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Reg EAoh) Hhalogieal Operators) in Java, CMY (6-3) Fxplain any two logical operators | '1 wollMexample. Cam) Cpw-!9) ~\ State any four relahonal operotors F thelr use C2M) (wi -m) a Of List relational Operators. io. Jawa Ft) nnn CBee, ~ “sed Operators f Expressions 1~ re I *Q)) ©, Operators in. Java. = 5 \ ‘ a [> Operator in Java is a symbot that js ~~] used: to + perform operatans. i Sita) || Qty tneey ooo of Be ou} | Q ‘ Mt i i _|@ Types af Qperatons'~ sa _| ee eae £ aie (2? The! Java’ unary operators peguire’ only -|_One operand. J = Unary operators are used to perform oT Various_operations {e— 0) «3 —___| © incrementing / decrement ing oa Nalue by one ®_pegating an expression? aS ©) _ inverting the value ‘of ‘a bodlean. —_ Or fe Seba ss £4 do iia lot! X= 1O\-$0lay oat Hoga 26) §eido Jo C1)? Tish asian ee a f if or inerernents Hr i a lens 4110 =» decrement fis! 9 ASH, Ay _FWO logical operators ¢ Hed bikvise (omy Operators. | Arithmetic. eae are:_used “paren _||_mathe matical operations. like ad } Substraction »_roultiplicattan_y eens |_and__ modulo (ie. remain e (Ke Pee = ce | public class a ee = 2 aS Static. void plagsteleg aiget om or a °’y | yerurrs 2 AE ¢ 3 Sava Supports six different relaHonal a 1 operators as ae = uF Neel Tb ' “Explination | L “if Example Result als ha aa Parle ainins 46.21 This raat pot i} Operator + used for cheek: | JSgmi/o.| ire Pequality ca f PS listabcle qual [This perdion tur, tn i eee used for we po lorsio false. ee en ; Hass Logical pst hs \ : i _f>-Logical_ operstors.,are used to form ».coampound. conditions by cambining | Arwo. OF pake relations: ' \> Logical aperatons,, or...evaluate \ lagi¢al and telational,. deeisieas i ____expressions- ythue : > There are only three logical operators which are-. related: .vailh — the. Jog ical decisions {ooh olin —Exp pie’ Hoalean. nrbhles A. holdaa: ea ee NoT | true then Logica) ‘er __._Operaior) operator will . make | False. : >7Tt is Unary 0 - a 7 “Types. of Bitwise Operotars’~ O. Bituise AND (#2... \ 1 Te leg binary operator denoted by pi thee shibale $s ye on i> “Hisioalaaivaint if and. only if. both bits are i else telus O, >. 2 Sto ‘ \ a wie XEN ee oy Sei oh TL oot iiteos = ce pop Ce sey 4 ee SS eee a one uh operatbrclenoled by + | Wy {o Bitwive | DEOR. Operator ao HPT AT difterent astra cz I 2 pane ig..a binary opetaton denoted by : I mbol A. oe CRA’ 0.8 both bils are i tbe patty alettl .returng 41- M Example = Lo a oe A es Bis orEcapt a Tate GaN a as ok fog we { ‘int zens] is NE ES or ee [ /) bikwise XoR. a ed J i 1201" In00 = 00a =) ; oe + O@Bitwise Complement Operator — C™~) ie at is a umary operator denoted ‘by symbol Ir it ee the inverse “dr Complement On ee nme coy Wa tog avery 1 oO: | es eainaamaae > Shift operator: used _ jn shift the bo pits Berg po ing oa : Two pes of Ce eee EE \ |® Signed Right Shit k Operator (>>) (Be shifts biti. the: tight Walks PO 296. o wlhib a O>Anm he a, = | a 2 | ' . = ’ { Representation of 20. in binary = 0001000. l ‘AS>3 = 2, = 00000010, i i be tice Operators.i~ (Ternary. Operator — oo, a This operator consists, of. three. Operon and is used +o evaluate Boolean exp. HOO ee Rk -|_yanable_x= (condition)? value (f4true !_ = checking shows ( Nolue if fale positive or _ Degative _ class PosNeg £ aS Ink Nh a een = Int 12Cq 40) 9 oO 7a ifC ize) octal Se Sop ("Nov 15 positives else : = [sepia gt 3 op CNe is regaled Oe ee oe ee Et, “Instance of Operator = {5 sisedii. to test The! instanceof operator Instance oF whether Othe object is _ap- | the. --Specifled Fy pe, ects __ instanceof operator js_also knowh . type. conversion _ operator pecause |_i+ compares _ the instance with ty pe- |> T+ returns either true or— false. 2 Tf, “we apply. “the “instanceof operator ae with any Narlable that have null value— | then _) Rae Palseee ot Operator i= ahs: Se a | RPE Attest. lass mares oe ae ; Associativity is the jeff-to-right or | tight to- left otder For. Grouping | Operands __-to_ operators - that 2m ~- the _same__precedence—- = ; | Ae oS bh ben eee eee Sh wy ey Be CH Mathematical.Functo ns:!s-—— 2 On se a | ee ku , ee— “emailer of - j eae. two. arguments ~——-»~ apa pt the Syntoxi— pai gata type__min (dototype rg datatype arg 8 Gouble_min (double angi, double_argo) 5 0+ p.( Math: min Baa aa) gives the | maxi puny tefé Herd) arguments - gz anguiments can be int, float »]6ng", double. | Syntax ea Be ges ae ‘ datelype max datatype arg, datelype args @e ink tox (int arg, int deg 2 oi 3 the value ef the Firs. argument A eecis Chess diate Mino age 4 expC) o> mek rithms. II I * Syntax .- are exp (¢ ae v, ~ returns ibe base. of dhe. natural loga | } “ft round. G2. 64 he relurns. 7 closest long oy in as ne by the methods _relurn. }ype. ee is 1d ca ‘round ( float +), nie Ih. a pirat f Geuikia d) gives the absolule value of the OL Ee ee D Can, N 904, 5, Jor able» short. te “i Ol |. _ G0, Pe hab) Me Poe . oo ‘ai ee rte

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