation; or
) (iii)
(b) regulation in the case of neutrons,
(a) —— a label in the form of Label A prescribed in the Schedule
(i) X 50 (in this Part referred to as a White Label);
(b) in the case of any container in respect of which the dose
(ii) 50 rate of the radiation at any point on its external surface

not exceed at any such point—

(iii) II
(i) 50 microcoulombs per kilogram per hour in the
1 —— case of gamma or X radiation;
(iv) X 2.5 (ii) the equivalent of 50 microcoulombs per kilogram
per hour in the case of beta-radiation; or
(v) 2.5 (iii)
regulation in the case of neutrons,
(vi) III or if measured at a distance of 1 m from any point on
B ( the external surface—
) (iv) 2.5 microcoulombs per kilogram per hour in the
(2) (1) case of gamma or X radiation;
(v) the equivalent of 2.5 microcoulombs per kilogram
(3) (1) per hour in the case of beta-radiation; or
$15,000 (1970 98 (vi)
1990 226 ) regulation in the case of neutrons,
a label in the form of Label B prescribed in the Schedule
(in this Part referred to as a Yellow Label).
(2) For the purposes of subregulation (1), the limits for dose rates
24 2.5
referred to for each type of radiation shall be deemed to be
equivalent in biological effectiveness.

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2-7 II PART II 2-8

303A 6 Regulation 6 Cap. 303A

2 (3) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of

subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable on
(L.N. 98 of 1970; L.N. 226 of
0.025 111 1990)
10 111
10 56
0.1 11
0.5 4
1 3
2 2 2.5 microcoulombs per kilogram per 24 hours of gamma
3 10 2 radiation.

II Energy of neutrons Flux: Neutrons/cm2s

0.025 eV 111
50 10 eV 111
10 keV 56
0.1 MeV 11
2 0.5 MeV 4
1 MeV 3
2 MeV 2
0.025 53300 3 to 10 MeV 2
10 53300
10 26700
0.1 5330
0.5 2130
1 1600
2 1070 microcoulombs per kilogram per hour of gamma radiation.
3 10 800

Energy of neutrons Flux: Neutrons/cm2s

0.025 eV 53300

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2-9 II PART II 2-10

303A 7 Regulation 7 Cap. 303A

2.5 10 eV 53300
10 keV 26700
0.1 MeV 5330
0.5 MeV 2130
1 MeV 1600
2 MeV 1070
3 to 10 MeV 800
0.025 2670
10 2670
10 1330
0.1 270
0.5 110
1 80
2 53 microcoulombs per kilogram per hour of gamma radiation.
3 10 40
(1982 410 ) Energy of neutrons Flux: Neutrons/cm2s

0.025 eV 2670
10 eV 2670
10 keV 1330
0.1 MeV 270
0.5 MeV 110
1 MeV 80
2 MeV 53
3 to 10 MeV 40
(L.N. 410 of 1982)

7. 7. Conveyance of radioactive substances on vehicles or vessels

(1) (1) No person shall move, or cause or permit to be moved, by
land or water any radioactive substance except under and in
accordance with a written permit granted by the Authority.
(2) (2) Except with the permission in writing of the Authority, no
40 person shall convey, or cause or permit to be conveyed,

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2-11 II PART II 2-12

303A 7 Regulation 7 Cap. 303A

on any one vehicle or vessel at any one time more than 40

containers of radioactive substance bearing White or Yellow
40 Labels or, in the case of containers bearing Yellow Labels,
(3) (2) 1 such lesser number of containers as will limit the total number
of radiation units indicated on such Labels to a number not
—— exceeding 40 units.
(a) 200 X (3) For the purposes of subregulation (2), the total of the dose
4 rates of the following types of radiation measured at 1 m
from the external surface of a package, at the place where the
(b) X 20% value is highest, shall be called the number of radiation units
200 for the package—
(a) for gamma-and/or X-radiation of energy greater than
(c) 4 200 keV: the number of microcoulombs per kilogram
(d) per hour multiplied by 4;
(1982 410 ) (b) for gamma-and/or X-radiation of which more than
20% has an energy less than 200 keV: the number of
microcoulombs per kilogram per hour multiplied by 6;
(c) for beta-radiation: the number of microcoulombs per
kilogram per hour multiplied by 4 which is equivalent;
(d) for neutrons: the number of radiation units, according

1 subregulation. (L.N. 410 of 1982)

( 2
0.025 267
10 267
10 133
0.1 27
0.5 11
Flux equivalent to 1
1 8
radiation unit
2 5
Energy of neutrons (neutron/cm2s)
3 10 4

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2-13 II PART II 2-14

303A 7 Regulation 7 Cap. 303A

0.025 eV 267
(4) 10 eV 267
10 keV 133
0.1 MeV 27
(5) 0.5 MeV 11
1 MeV 8
2 MeV 5
3 to 10 MeV 4
(6) ( 1990 226 )
(4) No person shall convey, or cause or permit to be conveyed,
(7) ( ) (
any radioactive substance on any vehicle unless there be
295 A)
conspicuously displayed at the front and rear thereof notices
in English and Chinese indicating the presence of such
(1990 226 substance.
2005 10 211 ) (5) No person shall convey, or cause or permit to be conveyed,
(8) —— any radioactive substance in any vehicle or vessel except
under the supervision of the owner, consignor or consignee of
(a) (1) (2) the substance or his representative authorized in that behalf.
(6) (Repealed L.N. 226 of 1990)
(b) (4) (5) (7)
$6,000 (1970 98 (7) No person shall convey, or cause or permit to be conveyed,
1990 226 )
and Exemption) Regulations (Cap. 295 sub. leg. A) as being
dangerous goods in the same vehicle as that in which any
radioactive substance is conveyed unless such dangerous
goods are themselves radioactive substances. (L.N. 226 of
1990; 10 of 2005 s. 211)
(8) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of—
(a) subregulation (1) or (2) shall be guilty of an offence and

(b) subregulation (4), (5) or (7) shall be guilty of an offence

(L.N. 98 of
1970; L.N. 226 of 1990)

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2-15 II PART II 2-16

303A 8 Regulation 8 Cap. 303A

8. 8. Storage
(1) 40 (1) No person shall store in any one place a greater number of
( 6 containers containing any radioactive substance and bearing
) White or Yellow Labels, as referred to in regulation 6, than
40 40 or such lesser number of containers that the total number
of radiation units indicated on such labels does not exceed 40
( ) Provided that the Authority may grant, subject to such

(2) for this number of containers or radiation units, as the case

( may be, to be exceeded in any particular case where the
6 (2) No person shall store, or cause or permit to be stored, any
( 6 ) container containing any radioactive substance and bearing
a Yellow Label, as referred to in regulation 6, nearer to any
area which is used for living accommodation or as regularly
occupied working space than the distance, measured in

( )
1 3 3 3 4.5
2 5 8 3 3 4.5 Minimum distance in metres
6 10 11 4.5 3 4.5 from living accommodation
11 25 18 6 3 4.5 or regularly occupied
26 40 27 9 3 4.5 radiation units shown working space
on package labels A B C
(1982 410 )
up to 1 3 3 3 4.5
(3) (2) ——
2 to 5 8 3 3 4.5
6 to 10 11 4.5 3 4.5

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2-17 II PART II 2-18

303A 8 Regulation 8 Cap. 303A

(a) 11 to 25 18 6 3 4.5
26 to 40 27 9 3 4.5
A (L.N. 410 of 1982)
0.6 (3)
(a) column A applies where there are no intervening goods,
walls or other material of not less than the density of
) B
water situated between the container containing the
(c) radioactive substance and the living accommodation or
2 working space in question;
2 12
(b) column B applies where there is situated not less than
0.6 m of goods or other material of not less than the
) C
density of water and at least one partition composed
(d) of sheet steel of not less than 12 mm in thickness,
4.2 or the equivalent in density thereto if composed of
2 12 other material, between the container containing the
( radioactive substance and the living accommodation or
) working space in question;
(e) 1 (1982 (c) column C applies where there is situated not less than 2
410 ) m of goods or other material of not less than the density
(4) of water and at least 2 partitions composed of sheet steel
of not less than 12 mm in thickness, or the equivalent in
density thereto if composed of other material, between
the container containing the radioactive substance and
the living accommodation or working space in question;
(5) (1) (2) (4)
$15,000 (1970 98 (d)
1990 226 ) m of goods or other material of not less than the density
of water and at least 2 partitions composed of sheet steel
of not less than 12 mm in thickness, or the equivalent in
density thereto if composed of other material, between
the container containing the radioactive substance and

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2-19 II PART II 2-20

303A 9 Regulation 9 Cap. 303A

the living accommodation or working space in question;
(e) the density of water shall be taken to be 1 kilogram per
cubic decimetre. (L.N. 410 of 1982)
(4) No person shall store, or cause or permit to be stored, any
radioactive substance in any store or in a room of any
building unless there is conspicuously displayed on every
entrance to such store or room a notice in English and
Chinese indicating the presence therein of such substance.
(5) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of
subregulation (1), (2) or (4) shall be guilty of an offence and
(L.N. 98 of 1970;
L.N. 226 of 1990)

9. 9. Disposal of radioactive waste

(1) (1) No person shall dispose of, or cause or permit the disposal
of, any radioactive waste from any place otherwise than by a

(2) (1)
$15,000 (1970 98 (2) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of
1990 226 ) subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable on
(L.N. 98 of 1970; L.N. 226 of

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3-1 III PART III 3-2

303A 10 Regulation 10 Cap. 303A


10. 10. Precautions with regard to exposure
(1) (1) No proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
( industrial undertaking shall cause or permit any person
) ( 303 B) employed therein to be exposed to ionizing radiations
(1995 153
) apparatus in the Radiation (Control of Irradiating Apparatus)
(2) Regulations (Cap. 303 sub. leg. B). (L.N. 153 of 1995)
(1) (2) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
$15,000 (1970 98 ) industrial undertaking who contravenes any of the provisions
(1990 226 ) of subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable
(L.N. 98 of 1970)
(L.N. 226 of 1990)

11. 11. Register of employees

(1) (1) The proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking shall maintain, or cause to be
(1970 maintained, a register of every person employed in such
98 ) undertaking in any work or process involving the handling of
(2) any radioactive substance. (L.N. 98 of 1970)
—— (2) Every such register shall contain the following particulars
(a) ( ) relating to every person required to be registered therein,
(b) ( )
(a) the name (together with any alias);
(d) 13 14 ( )
(c) current residential address;

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3-3 III PART III 3-4
303A 12 Regulation 12 Cap. 303A

(e) 12 (d) the date of the last medical examination made in

(1985 228 ) accordance with regulation 13 or 14, as the case may be;
(3) and
( (2)(e) (e) the dose of radiation received, as measured in
) accordance with regulation 12. (L.N. 228 of 1985)
7 (3) A copy of every register maintained in accordance with this
copy of every addition to or deletion from such register of
(5) any entry therein, except an entry relating to subregulation

$15,000 (1970 98 1990 such addition or deletion is made.

226 ) (4) Every register maintained in accordance with this regulation
shall be open to inspection at all reasonable times by any
(5) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking who contravenes or fails to comply
with any of the provisions of this regulation shall be guilty

(L.N. 98 of 1970; L.N. 226 of 1990)

12. 12. Recording of personal exposure to radiation

(1) (1) The proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking shall make arrangements for the
wearing of, and shall direct every person employed in such
undertaking in any process involving the handling or transport
(1970 98 ) of any unsealed radioactive substance to wear, a suitable
(2) (4A) personnel radiation monitoring device of a type approved by
the Board, during any period in which such person is liable to
(1) be exposed to radiation. (L.N 98 of 1970)
( (2) Subject to subregulation (4A), the proprietor of any affected
) ( ) undertaking or affected industrial undertaking at his expense
shall obtain the personnel radiation monitoring device

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3-5 III PART III 3-6

303A 12 Regulation 12 Cap. 303A

(3) ( referred to in subregulation (1) through the Authority, or from

) an approved laboratory, and shall arrange for the device,

to the Authority or to the laboratory, as the case may be, for
(4) (3) examination at such intervals as the Authority may from time
11 to time direct.
(3) Whenever a personnel radiation monitoring device is returned
for examination to the Authority or to an approved laboratory,
(4A) (2) as the case may be, the Authority, or the person in charge of
the laboratory, shall cause the device to be examined and, so
(1) soon as may be thereafter, shall issue to the proprietor who

dose of radiation received as measured by the device.

11 (4)
(1985 228 ) subregulation (3) is issued shall forthwith cause the dose
(5) (a) of radiation stated thereon to be entered in the register
of employees required to be kept in accordance with the
$15,000 provisions of regulation 11 against the name of the person by
(b) whom such personnel radiation monitoring device was worn.
(4A) Notwithstanding subregulation (2), the proprietor of an
affected undertaking or affected industrial undertaking may,
$3,000 (1990 226 ) with the approval in writing of the Board, obtain at his own
(1985 228 ) expense the personnel radiation monitoring device referred
to in subregulation (1) otherwise than through the Authority
or from an approved laboratory and shall in that case, cause
at such intervals as the Board may from time to time direct,
the dose of radiation recorded by the device to be entered in
the register of employees required to be kept in accordance
with the provisions of regulation 11, against the name of the
person by whom the device was worn. (L.N. 228 of 1985)
(5) (a) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking who fails to comply with any of

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3-7 III PART III 3-8

303A 13 Regulation 13 Cap. 303A

the provisions of this regulation shall be guilty of an

(b) Any person who fails to wear a suitable personnel

radiation monitoring device when so directed by the
proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking in which he is employed shall be

$3,000. (L.N. 226 of 1990)

(L.N. 228 of 1985)

13. 13.
(1) (1) No proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking shall employ therein any person in any
—— work or process involving the handling or transport of any
(a) 18 unsealed radioactive substance who—
(b) (a) is under the age of 18 years; or
4 ( (b) has not, within the period of 4 months immediately
such work or process, undergone a medical examination
(2) (1)(b) by the panel, including blood examination and the taking
of relevant medical and occupational histories, and has
10 (2) Any person may apply in writing to the Board for medical
( ) examination by the panel for the purpose of complying with
2 the requirements of subregulation (1)(b) and, upon receipt
(3) “ of the application, the Board shall direct the panel to carry
out, free of charge, such examination as soon as may be,
14 but in any event not exceeding 14 days, after receipt of the
(2003 14 24 application and shall within 10 days after the examination
date upon which the examination took place and whether the

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3-9 III PART III 3-10

303A 14 Regulation 14 Cap. 303A

(1) employment in radiation work.
$15,000 (1990 226 ) (3)
(1970 98 ) employment” ( ) includes re-employment in any
work or process involving the handling of any radioactive
substance following a cessation of such employment for any
period exceeding 14 months.
(4) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking who contravenes any of the provisions
of subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable
(L.N. 226 of 1990)
(L.N. 98 of 1970)

14. 14. Conditions for continued employment

(1) (1) No proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking shall continue to employ any person for
14 any period exceeding 14 months in any work involving the
14 handling or transport of any unsealed radioactive substance
unless such person undergoes medical examination by the
panel, including blood examination, at intervals of not more
(2) (1) than 14 months during the continuance of such employment

for such employment.

(1) (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in subregulation (1),
( the Authority may require, by notice in writing served
) upon the proprietor of such undertaking, that any person
employed by him in any work or process involving the
handling or transport of any unsealed radioactive substance
shall undergo medical examination by the panel, including
(3) (2) blood examination, at such time or at such lesser intervals

having regard to the circumstances of the case, may consider

expedient to safeguard the health of such person; and if such
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3-11 III PART III 3-12
303A 15 Regulation 15 Cap. 303A

(4) person fails to submit to examination or, after examination, is

(1) (2)
$15,000 (1990 226 ) proprietor shall, forthwith upon receipt of notice in writing to
(1970 98 ) that effect from the Authority, cease to employ such person
on such work or process.
(3) Whenever a notice in writing is served upon any proprietor
of an affected undertaking or affected industrial undertaking
in pursuance of the powers conferred by subregulation (2), a
copy thereof shall also be served upon the person to which
the notice relates.
(4) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking who contravenes or fails to comply
with any of the provisions of subregulation (1) or (2) shall

$15,000. (L.N. 226 of 1990)

(L.N. 98 of 1970)

15. 15. Presumptions as to exposure to radiation

Any change in any part of the body of any person who has been
engaged in any work or process involving the handling or transport
of any radioactive substance which, in the opinion of the panel, is
consistent with the effects of over-exposure to radiation shall be
deemed to indicate over-exposure thereto.
(L.N. 307 of 1998)

16. 16. Radiation Board to keep records of medical examinations

(1) (1) The Board shall keep a record of every medical examination
carried out by the panel in accordance with these regulations
( and shall supply free of charge to any person so examined,
) and to the proprietor of the affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking, as the case may be, in which such

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1.7.2006 1.7.2006

3-13 III PART III 3-14

303A 17 Regulation 17 Cap. 303A

(1970 which the examination took place and whether such person

98 )
(2) $30 (1) process involving the handling or transport of any unsealed
radioactive substance. (L.N. 98 of 1970)
(1989 211 (2) Upon application, and upon payment of a fee of $30, the
1994 662 2006 129
relates and to any present or past employer of such person.
(L.N. 211 of 1989; L.N. 662 of 1994; L.N. 129 of 2006)

17. 17. Medical examination and inquiry in cases of suspected over-

(1) exposure to radiation
(1) If the Authority, as a result of information received or
14(2) otherwise, has reason to believe that any person employed in
any affected undertaking or affected industrial undertaking
is suffering from over-exposure to radiation the Authority
14 shall, in the manner prescribed in regulation 14(2), require
that such person be medically examined by the panel; and if
(2) (1)
is suffering from the effects of over-exposure to radiation
to an extent requiring medical treatment, the Board shall,
in addition to any action which the Board may consider
appropriate under regulation 14, issue free of charge to such

(3) (2) (2) Without prejudice to anything contained in subregulation

(1), if the Authority has reason to believe that any person
employed in any affected undertaking or affected industrial
(4) undertaking is suffering from the effects of, or appears to
(2) have been subject to, over-exposure to radiation, the Authority
$3,000 (1970 98 may appoint one or more representatives to investigate the
1990 226 ) working conditions or the working habits of such person,
together with any equipment used by him and to make report
thereon to the Authority.

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1.7.2006 1.7.2006

3-15 III PART III 3-16

303A Regulation 17 Cap. 303A

(3) A copy of any report made pursuant to the provisions of

subregulation (2) shall be forwarded by the Authority to the
(4) If any person wilfully obstructs or, by knowingly giving false

information, endeavours to mislead any representation of the
Authority appointed under subregulation (2) in the carrying
out of any investigation under this regulation, he shall be

$3,000. (L.N. 98 of 1970; L.N. 226 of 1990)

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1.7.2006 1.7.2006

4-1 IV PART IV 4-2

303A 18 Regulation 18 Cap. 303A



18. 18. Construction and cleaning of workroom, etc.
(1) (1) The proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
—— industrial undertaking shall cause—
(a) (a)
radioactive substances are used to be constructed

easy cleaning;

(2) (c)

capable of being readily cleaned.

(2) The proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking shall cause all benches or tables on

$6,000 (1970 98 1990 226


(3) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected

provisions of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence and

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4-3 IV PART IV 4-4

303A 19 Regulation 19 Cap. 303A

(L.N. 98 of 1970;
L.N. 226 of 1990)

19. 19. Use of luminous compounds

(1) —— (1) The proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
(a) industrial undertaking—
(b) (a)

(c) (b)
process for the application of any unsealed radioactive
(2) Authority; and
$6,000 (1990 98 ) (c)

(2) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected

(L.N. 226 of 1990)

(L.N. 98 of 1970)

20. 20. Exhaust ventilation

(1) (1) No proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected

involving the handling of any unsealed radioactive substance

(2) (a) of a type approved by the Authority.

(1) (2) (a) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected

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4-5 IV PART IV 4-6

303A 21 Regulation 21 Cap. 303A

(b) (1) provisions of subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an

$3,000 (1990 (b)

226 )
(1970 98 )
shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to
(L.N. 226 of 1990)
(L.N. 98 of 1970)

21. 21. Tool racks and cleaning of tools

(1) (1) The proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking shall, for the storage of tools not in

(2) cause such racks and all such tools to be cleaned at the end of
$6,000 (1970 98 1990 226 (2) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
provisions of subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence
(L.N. 98 of 1970;
L.N. 226 of 1990)

22. 22. Receptacles for certain substances

(1) (1) The proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking shall provide receptacles of a kind
approved by the Authority for all unsealed radioactive
(2) substances used or stored in such undertaking.
(1) (2) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
$6,000 (1970 98 1990 226
) provisions of subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence
(L.N. 98 of 1970;
L.N. 226 of 1990)

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4-7 IV PART IV 4-8

303A 23 Regulation 23 Cap. 303A

23. 23. Ventilation of drying stove

(1) (1) No proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected

stove for the drying of any unsealed radioactive substance, or

(1) air to the satisfaction of the Authority.
$6,000 (1970 98 1990 226 (2) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
of subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable
(L.N. 98 of 1970; L.N. 226
of 1990)

24. 24. Provision of storage safes in certain cases

(1) (1) If so required by the Authority the proprietor of any affected
undertaking or affected industrial undertaking shall provide
( )

kind approved by the Authority, and shall ensure that all

(2) (1)

(3) ( ) (1)

to the open air.

(3) The proprietor shall ensure that no radioactive substance,
$15,000 (1970 98 1990 226
) referred to in subregulation (1) unless it is contained in a

radioactive substances.

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4-9 IV PART IV 4-10

303A 25 Regulation 25 Cap. 303A

(4) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected

provisions of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence and

(L.N. 98 of 1970;
L.N. 226 of 1990)

25. 25. Disposal and transport of radioactive waste

(1) (1) The proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
any radioactive substance, including any sealed source, is

(2) containers of a type approved by the Authority and thereafter

$6,000 (1970 98 1990 226 (2) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
provisions of subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence
(L.N. 98 of 1970;
L.N. 226 of 1990)

26. 26. Method of cleaning

(1) (1) The proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected

required to be done under these regulations to be done by a

(1) (2) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
$6,000 (1970 98 1990 226
) provisions of subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence

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30.6.1997 30.6.1997

4-11 IV PART IV 4-12

303A Regulation 26 Cap. 303A

(L.N. 98 of 1970;
L.N. 226 of 1990)

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5-1 V PART V 5-2

303A 27 Regulation 27 Cap. 303A



27. 27. Protective clothing, etc.
(1) —— (1) The proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
(a) industrial undertaking shall—
(a) cause every worker employed in such undertaking who
is engaged in the handling of any unsealed radioactive
(b) substance to be supplied with, and shall direct every
9 such worker to wear, an overall of a pattern approved by
the Authority;
(c) (a) (b) cause any such overall after each occasion upon which
it is used, either to be washed in such manner as the
Authority may approve for the purpose of preventing
the spread of contamination, or to be disposed of as
radioactive waste in accordance with the provisions of
regulation 9;
(c) cause every worker employed in such undertaking who
is engaged in the handling of any unsealed radioactive
substance, in addition to the overall referred to in
(e) paragraph (a), to be supplied with, and shall direct
every such worker to wear rubber or plastic gloves for
protecting the hands and suitable headgear for protecting
(f) the hair;
(d) cause all such gloves to be washed each time they are
removed from the wearers’ hands after use and such
headgear, when in use, to be washed or renewed at least
(g) once each week in such manner as the Authority may

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5-3 V PART V 5-4

303A 27 Regulation 27 Cap. 303A

(h) (g) (e) cause every worker employed in such undertaking who
is engaged in the handling of any unsealed radioactive
substance to be supplied with a locker to be used solely
for the storage of personal protective equipment;
9 ( (f) cause every worker employed in such undertaking who
) is engaged in the handling of any unsealed radioactive
substance to be provided with an adequate supply of
(2) paper handkerchiefs and shall direct every such worker
not to use any other handkerchief for any purpose while
so engaged;
(1) (g) cause arrangements to be made for the deposit in
(3) (2) —— receptacles, of a type respectively approved by the
(a) Authority, of used paper handkerchiefs requiring
(1) disposal and of used articles of personal protective
$15,000 equipment requiring laundering;
(b) (1) (h) cause receptacle referred to in paragraph (g) to be at
$3,000 all times situated in every workroom, locker room
(1990 226 ) and ablution room used by any worker engaged in the
handling of any unsealed radioactive substance and shall
(1970 98 ) cause each such receptacle to be emptied of its contents
at the end of each working day or shift and the contents
thereof disposed of in accordance with the provisions of
regulation 9 as radioactive waste, or, as the case may be,
laundered or stored for laundering in a manner approved
by the Authority. (L.N. 386 of 1993)
(2) The Authority may, upon application in any particular case

precautions are taken, by notice in writing addressed to the

proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected industrial
undertaking in question waive all or any of the provisions of
subregulation (1).
(3) Subject to the provisions of subregulation (2)—

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5-5 V PART V 5-6

303A 28 Regulation 28 Cap. 303A

(a) any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected

industrial undertaking who fails to comply with any of
the provisions of subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an

(b) any person who fails to comply with any direction

required to be given pursuant to any of the provisions of
subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable
(L.N. 226 of 1990)
(L.N. 98 of 1970)

28. 28. Protective screens

(1) (1) The proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking in which any person is employed in
any work or process involving the handling of any unsealed
radioactive substance in liquid form shall provide for the use
of such person, and shall direct such person to use, a suitable
protective screen so constructed that it is or can be placed
in a position between the face and the hands of the worker
(2) (a) so as effectively to screen the face from the work during the
(1) handling of the substance.
$15,000 (2) (a) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
(b) industrial undertaking who fails to comply with any of
(1) the provisions of subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an
$3,000 (1990 226
) (b) Any person who fail to comply with any direction given
(1970 98 ) by the proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking pursuant to the provisions of
subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable
(L.N. 226 of 1990)
(L.N. 98 of 1970)

29. 29. Washing facilities

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5-7 V PART V 5-8

303A 30 Regulation 30 Cap. 303A

(1) (1) The proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected

industrial undertaking shall provide washing facilities with
soap, towels and nail brushes and an adequate supply of water
free from radioactive contamination for the use of any person
employed in any work or process involving the handling of
(2) (a) any unsealed radioactive substance or any containers of such
(1) substance, and shall direct any such person to make adequate
$15,000 use of such facilities.
(b) (2) (a) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
(1) industrial undertaking who fails to comply with any of
$3,000 (1990 226 the provisions of subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an
(1970 98 ) (b) Any person who fails to comply with any direction
given by the proprietor of any affected undertaking or
affected industrial undertaking given pursuant to the
provisions of subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an

(L.N. 226 of 1990)

(L.N. 98 of 1970)

30. 30. Prevention of bodily absorption of radioactive substance

(1) (1) No person shall, in any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking, introduce into any workplace in which
any radioactive substance is handled any article not essential
to the processes performed in that workplace and, without
prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, no food or drink,
or utensil for the partaking of food or drink, or any materials
(2) or articles for smoking or for the application of cosmetics
—— shall be so introduced.
(a) (2) Every worker employed in any affected undertaking or
affected industrial undertaking who is engaged in the handling
of any radioactive substance shall—

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5-9 V PART V 5-10

303A 31 Regulation 31 Cap. 303A

(b) (a) wash his hands before each meal; and

27(1)(e) (g) (h) (b) before leaving his place of work, deposit all personal
( ) protective equipment in the locker or receptacle, as
(3) (1) the case may be, provided therefor in accordance with
(2) regulation 27(1)(e), (g) or (h) and thereafter wash his
$3,000 (1970 98 1990 226 hands.
) (3) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of
subregulation (1) and any worker who fails to comply with
any of the provisions of subregulation (2) shall be guilty of an
(L.N. 98
of 1970; L.N. 226 of 1990)

31. 31. Prohibition of the use of mouth-operated equipment

(1) (1) No proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking shall cause or permit any person
employed therein in work involving the handling of any
unsealed radioactive substance to operate by means of his
(2) mouth any plant, apparatus or other equipment whatsoever.
(1) (2) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
$15,000 (1970 98 1990 226 industrial undertaking who contravenes any of the provisions
) of subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable
(L.N. 98 of 1970; L.N. 226
of 1990)

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6-1 VI PART VI 6-2

303A 32 Regulation 32 Cap. 303A


32. 32. Supervision
(1) (1) The proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking shall appoint a person having
reasonable experience or training in the use of ionizing
radiations or the handling of radioactive substances to
(2) supervise any work carried on in such undertaking which
(1) involves such use or such handling.
$6,000 (1970 98 1990 226 (2) Any proprietor, of any affected undertaking or affected
) industrial undertaking who fails to comply with any of the
provisions of subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence
(L.N. 98 of 1970;
L.N. 226 of 1990)

33. 33. Warning notices where ionizing radiations are used

(1) (1)
in the Gazette or in any particular case by request in writing
( ) addressed to the proprietor, the proprietor of any affected
undertaking or affected industrial undertaking, as the case
may be, shall post such notices as the Authority may require
(2) (1) to be posted in any place in the undertaking in which ionizing
radiations are used.
$6,000 (1970 (2) The proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
98 1990 226 ) industrial undertaking who fails to post any notice referred to
in subregulation (1) when so required in accordance with the
provisions of that subregulation shall be guilty of an offence
(L.N. 98 of 1970;
L.N. 226 of 1990)

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6-3 VI PART VI 6-4

303A 34 Regulation 34 Cap. 303A

34. 34. Action to be taken in the event of spillage, loss, etc.

(1) (1) In the event of spillage or other loss of any radioactive
substance in any affected undertaking or affected industrial
undertaking or in the course of any form of transportation
or of any other occurrence in any such undertaking, whether
( ) accidental or otherwise, of such a nature that the safety or
health of any person is or may be adversely affected thereby,
the proprietor of such undertaking, or the carrier in the case
48 of transportation, shall, so soon as the fact of such spillage,
(2) loss or occurrence comes to his attention, cause a report of
the circumstances to be made to the Authority, and, if such
report is made verbally, it shall be followed by a report in
writing made within 48 hours thereafter.
(2) In the event of spillage of any radioactive substance in any
affected undertaking or affected industrial undertaking, the
(3) proprietor of such undertaking shall immediately order the
removal of all persons from the workplace affected; and shall
so soon as may be thereafter cause the area to be cleansed
by a wet method under the supervision of such person as
(4) (1) the Authority may designate for the purpose; and until the
workplace has been cleansed to the satisfaction of the person

(5) proprietor shall permit only such persons as may be required

(1) (2) to effect the cleansing to enter the workplace.
(4) (3) In the event of loss of any radioactive substance in any
(1) affected undertaking or affected industrial undertaking, the
$15,000 (1970 98 1990 226 Authority may take such steps as he considers necessary and
) practicable for the protection of any person who might suffer
injury as a result of the loss.
(4) In the event of any other occurrence of the nature described
in subregulation (1) in any affected undertaking or affected

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6-5 VI PART VI 6-6

303A Regulation 34 Cap. 303A

industrial undertaking, the proprietor of such undertaking

shall take such remedial action as the Authority may direct.
(5) Any proprietor of any affected undertaking or affected
industrial undertaking who fails to comply with any of the
provisions of subregulation (1) or (2) or who fails to comply
with any direction given by the Authority pursuant to the
provisions of subregulation (4), and any carrier who fails to
comply with any of the provisions of subregulation (1), shall

$15,000. (L.N. 98 of 1970; L.N. 226 of 1990)

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303A Cap. 303A

[ 6 ] [reg. 6]



(L.N. 410 of 1982; L.N. 228 of 1985)

(1982 410 1985 228 )

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30.6.1997 30.6.1997

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