Environmental Benefits of Usage of Washed Coal

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The environmental benefits in this study have been assessed from the reduced CO2

emissions from the use of washed coal over the current mix of coal usage to
produce the same level of electricity generated in 2018. Current practices majorly
include consumption of raw coal and small share of blended and beneficiated coal.
Out of the total 1,303 TWh of electricity generated in 2018, 985 TWh was from
coal based power plants. The total coal consumption to produce 985 TWh of
electricity was considered under the three scenarios to assess CO2 emission.
Improvement in specific coal consumption due to washing of coal has been
considered to estimate coal consumption and CO2 emissions across scenarios. The
three different scenarios are described as:
 scenario (S1): The actual coal consumption of 2018 is used to estimate the
overall CO2 emissions from coal based thermal power generation. The ash content
data of coal is available at the power plant use end which represents mixture of raw
coal, blended coal and washed coal.
 Scenario (34%)(S2): In this scenario, all the TPSs currently using higher than
34% washed coal (including blended coal) shift to coal containing 34% ash
irrespective of plant capacity and the distance; while other power stations using
coal having less than 34% ash content continue with that mix. The improvement in
ash content also leads to improvement in specific coal consumption.
 Scenario (30%) (S3): All the TPSs switch to coal having 30% ash; while other
power stations using coal having less than 30% ash content continue with the mix,
and the specific coal consumption is improved w.r.t ash content reduction. The
installed capacity and the electricity generation remains the same, however the
specific coal consumption to produce them varies under the three scenarios which
finally leads to a difference in the total coal consumption and thus CO2 emissions
at the country level.

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